The first evening, I appeared in the Eldersburg store (seriously a stone's throw from where I live). It was a fun evening. I met Randi (with an I) and Andy (with a Y). Swashbuckling ensued.
Here are some pics:

(Above: Andy says, "Why are you smiling?" I of course reply, "Because I know something you do not know.)

(Above: a wonderful young lady named Kimmie. She's come to about a half dozen of my events. Glutton for punishment, I guess.)
Here are a few more from Eldersburg:

Friday night found me at the Glen Burnie His Way Store. I met many kind people, including Lady Melody shown below along with her mom:

Here are some of the phenomenal props and decorations Michelle has hunted down and displayed at each signing:

Then on Saturday evening, we had a dual signing with amazing Emmy-winning writer George Bryan Polivka. He penned the Trophy Chase Trilogy, a thrilling tale by all accounts. Here are some pics of Bryan and I hamming it up with customers and staff:

As you can see, these were special events.
As I close tonight, I have so much more to write about. Many things have transpired in recent days, and there are some big announcements on the horizon. But the next time I post I will share news that is more important to me than any movie or book deal...
Til then,
Never alone.