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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Door Within: The Movie?

I noticed Scribe's wonderful request for prayer for Friday's Isle of Swords release party. She is so right when she said that Bryan, Sharon, Christopher, and I are grateful beyond words for your prayer cover during the Tour. So please pray for the event.

You know, I thought and hoped the Tour would go well. I really believed it would. But I was still thinking WAY too small. God had other things in mind. Who would have thought we'd never pay for a hotel room...not once? Who would have thought we'd have lines around the corner for our first signing at the International Christian Retail Show? Who would have thought that RNS, the Religious News Service, would pick up on the Tour, and that AP would pick up on the Tour, and the Washington Post would pick up on the Tour, and that Fox and Friends would pick up on the Tour? Is there anything that our God cannot do? Is there anything that we can imagine that God cannot, by a single thought of His, completely surpass?

Well, I have some news. And really, I don't know what will happen. So I am asking for prayer for this as well. An executive from Corner of the Sky Entertainment is considering my books for movie potential. Meaning: they are reviewing my books, their place in the entertainment market, the potential for nationwide interest, etc. and deciding whether they want to purchase the movie rights. It appears that the decision will be made this week. THIS WEEK.

I truly believe there are some serious spiritual battles going on in this. I cannot explain why exactly, but I know there are. Corner of the Sky Entertainment is no lightweight. One of their latest projects was Evan Almighty. So please pray for the execs at Corner of the Sky Entertainment, pray for the numbers to look good, and the decision to be made...exactly as God wants it. Even if it is a NO answer.

Never alone.



Anonymous said...

A movie? *faints* If this is true that would be the most awesome thing ever. CHRISTIAN FANTASY GOING INTO MOVIES! *screams for about two hours and then comes to* Oh, man that would be, oh man, just wow

Anonymous said...

That would be ... amazing. :D

Anonymous said...

It would be a dream come true for the entire fanbase! That's incredible!!!!!

Astral Pen said...

These could be the right people to take The Door Within trilogy. Evan Almighty was marketed strongly to churches, so these people understand there's a market in the evangelical community for movies. Couple that with the growing fantasy movie market, and I'd say you have a good chance here, Wayne. Your books just scream, "Take me, Take me!" :)

- Jason

Anonymous said...

And besides...your plot is much better than that of the "almighty" movies...

Anonymous said...

Incredible, fantastic! You have my prayers! :-)

MichaelBashaw said...

That's great! That was the first thing I thought of after I read your books. I'll be praying.

Unknown said...

I'll definitely be praying! That is so awesome, Door Within on the big screen, I can see it now! God is so awesome! I was on tv this morning, the Today Show showed footage from a signing I was at, anyone who wants to see me,sorry I am kinda bragging, I am just really ectastic over the fact I was on tv. Anyways, That really is awesome WTB, hope everything works out, your books really deserve this exposure!

everlastingscribe said...

Ah, looks like m'lord you might be following in Tolkien's boots though I pray you don't suffer the same irritating things he did with the movie adaptations. ;) Nothing kills a story better than a bad movie 'based' on it.

Anonymous said...

EEP!!! AWESOME! I hope if it is made into a movie, that they stick to the book.

Roheryn said...

that would be awsomeful!

Anonymous said...

It would be supercalifragalisticexpialadociousa-lly wonderfully ecstatically splendiferously amazingly incredibly fantasticaly awesomeful!!! (Did I spell everything right?)

Anonymous said...

Would it be okay if I got a bunch of people to write letters and e-mails to Corner of the Skies Entertainment supporting the idea of making a Door Within movie, Mr. B? Or would you prefer not? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

*stares at the screen gaping* NO WAY! NO WAY! NO WAY! WOW!!!!!!!!!!! That would be sooooo cool!!!

Holli said...


Maybe they'd even secure Peter Jackson for director, eh? :P

Prayin' for you, and for His will to be done.

Unknown said...

That is so AWESOME, Wayne! To even be considered-what an honor!!

I will be praying for God's will to be done and that He will prepare you for whatever the outcome will be.

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm happy and all, but I'm also a little upset. I was planning on doing that someday! LOL, good luck, and I'm still praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Now I'm waiting for the week to end, because good news or bad, I still want to know what's up!
Lalaith AKA LotRgeek

everlastingscribe said...

Hey that's okay jc, you could all ways see if m'lord would let you do a stage adaptation of the book.

Or, since I am in an odd mood today, how about "The Door Within--The Musical"?

Anonymous said...

lol...I can just see Aidan singing goodbyes to Gwenne...or Paragor shrieking his solo.....goodness....

Anonymous said...

Um... *feels Scribe's forehead* Are you ok? You sure? You don't seem well to me. I mean ... a musical? Are you serious?!?

Please God, no ... no musical. I love musicals, but not no no.

Anonymous said...

*sigh* Pais, we can dream can't we?? Can't you just imagine Falon's tremendmous song and dance number? w00t.

everlastingscribe said...

I do feel a little light headed ;) Though stage adaptation worked well for The Scarlet Pimpernel and Les Miserable! Hmm, Falon singing and dancing whilst taking care of. . .well something. Now that, that I would shell out good money to see. ;) Especially if they managed somehow to get our musically gifted Capt'n to do some singing.

*runs away and hides*

Valerie Comer said...

Father God, we lift up our brother Wayne to you once again. We thank you for the tremendous validation this movie option has provided for the Door Within stories. Lord, you know how best to reach people with your message. Please cover this whole issue with your hand, so that it will be clear what your desire is. I ask that your will be done, and that you will continue to bless Wayne as he strives to be obedient to what you have called him to.

In Jesus' name, amen.

everlastingscribe said...

A-men Valerie! I agree Father, I most heartily agree.

Anonymous said...

I maintain that there should be no TDW: The Musical. That just ... *shudders* Please please, no.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It'd be cool if the Capt'n could somehow manage to sneak a cameo in.

everlastingscribe said...

Okay, okay, okay. No one wants "The Door Within--The Musical" and I can kinda understand that. I mean m'lord was a rocker, not an opera star. Ooohhh!

Even better idea!

"The Door Within---ROCK OPERA"

*looks into joining the witness protection/relocation program*

Anonymous said...

I'm not even gonna TRY to picture that.

Anonymous said...

Me neither.

Scribe, you won't be able to hide from me :P

Anonymous said...

I'm still kinda in shock that DW might actually be made into a movie.

Anonymous said...

My mom won't hear the end of it if this happens... :D

Anonymous said...

Waiting for the week to end...

Holli said...

Les Miserables is a much different story than The Door Within. Much, different.

WayneThomasBatson said...

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. No news yet. And as for the Door Within musical...{gags, runs for trash can}...never, never, never.

everlastingscribe said...


Recon. Report!

All right archers and prayer warriors!

I checked out the store where m'lord's going to have his signing and there are some concerns!

First of all, there's little to no sign age about the event (that's bad) what I did find was tucked (once again) in the CHILDREN'S CORNER on a movable wipe board that was smeary at best. If people can't read what the event is, they can't come!

Secondly guess where Isle of Swords is languishing?! In the CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT IN THE RELIGIOUS section that faces AWAY from the front of the CHILDREN'S section!

As far as I know, the event is being touted as a "Barnes and Noble Jr." event. Anyone who has read Isle of Swords knows it isn't a read for kids!

Now, things (thankfully) can change. Perhaps they are waiting for the printed signs for the event to come in, and that's why they were using the wipe board as a gap-spanning measure. Perhaps they are going to put him out in the main area per usual, and fill the window with his books and make lovely displays all over.

WayneThomasBatson said...

About the recon report. All is not as bad as it seems. B&N nicely had dozens of posters made up for the event and sent them to all the schools that I've visited over the past coupla years. AND, I've got a coupla minutes on the air WRBS tomorrow to plug the event. And, looks like lots of kiddos from my school will be coming.

On the other hand, my publisher did some digging and Isle of Swords should definitely be in mainstream YA fiction--not religious fiction.

Oh, and I asked to be able to use the stage in the kids section. I like it there.

And PS, Isle of Swords is definitely for kids--10 and up kids, that is. Not the wee ones though. Same age group as The Door Within books.

Uh...that doesn't mean stop praying. {gulp}

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for this week to end...

Anonymous said...

OH WOW! ok, i just looked at this article a few minutes agao, so i dont know when it was last updated...but either way I AM SOOOO EXCITED!! actually, im waiting for my mom to get off the phone so i can call my friends about it! i have been praying ever since i read the book that it will become a movie! acutally, not only would it be AWESOME, but it would be such a great witnessing tool, wouldn't it? i dont even know what to say. Wayne Thomas Batson, I will be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I feel like an alien here. I've been reading through the comments and it seems like everyone knows each other. And I don't know anyone. lol. But it is cool to be here and I'm still praying about the movie!

WayneThomasBatson said...

Hi Rebecca, the kinship is mostly from people who hanging out here. Friends from near and far. You're a member of the fellowship too!

Anonymous said...

I only know these people because they comment, so don't feel to alienated.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way.

Unknown said...

Welcome Rebecca! Glad you could join the chat.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I have been thinking about that since I read them! How sweet would a movie be!? A movie of the Door Within Trilogy would be super sweet!!! I know 100% that i would watch it at the carmike, and buy it on DVD when it came out!! Wow that would be so cool!!!

Anonymous said...

I will most definitely be praying full throttle for this movie! Good luck Wayne! And hopefully God will answer everyones prayer (if its his will) and we will have the best movie ever to talk to friends about!!! God Bless!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. :) Any updates?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, now that's what the world needs! A quality christian fantasy movie! Theresa, Lauren, Jessica and Stephanie were so excited when you told us about this at B&N last Friday. We all have been dreaming about this for a few years now! Woo! BTW, when you need someone to play Gwenne, you know who to contact right? (me) We're all praying for you Mr. Batson!

Anonymous said...

Another thing I hadn't heard was that the movie rights to Dragons in our Midst have been bought. Everybody probably knows this but me. Still, there is more to hope for.

Anonymous said...

That would be simply amazing!

Anonymous said...

OMG, Mr. Batson, that would be awesome!!!!!!!! That would be awesome if it became a movie!

Anonymous said...



there going to get you!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow that would be so cool! I can just see the preview for the Door Within Movie!

and as for the

Anonymous said...

Bubbles have feelings too.(sniffle)

By: Rachye!!!

Anonymous said...

No way *Faints* what happened *looks at computer again and faints* that would be so awesome if it became a movie! I'd see it the first day!

Arysta Henry said...

Did it work? Is going to be a movie?

~Just*Flinn~ said...

I'm new here but I love the books. Please tell us as soon as you get news! I'm dying here!!!!;0)

Arysta Henry said...

I'm new here too, but I'm going crazy waiting for news on this. My friend says that even if it gets accepted, it could take years for the movie to be actually made. The waiting is agonizing!!!!!!!!!!!! Please inform us the minute you get an update on this if you can.
We love your books Mr. Batson!

Aldwyn said...

I'm new too but My heart practicaly stoped beating when I saw the post! I can't wait for an update.

Nivas said...

It's being made into a movie? Cool! I read the entire series without figuring out the Christian connotations until I was near the end of the last book. I can't believe I didn't see it earlier; the savior leader, the ridiculous concept of fighting for people's souls, and the heaven idea all point towards it. Figuring it out kind of ruined it for me, but the books were still really good, and I look forward to seeing the movie if it is made.

WayneThomasBatson said...

Hi, Nivas, thanks for commenting. And I'm glad you enjoyed TDW books. I didn't write them to preach to folks. Nor did I write them to cover up what I believe. Any writer worth his/her salt can hardly help writing some of their deepest held beliefs.

Just curious, why do you think fighting for people's souls is ridiculous? I've always felt it was very noble.

SaturnStar said...

I love all of the books but i have not yet read Final storm but im in the middle of reading the door within and ive all ready read Rise of the Warm Lord! Oh! And I will be posting my NEW books called Sefirix. You`ll cetch them on but the website is not yet finish it should be done by September 20, 2009!

Banana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Banana said...

Are you serious? That would be absolutely amazing!!

Unknown said...

i think that it has great potential and that it would be a great movie!:)

Aelic said...

Door Within ? Well lets just say i would pay like 15$ just to see five minutes 0f it! But that would be a ripe lol. But my point is your books are great! They are the only books i read!

Sir Nilwyn, of Alleble said...

It would be absolutely amazing if there will be a movie of the Door Within! It is the best book series ever! I believe it all the way. (Literally, I do believe it. And I'm not kidding.) I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mitch 304z said...

i have a question for Mr.wayne, i am 15 curently turning 16 in october, and im looking to be an actor, and aiden(i believe thats how you spell it) is my fav. charter, i relate to him in soo many ways, and i would love to play him, would it be possible to tell me when the book becomes a movie and if i can get a shot and audition for it or something, i live in hansen idaho, along way from la. or new york so i can never do auditions for stuff so i dont know what to do, if you could reply with some feedback on youre thoughts and feelings that would be awsome

Anonymous said...

I would (try) watch it opening night! it would be awesome! my sisters and i all LOVE the door within!

never alone!

Anonymous said...

DID THEY ACCEPT IT!!!!!!!!!!!! HOPEFULLY. It would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

That would b totally awesome if they made a movie, i have read all the WTB books and LOVE them.
I'll b praying!!!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE all the WTB books and would c the movie WAY more than once. i really hope they make a movie. What do u think the movie would b rated? Would it b like narnia, or would it b gorey. I'm kinda blood sensitive. Anyway, I'll b praying!

Anonymous said...

I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER!!!!!! :D well, mayb i can.

Anonymous said...

I love those books. They need to make a movie. I'll be praying! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the books. They need to make a movie! I'll be praying! I wish we could become knights today!!

Anonymous said...

Ya, I kind of want to know the rating too. My parents won't let me watch them if its over pg-13

Anonymous said...

I would also like to know what the rating would be. My parent's won't let me watch anything over pg-13.

Meep said...

GAAAAAAAAASP!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG I SERIOUSLY HOPE IT HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWWWW YEAAAH!!!

Emmerson said...

Oh my goodness!!! I'm new here but I am IN LOVE with these books, ( and Trenna). I'm an actor and an archer and if they go throug with the movie, I would love to audition!! I live really far away though, (in Aus) do it would be hard to get an audition. I'm so excited and I'll be praying for you guys!!! (I don't know what date this stuff was written so I hope I'm not too late.

Never alone!

GwenneLover19 said...

Is there any more news about if it is going to be a movie! The suspence is killing me :D

ThouArtMine said...

Hi, new commentor here. Forgive me if I missed it, but does anyone know when this post about the movie was dated? I couldn't find one.
Looking forward to seeing the movie if things move forward! The books are the best!

tank said...

Is there any new information on the move?

Unknown said...

I liked the "Isle" series better.