Greetings, or should I say, Avast! The Treasure Hunt has been a great success. Thanks for all the great Door Within & Isle of Swords promotion. I've really enjoyed reading all the reviews, and am amazed at the networking you've all been doing on behalf of my books.
I'll be updating the Treasure Point totals soon, so that you all can see where you stand in the rankings. Christmas Day is the Official Deadline for Treasure Points to count. That gives you just a little over a week to add up some points.
I'd really like to see a promotional blitz this last week before Christmas, so beginning Sunday and ending on Christmas Day, all Treasure Points will be doubled! So if you're a last minute shopper and decide to go out and buy the whole Door Within Trilogy and Isle of Swords, you'll earn 800 TREASURE POINTS instead of the previous 400 points!

For the remainder of the Treasure Hunt, please post ALL treasure points accomplishments on THIS THREAD.
Please see below for the treasure points key and potential prizes! NOTE the new "Ultimate Treasure of the Century" Opportunity!

To the Winners Go the Spoils:
(uh...here's what you can win)
(uh...here's what you can win)
The Top FIVE Adventurers who accumulate the Treasure Points will receive a signed book of their choice. AND for each of the top 5, I will name a character* in my next fantasy series after you. That's correct: I'll use your real name, your username, or a character name you create as a character in my new fantasy series. Of course, if your name is Bob, we might want to go with something a little more fantasy-ish.
For the #1 Treasure Points getter, I will give you one copy of every new book I write...for LIFE. That means, should the Lord allow me to live long enough to write all the stories rattling around in my head, you will get a signed copy of each one sent directly to you. Of course, if you move and don't give me your new address, then…someone else will be getting all those books. Doh!
*No Guarantee that your character won't get killed off in some horribly unpleasant manner.
Your mission, should you choose to--ah, you know the rest--is simply this accumulate the Most Treasure Points possible by Christmas 2007 by completing any and all of the tasks listed below:
10 Treasure Points:
•Mention ANY of my books in a blog thread--your blog or someone else's--post the link in your comment.
•Recommend ANY of my books to someone you know--say who it was.
•Post a link to my blog anywhere on your blog--then, post the link here.
•Post a review of any of my books on a non-review site like a blog, school page, etc. Post a link here.
20 Treasure Points:
•Write a review of any of my books on Amazon or any online review site. Post the link for the review once it's up.
•Post cover artwork from any of my books on your blog and make it a link to Amazon or CBD. Post the link in your comment on this thread.
•Post a link for my book's Amazon or CBD page on your blog. Then, post the link here.
40 Treasure Points:
•Write a review of any of my books and post it on three different online review sites. Post the link for the review here once it's up.
50 Treasure Points:
•Recommend ANY of my books to someone you know--say who it was. And then, this person chose to buy the book!
•Spot ANY of my books in a bookstore outside of the state in which you live. Post here to let us know where and when.
100 Treasure Points:
•Buy a copy of Isle of Swords and post when and where you bought it.
•Buy any of The Door Within Books and post when and where you bought it.
•Write a review of ALL of my books and post ALL of them on THREE online review sites. Post the links for the reviews once they're up.
•Buy a copy of any book by one of the Fantasy Fiction Tour Authors: Sharon Hinck, Bryan Davis, and Christopher Hopper.
•Create an Amazon Listmania List that includes The Door Within Books and Isle of Swords.
• Write AND present a book report on any Wayne Thomas Batson, Bryan Davis, Christopher Hopper, or Sharon Hinck book at school. 100pts. if you earn an A+ for that assignment.
150 Treasure Points:
•Go to a store that does not carry my books and special order it from that store.
•Go to a store that does not carry my books and persuade them to carry any of my books. Then, post here to tell us what store has now agreed to carry my book(s).
•Buy any of my books and donate them to your church library. Then post here to say where you bought them and what church received them.
200 Treasure Points:
•Buy a copy of ANY of my books for the Youth Group Leader of your church. Post a comment here to tell who, when, and where.
•Buy one copy of EACH of the Fantasy Fiction Tour Authors: Sharon Hinck, Bryan Davis, Wayne Thomas Batson, and Christopher Hopper. (4 Books total) Post here to say where and when.
•Buy both of Christopher Hopper's books: Rise of the Dibor and The Lion Vrie. Post here to say where and when.
•Buy both of Sharon Hinck's Sword of Lyric Books: Restorer and Restorer's Son. Post here to say where and when.
800 Treasure Points:
•Buy The Door Within, Rise of the Wyrm Lord, The Final Storm, and Isle of Swords (ALL FOUR of my books). Post here and tell where you bought them and when.
•Buy all of Bryan Davis's Dragons in Our Midst Books (4) Post here to say where and when.
Ultimate Treasure of the Century: 3000 Treasure Points:
(only for purchases between December 16th and 25th, 2007)
•Buy all three Door Within books, Isle of Swords, BOTH of Christopher Hopper's White Lion Books, the Complete Dragons in Our Midst --OR-- Oracles of Fire set from Bryan Davis, the first two Restorer Books by Sharon Hinck, and one books from any of the following authors: Donita K. Paul, LB Graham, Jonathon Rogers, or Jeffery Overstreet.
**Please Post Where you purchased the books.
Note: Each of the preceding MAY be repeated as many times as you like.
Note #2: Each of the preceding must be performed from this day (September 18th, 2007) forward. But, upon further review, I have decided to allow contestants to count THREE past book purchases for Treasure Points. So, if you bought The Door Within, Rise of the Wyrm Lord, and The Final Storm last year, you can count those three, but no others.
Note #3: To claim ANY Treasure Points, you must post a comment on THIS thread explaining how you accomplished it.
Note #4: I may add to the list of Treasure Point Tasks at any time--and likely will because my twisted mind is always churning...
Note #5: Keep track of your own Treasure Points. I will keep a running tally in my sidebar and try to update it every week or two. But you should keep your total as well.
Note #6: You cannot kill several birds with one stone. Make sure you indicate in your post how many Treasure Points your accomplishment earned you. In other words, you can't buy one copy of The Door Within, count it for 25 points and then count it AGAIN once you buy the whole series 100 points.
Note #7: Any and all of the requirements are subject to change as I see how this develops. I want to keep it fair.