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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kill this Thread and Win Venom and Song

Have you ever played "Kill this Thread?" You say you're against all forms of killing? I SO agree…uh, except for this game. Uh, and except for when I find a spider on my bathroom floor. Okay, back on topic.

Kill this thread works like this:

1. Comment on this post.

2. Be the last person to post a comment before the thread "Dies."

How does the thread die? Easy, all that has to happen is for NO ONE to post a comment for one single day. Every time you post a comment, you prolong the thread's life 24 more hours and put yourself in the potential winner's seat!

So, say Biff posts a comment at 3pm today. If no one posts another comment by 3pm tomorrow, then Biff wins the prize. But, if Zelda posts a comment at 2:59pm tomorrow, BOOM, the thread lives on 24 more hours.

Now I've seen this done a number of ways, but one thing I hate is that the comments posted are too quick and very boring. So I'm adding one more REQUIREMENT:

3. Make your comment something meaningful. Give us one of your favorite quotes. Tell us why you like it. Give us something from God's word to munch on. Talk about your hopes and dreams. Encourage someone you care about. Talk about a new band you "discovered." Tell people why they should buy my books--you know, anything meaningful like that! :-D

Oh, and what's the prize? How about a PreRelease Advanced Reader Copy of Book 2 of the Berinfell Prophecies series: Venom and Song--autographed by BOTH authors (CH and Me!)

Sound good?

Post away! Kill this Thread!


«Oldest   ‹Older   1201 – 1400 of 1749   Newer›   Newest»
jolayne said...

how are all of you?
just got back from YC, it was amazing!
My favorite speaker was Nick (cant spell his last name) he is a motovational speaker with no arms or legs. He is amazing. he told us that he would rather not have arms and legs and stand infront of Hell redirecting traffic than have all his limbs.
He was insperational,
got to go

Endurance and Victory

Archer said...

Ha, I finaly got the time comment.

Goldarrow; yes I have been doing archery. But that isn't the reason why my user name is Archer, it's because I love the Medieval times and I couldn't decide on a name, so I wrote the handful of names on pieces of paper then put them in a bucket, and I drew out Archer. But I've always loved archery and swords. I have sticks at the length of a short medium ish sword and me and my cousins would sword fight, it was realy fun. Do you do sword play or archery? Or any other type of medieval skill?

here is another quize.

1.When did Kiri Lee know when the people who were her parents weren't realy her parents?

That's all I can comment for now.

Be Blessed:)

Anonymous said...

LadyDragonKeeper: Awesome comments!! I totally agree with you about all that stuff! I also figured out the ages a long time ago so it didn't make sense in that regard either!

Jake: haha ok maybe I will! :)

Ok my bit of news! Well first Happy Memorial Day everyone! Remembering all those soldiers that died for us and our country! If you think of all the wars from the revolutionary to the present war in Iraq then thats a lot of people:( But thanks guys (and girls:)!!!

Also I see Bryan Davis today!!!:) I can't wait!

Ok I have a question: What do you guys think about the Inkheart movie? I like it even though it's not like the book in some regards. The only thing that really gets me though is the guy who plays Dustfinger. I just didn't think he did a good job. But anyway my quote is coming from the movie:

"The written's a powerful thing."

Never Alone!!

Anonymous said...

@Jake: Swiftstorm forever! Plus, I love Autumn. =) She's a great character.

Can we get started now? And, I'm so excited about the Amazon Blitz day!

@Patrick: That was an awesome post! Thank you so much! I love Lewis' books!

@Lady DragonKeeper: Sorry I didn't reply earlier! I must have missed your post! I love The Horse and His Boy, too, and I think Puddleglum could very well be my favorite character. =) He definitely brought a lot to the books.

Anyway, I have seen I think a bit of the BBC version for LWW. And, yeah, it wasn't anywhere near as great as the Walt Disney/everyone else version. =)

And, I have to agree about Jill and Eustace! They're so busy squabbling with each other, but they do make a great couple. =)

And, I love Skander Keynes! Well, I love Edmund, my personal favorite, period, but I think Skander Keynes is just perfect for him. Honestly, if they even tried to cast anyone else, no one would see the movie.

Got to run! =D mermaidgirl45

fire phoenix said...

@ Mermaidgirl No, I don't think I've ever seen any Biblical fortune cookies... that would be pretty cool though!
There'd be plenty from Proverbs xD
"If you find honey, eat just enough—too much of it, and you will vomit." Proverbs 25 : 16

WayMaker said...

Another one of my favorite Bible Verses:

"he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit"

~Titus 3:5

Benjamin Ousley said...

wow. thats a bunch of comments. :P well, something to say.......ah! i just got my first job with a jetboat company up here in alaska. i work as a deckhand, lugging bags, providing info, tying up the boat, keeping the boat from drifting away when on the beach, and acting as bear bait if necessary. :D

RED~Scribe said...

As I said yesterday, I'm back. Now I'm at home and have constant Internet access, so I'll be posting on YC tomorrow

~Never Alone~

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Eldra - Ack, you saw Skillet in concert?! Awesome! I'm glad you had a great time. =)

@ Star-Dreamer - Ouch, I keep hearing that about the "PJatO" movie --it makes me go back and forth about wanting to see it.

@ Archer - Uh, when they tried to kill her? >_< I sooo need to re-read the book before "Venom and Song" comes out.

@ Anonymous (Elizabeth) - Don't forget you have to tell us how meeting Bryan Davis was! (Lots and lots of details please) =D I've never read "Inkheart" or seen the movie, but I heard that the book is good . . .

I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! LOL, we're at ANOTHER page of comments now. ;-)

Anonymous said...

LadyDragonKeeper and Mermaidgirl45- Yes, the 1995 version, and he has to be a 'tolerable' dancer. lol! And he has to watch all of the other movies that were based on her books, too!! (There's like, 6, so he's going to have to spend a lot of time on it!!) Well, duh!! The old one is SOO much better than the new one. They're really too modern, like you said, LDK. I keep saying to my friends that some people were born for their parts and fit them, but sometimes they're just too modern!! (eg: that blondie in the last two Love Comes Softly movies. She was WAAAY too modern!)

BTW, a really good movie like P&P is The Scarlet Pimpernel- the one with Anthony Andrews, Ian McKellan and Jane S... (forget how to spell her last name). It's a must-watch if y'all haven't seen it!! (But the book is pretty sweet, too!)


Anonymous said...

@Eldra: YES!! Skillet and RED are amazing!!!

@StarDreamer: My brother and I have read The Red Pyramid, and the only thing I can say is that, it's great, but it's just totally different from everything else he's written. It's still mythology and it's still the author's voice, and it's a lot longer, which I personally love! =D I just thought it was different. =)

@Lady DragonKeeper: I love that song from the first movie. "One Breath," when they're on the train. It's so pretty...

And, I'm obsessing about that movie! How to Train Your DragoN! Every time I listen to the soundtrack, I get goosebumps, and I'm not even kidding. For a kid's movie, I thought it was epic. I looked it up on Rotten Tomatoes, and I got a better review than the Two Towers!

Oh, got to go! I'll finish later!

Love you guys!

And, also, I understand about your parents not letting you email strangers. That's a good rule. But, you can go on the forums. =) That's not emailing, and most of us are there. =)

@Jolayne! That's so awesome! Directing traffic... great quote...

@Elizabeth: I haven't seen the movie, but I have read the book. I loved that it took place in Germany... Italy's only an hour away and everything was in metric units! Just so interesting...

Unknown said...

hup ho peeps.

Jake said...

The Thread won't die-- Not on my Watch!!!

I have been CRAZY busy with the tribe contest. Swiftstorm is already starting to collect points, and I need to do my fair share. :)

Only a couple of days until this thing goes from "Kill this Thread and win a prerelease signed copy of Venom And Song" to "Kill this Thread and win a signed copy of V & S"

Gotta go!

Anonymous said...

Seth: Thanks!! I ams till trying to decide whether I want to or not:)

LadyDragonKeeper: Yep thats me too. I am not allowed to be friends with anyone I haven't actually met....cept if they go to my school and I've chatted with them for a year in my classes...i go to an online school:) So I want to join the tribe building contest but.....I would be more comfortable if I knew someone in the tribe (like from this message board) and knew they were ok before I emailed them.

Archer: I love your name and I love swords and archery too:) Ok for the question...I am going to take a stab at it... I think it was when they followed her to the underground and were able to move around much faster than normal?

Mermaidgirl: I totally agree with you about Edmund! He's my favorite and Skandar Keynes is well... GREAT!:)

FirePhoenix: I always loved that proverb. It makes me laugh:)

Well I just have to say it was awesome to meet Bryan Davis! I got "Starlighter" obviously but my dad also bought me all his "Echos from the Edge" series and "Tears of a Dragon" and "The Candlestone" :) All are signed and it was pretty awesome:) Ok you can tell I was excited:) Anyway I finished "Starlighter" already and LOVED it!!! My quote is going to come from it. It's a poem that Koren wrote.

"When hands entwine, two hearts in line,
Impossible things come true,
Together we'll hold, together be bold,
As long as it's me and you."

Never Alone!!
P.S. Mr Batson, Mr. Davis showed us a picture of you and him sword fighting when he came to Maryland a couple weekends ago! It was pretty cool! When are you going to do a tour???:)

Unknown said...

LadyDragonkeeper: You're quite welcome! :) I'll be able to post some more Lewis books this evening; I'm sorry I didn't get the list up the past two nights. I really appreciate your asking about them because I love discussing C.S. Lewis since he's one of my favorite authors.

Anonymous said...


That is a cool, I love the name.
Yes I do, I do Archery, Rifle, Shotgun, I want to do muzzleloader, I also do fencing, Epee and Foil.
I love those sport! :D
Some people think that I'm a little crazy with my love to guns and weapons. :D

To the quiz, was it when her "mom" didn't know about her solo at the castle? I had to look that one up...


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I'm not sure if I posted this already, so sorry if this is doubled...

@Eldra: YES!! Skillet and RED are amazing!!!

@StarDreamer: My brother and I have read The Red Pyramid, and the only thing I can say is that, it's great, but it's just totally different from everything else he's written. It's still mythology and it's still the author's voice, and it's a lot longer, which I personally love! =D I just thought it was different. =)

@Lady DragonKeeper: I love that song from the first movie. "One Breath," when they're on the train. It's so pretty...

And, I'm obsessing about that movie! How to Train Your DragoN! Every time I listen to the soundtrack, I get goosebumps, and I'm not even kidding. For a kid's movie, I thought it was epic. I looked it up on Rotten Tomatoes, and I got a better review than the Two Towers!

And, also, I understand about your parents not letting you email strangers. That's a good rule. But, you can go on the forums. =) That's not emailing, and most of us are there. =)

@Jolayne! That's so awesome! Directing traffic... great quote...

@Elizabeth: I haven't seen the movie, but I have read the book. I loved that it took place in Germany... Italy's only an hour away and everything was in metric units! Just so interesting...
@Eldra: YES!! Skillet and RED are amazing!!!

@StarDreamer: My brother and I have read The Red Pyramid, and the only thing I can say is that, it's great, but it's just totally different from everything else he's written. It's still mythology and it's still the author's voice, and it's a lot longer, which I personally love! =D I just thought it was different. =)

@Lady DragonKeeper: I love that song from the first movie. "One Breath," when they're on the train. It's so pretty...

And, I'm obsessing about that movie! How to Train Your DragoN! Every time I listen to the soundtrack, I get goosebumps, and I'm not even kidding. For a kid's movie, I thought it was epic. I looked it up on Rotten Tomatoes, and I got a better review than the Two Towers!

And, also, I understand about your parents not letting you email strangers. That's a good rule. But, you can go on the forums. =) That's not emailing, and most of us are there. =)

@Jolayne! That's so awesome! Directing traffic... great quote...

@Elizabeth: I haven't seen the movie, but I have read the book. I loved that it took place in Germany... Italy's only an hour away and everything was in metric units! Just so interesting...

Got to go! Catch up with you guys later! =D

Unknown said...

mermaidgirl45: glad you enjoyed it! :) Lewis has influenced me greatly through his writing.

Here are some other of Lewis' books:

While he was at Oxford and later at Cambridge, Lewis wrote a number of scholarly books on various facets of literature including Studies in Words, Preface to Paradise Lost which explores many of the themes in Milton's poem, Studies In Medieval and Renaissance Literature, and An Experiment in Critiscism which explores how we should read stories.

Personally I've started Experiment, but haven't read the others yet. Probably the best ones to start with in exploring Lewis' non-fiction literary and theological works would be On Stories, God In The Dock,Mere Christianity, and The Screwtape Letters (another I'm hoping to read this summer). These ones he's done on literature, however, are definitely worth the read! More to come tomorrow!

RED~Scribe said...

Awww, no update.

Sorry that I haven't done a post yet on my blog, I've been really busy. Yeah. Busy playing Endless Ocean! I'm almost finished the main storyline. Too bad both Endless Ocean games have had so many strange "religious" things to them. They would be some of the greatest games ever if it wasn't for that.

~Never Alone~

WayMaker said...

I'm surprised at the number of interesting discussions going on here. From all this activity in just a comments area, maybe a forum of some sort should be created? It would make it much easier to discuss different topics both related and not related to Mr. Batson's books.

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Mermaidgirl45 - I agree with you about Skandar Keynes --actually, I can't really picture any other actors playing the Pevensie children. Did you see this poster/stand thing? OMGoodness! They have Susan and Peter there (and their respective actors) I hope that means that they're showing Susan go off with their parents or dropping Edmund and Lucy at the Scrubbs and show Peter studying with Prof. Kirke . . . So hopefully, that means that they got Anna Popplewell and William Mosley to film that . . . =D

This week I started my new job as student helper at my local library. I shelved books all day . . . LOL. Any of you thinking of getting a part time or summer job?

Anonymous said...

Ok my piece of news for the day:

I am FINALLY revising my novel!!! I am soo excited because all I did was write and it is all coming together just perfectly! :) I am hoping to have it finished by September so that I can publish it. Does anyone on here know of some good publishers that take fantasy thats sort of Christian but its not obvious? (sort of like LOTR:) I am not sure....

Never Alone!!

RED~Scribe said...

Okay, after much procrastination (or maybe my sister was using the laptop!) I've finally started my recap of YC Alberta! Head on over to my blog to check it out.

On a different note, I'm watching the thunderstorm out my front window. It's incredible and sometimes mind-boggling to think of all the things God designed and allows the earth to do. And yet, He's in control of it all. Sometimes I'm just too astounded for words.

~Never Alone~

Unknown said...

Oops...just realized I didn't include the link for Studies in Medieval and Renaissance it is:

<a href="></a>

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Anonymous (daughteroflight) - Yeah, although I did see/hear some actions/lines that were probably too contemporary, I love the 2005 version best --I couldn't get into the 90's BBC version. For "Sense and Sensibility" I like both the 2008 BBC version and the 1995 movie (with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet).
OMGoodness, don't get me started on the "Love Comes Softly" movie adaptations of the series *wink* . . . As I mentioned before, they keep the same values (love, family, faith in God, etc.) but . . . *shakes head* The three were adapted fairly well --I like the movies versions of "Love Comes Softly" (book 1) and "Love's Enduring Promise" (book 2) a little more than the actual books. Movie 4 --"Love's Abiding Joy" wasn't really like the book, but the major climax in the book (a character looses his leg --amputated) can't really be done for a t.v. movie (unless the actor was an amputee to begin with, which is highly unlikely) so . . . I didn't mind the backstory that was created for the movie (Jeff and Colette) 'cause they were a young, sweet couple and I was disappointed that they didn't do anything with them afterward . . . "Love's Unending Legacy" --movie adaptation 5-- was . . . ugh! I cannot believe they killed him off . . . if I remember correctly, Ellie, Clark and Marty's "surprise child" was the main character in that book, but they never included her in any of the movies, so . . . I was still upset they changed it so much! They should have done something with Jeff and Colette getting married or something if they weren't even going to follow the book, if you know what I mean. =) I didn't mind Belinda being the granddaughter of Clark and Marty --and I was pleasantly surprised with movie 6, "Love's Unfolding Dream." They almost went back to the adaptation quality of the first movies (it was closer to the book). The only thing that annoyed me was that in the books --Belinda always wanted to be a NURSE. I don't know if it's because of "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" that the girl now has to want to be a doctor . . . I don't remember how Dr. Quinn became a doctor, but that was one "thing" that was too modern, IMHO. I guess it was one of those "work hard and you can achieve whatever you want" sort of things. :-/ My hopes were brought up because of #6, only to be dashed by the last two. They basically "re-hash" the storyline of movie 5 ("Love's Unending Legacy") for "Love Takes Wing" (#7) --go ahead, kill another character that doesn't die in the book series. :-P I don't really blame the actresses though --it was totally the script --it was riddled with a lot of these "contemporary" ideas that weren't really in the books, if I remember correctly. All in all, my favorite "LCS" movie adaptations are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 6th. With "Love's Enduring Promise," "Love's Unfolding Dream," and "Love's Abiding Joy" (movies 2, 6, and 4, respectively). =D
Thanks for the recommendation --I keep hearing about that one. I'm putting it on my "to read" and "to watch" list. =)
I haven't "lurked" (reading forum/message board posts when you're not a member of the site) at the Underground for a while . . . I'm sort of nervous to ask my parents about being allowed to post on forums/message boards 'cause you have to register and stuff, then you still are talking to people you don't know IRL (in real life) --they might get freaked out and block them or something . . . :-) I didn't mention that you sort of can "have a conversation" commenting on blogs . . . before this blog entry, I didn't know it was possible either, LOL.

Matthew said...

so... just wondering, but what does everybody posting on here what to do when you grow? and yes, I mean adults too!

RED~Scribe said...

Matthew - I want to be a writer, just like everyone else here! (kidding!) Well, I'd love to eventually publish my novel (the one that's running circles in my head at the moment). I'd also love to get into the profession show jumping circuit, since I grew too big to be a jockey. And while I'm at it, I'd love to own Thoroughbred racehorses, Arabians and warmbloods.

Anyone else have any thoughts on who's going to win the Stanley Cup this year? I think it's going to be Chicago in five games.

~Never Alone~

Anonymous said...

@Patrick: I've been wanting to read The Screwtape Letters. Let me know how it is! =D

@Eldra: Oh, don't you hate it when you find a great song or movie or game or book series, and it's incredible, but it has all this stuff in it. Ugh.

@WayMaker: That's a good idea but I think we might have a random thread on The Underground.

@Lady DragonKeeper: That was so cool! Thanks for the link and I hope you're right. =)

I would love to get a job, personally. But, we live in the mountains, really far away, and I can't drive yet, so my mom would be taking me (I'm 15, but I don't have my birth certificate yet, and it's just a really long story). And, since no one will hire for a long time, enough to warrant a trip, at age 15 I have to wait...

A job at the library would be so incredible! =D I want to work at this Christian bookstore.

@Elizabeth: That's so awesome! Congratulations! =D

@Lady DragonKeeper (again ;D): Wow! I've only seen the first two, but I've read all the books! They are incredible different...

@Matthew: No idea, whatsoever. I'm a sophmore, and I love to plan ahead, but next year is my junior year, and I have literally no idea. I love languages, especially Spanish. I just have a knack for them. So, I want to do something with that. I like computer stuff... Dare I tell my ghastly secret? (I'll spend hours editing Wikias just because I love the computer coding... 5,000 edits!!) And, I love music. I'm really good with notes, and I love words, too. And photography. And dancing. And art, though I'll never be in the Louvre. So... I don't know. I'm just going to pray... really hard. =D

Anonymous said...

Not much to say.... so I'll just post a quote:

"Adventures are funny things. They always begin with the unexpected, but they always end with the promise of adventures to come."

Your books are awesome Sir Batson!

Never Alone!!

Jake said...

Haven't had time to check this out for a while, so I'll try to make this more meaningful than usual. :D

WayMaker; Have you ever been to The Underground, WTB and CH's forum? There's a lot of people on there, too. Same sorta stuff...

If anyone isn't on the Underground, go ahead and join up! And look for a 'Jake' with a wierd, drawn turkey avatar. ;) You'll probably find me on either the 'World of Alcryion' thread, or the 'Aye tis the Pirate Adventures, AAARRRRGGGG!' thread. If you go to the Pirate thread, make sure you click on the '13'th page. :)

Elizabeth; Thomas Nelson is a good publisher, but it's really big. It publishes all sorts of fiction, sci-fi, etc.

It depends on what genre your book is in.

Lady DragonKeeper; lol. I'm not allowed on any gaming websites (not that I want to get on 'em), but blogs and stuff are fine with my parents.

Just finished watching Return of the King (LOTR movie), and all I can say is 'Epic.' That's all. It blows me over every time. *whow*

"Wow." ~Anonymous

lol, that's not really a quote. ;)

Unknown said...

Mermaidgirl45: will do! I'm actually hoping to go by the bookstore tomorrow to pick up a copy.

Tomorrow also I'll try to post a list of a few others of Lewis' Apologetic works.

RED~Scribe said...

Whoa. Thought I had finished Endless Ocean: Blue World. Guess not. . .

On the other hand, is this thing really going to die? I'm quite certain it isn't. . .

WV: batsig - misspelling of Batson

~Never Alone~

Lady DragonKeeper said...

I actually have some comments left over from yesterday, so I'll post those:

@ mermaidgirl45 - Ooh, yes! I heartily agree, but then, I love all of the Narnia soundtracks . . . I hope the new composer keeps the same "Narnian feel" to it.
The last time I went to Costco, I saw "The Red Pyramid" and thought, "What?! It's longer than "The Last Olympian" . . . =) My only complaint about the "PJatO" series was that the books are so "short" sometimes, LOL.

@ WayMaker - (As Jake mentioned) there actually is an "official" Wayne Thomas Batson/Christopher Hopper forum for the "Berinfell Prophecies" series. It's called "the Underground" and I'm sure there's a link to it on Mr. Batson's blog somewhere ... I'm told that many of the commenters here are members there.

New comments: Did any of you watch the PBS Celtic Woman special on Thursday night? It was from their new CD ... I totally need to see if the library has it. ;-) <3

@ Matthew - If you mean like Eldra said, what you want to be when you grow up, I think I want to major in art or fashion design or illustration --something like that, but I'm not sure what I'd do with the degree (what kind of job I'd like to get). For example, I'm interested in fashion design, but I have no interest in making a famous designer line or label like "Project Runway" contestants or anything (though I do like to watch the show to see the designs they come up with). Maybe a niche like, fashionable, yet modest wear . . . a lot of mainstream pieces are too revealing and on the other end of the spectrum is stuff that looks like this: not too bad, but for teens and young adults --I don't care for it too much (I'd wear it, but I'd rather wear something else --no offense to people who like those clothes) . . . I'd like to design pieces taking fashion trends, but doing it in a modest way. Sort of like these: or and I've always loved drawing --maybe I could be a book cover artist but I think they freelance a lot or work for a publishing company . . . Fortunately, I have a couple of years before I have to make a commitment to a major in college. =) (and sorry about the fashion/clothes/sewing thing ... that probably wasn't too interesting for you, LOL).

Anonymous said...

Matthew: I want to be a writer:):):)

Thanks Jake, its fantasy sooo.....:)

Eldra I LOVE your word verification:)

oh and Jake...Return of the King always blows me away too:) Extended versions right??? They are the only ones!! :p

Ok heres my favorite line from Return of the King:

"I am no man!"

:) I love it when girls actually get to do stuff and not just sit around and mope like certain other characters in that movie... *clears throat*

Never Alone!!

Jake said...

It's another beautiful day, with another wonderful case of hay fever. :(

Wow, LadyDragonKeeper, your comments are long. :)

Me, I find I'm starting to lose material...

Eldra; Haha, I pretty much ignore horse racing. Though I have to say, Walter Farley (author of the Black Stallion) can pull off his books really well. His are the only horse books I've ever read. (Although my younger sister is CRAZY about horses...)

Matthew; I'm going to be a writer. Nothin' to it. :) Although my grandma thinks that I need to get 'my head out of the clouds' and start thinking of something else. ;)

V&S won't be prerelease pretty soon... lol.


So, let's see... My list of people that are still posting regularly has grown smaller... It's now this;
-Myself (lol!)
-And anyone else I forgot to mention

May the best dwarf win! ;) (LOTR)

Ingici; I dunno, sounds Italian to me. Rhymes with 'Medici'. :D

Anonymous said...

Hey Jake!

Hehe, Great way to advertise for the Underground.
For those who don't know where to find it:

(I don't think the link will show so copy paste this:

I'm there a lot, look for the user name, Goldarrow Of The Silver Bow, to find me.

So far most of the tribes are being made down there. So if you want a tribe to join the Underground is a great place to find it!


Matthew said...

wow. quite a bit of difference of future wishes... (for lack of a better way to put that.) :)

personally, I want to be a professor of either English Literature, English, or History. I also want to publish at least one fantasy novel.

and Lady DragonKeeper: it was actually more interesting than I would have thought! and I think it's cool that you want to design fashionable modest clothes!

RED~Scribe said...

Lady DragonKeeper - Actually, that wasn't boring at all. I have several friends that would love to get into the fashion industry too. And the world could totally use more modest fashion designers. The Joe Fresh line is nice, but I have problems even with that because my shoulders are so broad!!

Can anyone believe V&S is about to be released??? I'm starting to get hyper!!

Random question: has anyone ever read the Tom Swift books?

~Never Alone~

Katie said...

I JUST GOT MY NEW COMPUTER! I am very excited! It is an eMachine and it works GREAT so far. It is newer than my Mom's computer, so it has more stuff on it and she doesn't think that it is fair. Haha! :P

How long has this been going on? A long time, I guess. :)

Logan said...

Well this is my first blog and well I plan on checking it about once every day so that I can win but I know that almost everyone else checks it about once a day so I wonder how long this thread can last?

Unknown said...

Greetings! Here are several of C.S. Lewis' apologetic/theological works:

The Problem of Pain, Miracles, The Weight of Glory, The Great Divorce (a fictional tale, but allegorical in the mode of Dante's The Divine Comedy), and Reflections on the Psalms.

Anonymous said...

@Lady DragonKeeper: I love thick books! =D They're the absolute best because you can fit in so much more plot and character development!

Here's a quote I love:

"Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one remembers to turn on the light."

Anonymous said...

Not much to say cept its rainy.....perfect day to write and perfect day to read...I think I might just do both:)

Heres my quote..I uh...kinda made it up;)

"When life gives you rain, grab a good book and settle down to read" :)

Never Alone!!

Anonymous said...

Lady DragonKeeper- I totally agree with all you said!!

I finally decided today to outline my book before I write. It's getting interesting... I'm a SOTP writer, so it's hard, but I can tell that it's going to help. (Mr. Batson, your posts on writing inspired that- thank you SOO much!)

My family watched a new version of Peter Pan last night (the Universal Studios 2002 [I think] version) last night. It was really good, but there was way too much boy/girl stuff. What do y'all think? Have any of you seen it?


Unknown said...

I love Psalm 100:

1Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

2Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

3Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

4Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

5For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Patrick - Thanks again for all the C.S. Lewis book lists! I have got to find the time to read this summer. =)

I didn't post the other day because we were busy sorting/pricing/getting items ready for the "swap meet" --it's like a big garage sale at the park. People buy a space where they can put out all their stuff (usually they bring a pop-up canopy and tables). We were fund raising for our Generation Joshua club and had a great time (everything's more fun with friends). We also broke our fund raising goal of $300 --I'm not sure by how much though . . . Not bad for a Saturday. =)
Hope you all have a great rest-of-the-weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Found a really sweet quote!

Smile everyday because you never know who's falling in love with it. =)

See ya later!

WayMaker said...

I have two bible verses to share this time:

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."

~Isa 53:5

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."

~Rom 15:13

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Hmmm . . . new topic. Is anyone entering the Bible Bee this year? I participated last year. Did any of you participate before? How did you do? I enjoyed the fact that I ended up seeing quite a few people I knew in my age group --friends from Awana camp. No one from our tournament made it to the National Bible Bee though, but we did have fun! Everyone in the room encouraged each other and the atmosphere was pretty relaxed for what was going on . . . how was your experience?

Jake said...

The comments haven't been updated yet, so I'll just do this really quick. Hmm... Something meaningful...

"It seems that the more birthdays you have, the older you get." ~My Grandpa

I love that quote. :D

On a completely different note, I sent my first Vanadil report in to Seth the day before yesterday... No, I won't tell you how much points there was. :)

Jake said...

Arrgg! Blogger 'failed' when I tried to submit my last comment. I'll try it again.

"It seems that the more birthdays ytou have, the older you get." ~My Grandpa

I love that quote. :D

On a completely different note, I submitted my first Vanadil report in to Seth on Saturday. No, I won't tell you how many were in there. ;)

Jake said...

Arrgg! Blogger 'failed' when I tried to submit my last comment. I'll try it again.

"It seems that the more birthdays ytou have, the older you get." ~My Grandpa

I love that quote. :D

On a completely different note, I submitted my first Vanadil report in to Seth on Saturday. No, I won't tell you how many were in there. ;)

Jake said...

Arrgg! Blogger 'failed' again when I tried to submit my last comment. I'll try it again.

"It seems that the more birthdays ytou have, the older you get." ~My Grandpa

I love that quote. :D

On a completely different note, I submitted my first Vanadil report in to Seth on Saturday. No, I won't tell you how many were in there. ;)

(PS; My word verification is waaaaay too weird to post on here... It's actually a word, not that it's a good one.)

Jake said...

Arrgg! Blogger 'failed' again when I tried to submit my last comment. I'll try it again.

"It seems that the more birthdays ytou have, the older you get." ~My Grandpa

I love that quote. :D

On a completely different note, I submitted my first Vanadil report in to Seth on Saturday. No, I won't tell you how many were in there. ;)

(PS; My word verification is waaaaay too weird to post on here... It's actually a word, not that it's a good one.)

Star-Dreamer said...

Man, I've been gone for awhile. My internet's been down. :(

I think I'm having post noveling blues right now. I keep trying to start work on another project, but I just can't seem to consentrate. I started reading Chris Batty's "No Plot? No Problem!". It's actually sort of jump started my want to write again, so maybe not all hope is lost. (chris batty is the founder of nanowrimo).

BTW, anyone else gonna try nanowrimo in november? I think I'd better start planning now, just to get a head start on things. I have several ideas I'm debating on, one of which is a sequal to SOTD. We'll see though... :)

Anonymous said...

Where'd my comment go??? I'm pretty sure I posted it... Oh, well.

When is the Blitz day?! It's going to be out REALLY soon, and I would like to get it BEFORE it comes out like I did with CoSK!!

Did you all hear about del Torro and The Hobbit?! HE'S NOT DIRECTING IT ANYMORE!! Frankly, I was shocked when I saw that! Will it delay the awesomeness of the two Hobbit movies?! What do you guys think?


RED~Scribe said...

Jake - That's a good quote by your grandpa! I must admit that it seems to be true. . .

Anyone else glad school's almost finished for another year? (Or at least, several months!)

Also, have any of you heard of the band Bluetree? I just discovered then when I went to YC and really like their music. And it's fun to watch the artist that travels with them do paintings on stage.

~Never Alone~

Matthew said...

got a quote from myself...

"Every night, have faith in God for tomorrow. Every morning, thank God for today."

kristin said...

can you belive that school is finally out and I'm spending my time relaxing.
I want to go see toy story 3 and the last air bender.
what are you guys excited to see this summer?

jolayne said...

you have kept it going for me, thank you. i was at YC. it was amazing!! some of my new favorite bands is bluetree and leeland, also skillet, disipel, and a few others. the speakers were amazing too. i have to go now, talk to you soon

Endurance and Victory

RED~Scribe said...

Star-Dreamer - I know what it's like to have the Internet down. . . Terrible, isn't it? I'm amazed how much we've come to depend on technology, both for good and for bad.

~Never Alone~

Unknown said...

LadyDragonkeeper: Thanks! Glad to post them; I'll post some quotes here from Lewis as I come across them in God in the Dock.

What does everyone have on their summer reading lists?

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Wow, I've got to catch up now, LOL!

@ Anonymous (Elizabeth) - ":) I love it when girls actually get to do stuff and not just sit around and mope like certain other characters in that movie... *clears throat*"
Um, "certain other characters in that movie" as in . . . Arwen?! =) I'm not a "Ringer" or "Tolkienite" but if so . . . ouch, do you mean that for real? I have to respond to that. Movie-version Arwen (because I'm not the greatest LotR fan, I haven't read the books recently, so I don't remember the books exactly, LOL) did not just "sit around and mope" --remember how she saved Frodo in "The Fellowship of the Ring"?

@ Jake - LOL, I'll take that as a compliment. =) I try to make my comments long, but hopefully --more important than length-- they have substance as well . . . ;-)

@ Matthew - A English or History professor? Cool! =) I had an awesome Eng. 100 instructor --I've always liked writing, but she made it even more fun and enjoyable! I've been thinking it might be neat to get a Masters in Art, but other than being a teacher (i.e. professor) I don't really see the point in being in school for an extra two years after a Bachelor's (for what I want to do) . . . I'll probably be burnt out and over school by the time I get my Bachelor's degree --besides, you can always go back to school afterwards . . .

@ Eldra - Thanks. =) Someone remind me what the release date for "Venom and Song" is? I thought it was in October like the first Berinfell Prophecies book . . . ?

@ mermaidgirl45 - I love long books too. =) Who is the quote by (the one about the darkness and light)? I like it a lot!

@ Anonymous (daughteroflight) - I'm still waiting for them to announce the cast for "The Hobbit" --this movie has been delayed so many times, it's not even funny. I remember not really getting into the story when I first read the book --you can tell that LotR is for an older audience then "The Hobbit" was, but I still think the movie will be good. At least, the special effects will have improved (not that LotR's wasn't) but it will be over ten years since "LotR" was filmed (2000, I believe ... "FotR" was released in 2001) by the time we see "The Hobbit" movie (20??)!

Anonymous said...

*WayMaker: Those were awesome.

*Lady DragonKeeper: I have never been, but I think it would be an awesome experience. What do you do? =)

*Jake: I think I like your grandpa, very much. =) He sounds really funny... Also, you're SwiftStorm, right?

*Star-Dreamer, the reminded me of something WTB quoted:

"Writer's block is simply when your characters get back at you for all you've done to them."

I love that quote...
And, what's nanowrimo?

*Daughterofflight: I don't know... It'll probably be different, but I'm sure they're still be good. =)

*Eldra: You must live up North. =) I got out on May 18th, I think... =D But, yeah, I'm super excited about summer!! Is anyone going anywhere on vacation?

I've never heard of BlueTree, but it sounds really interesting. They have an artist paint during the concert?! That's so cool!


Jake said...

Oops... My comment posted half a dozen times. *looks around sheepishly*

Star-Dreamer; Sequel?!?! Saweet!! :D

Eldra; lol. He's a very onery grandpa. Quite a joker.

He once said to a checkout lady at WalMart, "It's a good day for the race!"

The lady looked puzzled. "What race would that be?"

His face cracked into a huge grin. "The human race!"

COTSK was nominated for the Clive Staples Award!!! Awesomeness... I was actually one of the people to nominate it, lol. ;)

Anonymous said...

Tribe Building Contest underway!! Just recieved an email from my tribe leader- so TOTALLY excited!! Hopefully we'll get first this time, though last year we didn't do too bad...


RED~Scribe said...

mermaidgirl45 - Yes, I live up in Canada. And, no, there aren't any polar bears anywhere close to where I live!!

Bluetree is from Ireland, therefore they have a bit of a U2 sound. They also remind me of Delirious?

Patrick - On my summer reading list. . . Well, V&S of course! Also I have several Star Wars novels I'm planning to read. Other then that, I think I'm going to try and spend more time writing than I have been recently.

Jake - He sounds awesome! I wish my grandpas were jokers like that!

~Never Alone~

Anonymous said...

Jake: first that quote is hilarious and second I think your comment posted like 6 times!

duaghteroflight: I frankly don't care that he's not directing it I just don't want to mess up the movie and I hope it doesn't! I was shocked too though!

LadyDragonKeeper: I don't mean to be rude or anything but maybe you need to read the books again. Lets just say Arwen was VERY different in the book and I like her better in the book. I personally was not thinking about when Arwen saved Frodo in FotR because if it wasn't in the my opinion it didn't happen:) But I don't want to be rude or anything and I hope you don't take offence:(

Anyway....I bet this will not end....and you know what?...people have said oh it'll end soon or oh it will never end at least a dozen times on this board! But I do bet you one thing.....the book will be out by the time it ends!

Ok my about...

"Summer is awesome!"

I know really lame but seeing as it is summer my brain is dead. I am happy for the extra reading time though! I read the first Percy Jackson book and liked it a lot! Now I have to decided whether I want to see the movie and yell at it the entire time or be content with just the book....hhmmm

Never Alone!!

Jake said...

Did anyone read the Amazon Blitz post?!? OMGOODNESS!!!! Mega Vanadils!

Mermaidgirl45; Yes, SS all the way!!!

What Tribe did you join, daughteroflight?

It's raining cats and dogs here, and we're under a tornado watch... This is seriously the most epic storm I've seen in a while.

Unknown said...

For the moment, two quotes from Erasmus of Rotterdam:

"Do not be guilty of possessing a library of learned books while lacking learning yourself."

"The desire to write grows with writing."

—Desiderius Erasmus

Jonathan Maiocco said...

Wow, this thread has a lot of posts! Did someone kill it off yet?

jolayne said...

Hey is this still going on?
how are all of you, YC was totally amazing, as i have stated before. there were some really cool speakers.

quote of the day
if you can't cut bread straight, you can't go though life straight.

Endurance and Victory

WayMaker said...

Here's a few more bible verses. It amazes me how much wisdom you can find on every page.

"Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."

~1 Timothy 6:18

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

~Proverbs 17:22

"Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" Wait for the LORD, and he will deliver you."

~Proverbs 20:22

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ mermaidgirl45 - Well, for our Bible Bee, there was an oral round --you got asked questions and had to recite verses . . . for the older groups, there was so much material to study and they only asked like, 20 questions/references, so over half of the reciting time I was like, "Romans 12:1-12? Uhhh, pass . . . " If they happen to ask you to recite a verse you didn't memorize, you're stuck --it's basically the luck of the draw unless you have all of the verses down. You have three "one word prompts" per verse/passage recitation, but you loose points for using them and if you omit or add a word you loose points and you have to complete the verse to even get points, but you can't go negative points, if I remember correctly, so that's good. It really depends on how much material you studied and what questions they asked . . . needless to say, I have a great admiration for those who made it to the Nationals . . . The other round is a written test format --you had (30-60 minutes? I don't remember) . . . a period of time. Most of (if not all) of it was multiple choice. They had some traditional Bible trivia (like who wrote the book of Romans or something), stuff based on the books of the Bible you were supposed to study (I think it was Romans, Genesis, . . . and two more), and the verses you were supposed to memorize, but as I said, the atmosphere at the Bible Bee I participated in was sort of laid back (everyone was still nervous, of course, but all the contestants were encouraging to each other). I heard they pared down what you have to study . . . much less material compared to last year . . . I think the website is but you can just look up "Bible Bee" in your favorite search engine and it should come up. I did enjoy the experience and I'd recommend it especially if you love or are good at memorizing verses.

I believe "NANOWRIMO" stands for "National Novel Writing Month" or something like that . . . but don't quote me on that. I've seen the term used several times on some forums/message boards I "lurk" at . . .

@ Anonymous (Elizabeth) - Yeah, no worries about that, no offense taken. =) That's why I specified "movie version Arwen" 'cause frankly, I don't really remember Arwen in the books much --other than maybe some flashbacks with Aragorn. >_< Ugh, as I admitted earlier --I never could get "into" the books as much, but I was in middle school or so when I read it last, but I agree about added movie scenes to book adaptations --the book is always "canon." I probably got confused with the context --you were talking about Eowyn's quote and how you liked when girls actually "did things" unlike other characters . . . so I thought you were comparing the two main female characters --Arwen and Eowyn . . .

From what I've been hearing about the "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" movie, you might be better off picturing it all in your head . . . if that's true, it makes me sad --other than "Narnia," Jane Austen books, and other "classics" --most of the books I like haven't been adapted into movies, so I was SO excited when I heard they were going to make "The Lighting Thief" into a movie . . . but now --I'm sort of torn between seeing it or not. =)

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ kristin - Summer movies 2010? Well, the next Narnia movie, "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" isn't coming out until December, but as I mentioned earlier (last page probably . . . ) I'd watch "The Karate Kid" coming out this month and "Beezus and Ramona" (I don't remember exactly when that one comes out --either June or July, I believe). I liked the original eighties "Karate Kid" and though I inwardly cringed when I first heard about the re-make (and how young the main character looks: middle school vs. high school aged in the original) --seeing the trailers . . . it doesn't seem to bad, especially when I think of how Hollywood would probably try and attract teens to the movie if it the new version had high schoolers --think teen dramas or something . . . ew, icky. The remake seems like it's going for "family friendly" --and attracting the parents who were around when the original movie came out.
Anyone read the "Ramona Quimby" books? Those were some of the first books I read that was longer than 100 pages . . . I guess I like them for sentimental reasons, though we sold the books we had a couple of years ago. Anyway, I also cringed when I heard that "teen queen" Selena Gomez was casted a Beatrice (Beezus) --Ramona's older sister . . . but after seeing the trailer, it also looks like it will be a good movie. Granted, I don't remember what happened in the book this movie is based off of. It seems like they focus on Beezus --almost making her the main character-- and her relationship with her sister Ramona. It might have been like that in the book, but . . . it's been ages since I read a "Ramona Quimby."

@ Patrick - Well, besides C.S. Lewis . . . I have quite a few books I got for Christmas that I hadn't had the chance to read because of school . . . Jeffrey Overstreet's "Auralia Thead" series (I need to read 2 & 3), Chuck Black's "Kingdom Series" and his "Knights" one --don't remember what it's called, I only have the first 3. "Christy Miller" and "Sierra Jensen" series by Robin Jones Gunn, 3 "Diary of a Teenage Girl" books --Maya's by Melody Carlson, several Star Wars books . . . need to read "Starlighter" by Bryan Davis, borrow Rick Riordan's "Red Pyramid" book from the library, etc.

Jake said...

Almost to 1300 comments! And Venom and Song is no longer prerelease. :P

Uh, Elizabeth, V&S came out today. So all of the predictions came true, lol. :)

And sorry for posting the comment 6 times! I thought it didn't go through, as it said, 'Blogger is no longer available' when I submitted. :P

SS FOREVER!!!!! Sorry, had to get that out. :D

Okay, let's win a plain signed copy of V&S. :)

Anonymous said...

Jake- Did it really come out today? I looked on Amazon and it wasn't there. WHAT'S GOING ON?!!!!

To all who commented on my comment- I'm sure that whoever directs the Hobbit movies (yes, I did say movieS) will do a good job, I was just shocked and sort of mad when I read that he pulled out. I just hope they come out soon- like, 2012 and 2013. That would be good. And, no, as far as I know, the actors/actresses playing in it have not been announced yet. I can't believe some of the choices! (i.e.: Mark Hamil for one of the dwarves?! You've got to be kidding me! James McAvoy might do a good job... he did good in LWW...)

Did you guys hear that the trailer for VDT would be shown before Toy Story 3?! I am SO going to see it now!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks LadyDragonKeeper:):)

Jake??? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Gosh I haven't been keeping track!!! Man its a good thing we canceled the order when we did! (I ordered it before the amazon blitz thing was posted, but I am now ordering it for that)

Ok I keep forgetting to talk to my parents about joining a tribe... ARGH! I will have to do that! I sooo want to do this contest!

Ok I know I am a fast reader but I already finished all the Percy Jackson books cept for the last one cause it has such a huge waiting list at the library and we don't own it yet cause its still in hardcover....I really enjoyed them! I think I might see the movie just so I can see what they did wrong...(I did the same thing with Eragon) but I'm not sure our library has it yet....

Anyway I am soooo looking forward to V&S coming out and Sword in the Stars! It's a great summer for books! :)

Heres a bit of news about me! We have 4 baby rabbits in a nest in our yard!! They are soo tiny and cute and they just started to explore the yard!! I have a rabbit so I love rabbits and think they are adorable!!:):)


"Light and Darkness can have no part together."

I am not sure where this comes from in the Bible and I think I am paraphrasing a bit but I got it out of the second DIOM book. I am reading them to my sister and we just finished that one yesterday.

Never Alone!!

Anonymous said...

Hey there I was wondering if WTB would do something to help this die faster. Anyone have any ideas?


Jake said...

TOO HOT!! Way too hot. Unbelievebly hot. Hot enough to pop popcorn, melt the black top, and make eggs over easy on the concrete. And make my dog sit in the shade all day.

Lady DragonKeeper; You're lucky you have books to read and books to check out from the library. :(

I've long since run out of books. I read WAAAAAAAAY too fast.

Has anyone read 'Shadowmancer'? The actual writing quality is about the same as mine (lol!) at most points, but the concept and plot is great. Some of the grammar mistakes I found irritated me. :P

Arg, time to mow. the. lawn. Arg again. Mowing always stirs up the 'ol hay fever, and it is way TOO HOT out here. :P In the 90s and REALLY sticky and damp. The worst combination.

RED~Scribe said...


Unknown said...

A constant element of enjoyment must be mingled with our studies, so that we think of learning as a game rather than a form of drudgery, for no activity can be continued for long if it does not to some extent afford pleasure to the participant. - Erasmus of Rotterdam

Anonymous said...

Here is about as random of a quote you can get. I put it on my Twitter as well.

"WTB i want your books to come out! Make it come faster!" MillardtheMK from

Yes that was the one and only Millard!


Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ jolayne – Hey, I probably missed it, but . . . what does “YC” stand for? Something . . . camp? =)

@ Anonymous (Elizabeth) – Ooh! My family used to have a “half-dwarf, half something else” rabbit . . . his name was Brownie, but he passed away several years ago. He was getting on in years anyway . . . I don’t think “The Lightning Thief” movie is on DVD yet . . . probably in a couple of weeks/months though, ‘cause I did see an ad for Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland” –I think that came out around the same time . . .

@ Jake - Actually, that's probably just because I haven't had time to read during the "school year" --not counting school assignments, etc. so . . . I'm catching up, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't posted, I had a sleepover, and a funeral of a friend, and all this stuff... Anyway: =D

*Jake, your grandfather sounds like a load of fun. Tell him "Hi" for me. =)

*Eldra: Oh! Wow. Okay, that makes sense now! I remember someone was from Canada, but that's really neat! =D And, haha, no, no polar bears, but plenty of moose? =D

*Elizabeth, I'm pretty sure you're right. Someone is posting about every four hours... We have a rather long way to go. =D

*Patrick, I love that quote about the library!

*Waymaker and Patrick: Love your quotes! =D Great for thinking...

*Lady DragonKeeper: My family, exempting myself, took tae kwon do for several years, so we've been counting down the days! =D We're really excited, and we all want to see it. =)

Also, in November, the first part of The Deathly Hallows is coming out, for any fellow fans. =)

And, sorry, I didn't see that post! =D It's from Dumbledore (see above). I know that Harry Potter is really controversial, so I don't want to stir up trouble, but has anyone else here read the books? =)

Also, I love the "Christy Miller" books! I remember reading a few, but I don't think I finished the series. And, I love "Chloe" from the "Diary of a Teenage Girl." That's the only one I could read, but I liked it, very, very much.

Wow! The Bible Bee sounds like a great way to learn more! =D I'll have to look that up! And, thank you for letting me know about the NANOWRIMO. =D

*Elizabeth, great quote, and "Awwww!" Bunnies are adorable.

Also, for all the Percy Jackson fans out there: The new book series that's coming out later this year, The Lost Hero? Sample chapters are out! Only the first two, and it's very interesting! It's at and the password is "newhero." Anyway, it's really good!

*Jake, (again, sorry), I have to agree with you. In some books I find, there's always one grammar error that just bugs me throughout the book. Like, in one book, the sentences were joined by commas, instead of punctuation. Not all, but at least a couple hundred. It drove me insane. =D

*Great quote, Patrick. It's really interesting when you think about it, because in the past, learning was an amazing gift and many people fought for the right to learn. People would read giantic nonfiction books about plants for fun, simply because they enjoyed the knowledge. Now? We have more knowledge available then ever, and so many people just don't want to learn! I love school, honestly. It's really interesting, and though I hate getting up early in the morning, too, we get to learn things that are just really cool. I'm a horrible explainer, but you know what I mean? =D

mermaidgirl45 =)

Alassiel said...

Is this really still going? I wish Blogger would put the date, not just the time, in the comments.

Jake said...

Rain rain, go away....

daughteroflight; Strange. Perhaps it is your computer. Mine is always acting up like that. :P

Eldra; Har har, as long as I'm still around and kicking, this thread ain't gonna die anytime soon-- at least, not without me winning. ;)

Elizabeth; I love DIOM. It is the ONLY fantasy books that my sister has ever reread. EVER. She's only read a dozen fantasy series altogether. She's a nonfictioner. :P I'm trying to convert her. :D

And I'm off. Tis raining. Again. I was supposed to mow yesterday, and it was really tall, but I wasn't able to mow it all. Now I'm going to have REALLY tall grass to mow as soon as it dries out. Aren't all these showers for April?!?!?

Matthew said...

the thread can't die unless I have the last comment!

but I don't have anything meaningful to say right now...


Renee Ferre said...

I love you Mr. Batson. Your fiction opened my eyes to several HUGE flaws in my Christian Life. You da Man!!!

jolayne said...

Okay i have a little time.(very little time) i know that i've been going on and on about YC Alberta, but it was awsome. it felt like God was moving. The speakers were funomanal. (i spelt that wrong) i went to a session on radical living, and ended up hearing a really cool quote.
-you are invinsible until God calls you home.
i thought that was really cool. i know that if what i'm doing is in Gods plan then he will do what is best.

Endurance and Victory

Archer said...

Ha ya'll, I've been so busy lately.

Eldra; I know that band! (Bluetree) Well I didn't know the name of the band. but I do know the song, 'God of this City'. The worship team at my church plays that song almost every other sunday. When I looked up the band you mention, and listened to the samples, God of this City was the first song that played. I was like I know that song!!

Well I have to go.

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Hmm, busy, busy day . . . the main home-school group in our area had its annual used book & curriculum fair. I love book sales! What's the best book "find" you've ever had at a used book fair or store, flea market, garage sale, etc.?

Have a great rest of the weekend!

jolayne said...

when i said that the book would be out before the contest was over i had no idea how right i was. We have 1 month left, and i am not giving up yet.

@Jake i don't know where you live, but i am so jelous. we have had horrible weather here in western canada. it was gorgeous in the begening of May, but its been storming ever since. we've gotten more rain in the last month than we normally do in a year. Slowly it is starting to get nicer.

Endurance and Victory

Unknown said...

I love these lyrics from the song "In Christ Alone"; very heartening and encouraging:

In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this Cornerstone, this solid Ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My Comforter, my All in All,
here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone! who took on flesh
Fulness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones he came to save:
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied -
For every sin on Him was laid;
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain:
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave he rose again!
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me,
For I am His and He is mine -
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death,
This is the power of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath.
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home,
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Wow, rare moment for Lady DragonKeeper: a quote I clipped from a newspaper several years ago. =)

"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm . . . As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One for helping yourself, the other for helping others." Audrey Hepburn

Jake said...

Well, it's been several days, and if WTB has already updated the comments, then it's my computer. :P

Right now I'm reading Tersias the Oracle by G. P. Taylor. It's a pretty good book, a prequel to Shadowmancer, I think.

With no other commments to reply to, I'll make this short.

Precentor said...

Hey there guys! I am wondering if this is still going :O

kristin said...

hey Lady DragonKeeper thanks for the input i never though of karete kid that way and your right it dose seem like they are appeling to the older audience. I cant wait for the dawn treader im going to see it a midnight i hope its good i was a bit disapointed with prince caspean but i loved the lion the witch and the wardrobe. finally, Ramona Quimby was totoally my favorite series when i was little if they rune the book i will defenitly be disapointed.

kristin said...

HEY HOLD ON! i just looked it up the book dosnt come out till july 13.
i know because its my birthday!

RED~Scribe said...

mermaidgirl45 - No moose where I live, but there's plenty of elk.

Lady DragonKeeper - YC stands for "Youth Conference" (just in case no one else answers!)

Jake - You're on!!! And I hope you manage to convert your sister to fantasy!

Archer - Funny, because at my church on Sunday we sang Happy Day. I know that isn't Bluetree's song, but they still played it several times at YC. And now it's stuck in my head. . .

Lady DragonKeeper (again) - Best book find I've ever had. . . wow. I've had a lot. I don't remember where I picked up the first book in the Tom Swift Jr. series (1954), Tom Swift And His Flying Lab, but it got me started on the entire Tom Swift series. That's been one of the most memorable for me.

~Never Alone~

Anonymous said...

Did you guys see that the VDT trailer is coming out on Thursday at noon?!! I'm so excited!! I'm going to test my self-control, though, and see if I can wait until the following day to see it for the first time on the Big Screen before Toy Story 3. THEN I'll go home and watch it 20 Bajillion times!!! (Who's with me?!!!!)


Anonymous said...

Jake: I read too fast too....lets see I have read about 72 books so far since January 1st:)

Mermaidgirl: I have read Harry Potter and am very excited for Deathly Hallows coming out!! Even though of course the books are ALWAYS better than the movies:)

I am going to follow Jake's example and report my weather.....HOT!!! lol I am not a fan of hot!

Anyway I am doing a drama camp this week and today we got our parts. The story is called "Wind Weavers" and the story is 3 African tales together. Its pretty cool because its has Anansi the Spider and such. I play the storyteller for the 3rd story and I love the part! Even though it has a HUGE speech and all and I have to memorize it by Friday! But its fun and I look forward to it each year!

WV: presice- misspelling of the word precise.

Never Alone!!

Matthew said...

Jake- I've read Tersias the Oracle, Shadowmancer, and Wormwood. Have you read Wormwood? They're all three pretty good; I still haven't figured out what "order", if any, they're supposed to be in... It's been awhile since I read them, so maybe I'll read them again, after I finish reading the DragonSpell books...

Jake said...

Okay, quick reply. :)

lol, Goldarrow. Millard is hilarious. :D

Mermaidgirl45; I've read HP, but I wasn't impressed. The writing itself was good, but I didn't like many of the aspects of the book. :P

I love that song, Patrick. It is awesomeness. :D

Star-Dreamer said...

*Le sight* Internet's still down, so I'm at the library today. It looks like you guys have kept the thread running for me though. Mr. Batson, you do realize by now that the only way to satisfy everone is to give them all a signed copy of the book.



*Sighes* Well, we can always hope, right?

Eldra: Yeah, it pretty much sucks that my internet isn't working. We had a slow connection anyway, but this is a bit rediculous.

Mermaidgirl: That quote is so true! My characters just love getting back at me. (oh, and nanowrimo is National Novel Writing Month. It's in November. The goal is to write 50,000 words -- which could easily be the length of a rough draft -- in thirty days. It's not easy, believe me! You can do nanowrimo early if you want, but if you actually do it in november there's a whole site dedicated to helping you reach your word goal. I think it's a great idea, and even though I'm doing it early to finish one of my RD's, I'm also going to start another manuscript in November. :D )

Jake: LOL! You haven't even read the first one yet!!! But I'm glad you're excited about it. I'm going to query Flaming Pen Press: putting the query in the mail today. We'll see where that goes.

Well, that's all I got on my today. C U all later, and hopefully my internet will be up by then. Just keep the thread going for me, ok?! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL Yes Jake Millard is hilarious, I was at a lost of what to put on Twitter and I was chatting with him and he said that.

Millard if ya see this ye are Famous for quotes!


Jake said...

Over 1300! Wow... Can't WTB just give away multiple copies? :P

Eldra; Thanks!

Elizabeth; I don't really keep track of the books I read. :P I think I've read a good 100 books so far, if not more. Actually, I think it may be over 500. :)

Matthew; I finished Tersias the Oracle, and now I'm in the middle of reading the Shadowmancer Returns; The Curse of Salamander Street. They've been pretty good, although I too am confused about the order. :D

Okay, gotta fly. :) DIE THREAD!!

Star-Dreamer said...

But the thread insists that it just doesn't want to die yet! *dramatic sigh* oh well.

Hey guys, I'm thinking about joining a tribe but I really know nothing about it at all. Any suggestions? Anyone willing to take on a newbie?

Well, I'm reading Araulia's Colors right now, and I have to say that it is absolutely amazing! I have the other two books too, and can't wait to read them all. Honestly, these books are like poetry put in the form of prose and written like a fairy tale! Just beautiful!

Anyone else read his stuff?

By the way, Mr. B... You know we are never going to let this thread die until you comply to our wishes and send us ALL a copy of the book. Seriously, I'm not gonna quit! *evil laugh* Mwahahahahaha!!!!! *Looks around* Oh wait... pretend you didn't see me do that. *wiggly eyebrows.*

Mackenzie A. Lockhart said...

whew...I almost thought this stopped, because I haven't been checking lately ;) But thankfully it's still going :)


Anonymous said...

*Alassiel, I couldn't agree more. =) It completely freaked me out one day, because I wasn't sure what day it was. =)

*Jake, non-fiction is the best. =D

*Great quote, Jolayne! =D Love that quote, too, Lady DragonKeeper.

*Elizabeth, I absolutely have to agree - the books are much better. =D And, that's so cool about the African storytelling. =) You'll do great!

Have to run - See you guys! =D

RED~Scribe said...

Don't worry, Star-Dreamer. Nobody noticed. *looks around* At least, I don't think anyone did. . .

Jake said...

Ag, another lazy day where it's too hot and sticky to mow and yet I have to...

Star-Dreamer; Oooooh! You're querying FPP? Yay! :O I hope you get it. I sense that your book is more of Scott Appleton's kind of fantasy. :)

Star-Dreamer again; JOIN SWIFTSTORM!!!! My two cents. :) Or join HiddenBlade. They are in dire need of people, while SilverTree and Swiftstorm are up and over 14 people.

Star-Dreamer again (lol!); Several people have recommended AC to me, but I haven't read it. I should be reading it within a week, though, as I just ordered it at the library. :D

SQUEAKS; You're back!!! :D :D :D

I went to a nearby Goodwill, and guess what I found hidden among romance novels no one reads? You'll never guess. But try to guess. :D

Jake said...

Wow, a comment refresh as I typed! Weird...

Eldra; I noticed!

Mermaidgirl45; WHAT?!?! Nonfiction--the best? I don't think so. :P

Star-Dreamer said...

Eldra: Lol! Well you did! :)

Anonymous said...

VDT trailer moved up to tonight at MIDNIGHT!!! So excited!!!


Unknown said...

Video of Keith and Kristyn Getty performing "In Christ Alone"

In Christ Alone

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Okay, so I've noticed that a lot of people want Mr. Batson to let everyone (or the "commentators" left) to "win" their own "V&S" book . . . I'm not sure it's polite to be begging Mr. Batson to let everyone have copies of "V&S" just 'cause they've been participating --logistically, it'll be hard to say who should get a book. Should people who have been commenting win? What about people who were commenting early on consistently but not longer participate? Second, we should be glad that Mr. Batson is even giving away a book . . . I'm sure we'll have more opportunities for book contests (especially you lucky people who are in the TribeBuilding Contest) . . . This has been on my mind for awhile . . . I know some of its probably in jest, or in a friendly, "hinting" way . . . but to me it comes off as impolite (I'm sorry!) Though I do understand the "if you don't ask, you won't know . . . " sort of thing that may be the intent behind it. =)

On a brighter note, there's so many comments to catch up on . . . =)

@ Anonymous (daughteroflight) - Well, since I haven't yet seen "Toy Story" or "Toy Story 2" . . . I'll just wait for the "VotDT" trailer to show up online --I wonder how long that will take? LOL, not too long, I'm guessing . . . ;-) I'll probably watch it multiple times or YouTube or something . . . I sure hope it's not a teaser trailer ala "PJatO: tLT" --Percy gets out of a Taxi, walks into the building, takes a key, goes to an elevator, rides it up --noticeably "transported" to a city (in the building?) which is Mt. Olympus, but if you don't know about the books, you would just think it's weird. For those of us who read the books, it was maddening (but admittedly, a "teaser").

@ mermaidgirl45 - Wow, Dumbledore? LOL, I wasn't expecting that --I still think it's a neat quote though . . . I'm not allowed to read "HP" --parents' rules-- but I'll be an adult on her own before I know it, so I can always read it then. =)

Cool! I'm trying to finish library books I borrow and my sister found the newest Redwall book "The Sable Quean" (spelling intentional) at the library she was visiting and borrow it for me. <3 Once I finish those, Bryan Davis' "Starlighter" book is at the top of my reading list, LOL.

Yep, the Bible Bee is pretty great --this year one of the families from my church is organized/heading up one of the local Bible Bee competitions in our state.

Ooh! I'm so looking that up! I haven't checked Rick Riordan's (or "PJatO" fansites) recently, so that must be why I haven't heard of that new website.

About errors in books --most of the ones I find are typos . . . =)

@ Eldra - Haha, thanks. I was wondering what "YC" meant --that make sense. =)

Neat! I love looking at old --achem, vintage-- book cover art. =) Tom Swift sounds familiar for some reason . . . I've never read it though.

@ Matthew - The DragonKeeper series (the DragonSpell books) are awesome! Okay, I might be biased, since that's one of my favorite Christian Fantasy series ever. =D

@ Star-Dreamer - I have all the "Auralia Thead" books (only three out so far) but I've only had the chance to read "Auralia's Colors" so far . . . I liked it, so I want to finish up the rest this summer. Cal-Raven's (okay, and Auralia's) my favorite character[s] so far. ;-)

Matthew said...

Mr. Batson... we'll all need copies of the book! pweeeeeease?

I find it amazing that there's still a few of us commenting... even the book's been released! lol it's really quite funny.

Trenna said...

Hi everybody. This is really cool. I am currently working on memorizing the Kids version of the Westminister Catechisms. I've memorized up to 10 or 11. They are hard to memorize. But I know I can do anything if that's what God wants. :)
Like in TDW, I know I am never alone. Only this time, it's becasue God is with me. I love all of Wayne Thomas Batson's books so much! :)

This is acctually the first time I have been on here. Before, my computer would let me go here.
It looks like this thing has been here awhile. :P :)

Jake said...

Mowing stinks. That's all there is to it. :P

Lady Dragonkeeper; I've been humbled. You are right, of course. :)

Matthew; I'm doing this 'cause I don't really have much money to buy V&S. :) Plus, it's SIGNED. By BOTH AUTHORS!!! :D :D :D

AC is in at the library, but I need to get the parental units to take me to get it. :P

I second Lady DragonKeeper; I am wondering when the trailer for VOTDT is coming out online. I don't usually go to movies, which stinks for me. I looked at a official banner thingy that looked AWESOME!! VOTDT is an intriuging and magical book, and I'm sure it'll be a great movie--even if they mess it up. :D

RED~Scribe said...

Lady DragonKeeper - If you can find any of the Tom Swift Jr. books printed in 1954 (they look just like the blue Hardy Boys or yellow Nancy Drew, only they're orange) I totally recommend them. I've read all but two of the books so far, and I've loved almost every one, especially the space-related ones.

Jake and Star-Dreamer - Haha. . . very funny.

And Happy Birthday to my sister, Leauphan!!

~Never Alone~

Unknown said...

"Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God,and a great King above all gods... Oh come, let us worship and bow down;let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" Psalm 95: 1-3, 6

Anonymous said...

*Lady DragonKeeper, you are absolutely right. =) Thank you for addressing that. Also, I'm glad this thing has lasted so long, because once it's over, we won't be able to long on for hours at a time and talk about all the awesome books we're reading. =)

Also, I understand about HP. My parents and I talked about it forever, before we decided upon my reading it... =)I definitely understand why your parents wouldn't be overly thrilled for you to read it, either.

*Jake, don't you love it when you find a great surprise in the middle of nowhere? =D Was it... a Christian fantasy book? =D

Also, sorry, no non-fiction isn't the best, but it's definitely underrated.

*Patrick, that was so pretty!

Okay, just because I feel like the posts are getting shorter and shorter, I'm going to ask you guys: What's your favorite color? =D

Cloe said...

Boy it has been a while since I commented! 1,320! Will this thing ever die?!?!?

"Drualt took Freya's warm hand,
Her strong hand,
Her sword hand,
And presses it to his lips,
Pressed it to his heart.
'Come with me,' he said.
'Come with me to battle,
My love, Tarry at my side.
Stay with me
When battle is done.
Tarry at my side.
Laugh with me,
And walk with me
The long, long way.
Tarry with me,
My love, at my side.' "

From: The Two Princesses Of Bamarre ~ By Gail Carson Levine

jolayne said...

@lady dragon keeper and star dreamer
i have read the first two books in Aurial's thread. i enjoyed the second one more than the first. i am waiting to buy Calraven's ladder. it looks really good though.
Have any of you read starlighter. i am on pg. 207 and it is amazing so far. it is a new allogory. if you like WTB books you will like this.
i hope he (brian davis) writes another one like it soon. i haven't read any of his other books.

Endurance and Victory

Jake said...

Well, the comments still haven't been updated, so I don't have much to say.

I just received Auralia's Colors from the library, and since it had been recommended to me by several people, I'm really looking forward to reading it. The cover is really intriuging. I love the lettering. :D Strange thing to think of, but I think good lettering on a book cover is important. :D

Jake said...

Hey, all, I'm going to be gone on a mission trip June 20-26, so no comments for me. See y'all! And keep this thread alive 'til I get back!!

Unknown said...

Another Getty video; this one for their song "When Trials Come":

When Trials Come

Does anyone know if the trailer has been released for Dawn Treader?

Anonymous said...

OK is this ever going to die?

The Blitz is just a few days away and this is still going on!

Wayne Thomas Batson, did you ever think it would go on this long?

Thanks Goldarrow

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Today was the start of the biggest annual used book sale in my area --the Friends of the Library do it every year. We went there --and I found some books and (my best find) "BeadStyle" magazines for fifty cents! =) I'm sure people have posted the link for the teaser trailer of "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" but I'll do it anyway. OMGoodness! I'm sooo excited for December 10th, 2010!

Have a great rest-of-the-weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Man my internet hates me!!! This is the first time since Monday that I could get on without it kicking me out!

Mr. Batson I agree with Star Dreamer :):) *hint hint* lol

The play was awesome!!! We all did really well and I remembered my lines!!! :):)

OMGOSH!!!! I love the VDT trailer!!!!!! :):):):) The movie looks like its going to be sooooo cool!!! Especially when they go into the painting!! I love that!

I am going to join Swiftstorm...I think its that one...but I need to do it with mom so she can make sure its ok...parents rules:)

ok my quote will come from the VDT trailer:)

"Are you sure you're 18?"
Edmund: "Why do I look older?"
Lucy: "Edmund! You're suppose to be helping me with the groceries!"

I don't know why...but I find that hilarious!!!

Never Alone!!

RED~Scribe said...

Happy Fathers' Day!!!

Wow, we've passed both Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day now. Incredible! Anyone want to keep this going until Thanksgiving? How about Christmas?

~Never Alone~

Anonymous said...

Lady DragonKeeper- I do think it's sort of rude, too. Wait, people!! I'll win, then this thing will be done. (Don't worry- I'll tell you all how it is!) : )

Toy Story 3 was one of the best movies I've seen this year. It was great!! (It was also the first movie I've EVER cried in.)

Jake- What book did you find? I found a copy of TDW the other day. I was SOO mad!!


Anonymous said...

Trying to think of a quote for today...

Did I already do James 4:17 (I think?) It's like, "However knows what they should do, and doesn't do it, sins." That one really got me...

Got to go! Love you guys!

Unknown said...

Another song; hopefully tomorrow night I'll be able to write something a bit more substantial!

How Deep The Father's Love For Us

Erin Wiggins said...

"You have but one life to live, It would be best to live your own." I don't know who wrote this but it means alot to me. I was never satisfied with who I was or what I could do, I wanted to be someone more important than just me. But, then I read this quote and got to thinking about how right that is, this life I have and who I am is a gift from God and that makes it and me a special person. I believe The Lord used this to let me know that I should enjoy my life and how much I mean to Him.

Cloe said...

Venom And Song came today!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to start it!

Patrick: I love "How Deep The Father's Love For Us". We sing it in church sometimes.

Cloe said...

I just finished watching The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader Trailer!!!! It was absolutely amazing!

kristin said...

this is really long its getting exciting.
have you guys seen the vidio mr. batson posted its pretty old i know but its so cute. it's the one where the girl is singing about the door within and the babay is dancing to it i love that video so much.
btw I HAVE MAJOR WRITERS BLOCK! icant figure out where to go with my book if anyone has sugestions i would love the input.
(this is where i am so far)
my characters are headed on there way to the lair of the evil charon. io have mapped out there deperture and there arivel but i need some action. its a fantisy so any thing will do attack by warwolves (i already did that so i fell like it would be redundent) or something along that line.
-may the force be with you :)

Matthew said...

I have no money! I want a signed copy of V&S! the wait for this to die is killing me...

pun intended. ;)

Logan said...

where all my freaks at say whoop whoop lol hey guys I am back have not posted in a while but I have been watching so that this thread does NOT! die ;-) my copy of V&S got here yesterday I can not wait to start reading it but I am currently in the middle of The Red Pyrimid by Rick Riorden I would recomened his books to any one who likes fantasy but they are not near as good as any book by MR.Batson yesterday I aslo watched the trailer for VDT (Voyage of the Dawn Treader) it was awesome I cant wait for the actual movie especially on the big screen in 3-D
well I am not doing anything today staying at home bloging siting in my p.j's having a lazy bugin my little sister I love her any way I wonder how hot its supposed to get today? hey kriston have you thought about having your charechters ambushed by charons troops (does he have troops) having them ambush one of his bases maybe a black forest or surprise encounter with some sort of monster or troll ect. or have them meet an unexpected allie or get lost well got to go cant wait to start reading V&S you rock Mr.B P.S anyone got tribe details for me
Endurance & Victory

RED~Scribe said...

Cloe - Ohhh, nice. I'm excited to read V&S!!

Hey, Mr. Batson, what's the third book going to be titled?

~Never Alone~

Silver Angel said...

is this done yet?? XD lol

mermaidgirl45 said...

~Hey Trenna, welcome! Love your name, by the way! =D

~Also, Jake, I'm siding with you. If I bought every book I wanted to read, I'd spend millions. That's why I love my library. =)

~Awww, tell her happy birthday for me, Eldra! How old is she turning (if you don't mind my asking)?

~Cloe, wow! I've seen that book! Was it really good?

~Eldra, I bet we could get this thing going until Christmas. We'd have to start looking up conversation starters, though. =D

See you guys! =D

Cloe said...

mermaidgirl45: Yes, it is very good :)

jolayne said...

hey ya'll how ya doin?
i am kind of hyper because today was my last day of school (well then exams start- but i was recomended in everything so i just had to chose the two easiest ones to write.)
i also have my dress rehursal for a play that i am in. some of my friends are coming, but most of my family is coming on one of the other 10-12 preformance nights.
besides acting, and exams there is my RCM exam on friday. it is for my Grade six royal conservitory at 9 am. *PLEASE PRAY FOR ME* it will give me a grade 10 credit for next year.
over the summer i am planning to go to camp, house sit for some friends (earning money for my Paris and Tunisia school trip) and practice piano, oh and read through my script for grease. yes for all of you who knew about that. i am playing frenchy. (My mom read through the script and it is school appropriate.)

PS. Starlighter was amazing, but a total cliff hanger.

PPS. my brother is telling me that i will never win the book so, just so i can prove him wrong will you all PLEASE STOP COMMENTING! thanks

Endurance and Victory

RED~Scribe said...

mermaidgirl45 - My sister is 15 years old and she's already won first place in the "under`8-years" category in art division in the Calgary Stampede. (That's a mouthful!) And I totally agree that we may need conversation starters. No, wait. . . we're always talking about something, aren't we? And if I could buy all the books that I wanted, I'm not even certain if billions would cover it!!

WV: predie - what you do before you die, of course!

~Never Alone~

Jake said...

This is Jake's Dad, Eric. Since Jake is on his first mission trip, he asked me to be a "guest poster" on his behalf. I hope that I am not breaking any rules by doing so.

Since I remember Jake mentioning that the posts must be substantive, I thought that I would share my favorite CS Lewis quote.

From Mere Christianity:

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: 'I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don't accept His claim to be God.' That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic -- on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg -- or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."

Brrr... It still sends chills up my spine!

Unknown said...

Here's a great list of medieval weapons:

Unknown said...

I have started reading 1 Samuel lately! It is so amazing and encouraging to see the power of prayer!

RED~Scribe said...

Welcome, Jake's Dad, to the nuttiness that is this thread.

I saw VDT trailer and. . . well, I'm not really certain what I think about it. As I haven't exactly "seen" the first two movies, I really have no plans on watching this one either. I may end up watching tHahB, but that totally depends on how far they stray from the book. . .

~Never Alone~

Anonymous said...

~Jolayne, wow! I got out months ago. =) I know there's a difference, but I didn't know some people got out in June. When do you go back to school? And, wow you're busy! Sounds like fun though! =D

~Eldra, that's amazing! Tell her a late congratulations, too. =D

~That's a great quote, Mr. Eric, and a sound argument. Thanks for posting it! I love C.S. Lewis! And, I hope Jake has a great time! =)

~Awesome, Patrick. I'll have to show it to my little brother later. He loves that stuff.

~I am leaving for flag camp for a few days, and I'm begging you all: Please. Don't. Stop. Posting. That would be the lamest thing ever if the contest ended and I was in North Carolina. =)

kristin said...

Logan- thanks so much i love your ideas i am so putting them in the story where ever they may fit.
also can you guyes pray for me im doing a online geometry class to jup ahead in school and its geting kind of hard.if you could just pray for wisdom and a long attention span that would be great.

jolayne said...

just a reminder that i REALLY NEED PRAYER ON JUNE 25 IN THE MORNING there now that it is in caps. hopefully some of you will notice it. Dress refursal went really great last night, but the preformances go to about 10:45pm and i have an exam tommorow.
on the 25th i am taking my royal conservitory grade 6 piano examination, (that's a mouthfull) it will give me a grade 10 cridet. please pray that it goes well.

Endurance and Victory

Unknown said...

Jake's Dad: Great post from C. S. Lewis; thanks for putting that up!

Here's a superb interview with Douglas Gresham, C. S. Lewis' step-son and producer on the Narnia films, and actor Max Mclean, who is playing Screwtape in a stage adaption of Lewis' The Screwtape Letters. Lots of neat insight on Lewis, his stories and life, and Christianity as well! Its longer; about 25 minutes or so; enjoy!

LadyDragonkeeper: what are your thoughts on the Dawn Treader trailer?

Matthew said...

a couple days ago I cracked open a book that starts "Adventures are funny things..." ;)

waiting on DragonQuest from the library, so I figured I'd read TDW Trilogy again...

Mr. Batson, where did you get all the starts of adventures for the poem in the front of the book? or did you make them up? just kinda wondering...

Matthew said...

a couple days ago I cracked open a book that starts "Adventures are funny things..." ;)

waiting on DragonQuest from the library, so I figured I'd read TDW Trilogy again...

Mr. Batson, where did you get all the starts of adventures for the poem in the front of the book? or did you make them up? just kinda wondering...

Star-Dreamer said...

Jake: Yeah, I would be totally excited if Flaming Pen picked it up. I think you are right and it would be similar to his type of fantasy, but I just don't know. Thinking about querying Oaktara too. They are another one looking for good christian books, and they except fantasy!

I've read starlighter... finished it in three days. I enjoyed it, although there were some things I would be picky over... but then again, that's just me. :)

I love reading AC. I'm not done with it yet; finding time for it has been tricky because my work schedule just went beserk and I'm preparing for a trip to the Rocky Mountains in July/August, on top of lots of publishing research and querying. But I try to read at least a chapter on my break.

I'm thinking about adding to the ending of SOTD. Haven't decided whether I will or not yet, but I'm just musing over the possibilities. The ending I have now I just feel like... well, like it's just not sufficient. So we'll see.

Jolayne: Sorry, can't do that! :D

Jake's Dad: Wow, that is a really great quote. It reminds me of the lyrics of a song:

You can close your eyes, you can say it's a lie,
You can stick your head in the sand,
You can turn away, you can try to explain
He was just another man.
But when they nailed him to the cross by his hands and his feet
And they put him in the ground
Three days later everybody found out
that you can't...
No, you can't keep a Good Man down!

I love that song!

Star-Dreamer said...

I went to Goodwill again the other day, too. And I found two books that I can't wait to read. They were published by Realms, (which is one of the publishing companies I'd like to query, a division of Strang) and they are "Daughter of Prophesy" and "The Personifid Project". I can't wait to read them, (although I've searched the Strang website for them and can't find them anymore... :( )

You guys, I have an idea and I want to run it by you. Most of you know I'm aiming to get my book published... and hopefully someone will pick it up soon. My thought is to go through a smaller press and excersise my marketing plan... see if it will work. If I did that, I was just curious as to how many of you would be willing to help advertise and support... you know, really show the publishers that SOTD is worth it. I know it may be asking a lot, but I would really like to know. Because if they see a book from a small press making it big, you never know... the bigger publishers (and people who are prejidice against small presses) might never look at them the same way again.

Archer said...

I have been soooo busy lately.

Eldra; That's great, can you tell your sister happy b-day for me. We probably could keep this going til'

Kristen; You know what you could, is instead of another action scene. You could have them find something, like a book or a scroll...thinks.....or you could have a necklace or a trinket on some thread/lace, and they don't thnink much of at the time, but later they find out that that item they found might be important for at the scene at the end of the book.

Me and my sister have started a exercise and reading our bibles program. It's a 90 day program, we are on the 15th day so far. The exercise program is called 'P90x; and incase you were woundering the x stands for extreme. It is soooo hard. Anywho, how has everybody been.'lol'

goto go.
Be Blessed:)

Anonymous said...

OH dear I forgot about this somehow! is it still going on?

And WTB I don't think that this will die before everyone who ordered on the Blitz gets their books.


Jake said...

Jake's Dad checking in again as his guest poster. I forgot to post anything yesterday and was thinking how much trouble I would be in if the thread died on my watch. ;-)

In his absence, his younger sisters tool the opportunity to invade his library. While Jake may be disturbed by this, on the upside... we have the makings of some new some new Christian fantasy fiction fans.

Unknown said...

A quote by J. C. Ryle: "We must not conceal from ourselves that true Christianity brings with it a daily cross in this life, while it offers us a crown of glory in the life to come. The flesh must be daily crucified. The devil must be daily resisted. The world must be daily overcome. There is a warfare to be waged, and a battle to be fought. All this is the inseparable accompaniment of true religion. Heaven is not to be won without it. Never was there a truer word than the old saying, “No cross, no crown!” If we never found this out by experience, our souls are in a poor condition."

- From Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Matthew

kristin said...

hey logan you got V&S how is it?
I cant wait to read it.
patrick- i like the website its very helpful in my book thanks alot.

RED~Scribe said...

Okay, I haven't posted in a while, mostly because the Internet on the laptop isn't working. I think I deleted something critical. . . *blushes*

Here's what I posted on my blog yesterday:

You want me to do what?!"

Eldra Penn's voice echoed sharply in the spacious office as she leapt to her feet. The only other person in the room, a man in his mid-fifties, stared mildly at her across the large, ornate desk, seemingly unfazed by the tall woman's uncharacteristic outburst.

"Fight Daymond," Dylan Sturin replied evenly.

Eldra shook her head, emerald eyes flashing brilliantly. "No."

Is it a good opening or not? Would you want to read more? Let me know!

~Never Alone~

Unknown said...

Another J. C. Ryle quote regarding the importance of the Bible and Bible reading:

"We must to be diligent readers of our Bibles. The Word is the sword of the Spirit. We shall never fight a good fight, if we do not use it as our principal weapon. The Word is the lamp for our feet. We shall never keep the king’s highway to heaven, if we do not journey by its light. There is not enough Bible-reading among us. It is not sufficient to have the Book. We must actually read it, and pray over it ourselves. It will do us no good, if it only lies still in our houses. We must be actually familiar with its contents, and have its texts stored in our memories and minds. Knowledge of the Bible never comes by intuition. It can only be obtained by diligent, regular, daily, attentive, wakeful reading."

- from Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Matthew

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Just wanted to say that I've just gotten back from my "Awana Camp" so that's where I've been all this week. I didn't say beforehand, 'cause I read somewhere that you shouldn't post when you are leaving/traveling/going somewhere publicly online . . . not that you all are stalkers or something. =) I had an amazing time at camp . . . right now, I'm writing my comments for everyone . . . I'll post them when I finish.

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Aww, man! Missed out on the opportunity to buy VaS on Blitz day. Sorry, Silvertree!!!!

(My mind just went blank. I don't know what to write. Hmmm... here's a quote, anyway...)

Truth may take the appearance of weakness even as out Lord appeared weak before Pilate, but Truth will always prevail against its stronger foes, for truth is rooted in the reality of all things, the way that God made the world, therefore, champions of truth may be forgotten but their work endures through all generations.

Is anyone watching the FIFA World Cup? I just got hooked on it the other day. That was SWEET when we got that goal in the 91st minute!!! (BTW, I am NOT a soccer gal, but it was too interesting to pass up!)


jolayne said...

Hey everyone
i hope it's not over yet.
Thank you to everyone who prayed for me, i finished my exam, but KEEP PRAYING because i don't get my marks until the middle of the summer.
my family is at family camp now, well half of my family is because i still have to be at my performances (loving parents right?) ya i love them anyway.
i watched the trailer to voyage of the dawn treader, it looks good, i really liked the part with lusy looking into the book and seeing susan. that was my favorite part of the book. there are however quite a few things that i noticed they changed. anyway it should still be a good movie, i can't wait.

Endurance and Victory

Matthew said...

anyone else following the World Cup?

sad day for the USA... :(

Unknown said...

Another J. C. Ryle quote:

"The love of Christ to sinners is the very essence and marrow of the Gospel. That He should love us at all, and care for our souls, — that He should love us before we love Him, or even know anything about Him, — that He should love us so much as to come into the world to save us, to take our nature on Him, bear our sins, and die for us on the cross, — all this is wonderful indeed! It is a kind of love to which there is nothing like among men. The narrow selfishness of human nature cannot fully comprehend it. It is one of those things which even the angels of God ‘desire to look into’ [I Peter 1:12]. It is a truth which Christian preachers and teachers should proclaim incessantly, and never be weary of proclaiming."

- from Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: John, Vol. 3

The recent quotes from Bishop Ryle I've been quoting have come from this site:

It seems to be a great resource for quotes from J. C. Ryle's writings. I love how he speaks directly to practical, pertinent issues facing Christians daily in their spiritual walks.

Also currently I'm reading a book by Ryle entitled Holiness, from which I'll try to post some excerpts in the coming days as well.

jolayne said...

how is everyone on this beautiful day? today when i was helping in childrens church the kids did an activity that made them name the days of creation. you were supposed to think of one thing you're thankful for that relates to that day of creation. it reminded me of how blessed i am.
it's a really cool activity to do.

Endurance and Victory

Precentor said...

I wonder if they gave away the book yet?I can't wait for VaS :)

RED~Scribe said...

Welcome back, Jake!!!!

Unknown said...

I wonder if this thread is alive, dead, or has become a "thread-wraith"...neither living nor dead? lol

From J. C. Ryle's book, Holiness:

"No proof of the fullness of sin, after all, is so overwhelming and unanswerable as the cross and passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the whole doctrine of His substitution and atonement. Terribly black must that guilt be for which nothing but the blood of the Son of God could make satisfaction. Heavy must that weight of human sin be that made Jesus groan and sweat drops of blood in agony at Gethsemane, and cry at Golgotha, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? [Matt. 27:46]"

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Hmm . . . do you think this is "dead" already? If so, I hope Mr. Batson announces it . . . I hope everyone is having a great summer! Right now, I'm praying about going to another camp --but as a student, not a jr. counselor. My family and I have to make the decision this week, so if you can pray about that, it would be greatly appreciated.

I'll close on a lighter note: "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." ~Groucho Marx

Anonymous said...

Back home from flag camp!! Woohoo! I had so much fun, learned so many new things, and acquired lots of bruises! But, it was so great!

Kirstin, I can definitely do that.

Star-Dreamer, I'm totally in. =) Just let me know what I can do. =)

Jake's dad: I promise we won't let this die until Jake gets home. =) And, yeah, we'd love to have a new fan! =D Everyone is welcome. =)

Patrick, that was a brilliant quote. I especially love the "The flesh must be daily crucified. The devil must be daily resisted. The world must be daily overcome" part. Just absolutely great. =)

Eldra, it sounds pretty good. =)

Lady DragonKeeper: I'm glad you had a good time at camp. =) I can definitely pray about that, and that was a really funny quote. =)

DaughterofFlight: Sadly, I have not, and I am shamefully ignorant of the different teams and such. I don't have a TV, so I can't really watch it, but when we got out to eat and stuff, it looks really cool! =)

Jolayne, that's really sweet. I've been having a hard time with complaining, so I think I'm going to start a thankful journal or something. =)

Also, prayer would be great. There's a Mexican restaurant here called La Parrilla. My family absolutely loves it, and we eat there all the time. We're friends with a few of the waiters and I applied for a job there. I'm only 15, which I know is really young, but I think I can get it and I hope they call for an interview. I love Spanish and I love the people there and I love food =) so this would be a great opportunity.

RED~Scribe said...

mermaidgirl45 and Archer - I will!

daughteroflight - I've been watching some. I remember several years ago when a major Fifa series was being held here in Canada (I think it was either the under-18 or under-20) and really enjoying it then. I haven't watched all that much of the World Cup, but I have been pretty busy.

Anyone here seen Manafest live? I've seen him twice and really enjoyed it. A word of caution if you are planning on seeing him: he's extremely loud, louder than TFK or Disciple or even Skillet.

~Never Alone~

Anonymous said...

Aye I'm with you Millard. I can't wait to get home and read VaS.


jolayne said...

lady dragon keeper
i am having a wonderful start to my summer holidays, but this saskatchewan weather is absolutly horible! i am praying that because we had such a horible start to the summer we will have a wonderful ending to it. Besides the weather the summer is still going good. the play I am in is getting to me. i killed a spider and got a gilt trip. I'm in Charolett's Web.

Have any of you ever heard of Drama Share? it is the largest christian drama company in the world. i met the owner, starter or well i am really not sure what he and his wife would be called, but they have a big part in the company. i met them completely by chance and an uncles 50 birthday party. we started talking and he discovered that i am involved with dramas. anyway he is the one that told me this quote "God does not call the equiped. He equips the called."

Endurance and Victory

Unknown said...

The thread yet lives! Seemingly it is made of mithril!

A favorite (and pithy) Gandalf quote, when he strove with the Balrog on the Bridge of Khazad-dum:

"You shall not pass!"

Unknown said...

mermaidgirl45: I'm glad that you liked it! Ryle is great because he cuts right to the heart of the matter in a practical, straightforward way that still has a lot of depth to fathom!

Matthew said...

Eldra- I'm pretty sure my oldest brother knows Manafest.

Patrick- Have you heard of the cut line before that quote? Legend tells that as Gandalf stood on the bridge of Khazad-Dum, he did not say just "you shall not pass," but in fact was giving Boromir a message for Faramir, which was "If you do not study! You shall not pass!"
But that was changed by the publishers. ;)

jolayne said...

last night there was the biggest thunder storm i had ever seen! i could have gone out side and every ten seconds i would have got enough light to read a book. we played games, watched movies and watched lightning, which i think is the best part. i am so thankful that God createdso many beautiful things for us.

Endurance and Victory

Logan said...

Ahh... the AWESOME twists and turns of V&S I am on page 250 it's a quick read which I hate becuse once its done you want more you want the story continued but alas you can only reread what you have (sigh) on a lighter note the weather is beutiful today and we may have some new christan fantasy fans I hope Jake doesnt mind his sisters doing that(I know I would ;-)) Mr.Jakes dad (would you prefer us call you something different) send Jake the luck from all of us here at the blog hey Eldra I haven't seen manafest live but his favorite song of mine is 4321 and now I want to see him I've seen TFK Toby Mac Skillet and Barlow Girl Live all great shows the most recent I saw was Skillet in Witchita I was disapointed though becuse I was hoping for more pyrotactics (I think thats what its called you know flames shooting ou WHOOSH! and suff like that like my sound effects) overall good show though does anyone else get blog updates through email becuse my email is more updated then the computer weird anyhoo
Kristen- thanks for using my ideas in your book you make me feel like a good writer (secretly I'm not) since you are using some of my ideas when you become famous you should send me a sighned copy and put my name in the acknoledgments (a % of the profits would also be nice JK JK seriosly just doin it to help out my fellow blogger) but i would take a sighened copy of the book and my name in the acknoledgments when you become famous I will give yoou my full name so...ya
as I said I am in the middle of V&S and it is awesome but I am not going to reveal anything so don't bother asking but it is so tempting to do here's a verse/quote Mathew 26:28
This is MY BLOOD of the covenant which is out for many for the forgivness of sins -Jesus

Jake said...


Guess who? Miss me? JK, JK. :D I see my daddyo twas using his favorite lingo; use lots of big words and interesting sentence structure. *sigh*

Soooo... I'm planning on having a giveaway at my blog soon, so check it out! Click on my name. :D

So many comments and too little time... I would've gotten on earlier, but my internet had an epic fail...

I rewrote around 3000 words into my first novel yesterday--I was seriously on fire. I stuck in a whole new sub-plot thread and made things a wee bit more exciting.

For those to whom it may concern; I watched the VOTDT trailer; left me speechless. Can't wait! Looks more 'to the book' than PC was.

Patrick; Mithril indeed! :D

I just finished reading Raven's Ladder (Book Three of the Auralia Thread), and it was EPIC. I loved it--and the cover art.

Uhhhh... So I think that's it! :D Finally.

RED~Scribe said...

Won't this thing ever die?

Unknown said...

"I had always felt life first as a story: and if there is a story there is a story-teller" - G K Chesterton

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Late comments (sorry everyone) - I'm still catching up. =)

@ Jake, mermaidgirl45, Anonymous (daughteroflight) - I'm glad I didn't sound mean or anything (and I'm glad I wasn't the only one who felt like that) . . . although it would be awesome for everyone to get a signed copy of "V&S" --it doesn't feel right just asking like that.

@ Eldra - I'll keep an eye out for the Tom Swift Jr. books --sounds like my little brother would like them... I remember finding two "DanaGirls" books (by Carolyn Keene --the Nancy Drew author) at a library book sale. I only read a couple of them that were in the library system, so I was really excited to find them at the sale (that book series is out of print)... That reminds me. I still need to read them. >_< LOL

@ mermaidgirl45 - My fave color is green, then purple, silver, and blue. =) I'll be praying about the waitressing job! You seem like a pretty mature person . . . =)

@ Jake - That's what first got me interested in "Auralia's Colors" --the beautiful cover. I can't wrap my mind around the fact that Waterbrook Press did "The DragonKeeper Chronicles" and "The Auralia Thread," but "Auralia" book art looks WAY better than "DKC" --but at least "DKC's" cover art is consistent and unified (since the series was done by the same designer). Hope your missions trip went well! Where did you go and what did you do?

@ Mr. Eric a.k.a. Jake's Dad - I love that C.S. Lewis quote . . . I think that's sort of what he was hinting at in "LWW" when Prof. Kirke told Susan and Peter that Lucy was either telling the truth, was lying, or was "mad" when they asked him for his opinion about "Lucy's world of Narnia." =)

jolayne said...

alright i just typed out quite a long comment, but then my computer malfunctioned and i am starting over. it may be a little shorter than my last one.
I just got two new books the velvet shadow and calraven's ladder
i resantly read the mountain between us, the silent governess and starlighter.
looking back at old reads one of my favorites was the shape of mercy it is more of a girl read but still really good
on google library i think i have over 100 books.
My mom and i are looking at bibles, bible cases and bible studying highlighters. i hope to have them some time though the summer.
@to anyone- have any suggestions on how to study your bible?

Endurance and Victory

Star-Dreamer said...

Just finished reading Auralia's Colors. Man was that ever a good read! I was lucky enough to get my hands on the second book, Cynder's Midnight, as well. And I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, hoping to somehow get a copy of "Sword of the Six".

Queried three more publishers the other day. *crosses fingers*.

Also, just how on earth does a person actually join one of the tribes? I'd like to, but... *shrugs* not really sure how. Help anyone?

My quote is from SOTD (just because it is. :D )

“Above all else, Anahdor desires our trust. He longs for us to believe in Him, to trust in what He did and in what He says. And when a person, any person, does trust in Him, why, that, my dear boy, is when Anahdor is the happiest of all.”

“But Selliah, how can we trust in something that we can’t even see?”

“That is called faith, my boy. It is the greatest kind of trust there is. Many people don’t understand how it works, but I believe that if a person trusts enough in something that their trust becomes faith, that is when their faith becomes real to them and they don’t even realize that they can’t see what they trust in anymore.”

And that's all I have for today. :)

Jake said...

Lady DragonKeeper; I went to Arliington, Texas. I (along with my group) did various workprojects in the morning each day, and a 'Rainbow Express Club' in the afternoon; a sort of Vacation Bible School, except outside and done by teens. :) But that's a seriously shortened version of my trip.

Star-Dreamer; Not only can you write like Lewis or Overstreet, but you can fit in a huge amount of spiritual truths in as well!!! *sigh* Man...

On a completely different note;

I JUST BOUGHT VENOM AND SONG FROM AMAZON.COM AND AM ABOUT TO READ IT!!!! WOOOOOOOT! I can't wait. Pretty soon I'm going to be asking for the next book. :P

Soooo, yeah. That's about it. Oh, and my entire family is going to be gone off and on for the next three weeks (vacation and a wedding), so keep the Thread going while I'm gone, okay? I'll be able to comment once and a while, but not constantly.

RED~Scribe said...

Logan - Yeah, when I saw Skillet at YC, Skillet used some (not a ton) of pyrotechnics. They were pretty noisy at time. TFK used more fire than anything else (hint, hint - Fire It Up - hint, hint)

Jake - We'll see what we can do about keeping this thing going.

~Never Alone~

RED~Scribe said...

Oh, and for those of you in Canada:


Unknown said...

Star-Dreamer: Let us know how we can help promote Song of Daystar; great blog post on inspiration!

LadyDragonkeeper: That's a neat insight into Professor Kirk's words to Peter and Susan in LWW and how they relate to Lewis' Mere Christianity passage about Jesus!

Jake said...

Eldra; Thanks! :D

To all to whom it may concern; Here's an excerpt from an 'argument' from my first novel. They're doing it to keep up a pretense that they're unaware raiders are sneaking up behind them. XD


“Nalgra, Reldron!” Shad hissed out of the corner of his mouth. The two dwarves stopped arguing immediately at the urgency in Shad’s voice.

“Robbers, behind us. We’ll have to make for this Hageas town. Keep arguing so they’ll think we didn’t see them.”

The two struck up a convincing debate at once.

“Arguing?” Reldron yelled. “We aren’t arguing! We’re having a civilized--well, mostly civilized--conversation!”

Shad grinned.

Shad subtly picked up his pace, with Nalgra and Reldron, still arguing, following his example.

“You? Civilized? Don’t joke around.”

“Look who’s joking! Or should I say, who’s the joke?”

“You are, of course.”

“Ha! Look who’s talking.”

Nalgra and Reldron shot scalding retorts at one another, growing more heated with every word.

“You’re the one talking.”

“Really? I seem to remember you starting this in the first place.”

“Yeah, you SEEM to remember. Things aren’t always what they seem.”

Shad stifled a giggle at the two dwarves, and turned his attention elsewhere. If he listened carefully, he could hear a footfall out of sync with the rest of the footsteps. It was hard, though, to listen while Nalgra and Reldron were shooting verbal missiles at each other.

“Well, at least I have a memory. You, though… that’s a different story. I remember the time when you forgot your sword at a small-town village inn.”

“That was an accident! It was hidden in the blankets, and the clean-up lady managed to clean the blankets up for washing without noticing."

“Yeah, right. Blame the clean-up lady, will you?”


And that's where they get attacked. So I'll end it. :D

Don't expect a comment for a couple of days or so. I'll bring my computer, but there's no garuntee that I'll have internet.

Anonymous said...

-Jolayne, that's an awesome quote! And, good luck with Charlotte's Web! =D

-YAY!!! Jake's back!! And, your dad was awesome. =) As a writer, I love checking out people's different writing styles, and big words. =)

-Lady DragonKeeper, the Dana Girl books are really good. Those books are really special to me, because when my mom was about nine, she would spend all her money buying the Dana Girl books, Nancy Drew, and the Trixie Belden books. She gave me all of them, though I donated the Dana Girls to the library. They were all published a while ago, and not in the best condition, but they mean a lot to me. =)

And, thank you. =) I have to say I might be a bit more mature than most people I know, but I think I get it from my dad. We both love philosophy and thinking and stuff, and I kinda grew up around it. He bought me a graphing calculator when I was nine, and my first algebra book in second or third grade. =) So... it's inherited. =)

Also, I love looking at cover art for books! It's so interesting and unique, and I love graphic design.

-Jolayne, what I do is read a devotional and then read two chapters in my Bible. I'm reading the New Testament straight through. =) I recently started Mark. Also, memorizing verses is a great idea. =)

-Star-Dreamer, that's definitely one of the best quotes on this thread, made even better by the fact that one of our own wrote it. =)

-Jake, that sounds awesome! Have fun! =)

Anonymous said...

You shall NOT DIE!!!! Why are you still alive, anyway, you vile thread?!

Still haven't gotten VaS (*yanks out hair*), but I'm working on it!!


jolayne said...

@Eldra i was sitting in section 260 somthing, and i could totally feel all of the fire, they probably went all out because they were filming it. i also got into the y tube video that skillet made, i was sitting down a section with a friend who had extra tickets and ran to the side to get it. i also did a lot of head banging, my friends couldn't believe it, because i am very reserved in public, but hey it was YC.

there is a verse in the bible that makes refrence to men doing dishes! i can't remember the exact chapter, but it is in Isaiah. just remember guys happy wife; happy life! well that's going to be my husbands quote LOL.

Endurance and Victory

Star-Dreamer said...

Jake: LOL! I'm glad you liked it though. And I'm glad you had fun on your trip. Texas sounds like a blast, but I'm excited about leaving for the Rockies on the 29th.

On another note, I'm getting ready to purchase "Sword of the Six"!!!!
I'm so excited! If I can just get up the courage to push that "buy it now" button on amazon... ok, I'm going to do it now... no seriously, I'm going to do it...

Right now...

Alright, now I really will go and do it. *grins*

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