I am SO looking forward to this weekend. I'm loading all my writing gear into the Batmobile and venturing out to Scranton, Pennsylvania for what I am dubbing "Writer's Bootcamp." The idea developed after last summer at a convention in Denver, where I met another fantasy writer named Christopher Hopper.*(See Below) We made an instant connection of fellowship and have kept in touch since then. We made some plans to meet halfway between his hometown and mine to hang out for a weekend and write. He's working on his 3rd book and I'll be working on the outline for a new epic fantasy series.
What we are hoping to achieve is kind of what Tolkien and Lewis had with the Inklings group that met at the Eagle and Child pub in Oxford. (Mannnn...how'd you like to have been a fly on the wall at those meetings?) Those two giants of fantasy and their writer friends would get together at this pub and discuss story ideas (among other things) over a pint. Not that Christopher and I are anywhere near Tolkien and Lewis' league--ha! Hardly.
But still, I cannot wait to just sit down and CREATE--you know that mad scientist phase at the beginning of a book?! That is probably my favorite part of the process: just conjuring cool stuff. And to have someone else there who shares my love of fantasy, someone who can say, Wayne that rocks, or Wayne, that's stupid, or Wayne, what if Sir Lunchalot did this instead? Can you tell I'm stoked?
So, say a prayer that the snowstorm that is predicted will be blown off the coast. I really need this weekend.
I leave you with a question: I already mentioned that my favorite part of the writing process is the concepting stage.
What is your favorite part of the process? Why?*More about Christopher Hopper and his Fantasy titles.
If you don't know his work, I highly recommend it. His first book is
Rise of the Dibor is terrific stuff, and what an original hook: what if Adam and Eve had never sinned…how might evil have entered the world, and would we be able to resist? His second book,
The Lion of Vrie is due out this June.
Amazing world-building, great sense of God alive in the prose, entertaining plot. What's not to like?