Go ahead. Throw the flag.
We've earned it.
Christopher Hopper and I have been furiously working on Berinfell Book 3: The Tide of Unmaking, but unable to work furiously enough. We wanted the release date to be end of May. Then we wanted end of June. Trust me on this: we are dying to get the book into your hands.
But part of being an author is knowing when a book is ready for readers. Part of being a Christian author is knowing when the book is of a high enough quality to honor the Lord. Tide of Unmaking just isn't there yet. It's good. It's very good. But it's not ready for you yet. It can be better. It can be much better. Shoot, it can make the word Epic run home crying to its momma. But CH and I must have more time to invest in it.
It's my sincere hope to have The Tide of Unmaking in your hands before the end of the summer. CH and I will try. But more than anything else, we're going to pour ourselves into making the book the best it can be. You've honored us by reading our stories and by being patient. Let us honor you by taking the time to craft something spectacular.
--Wayne & Christopher