Mark Your Calendars! Light the torches and gather the pitchforks!
Tuesday, June 22nd at 7pm, EST we will storm the Cybergates of Amazon.com and seek to propel Venom and Song to great heights on the Amazon Bestseller Chart!
Last year, we Blitzed for Curse of the Spider King, and the ranking went from 73,000th to 365th in one 24 hour period! And that thanks only to my generous readers, their friends and family.
This year, we are defining and actual time to shoot for. This will concentrate the effect of book purchases and hopefully launch Venom and Song into the top 100 or even better!
If you are planning to purchase Venom & Song anyway, would you please consider purchasing it from Amazon.com via the link I supply below. It's very important to have the purchases fall between 7-8pm on Tuesday, June 22nd. This maximizes the jump up on the Bestseller list.
Why do this? Books that hit high on Amazon's bestseller list get seen by a LOT more people. That exposure tends to generate LOTS more sales, which of course, starts a wonderful cycle. High purchases in the first week of release also tells Amazon that this is a book to push, so Amazon tends to include it in their eMailings, etc. And better still, the opening sales tells the publisher to plug in more marketing muscle to a book that is succeeding. So please consider joining us on
June 22nd for the 2nd Annual Amazon BLITZ.
The Official Purchase Link:
For Tribes in the Tribebuilding Contest:
Here's the plan: If you purchase a copy of VENOM & SONG during the blitz day and time: Tuesday, June 22nd at 7-8pm, EST you will earn
10,000 points for your Tribe. You read that correctly. 10,000 points. But there's more:
If at anytime between 7pm, June 22nd and 12pm noon on June 23rd EST, Venom and Song reaches a high point on the Amazon Bestseller List, then more points will be added. See below:
If V&S reaches 5,000th--10,000th place, add 500 points per person.
If V&S reaches 1,000th--4,999th place, add 1000 points per person.If V&S reaches 500th--999th place, add 2000 points per person.
If V&S reaches 300th--499th place, add 3000 points per person.
If V&S reaches 100th--299th place, add 4000 points per person.
If V&S reaches 11th--99th place, add 5000 points per person.
If V&S reaches the TOP 10 (well, I'll do a backflip, but besides that) add 10,000 additional points per person.
This means per person who purchases from AMAZON and sends the tribe leader the amazon receipt for proof, that person earns a minimum of 10,000 points plus the bonus points depending on the Bestseller List. Keep in mind, it is not cumulative. IE: if V&S reaches the top ten, each person does not receive ALL the other bonuses 500, 1000, etc. It's the 10,000.
So mark your calendars now for the Venom and Song AMAZON BLITZ!