Hello to all! Just a quick note to say thank you for prayers and encouragement. I have had a HUGE sense of peace on me all day. God is in the HOUSE!
Also, please note the new time for my appearance:
Fox and Friends Friday 8:45 AM, Eastern Time. The interview will last about 15 minutes, so tune in early if you can!
Also, not sure of the technology involved, but can anyone record the segment and post it on YouTube?
If I did have the necessary technology, I would! 8:45, wow that is later, God is really in work here. He made the time later so more could catch it. I am praying! Never Alone!
Awe, man. I can't watch it 8:45. *cries* Maybe FOX will have it online and I can watch it later...
It is amazing how God is working things out for you! I'll be praying for and watching you tomorrow morning. Never Alone!!!
Whew, 5:45 (Pacific) is EVER so much more reasonable a time than 3:45! :P
Prayers continue.
I watch Fox & Friends most mornings, and this morning I heard the tease about a Christian fantasy author appearing tomorrow, so I asked the ACFW email loop who the author would be. Someone pointed me to your blog. Congratulations! I don't know you, and I haven't read your books, but I think it's great that the message about Christian fantasy is getting out there. I'll be watching, praying for you, and cheering you on.
Someone posted the WaPost article on Freerepublic.com, and I posted on the thread that you would be on Fox and Friends tomorrow. One of the posters reacted positively when I recommended your books, along with Bryan, Chris and Sharon.
- Jason
Oh! that ish more reasonable!
That's great!
That's my fave of the morning shows (when I'm up at that time.)
So cool. Stay calm. HAve fun. ROCK THE HOUSE!
And I hope it gets you smack up on the NYTimes Bestseller list!!!!
Thanks all! If you could add one prayer to the list {I know, I'm a demanding one, aren't I?} With the TV segment moved back to 8:45, I'm now going to be barely running to get to my flight on time. Please pray that I do because I have British TV coming to my house later Friday to interview me.
Thank you!
Aye Aye cap't! *salutes*
I know how annoying airports can be! I'll pray that you make it in time, and don't run into any airport troubles
I pray you will make it to your flight on time!
I have been praying, Mom has been praying with me and we will continue to pray!
And unfortunately for me, that later time puts it smack dab in the middle of my commute. Blast. Hopefully the VCR will decided to play nice.
This is the first time I've heard anything about the Brits too!
To quote my rented brother Christian. ..
Yeah - I have to be somewhere at 8:30, so I won't be able to watch it either :( And I don't know how to program my brother's VCR to record it, and I don't have a blank tape either. *sigh* I'm sure FOX will show it online.
I'll be praying for you, Wayne!
Congrats Wayne. This is such an awesome op. Thank God for Fox and Friends that will post news other media ignores. Sounds like your tour was great fun.
Blessings. Teresa
Just saw it! I was praying hard for you the ten minutes leading up to the interview! Congrats! I think your responses were great to the questions asked. Hopefully this short interview will encourage those going tonight to the midnight party christian or not to buy the books! Thank you Fox News for broadcasting what other places would never allow on! While short, what needed to be said was said! Congratulations again WTB!
Wayne! You rock! You did such a great job presenting the realm of Christian fantasy. Thank you!!
Aww, I missed it :( I was praying for you, though. When the clock struck 8:45 I was praying ^_^.
I caught the interview. Well done. I am happy to see Christian authors succeed in the realm of fantasy and hope this is a trend that continues to grow.
Oh, I started reading The Door Within last night, Wayne! So far I love it!
Wayne -- great job, it was great to see you for the first time and view an articulate spokesperson for Christian fantasy. You can find my further comments on the interview following your Wednesday post on the media coverage at Speculative Faith ...
I just watched it! FOX put the video clip on their website! It was great!! Fabulous job, m'lord!
Can you provide linkage, Pais Charos?
Ooo ooooo there you are! Fantasical job!
Christopher has it up:
Sorry - I should've done that before. If you can't get the one on Christopher's blog to work, the one on FOX is here:
Scroll down about halfway and it's under "Famous Faces"
I taped it at home! it was great!
Way to go Wayne! You were a good witness and I hope that the Lord uses this to open doors for you. Awesome.
Exciting stuff! Congrats. I posted a remark at the Fantasy Fiction Tour site where I saw the Fox video. Lyn
Well done, Mr. Batson. Watched it after the fact. Did you know that New York is an hour ahead of Chicago?
Have you arrived home safely, m'lord?
Im sad to say i missed the segment. I had to drive my mom to the doctors. So i missed it for a good cause though. I hope someone can get it on youtube. Well i hope you arrive home safely.
Hiya, Kelley
Thanks for dropping by and thanks for the prayers!
Thanks, Teresa
I think it went well...outside of a few notable elements: they didn't bring up the Fantasy Tour, nor did they post the cover art of any of my books. Nonetheless it was the most incredible press opportunity I've ever had.
Thanks, Garth, Jason, Dona, Justin, Sarm, Valerie, Connie, Samuel, Elwin, and Chris D--warriors, one and all!
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