Hi, all! The immediate threat has passed, so I thought I'd take a moment to announce a new promotional contest. You may or may not know that the first month's sales of a new book can make or break a book long term. Publishers look at those first month numbers and make decisions on how much marketing and advertising they are willing to do for the book.--including placement in bookstores. The bookstores themselves also make decisions based on those number, perhaps even as soon as a couple of weeks worth of sales have been reported.
So, Christopher and I are asking, if you are planning to order Curse of the Spider King from Amazon anyway, please consider ordering on October 7th. Your order that day will drive Curse of the Spider King higher and higher up Amazon's bestseller list...which, in turn, will allow TONS of other people to see the book on the bestseller list. And that...leads to new sales. ;-)
For anyone who orders that day and emails me the Amazon receipt, I'll send you an Official Curse of the Spider King Bookplate Sticker signed by Christopher Hopper and by me! To order, you can click my Curse of the Spider King Amazon ad on my sidebar or go directly to Amazon.

Christopher Hopper and Wayne Thomas Batson are planning a series of huge release parties for Curse of the Spider King. The book isn't supposed to be in stores until November, but we've arranged to get copies available for four HUGE events--two in upstate NY and two in Maryland.
What to expect? Sword battles, dramatic readings, music, prizes, giant spiders, and much more!
Here are the dates and times:
Friday, October 16th: Barnes & Noble, Long Gate Shopping Center, Ellicott City Maryland. Time: 6:30 to Close. 410-203-9001
Saturday, October 17th: His Way Bookstore, Ellicott City, Maryland. Time: 6 to close. (410) 465-7546
Friday, October 30th: Borders Books, Watertown, New York. Time: 4pm to 7pm. (315) 779-0006
Saturday, October 31st (Special Halloween Creepy Signing), Barnes and Noble, Pittsford (Near Rochester) New York. Time: 2pm--5pm. (585) 586-6020
Even if you can't make it, tell friends and family who might be able to come. We want to blow the doors off these stores!