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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Creature Feature: Fan Art from The Door Within Trilogy

Hi, all! One of ridiculously fun things to do as a fantasy author is to create new worlds full of strange, spectacular, and often creepy creatures. The Door Within Trilogy was my first book series that required this sort of creature creating. So, when a reader recently sent me some hand drawn pictures she'd done, I was gabberflasted at how perfectly she captured the look of these beasties.

Here they are for you to enjoy also!

 ©E. Hornberger, 2013. All Rights Reserved.


Tracey Dyck said...

WOW!!! That artwork is incredible! This fan of yours should do this for a living... If I needed illustrations done in my fantasy novels, she'd be someone I'd definitely consider. :) That dragon in particular is amazing.

Fletcher Eckhard said...

Beyond Awesomely Cool!!!

(Definitely better then I could do)

Morgan said...

Those are so awesome! I wish I could draw like that.

Bookishqueen said...

Thoughts are awesome!

Lily said...

Sweet! 8D Those are really good! Wowie, she really should keep going with her talent, she can do awesome things with it. <3

Unknown said...

awesome art!

Sarah Spradlin said...

Fantastic! Wish I could do this sort of thing... I loved the Moonrascal!! (They were my favorite creature in all of the books).

Anonymous said...

I love the drawings! They actually look like the creatures described in the book. I especially like the dragon because it seems like the dragon Gabby to me. These animals are one of the many reasons why I love this book.

Charlie said...

This is cool!

MeepyMeeper said...


Anonymous said...

i love the door within trilogy! r they making a movie? o, and i really like the dragon! it is awesome! wwwwwaaaaaayyyyyyy better than i could do! i only draw stick figures! lol!:)

Anonymous said...

i love the door within trilogy! r they making a movie? o, and i really like the dragon! it is awesome! wwwwwaaaaaayyyyyyy better than i could do! i only draw stick figures! lol!:)

Unknown said...

These are amazing!