Please know that I am thankful beyond words for everyone's incredible effort on behalf of God's work through my books. You all went way beyond my imagination on this, and I am absolutely thrilled. Win or lose, I hope you had a good time in the process. You are ALL Knights and Swordmaidens of Alleble, forever.
And now the list:
HannahShoop: 4985pts.
*Did not count all email recommendations, but awarded 1000pts for the effort.
FlinnFanofTwins: 3930 pts.
*You did not actually have the 3000 point Mega Treasure as Christopher Hopper's Books and my own were not included as purchased during the final week. You were awarded the points for the individual books purchased.
Haley: 1950 pts.
*Had an error in points totaled. This is my best estimate.
Ellie: 1870 pts.
*Did not count the oral book report as individual recommendations, but gave 500 points for the effort.
DragonRider: 1565 pts.
Pais: 1555 pts.
Jconn: 1340pts.
Scoutboy: 1150 pts.
Shane: 905 pts.
Kim: 860 pts.
MasonWilde: 715pts.
Pososhle: 695 pts.
GsusFreak: 675 pts.
Paige: 485 pts.
Tbon100K: 475 pts.
BeckyS: 460 pts.
Josiah's Mom: 450 pts.
TheWriter: 435 pts.
DerekRains: 400 pts.
Theophilus: 400 pts.
KareAlethias: 400 pts.
Lenore: 360 pts.
AmyBrowning: 190pts.
Will: 155 pts
Sarmjornn: 110 pts.
Melissa: 75 pts.
LindsayWest: 75pts.
Shadow: 55 pts.
SaphirraAdi: 50pts.
BrianTubbs: 50 pts.
Kay: 50pts.
Eve: 45 pts.
Paul: 20 pts.
HUGE Congratulations to Hannah, Flinn, Haley, Ellie, and DragonRider! The Five of you will have characters named after you in my next fantasy series. Remember, of course, that these characters may be killed off in remarkably unpleasant ways. LOL You also receive a signed book of your choice. Email me and let me know which of my books you'd like.
I'll need the three of you to email me the name you want me to use in the story. Hannah, Flinn, Haley could all work, but if you have a fantasy name in mind you'd rather me use, let me know. Ellie isn't really fantasy-esque, so do you have another name that would work? Dragonrider is cool, but my next series won't have people riding dragons. So let me know if you have another name you'd like me to use.
And Hannah, you are the grand prize winner. You will receive signed books from me for life. That means every time I have a new book released, you will get a signed copy of that book in the mail! Just email me your mailing address. Your first books will be Isle of Fire, due out August 13th, 2008.
Again, to all, YOU ROCK!!
Never alone.
-Wayne Thomas Batson