Time for a little Brainstorming.

Just a few random thoughts today.
• As a parent you know you're toast when: In the middle of the night, you hear, "Mommy, Daddy, my stomach hurts." Can you say, technicolor yawn? In the span of four minutes, two of my four children tossed their cookies. Seems to be some sort of stomach bug going round these parts. Please pray for us if you have some spare "air time."
• I'm really worried about the coming Presidential election. I thought Mike Huckabee was going to whoosh through to the nomination. He's a Christian, a very reasonable and refreshing voice, and yet...he's not doing well of late. I have real reservations about McCain and Romney, and feel like this election is a real turning point for America. The next President will likely appoint between 2-4 Supreme Court Justices... I'm committing to praying that God would have the candidate who will honor Him in the oval office.
• The Dark Sea Annals, my next fantasy series is going to be HUGE. I've left the manuscript lie dormant for a bit of time to allow me to work on the outline. But it's SEVEN books. That's a monstrous outline. It has proven too big for my normal pen/paper outlines, so I'm giving this new writer's software a try. It's called SuperNoteCard, and it seems to allow all kinds of cool outlining features. I hope so. I need help.
• 39,621 Visits to my blog since it opened. I wonder who will be number 40,000...
So, what's on your mind? The captain has turned on the Random Thought Light. Feel free.
I love random thoughts!
I'll try to get back to you with some, I am not in a random enough mood right now...
I like that picture on your post.
Well, I am going to pray for you, Wayne! That really stinks(in more ways than one i'm sure)that two kidos are sick at one time. As for the book series:
There's my thought on that!
My random thought for the day is something that really wasn't mine but I have been thinking on it. (we've teased this somebody constantly from the day they said this)
Does the moon cry? Think on it all. Ponder it. Think on a VERY logical answer to this VERY "logical" question.
Of course the moon cries! what do you think stars are, big balls of gas??
Poor Wayne! I'll pray for you and your kids. Overly extatic about the series!
And now my very random thought....
Warning: If you haven't seen Pirates 3 dont' read ahead...
I've wondered ever since this summer after Pirates 3, since I am a HUGE Will fan and I cried when he, uh, said hello to the business end of a certain sword, shall we say.
If Will came back after ten years and fulfilled his duty to the Dutchman, and if he stabbed his own heart, would that destroy the Dutchman? Would Bootstrap be free and would the job of Jones be done away with forever so that no one else had to do it? I would HATE to see that happen, but I HATE what happened to him in At World's End.
What do you think?
2nd thought...
Do they have cheese in The Realm?
Flinn, lots of cheese. Especially muenster. It's my favorite.
More random thoughts (not exactly original, but plenty random)
•Why do we drive on park-ways and park on drive-ways?
•If Toys-R-Us, then what are we?
•When I go to the movies and buy the Mega-Bucket of PopCorn with extra Butter, why do I also buy a Diet-Coke?
Very good questions, Wayne! The human mind is often one big oximoron, I've found. Hmmm....
I wonder if Nock likes cheese...
ian: u have a very cool thought there about the stars being tears! SWEET!
Wayne: we drive on park-ways and park on drive-ways so that on a blog we can have quetions like that!;D
Q2: I think that makes us super highly developed toys.
Q3: Because it makes you feel like your being healthier than you really are! teehee.
You didn't just open the random flood gates, did ya? *evil grin*
If bakers bake, why don't hammers ham, butchers butch or fingers fing?
Why does an alarm go off by going on?
Why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when a light is out, it ish invisible?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
'kay, in a different vein...
Roh's attempting not to get sick... *hates cold sores*
she's also trying to plan a DioM party for the end of May
Scary thought, Roh will be 18 in less than a month, and she will be able to vote in the election
and she's already on the road *gaspeth*
((and ih, she's on the road, watch out when you drive by!))
there are brown puppy paws with little white hairs sitting right next to Roh on the couch.
Roh will be done for now... but there ish always randomosity here if ya want some!
Whoot! Random thoughts!
Okay, this one's been bothering me: I we eat animal crackers, does that mean animals eat human crackers?
And this is why I need to stay away from coffee at this time of day >_<
I'm waiting anxiously for the rest of the suspense techniques. I can't help it, I'm so competitive.
Sorry to hear about your children. I got sick last week and it's not a fun way to wake up at all, I much prefer the alarm clock.
As for the election, I'm not really that nervous about it, I'm determined not to be. It's an easy thing for me to get stressed out over. And it reminds me of an Anne of Green Gables quote... "The sun will go on rising and setting whether or not you fail in geometry or not." Whoever gets in office will be the one that God wants there, I'm convinced of that. Still, we should pray and of course vote!
I love books like that so I'm delighted to hear that your next series is going to be HUGE. About how many words are you aiming for? Just curious... My current aim is 500,000 as I work on my own seven book series. (About the length of Lord of the Rings)
It was around 39,500 yesterday, I thought to myself, "I wonder who will be 40,000?" and refrained from hitting the refresh button 500 times.
And now for my own random thoughts.... (Warning could be long.):
I think I've finally found a major plot piece I'd been looking for in my story when I was just writing for writing's sake.
I wonder when my sister is going to get up? We agreed to get up at 4:00 in the morning to watch The Two Towers. *grins* It's a bit after four now. I'll wait a little longer before being a mean brother and waking her up. Maybe around 5:30 or so perhaps.
I love my story. I love my Elves. I love my Dwarves.
Lord Galandor so rocks... So does my good friend Chris Button, so does Pastor Scott... And so does Wayne Thomas Batson, Christopher Hopper, Bryan Davis, and Sharon Hinck.
I rock too. (in my own humble opinion)
Lord of the Rings is the best. I love Lord of the Rings. I wish I could go to Middle-Earth... *sighs*
It is really fun to look at the picture of the dragon playing electric guitar that Sir. Bryan posted on his blog recently and listen to Phil Keaggy's "Jammed!" CD. I'm thinking a Dragon rock band would be a great idea for a story.
I'm hungry. And the comment about the cheese didn't help. I love cheese, especially Extra Sharp Cheddar. (I like it sharp as I can find it.) Muenster, and Pepper Jack. I think when I'm done with my random thinking I shall go look and see what is in the refrigerator.
I am really wishing to see my friend Chris Button soon... It's been nearly two weeks and that's a long time for us.... (We're generally inseparable.) Really nice family.
I'm in the mood for a tea party soon. I love tea parties. But who to invite??? I'm thinking a Fantasy themed party would be nice.
For that matter I wish the Fantasy Four Fiction Tour would swing by for a tea party. But I'm kind of out of the way, at least by last years route.
Ice Cream is fun.
I liked Wayne's "Rejection" post so much I printed it out and hung it on the wall.
I'm kind of upset that my favorite restaurant had to close down this week. It had the best cheeseburgers ever and they were really nice people. Great times in that place.
There is a chance I'll be getting a Mac laptop soon... That's kind of exciting as I'll be able to write in more places then I can now.
I am really getting hungry now. Should never have mentioned cheeseburgers...
We've got Bible Study with Pastor Mark tomorrow. That's my favorite Bible Study to attend. It's awesome, nearly everyone there are friends with us now. It's a lovely group.
"We're taking over the world... ...I just thought you should know." is my favorite computer generated quote.
Legolas wouldn't do well in American society... I'm convinced he'd have to worry about rabid fan girls.
The furnace is on. Yay! (It's cold in here.)
I wonder what's for lunch tomorrow? (Sorry, my stomach keeps growling and reminding me that I'm quite hungry.)
The cat is sleeping right in the middle of the walkway. Hope he doesn't get mad at me if I step on him in the dark.
Aragorn is a pretty cool guy.
I keep finding myself writing out the name "Wayne Thomas Batson" when I have a blank sheet of paper in front of me... (What's with that?) I think I like the way it flows together so well. That is very strange, even for me. I think it started when I was writing out the names of the Door Within books.
My handwriting is nice to look at though.
I've been writing this thing for over half an hour....
Legolas: "Where's my bow? GIMLI!!!!"
It's been forever since I've played Sorry. Even longer since I've played Clue.
Even longer then that since I've grilled anything....
We must grill. Precious yes... we must! We MUST PRECIOUS! Nice juicey stakessss.
Cooked rare of course.
Can't wait until my birthday gets here in March... PARTY TIME! YAY!
I wonder why it only takes about a month for a fellow travelling at the speed of light to get to the nearest star on back but about nine years for us.
I wonder why particles lose their locality when they get divided past a certain point. I wonder why and how they can then be everywhere at once.
Science is strange.
I'm still hungry. I suppose I could come back and finish this post after I eat something.
I love to eat. YAY! I for one am glad God created food... I mean he could have made it so we just got everything we needed from the sun or something.
I just missed Pastor John at the furniture store we went to the other day... We're shopping for beds. He had a dentist appointment.
I'm not sure any of this is random enough. Ought to tell of the Great Grapefruit War... But there really isn't that much to tell save for one side likes sugar the other doesn't. *tosses grapefruit at Wayne.*
*To Wayne if he likes sugar on it.* "More ammo mate!"
The Pepsi logo really is rather weird.
Pastor Scott was wondering why little kids seem to be afraid of him... I couldn't resist. "It's the beard."
Hey you said feel free, so I'm not done yet. *smiles mischievously*
I wonder if angels ever pick up on some of our phrases and accents. "Gooday' mate!"
I've been having a hard time keeping my sister from laughing.
Oy Veh! I seem to have a lot on my mind. However I did find something to eat so I am no longer hungry.
I guess that's all for now.
The word count on this post is 1,159
Random thoughts are the very best kind of thoughts :D Here I go(though I doubt it will rival the previous post xD)-
First of all, that brain sorta freaks me out. Second of all, I have a cold :( Blech. I don't feel so hot. Thirdly, I could really go for some cinnamon rolls for breakfast. mmmmm. I like cheesecake. Did you know that Bob the tomato is actually a FRUIT and therefore does not belong on Veggie Tales?? Oh the horror. You know, I really enjoy the smell of vanilla.
Larry is a fruit too. So is Jimmy and Jerry, and of course Mr. Lunt, Pa Grape, and Madam Blueberry.
Scooter is ok though, he's a carrot.
Ah, very true. Maybe they should just call it "Fruit-and-Veggie Tales". I need to think up something better than that xD
Oh, one more random thought. If a dental health professional is called a dentist, then why in the world is a mental health professional called a psychiatrist?
Zaphir amuses me. XD Fruit-and-Veggie Tales indeed.
I want pie. But I can't have it for breakfast. DD;
My friend, who's sitting beside me, wants ice cream. "yummy", she says.
I despise Tamagotchis. So does my friend.
I've got a loverly bunch of coconuts, (deedelydee) there they are standing in a row, ONE TWO THREE!
I didn't get much sleep last night. Therefore, I am insanely hyper.
Cereal is good. Like a platypus.
I'm shutting up now. XDDD
Nooo, platypuses(platypi?) are evil. EVIL I TELL YOU.
Now you made me want pie. Thanksalot xD -pouts-
I am conserving my random thoughts for reasons that some of you will very soon see.
And you all made me hungry! Thanks a lot. I'm going to go have breakfast...
Waffles... Now why did you have to go and say that Ian... All day long I've had Wayne saying "We're at The Waffle House... ...YES!" from the Fantasy Tour videos in my head... It started when we had pancakes for dinner last night, I said something about needing to get a waffle iron. (We need gluten free things cause of food allergies.) And we've been saying "We're at The Waffle House... ...YES!" All day long today.... I had just stopped....
:p That was random. (But yes, that is what's been happening.)
Why is it that when you ship something by car its called shipment and when you ship it by ship its called cargo. How do you when sour cream has gone bad?
IMO, being a good Christian is irrelevant when speaking about politics. Like any job--a doctor, a lawyer, a writer--it should be one's qualification for said job and their credentials that make them the "good choice," not their religion. As much as we love our God, separation of Church and state is essential for our government to run properly and fairly.
Oh, I have a couple for y'all...
1. (this is somewhat serious) What is Grampin's first name?
2. What happens if you scare someone half to death twice?
3. Why are there locks on 24 hour convenience stores?
4. What weighs more, a pound of bricks or feathers?
Ok, chew on THAT!
This one thing I saw on the internet I really like.
"I never knew why the frisbee got closer and closer...Then it hit me."
Did you know frisbees were once called Pluto Platters?
Hoatzin is pronounced 'Whatzin'.
Giraffe's tongues are 18 inches long.
'Ornery' isn't in one of my dictionaries.
'Peanuts' rocks.
Peanuts rock.
We say 'rats,' why not 'mice' or 'gerbils'?
How does Falon look? how long is Falon? Tufts of hair or cords of hair on Falon? How many feet does Falon have?
I've been wondering for a while now.
More. Food.
I'm hungry.
if I were a termite, I could just eat the door to my room...hmmm...
My door is open.
I;m hungry.
What to platypies do all day?
Am I a girraffe?
I'm hungry.
There is salad in the fridge...
24-hour Convenience stores have locks because otherwise the gremlins come in during the 25th hour of the day when everyone is asleep without even knowing it.
Can I eat gremlins? Do they have meat??
Don't feed the gremlins.
What do gremlins eat??
No duh...
There's a hole in my wall.
-thwaps Zaphyfrog- No, they're cooler than otters! XDDD (Well, not all otters..)
Gremlins eat toasty Poptarts and lukewarm milk.
I have a really odd bruise under my fingernail.
My hair is full of static today.
'Everybody Loves Raymond' is on right now.
My dad is talking to himself as he comes downstairs. o.O
I'm still oddly hyper. That can be scary. Like, really scary.
I plan to sell my brothers to the Romanies. >.> Shhh.
I like ketchup. Yum..
I'm really hungry all of a sudden. Maybe I can have some pie now. XD
My brother tried to make me fall off the roof this morning. o_o Hence, the decision to sell him. -maniacal laugh-
I've got a strange obsession with fire. And 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. And 'Finding Neverland'. And Johnny Depp in general.
Relient K is good.
I'm seriously shutting up now. XDD
Wow, I think I released the "Crazies" from their cells! lol What a lot of marvelously offbeat humor we have assembled here.
Pat, I totally appreciate what you say about candidates needing to have certain skill sets to perform the job of Presidency.
However, I cannot disagree more with your assertion that being a Christian is irrelevant when speaking about politics. Religious beliefs, if they are real, define a person's world-view. They create convictions and duties. In a way, they help to govern those who govern.
I'm sure any of the candidates can govern to a certain extent. But I want the leader of my country to have a Christian worldview. If you look at recent history, it's easy to see that the moral fabric of our country is being challenged.
In the next presidency it is very likely that decisions about the Sanctity of Life, about the definition of Marriage, about Education Reform, and about the Defense of America will ALL be decided on from the White House or the Supreme Court. So, I pray that a competent leader--and a Christian--earns the office of the President.
Here a very random thought for you ......
and a robotic leg....
and a tail.....
and alott of things I'll never get.....(sigh)... O well dude.
Why is the sky blue...yes or no
Platypuses are totally awesome!
I LOVE cheese!
Those are my random thoughts.
Here's another thought...What does water smell like?
Here's some more...
Did Owsyn survive the final storm?
Does Nock like cheese? (I do!)
"No cause is lost, if there is but one fool left to fight for it."
My sibling is doing math with my dad.
The dogs are barking.
The heater just turned on.
I think a battle is about to begin in my story. And some one is going down.
Adventures are funny things.
Almost every time I see Orlando Bloom he's wearing a scarf.
My mom thought he was faking his British accent.
Legolas's eyes change colors a lot thoughout the movies.
I just ate M&Ms
It snowed in Jerusalem today.
Ta ta for now!
You could breathe it in and find out.... but I don't think you'd like the end results.
Hippos don't wear socks.
Another random thought:
Has anyone ever thought that when something is badly made we always call it a food name such as, "That was cheesy" or "That was corney."
P.S. The last comment was me!!! Sorry!!!!
W !
"In the next presidency it is very likely that decisions about the Sanctity of Life, about the definition of Marriage, about Education Reform, and about the Defense of America will ALL be decided on from the White House or the Supreme Court. So, I pray that a competent leader--and a Christian--earns the office of the President."
I couldn't agree more with that those 'words' say. However, I think you and I--two Christians--have opposing views on the "good outcome" would be concerning some of those issues, particularly 'defense of America.' I'm not going to elaborate on that, as this is not the place, but I think it's absolutely vital to understand that all Christians will not have the same beliefs on every issue.
Some of these very issues--again, "defense" of America comes to mind--have no "good Christian" outcome. Any way you look at it, one of those outcomes will clash with scripture.
So, again, it couldn't be more important to understand that being a Christian does not mean being an automaton in your beliefs. Many good Christians have conflicting beliefs on the most important of issues.
There are horrible people and good people that make good decisions AND horrible decisions no matter what their religion is. Take the current President, for instance. He is a Christian. He is also a liar, who has gotten us into a situation that a more competant person could have avoided or at least been quicker (and more upfront) with.
Why aren't spiders recognized as insects?
Why does sour cream have an expiration date if it's already sour?
Whatever happened to Faethon and are there any more firstborns?
I wish the sky was pink every third wednesday...Gotta go
If star wars is in a galaxy far far away than where are we??????
That was silly!
I like hate cheese but I LOVE chocolate milk!
I like Piipin, Obi-Wan, Aelic, Antionette, Mertaugh, Brom, and all of those cool people.
I like all of the kids from my theatrical sword class!
I like Fury!
I like the Daughter of Light!
I like the Son of Fury!
I like really random thoughts!
If Robby and Antionette were killed in the Realm, (we can pretty much guess the fate of Aelic) than what happend to their glimpses? Did they just drop down dead or did they get hit by a truck in our world or something?
P.S. Sorry! that last thought was almost scary. Sorry!
"So, again, it couldn't be more important to understand that being a Christian does not mean being an automaton in your beliefs. Many good Christians have conflicting beliefs on the most important of issues."
Pat, seems odd to talk about serious issues like this in the midst of the craziness of random, but I need to clarify.
First, no one is asking or expecting Christians to be automatons. Not sure where that entered the conversation. I'm not saying, hey vote for Candidate A on the sole fact that he claims to be a Christian. Do your homework. See where the candidate stands on Biblical issues. Then vote. I'm concerned that, this year, someone may gain the White House and make decisions that will harm America and tear down morality.
And certainly there will be differing views among Christians about many things. A lot of that depends on how much a given Christian knows about scripture.
But when Scripture is clear on a subject as it is on many, Christians need to agree on those things. The Sanctity of Life and the Sanctity of Marriage are two issues that Christians must support. Are there Christians out there who would disagree? Sure, but I doubt with any legitimate support from the Bible.
And about George Bush, I don't think we should be tossing out accusations of "liar" about other Christians in a public forum. God knows if the President has lied, and certainly, History will bear witness.
"Pat, seems odd to talk about serious issues like this in the midst of the craziness of random, but I need to clarify."
Sir... the entry I am commenting on said this:
"I'm really worried about the coming Presidential election. I thought Mike Huckabee was going to whoosh through to the nomination. He's a Christian, a very reasonable and refreshing voice, and yet...he's not doing well of late. I have real reservations about McCain and Romney, and feel like this election is a real turning point for America. The next President will likely appoint between 2-4 Supreme Court Justices... I'm committing to praying that God would have the candidate who will honor Him in the oval office."
That's what I was replying to. That is serious, so I was serious. By no means did I hop into a Thread of Randomness with the sole intention to be "Mr. Serious Guy Who Talks About Off Topic Things." I was discussing something more relevant to the topic than the majority of the other comments.
If I made a post about the randomness AND election on my blog... I would expect replies to be about both randomness and the election! I don't see how that seems odd at all...
Now see, Pat, that's the trouble with the written word. All too easily misunderstood.
My comment about discussing this in the midst of randomness was not indicating that your comments were out of line. I just thought it was kind of strange, given all the way silly comments, here's you and I having a serious conversation.
I certainly opened the door to politics by posting the initial thread.
Ahhhhhh! You meant "seems odd that you and I...," then. I took it as "seems odd that you..."
(lol) Indeed, much, much different. Thanks for clearing that up, it had me a bit confused for a minute :D
In that case... I was only calling Mr. Bush a liar based on what I have seen of him. I remember him on a boat, probably about two, maybe three years ago. He had a huge announcement. He said that the war is over and, I quote, "we have won." I simply deduced that he lied about that because the war is not over, and we are still there. People are dying, which I consider... you know, NOT winning, as we are still fighting. Also, the whole inability to prove the existence of the WMD when his administration said they had incontrovertible proof that said WMDs were indeed there. That, in itself, I think is enough to justify my... accusation is a harsh term, but for want of a better...
However, does that make Bush a bad president? Maybe not, maybe so. All politicians, whether we accept this truth or not, lie at some point. At times it's for our benefit, perhaps at times it's for theirs. Kerry was caught in a few lies during his actual campaign, if I remember correctly.
My point in calling and subsequently proving Bush a liar was just to demonstrate that no matter the religion of a politician, they will--at some point--break scripture. Any Commander in Chief during time of war automatically breaks one of the most sacred commandments. So really, when it comes down to it, a presidential election comes down to a choice between "Bad" and "Worse."
On a side-note, however you meant this sentence--"And about George Bush, I don't think we should be tossing out accusations of "liar" about other Christians in a public forum"--I have to tell you how that comes out. I think that a more Christian way to say such a thing would be like this:
"And about George Bush, I don't think we should be tossing out accusations of "liar" about other people in a public forum."
All people, Christians or not, should be held to the same standard. I am sure you didn't mean anything by that but, as words can only stand for what they appear to, I think it would be better to say the word "people." See, Jesus mingled with all types of people, even those who likely didn't believe them. I think it's as big a sin to respect Christians more than non-Christians (and their beliefs) as it is to break any Commandment.
Again, not saying you were doing so, but in the Internet, all we can use is words. There is no tone, there is no "quality of voice." Words will be taken as they are written.
-gasp- Elfish! Better than OTTERS? How could you?? Although I suppose by "not all otters" you excluded good ol' Folgrim/Finnbarr/Tagg/etc. ;)
And is ANYTHING better than Relient K? Idon'tthinksothankyouverymuch! xD -starts singing the gibberish song- Hey, I think you would like Hawk Nelson, they're sorta RK-ish.
Who would win in a fight?
Astronauts or cavemen?
Do people in The Realm have last names?
What's the difference between a honk and a beep?
How do they put the tiny little m's on M&M's?
Why do they call the Internet the Internet? I mean where's the net?
I love veggie tales!
Why is snow white?
Is the moon really made out of cheese?
That's all for now. I'm sure I can think up some more though.....
Why is Baldergrim's name Baldergrim?
Was he bald when he was born or is the name a foretelling?
If it is a foretelling then he probably would be grim to lose all of his blond locks.
Hello, I have never posted anything here before but I absolutely love Mr. Batson’s books and I enjoy visiting his blog :) I wanted to answer ***Flinn-fan-of-the-Twins*** question about Pirates 3:
**If you haven’t seen the 3rd Pirates film, don’t read the rest of this**
Well first of all I know exactly how you feel because I’m a HUGE Will Turner fan as well, and I actually spent a couple of nights lying awake, distraught over his fate and wondering if there was a way for him to get out of it. My obsession over Will drove me to search for an answer on the internet, and I did find some interesting things. Here’s what I found on Wikipedia:
“…It is a matter of some debate what happens next. According to the DVD booklet Will is now permanently bound to the Flying Dutchman except for one day every ten years. Since the writers and director were not involved in this, it may be considered apocryphal.
The writers instead have affirmed that Will will be freed from the Flying Dutchman's curse after ten years if Elizabeth is faithful to him. Since she remains faithful to him, he is freed of the curse and allowed to return to the world of the living, (as opposed to Davy Jones, who remained tied to the ship because Tia Dalma was not faithful).”
“…The screenwriters have said that because Elizabeth stayed true to Will for the interim 10 years and he continued to ferry souls to the next world, the curse was lifted and he becomes free of the Flying Dutchman. This is contradicted by the "Pirates Secrets Revealed" leaflet insert in the DVD release, which states that Will is bound to the Flying Dutchman forever and may only step onto land once every ten years.”
Other sites I’ve searched say the same thing. Scenes were also cut from the movie which supported what the writers said because the movie was too long. Until Disney says for sure which is true, the DVD leaflet or what the writers said, I suppose we’ll be left to wonder, but at least there’s still hope for Will.
I’ve also found a—yes believe it or not lol—“Free Captain Will Turner” petition. I don’t know if it’s real or not, but the person makes a very good point, and if you love Will like me and are concerned about his fate, it’s worth a read ;) Here’s the link:
As for me I’ve decided that, unless Disney says otherwise, I’m going to believe what the writers said and Will was free after 10 years. Yay, now I can sleep at night lol.
So to answer your questions, I don’t know about Will having to stab his own heart, it looks as though Elizabeth’s love breaks the curse. And I think that Bootstrap Bill is already free since Davy Jones’s heart was stabbed—which in the movie Will said would free his father, which is why he wanted to stab it in the first place—I think Bootstrap is just choosing to sail with Will.
Sorry this was so long, I tend to get terribly obsessed over these things ^.^’
Hope it was helpful ;)
Interesting! I'll have to check out that petition thing! lol! I always will believe, confirmed or not, that Will is freed because after all he did right throughout all the movies, he gets paid back for it in bad! Not that I don't like Jack, he's a rockin' pirate, but Will is just my favorite. Sigh...
I too have heard that, because Elizabeth is faithful, Will is freed. But then after buying the movie we read a thing on there that said he was tied to the Dutchman forever anyway. However, my sister has decided to write the fourth movie before and if it comes out. We have arranged it so that Will can be freed. However my did insists that it is top secret and I cannot share it! I REALLY wanted to.
P.S. Would you check out my BLOG?
Sorry, I always forget to type my whole name out when I invite peeps to my blog!
I couldn’t agree with you more lol. Jack is an awesome character and he’s funny/interesting, but there’s just something about Will’s loyalty & bravery that has made him my favorite character out of all the movies I’ve ever seen. Ever. lol
That is so awesome! lol I can’t tell you how many times I've dreamed up plots for a 4th Pirates film. I’ve heard rumors that there might be a 4th in a few years and some people think that Will (and Elizabeth) will be left out of the film and the plot will focus on just Jack’s adventures :(
Of course I will check out your blog ;)
OH! If they leave Will and Elizabeth out, I won't see it! They are two of the main characters FROM THE BEGINNING!!! It seems to me, sequels often mess up the movie if it wasn't a book to begin with. :( If they do make a 4, I hope Will's situation is changed and Jack gets his ship back.
Sorry, I get kinda fired up about this topic...ahem.
I'm not sure if I'd be able to watch another PoC movie. "At World's End" looked pretty, but it was a half hour worth of story blown up to a sprawling three hour movie. Also, if you didn't watch "Dead Man's Chest" right before the movie, you were quite lost. If they made a prequel about Jack, I'd like that. But nothing else.
Hi all,
Wow, look at this long list of comments! I should be visiting here more often...:P
Anyway, yeah the presidential election kinda has me concerned too, Wayne. Unfortunately, all my guys keep losing. First, I wanted Rick Santorum, but he decided not to run and lost re-election to the Senate, then I wanted George Allen, then he lost re-election to the Senate, then I switched to Fred Thompson, then he dropped out, now I'm on Romney, and he's losing....arrrgh!
Also, that bit about Bush declaring the war over on the ship...that was in regard to overthrowing Saddam Hussein, not the ordeal in Iraq as a whole. So he was correct in saying that mission was "accomplished."
Random Trivia about Wayne's home state: It has not voted for a Republican for President since 1988.
Random Trivia about Chris Hopper's home state: It has not voted for a Republican for President since 1984.
Random Trivia about my home state: It last voted Republican for President in 2004. WA-HOO! (I live in the South, so I have an unfair advantage in that category, no fair to our northern friends.)
I recently took an axe to my 96,000 word story and chopped it to about 84,000. I just had the urge.
I just cleaned a whole chunk of my computer room, and I feel gooooooood.
I just got a DVD burner and am having the time of my life playing with it.
It's Mardi Gras down here...and I still have no idea what in the world this holiday is supposed to be about.
Yep, these are some random thoughts I'm having. :)
- Jason
I agree that POTC 3 was long, but I love it, so that didn't matter to me!
Tacocat is a palindrome.
The long term memory of a goldfish is 2 seconds
An octopus has three hearts
Some scientists now believe that our heart has a 'memory' separate from the one contained in our brain.
Fried sparrows were snack food in Jerusalem in the time of Christ
Sailors used to be well known for needle arts including embroidery and lace making
The word queue for a gentleman's ponytail worn at the nape of the neck is the same word used to describe a line of people waiting for something.
They really did kill the messenger once upon a time if they didn't like what the message was.
Antidisestablishmentarianism is actually a word. It's also the longest word in the English language at 28 letters. I'm sure there are some technical words longer than that one but in common usage, that's the longest one we have.
I need more of Jesus and less of fear.
A giraffe's tongue is eighteen inches long.
is actually a place.
You can not buy 100% witch hazel
Tacocat is a palindrome.
The long term memory of a goldfish is 2 seconds
An octopus has three hearts
Some scientists now believe that our heart has a 'memory' separate from the one contained in our brain.
Fried sparrows were snack food in Jerusalem in the time of Christ
Sailors used to be well known for needle arts including embroidery and lace making
The word queue for a gentleman's ponytail worn at the nape of the neck is the same word used to describe a line of people waiting for something.
They really did kill the messenger once upon a time if they didn't like what the message was.
Antidisestablishmentarianism is actually a word. It's also the longest word in the English language at 28 letters. I'm sure there are some technical words longer than that one but in common usage, that's the longest one we have.
I need more of Jesus and less of fear.
A giraffe's tongue is eighteen inches long.
is actually a place.
You can not buy 100% witch hazel
Wahoo #40,000!!!!
Random thought how many times did I hit refresh?
Actually Scribe, the longest word is:
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolc-anoconiosis- having 45 words.
By the way, Im new
Welcome ashe and piratekatie!
Thank you Flinn! =)
How do you like that?
not quite as long but it will do.
What do you call a muhomid Alli?
ooh ooh can we have a pun-athon?
A lady had Twins sons but could not keep them and gave them up for adoption. One went to china and was named Won.and the other went to the middle east and was named Amahl.
One day the mother received a picture of Won in the mail. and she told her husband "O i wish I had a picture of Amahl" he replied"Honey they are twins, if you've seen won you've seen Amahl"
pokaiwhenakitanatahu is actually a place.”
Yep, it’s the name of a hill in New Zealand. (I absolutely LOVE New Zealand lol) It has 92 letters, and has been entered into the Guinness Book of Records as the 2nd longest ‘place name’ in the world.
The longest place name in the world goes to a place in Thailand with 163 letters, called: Krungthepmahanakornamornratana
sanukamprasit.(Had to put it on several lines so it would all fit lol)
Now that’s a mouthful, eh? o.0
“Welcome ashe and piratekatie!”
Thanks Flinn :)
Wow! Looks like eveyone is having a "Who can find the longest word?" Contest. I'm new but when I saw the word random, I had to post something! Here are a few random thoughts...
Im a lasagna hog go hang a salami is a palandrome.
Able was I ere I saw Elba is also a palandrome.
I love pineapple.
Why is a wise man someone smart, but a wise guy is a joker?
Mincemeat pie is made with friut.
Sweet meats are not sweet.
Can a house burn up as it burns down?
Why do they call it an ant bite if ants sting you?
I'll post more later. Bye!
P.S. - Mr. Batson, there is no word in the English language to describe your books except BLESSED!
Welcome Ashe!
Oh and antidisestablishmentarianism according to Merriam Webster ;) is the longest word in the English language, in common usage. And as a bonus, it is hooked to piece of history.
Okay here's a challenge, who can tell me or find out fastest WHAT piece of history gave us that word? Your prize? ;) Bragging Rights.
Lady Shyeloh! You are a word & phrase lover of my kind. How about this one!
The word 'forth' can mean "to move onward"
The word 'back' can mean to "retreat"
So why is it we write that a character paced "back and forth"?
Shouldn't it really be written "They paced forth and back"? ;)
Zaphy- Yush, none could be better than Folgrim and Tagg. ^^ Not even a platypus. XDD
I'm fine with just about any story they come up with for a PotC movie, as long as it's got plenty of Jack in it. Multiple Jacks are good too. I've heard that Orlando and Keira are refusing to do another, but I don't know if it's true. o.O I dunno why, you'd think they'd get a lot of money from it, and who doesn't want to be in a pirate movie? XDDD
I finally got a deviantART account. Yay me! XDD (Original-Elfish.deviantart.com) So far, I've got two pictures posted. o.O
I've got marker all over my fingers.
Are groundhogs the same as woodchucks?
I like peanut butter. I've got a jar of it in my room.
I've also got a jar of dirt in my room.
No, I'm not obsessed with PotC. >.> Johnny Depp is a different story, though. XDD
I really despise the color orange. o.O Green and black are the best.
I've got a book at the library waiting for me to pick it up. :D But the library is closed tomorrow. D;
That's a good one Scribe! I never thought about it like that before. How about these...
If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught?
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?
Why are male ladybugs called ladybugs?
Did you know English is one of the hardest languages to learn? From these posts I can see why...TTYL
I just found one of the coolest things ever! This is a Latin palindrome...
"In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni" ("We enter the circle at night and are consumed by fire")
Here's a cool fact. The "Grand Palindrome" (1969)by novelist Georges Perec is the longest palindrome published in French, with 5,566 letters.
Wouldn't it be cool if the word palindrome was a palindrome?
Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position which originated in nineteenth-century Britain, where "antidisestablishmentarians" were opposed to proposals to remove the Church of England's status as the state church of England.
The movement succeeded in predominantly Anglican England, but failed overwhelmingly in Roman Catholic Ireland – where the Church of Ireland was disestablished in 1871 – and in Wales whose Church of Wales was disestablished in 1920. Antidisestablishmentarian members of the Free Church of Scotland delayed merger with the United Presbyterian Church of Scotland in a dispute about the position of the Church of Scotland.
No I didn't know or write this, I got this off Wikipedia. I cannot resist a learning challenge. :)
Why does overlook and oversee mean different things?
Is there pizza in the realm?
(I hope so)
Why do psykicks have to ask your name?
IDK anymore i'd have to think harder lol.
Aha! Another after my own heart! Well done Sarm! Well done indeed! Had a crown of laurels, I would place it around your head! That is it, indeed!
Randomness is a lack of order, purpose, cause, or predictability in non-scientific parlance. A random process is a repeating process whose outcomes follow no describable deterministic pattern, but follow a probability distribution.
The term is often used in statistics to signify well defined statistical properties, such as lack of bias or correlation. Monte Carlo Methods, which rely on random input, are important techniques of computational science.[1] Random selection is an official method to resolve tied elections in some jurisdictions[2], and is even an ancient method of divination, as in tarot, the I Ching, and bibliomancy.
Lady Shyeloh--that is fantastic! Latin is one of my loves as well! Ah, words, lovely things. ;)
Hm, what other interesting things are there about them?
How about that there's 'British English' and "American English" as well as English and American spellings for the same words?
Here we go another challenge and this one a tad harder than looking up a single word.
In America we say "I'll call you"
In England they say-------------
In America we ask "Want a cookie?"
In England they say "Want a -------?"
C'mon, whose up for a little over-the-pond fun with words?
If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.
The numbers '172' can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.
President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute.
In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator.
Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
In the early days of the telephone, operators would pick up a call and use the phrase, "Well, are you there?". It wasn't until 1895 that someone suggested answering the phone with the phrase "number please?"
Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.
It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first word is shake and the 46th word from the last word is spear.(I checked it out it is)
POST #80 OH YAH!!!!!!!!
In England they say "Want a biscuit" instead of cookie! My friend and I call Quaker Rice Snacks Biscuits. I don't know why...
Can't answer the first question though.
Hello agian,
Lady Shyeloh I am fascinated by your palindrome knowledge.Now for all people who like words I have created a new one FANTILITICAL!
It's definion is any that does not half to do with reality.
Miss Zero
P.S. Mr.Batson I absolutely adore your books, and I hope that some day you might read mine...
Just out of curiosity would you mind putting an exerpt so we can all have a sampleing?
That would be cool.
Ah, Lady Shyeloh well done, they do say biscuit for cookie. Anyone else want to take a crack at the other English-ism before I tell all?
Or, shall I not tell, and drive everyone 'round the twist'?
Oh yes! Miss Zero, please let us hear your story! If you let us hear yours, I'll let you hear mine!
Pretty please...
I must thank you two for being so interested in my story, but alas the stars are dancing across the darkness of the night, and I must join the Nightwalkers soon. But as soon as the moon sets I shall contact you.
Happy Dreams,
Miss Zero
P.S. I half to go to church, so mabey after that.
I've heard that Kiera Knightly said no to another Pirates, but Orlando hasn't commented that I've heard. But Johnny's up for it if it has a good story line. My cousin has a teacher who has a son who has a friend that is the catorer to Johnny D and he said that he was originally signed on for 4 movies. Hmmm... maybe I should ask for an autograph. If a catorer can ask for it!
Hey! My last post was #87. Aragorn's age in the movie!
I just watched Episode 6 of Star Wars: the '83 VHS version.
Will Turner's name was originally going to be William Bear.
The Elvish words for hobbit are berianath or perianath.
Will Turner was originally going to be the main character, until Johnny D's performance put him on top.
Green and brown are my favorite colors.
I love trees.
I am currently waiting on the 4th Ranger's Apprentice book: The Battle for Skandia to come out.
"Negative. Didn't go in. Just impacted on the surface."
Orlando broke a few ribs while shooting Helm's Deep's cavalry charge.
Who is the cheesiest: Padme or Leah?
"Aidan watched in disbelief as Nock and Bolt ran across the heads and shoulders of the enemy knights as if hopping stone to stone in a shallow riverbed. Nock landed on the roof of a cottage, Bolt upon the highest beam of a catapult. There they opened fire."
Whoo! It's hot in this room.
What am I going to wear tomorrow for church?
La la la la LA!!!
"Lasto beth nin; tolo dan nan galad."
I love Samwise.
I love Legolas.
I love Elves.
The road goes ever on and on...
Namarie nin mellon!
OOPS!!! didn't spell the elven words correctly...
Whoo! #90!
That's what I get for staying up til 10:57 at night.
Hey! My last post was #87. Aragorn's age in the movie!
I just watched Episode 6 of Star Wars: the '83 VHS version.
Will Turner's name was originally going to be William Bear.
The Elvish words for hobbit are berianath or perianath.
Will Turner was originally going to be the main character, until Johnny D's performance put him on top.
Green and brown are my favorite colors.
I love trees.
I am currently waiting on the 4th Ranger's Apprentice book: The Battle for Skandia to come out.
"Negative. Didn't go in. Just impacted on the surface."
Orlando broke a few ribs while shooting Helm's Deep's cavalry charge.
Who is the cheesiest: Padme or Leah?
"Aidan watched in disbelief as Nock and Bolt ran across the heads and shoulders of the enemy knights as if hopping stone to stone in a shallow riverbed. Nock landed on the roof of a cottage, Bolt upon the highest beam of a catapult. There they opened fire."
Whoo! It's hot in this room.
What am I going to wear tomorrow for church?
La la la la LA!!!
"Lasto beth nin; tolo dan nan galad."
I love Samwise.
I love Legolas.
I love Elves.
The road goes ever on and on...
Namarie nin mellon!
not so random- i finished and absolutely loved all of Mr. Batsons books so far, as well as 1-3 of the dragons in our midst series.
randomish- enjoyed "i owe russia $1200", book by a great comedian.
- my shoes are blue
- most clowns i've met are actually very scary
- i worked as a clown for a talent agency in IL
- cheese is wonderful
- there actually is more than one way to skin a cat
- how can antidisestablishmentarianism be the longest, what about antidisestablishmentarianismistic, ly, ated, ish... seems it could be a bit longer than previously established.
- i like to put peanut butter and strawberry preserves in a bowl and eat it with ritz crackers
- the early worm gets eaten by the bird
Mr Batson, i don't recall if you answered the question i posted in another blog, concerning the map in the front of the second book of the door within series that seems to have your last name spelled out, though hidden, within one of the details of the map?
Leia is totally better than padme.
I don't like Padme like at all.:|
The English language is very confusing.
OK, I got one:
Why are boxing rings square, when the ring we wear on our finger is circular? Hmmmmmm...
I agree...not a huge fan of Padme. AT ALL. Leah's better.
the question is were the characters written to be cheesy? HMMM!
Its cold in here
My shoes are big
WTB is the best
Ashe said...
The English language is very confusing.
OK, I got one:
Why are boxing rings square, when the ring we wear on our finger is circular? Hmmmmmm...
Because who would wear a square ring, and how are boxxers suposed to "stand in your corners"?
J J: You are correct.
Go Yewland!!!
Isn't the Sindarin word for fellowship govannas?
OOH!! #100!
“Will Turner's name was originally going to be William Bear.”
Yikes! Soooo glad they changed it lol
“I am currently waiting on the 4th Ranger's Apprentice book: The Battle for Skandia to come out.”
Me too lol. I loved the first two but the third one was a bit slow…I’m hoping that the action will pick up in the 4th one.
“Orlando broke a few ribs while shooting Helm's Deep's cavalry charge.”
Oh yeah I remember hearing that lol. Poor Orlando, he’s so accident prone. Oh! And you know that part in The Two Towers where Aragorn thinks Merry and Pippin are dead and he kicks that helmet? Viggo breaks his toe when he kicks it, ouch lol.
Here’s my favorite quote ever: "You don't have a Soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."-C.S. Lewis
This never ceases to confuse me:
The sentence below is true.
The sentence above is false.
:-D Ah, good ole' Antidisestablishmentarianism. According to my source, there isn't an ending you can add to it and have a new, longer word based upon it. Interesting. Also, it's not listed in all dictionaries as it has fallen into the 'archaic' category of words, but it still holds its' title.
Lets see any other word trivia that I have rattling about. Oh, here's a good one. The word 'chortle' wasn't always a word.
More bragging rights to the person who can tell me who created that word, and where it first appeared.
Here's a Pirates 4 rumor that my response to was NO! NO! NO!
Note: This is just rumor.
Orlando Bloom's much-loved character in Pirates Of The Caribbean will reportedly be killed off in the fourth installment of the Disney series, as producers struggle to "cut costs." According to British newspaper reports, Bloom's character Will Turner is deemed "not necessary" to the sea-faring saga, although his castmates Keira Knightley and Johnny Depp are unaffected by the cutbacks.
A Disney insider tells British newspaper The Daily Star Sunday, "Pirates of The Caribbean has proved a huge hit and made a fortune for everyone involved. A huge chunk of that success is on the shoulders of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow. Love interest Keira Knightley, who plays Elizabeth Swann is a huge hit.
"But producers and directors are now trying to cut costs. Orlando Bloom has suffered as a result. The script for the fourth Pirates movie is being worked on and all the finances are in place but it was decided Bloom's character and a number of minor roles were not necessary to ensure it would be yet another box office smash for Disney."
OK Scribe, this is just a guess:
Chortle- Lewis Carrol
I do not really know where it was first used. My first guess would be Jabberwocky, or Through the Looking Glass, I'm not sure.
I love the Jabberwockey!
"Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gire and gimble in the wabe all mimsy were the borogoves and the mome raths outgrabe."
That's all I remember.
Did you know that in England, French fries are called chips?
Flinn, on the Pirates 4 rumor:
that would be horrible. I would never ever ever ever forgive Disney for that and they would lose a lot of fans. I don't see why they keep saying that Will is an 'unecessary' character. He's just as important to the plot as Elizabeth. I find it ironic that he went from being (well, intended to be) the main character to being the one who is most likely to be killed off. I just don't get it, Will is an awesome character, much better than Elizabeth, and there is a huge fan base for him. I don't think Disney realizes just how many people like Will.
But, I don't think it's likely that he'll be killed in a 4th film. The writers already had the perfect opportunity to kill him, but they didn't.
However, if they do kill Will I will never see any other Pirates films they might make. Jack is an awesome character, but it was Will, Jack and Elizabeth together that made the films so great for me.
And, if Kiera Knightly is refusing to return as Elizabeth, doesn't that already cut costs for them? Hey, if she doesn't want to be in the films anymore they can kill off her character instead and keep Will! :) (lol, just kidding)
But seriously, if they want to 'cut costs' they can just make the 4th film about Jack, even though that would make me very sad but it's better than killing characters uneccessarily when they might come in handy for later plots.
lol sorry, I get really worked up about this stuff because I've seen the first movie literally like 60+ times and these characters are so real to me, they're like my buddies :)
Me too, piratekatie.
I have seen them so many times I lost count. I wouldn't see it if they killed Will. I think they should find a way to free him and get Jack's ship back. Then everything would be complete. I am certainly not an Elizabeth fan. ARGH!!! ;(
Pun intended.
And yes! The characters from these movies as well as others are like...well...my friends! I could tell you how old they are, what they like...sigh. It's just sad that Disney is willing to kill one of the main characters like that. Sigh again.
Good guess Ashe! It was Lewis Carrol and yes dear Lady indeed it is in the poem The Jabberwocky!
Bragging rights all around!
As for POTC, I'm going to take an unpopular stand here and say that the first movie was brilliant, the second was mediocre and the third one bombed. Several friends and I went to the midnight showing of the latter two and were bitterly disappointed. There was so much one-upsmanship in the sword fights, the crew of the "Flying Dutchman" were laughable at best instead of terrifying as the skeleton crew had been, it didn't stick to any nautical myth *AT ALL* and the plot sucked. You had fine actors doing the best they could with what they were given but it could have been SO MUCH MORE and it wound up falling flat.
Now, go on, tell me how wrong I am.
I too think the first one rocked and the other two could be burned and never seen again. I am very passionate about this! :)
Thought: Which is your fav out of the three Door Within books?
I liked the Rise of the Wyrm Lord!
I like both The Door Within and The Rise of the Wyrm Lord.
I will say the first one will never be beat.
The second one was dumb.
The third one I liked, but I thought was a little weird for the third.
Talking about Pirates after the books by the way!
"I am certainly not an Elizabeth fan."
lol me either, Flinn. She's an alright character and I like the romance between her and Will but there's just sometimes when she tends to get on my nerves :/
I agree, the first Pirates movie was brilliant and the other two weren't that great. I can't say that I absolutely hated them, but I didn't love them either. I don't know what it was, they just seemed to be lacking something, or perhaps they just had too much. The plot of the third was especially confusing, there were too many people double-crossing each other and it was difficult to keep track of. One of the things I was looking forward to in the third movie was seeing how Jack would deal with the Kraken, but it was just dead on a beach and he didn't have to worry about it. I have to admit the computer animation of Davy Jones's crew was amazing, though.
I just can't make myself like the third movie. The multiple Jacks and Calypso was just too weird for me, and I didn't like how so much of the focus shifted to Elizabeth. And--nedless to say--I wasn't too pleased with the ending either.
I think for me the Pirates of the Caribbean story will have always begun and ended with The Curse of the Black Pearl. It was a great ending and movie, why couldn't they have left it at that? I can always imagine that Jack or Will or someone woke up and the last two movies were all a dream, lol ;)
Agreed! LOL!
"Drink up me hearties, YO HO!"
Favorite DW book? Hmm, that's like asking me to pick which of my friends are the best! I can't do it *sob* I love the Door Within because I'd never read anything like it, and I love Rise of the Wyrm Lord because all of the action and Ms. Reed is really just the coolest! And I love The Final Storm because of the last chapter, and because finally we get to see Robbie. ;)
Well, that is a refreshing surprise to see other POTC fans that actually agree with me ;)
I agree. The firt POTC was the best, but I love the music from the third. I seem to have this obsession with movie soundtracks:)
Why do we say "so and so brushed himself off?" I mean you can't actually brush yourself off your body!
And about having to choose my favorite of Mr. Batson's books...IMPOSSIBLE!!! They are all the best.
Take a look at this candidate:
What's on my mind? Hmmm...I could go on and on and on and...well, you get the point.
First of all, Wayne, muenster is my favorite cheese too.
Flinn, I cried at that part in the movie too, and still do every time I see it...
I'm in the computer lab at my school.
My friend Ashley is sitting next to me.
My boyfriend isn't here today. I miss him.
I've got a really dramatic scene coming up in my book. I am going to kill myself trying to word it right.
I just started another book...It's gonna end up being a trilogy, methinks.
My little brother has a basketball game tonight.
I haven't blogged in a few days...My internet is down.
I just moved into an amazing new house!
The walls in this room are painted blue.
I absolutely love The Door Within Trilogy, Nock, Farix, Aelic, Trenna, Antoinette, Falon, Yewland, Eragon, Eldest, Murtagh, Angela, and Saphira.
I absolutely hate how much they slaugtered the Eragon book when they made the movie, but thought the casting was good.
There are so many books coming out this year!(Isle of Fire, The Restorer's Journey, Empire, All My Holy Mountain, the third in The White Lion Chronicles, Symphony of Secrets...wow, that's a long list, eh?)
I really wish I could be at home writing.
I'm feeling kind of sad, but hopeful at the same time. I'm not all that sure why.
My friend Sapphira Adi has to move a long way away and is really upset about it. Pray for her!
I wonder how long it will take me to become a published writer? I hope it's sooner than later.
My dog, Rogue, swallowed a superball yesterday. We had to drive an hour away to get him to a vet. They got the superball out of his stomach, and we went and ate dinner at Cracker Barrel.
I have Algebra One as my next class. I'm not exactly looking forward to that.
I have to go to my dad's house on Wednesday. I'm not exactly looking forward to that either. We do not get along.
I'm going to be so ecstatic if I hear the Door Within is going to become a movie! Somebody tell me when and where they're doing the casting!
My brother forgot to study for his Bible test. I feel bad for him. However, while he was studying, he looked up at the chandelier and said, "Look, mini-lamps!" It was really random and I laughed my head off at him. He is more random than I am sometimes.
Well, the bell's about to ring. I'll post more tomorrow.
Write On!!!
Shelby Marie
Shelby Marie said...
"There are so many books coming out this year!(Isle of Fire, The Restorer's Journey, Empire, All My Holy Mountain, the third in The White Lion Chronicles, Symphony of Secrets...wow, that's a long list, eh?)"
The new Eragon Book is called Brisingr not Empire xD
"I agree. The firt POTC was the best, but I love the music from the third. I seem to have this obsession with movie soundtracks:)"
Finally, someone else who loves soundtracks!!! I was begining to think I was the only one, lol. I love the 3rd soundtrack as well, my favorite tracks are "Up is Down", "I Dont Think Now Is The Best Time, & "One Day". I am so obsessed with soundtracks it isn't even funny, lol.
I'm doing an essay on C.S. Lewis (ahhh there's sooo much to write about, it's sooo hard to narrow it down!!), and check out what he said when he was asked if there would be more Narnia books: "Isn't it better to stop when people are asking for more than to go on till they are tired?"
I couldn't agree more. I only wish the people who did the Pirates films had thought the same thing :/
Soundtracks are definitely what I listen to the most, so piratekatie, you are not alone. Come to think of it, you are Never Alone (teehee). I think my favorite from #3 is "One Day". Either that or the last one. Hmm....
Yay! I'm not the only one! My favorite songs are "Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho" "One Day" and "What Shall We Die For"
OOH! "What Shall We Die For" is good, as well as "I Don't Think Now Is The Best Time". GO SOUNDTRACKS!!!
What's you guyses opinion on The Hobbit: put in a subplot for Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli, or leave it alone?
Personally, I hope they do put a subplot in. After doing the LOTR first, it seems...I don't know. I just hope they do.
What exactly do you mean by subplot, Flinn?
Random Question: Does anyone speak Irish/Gaelidge? I don't but I really want to because it sounds so cool.
Well, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli aren't really in The Hobbit itself. But since they made LOTR first, people are familiar with those characters. I mean, put an extra story in with the rest of the real story.
Well that would be cool, I suppose. But personally, I like to keep to the authenticty of the book.
"Come to think of it, you are Never Alone (teehee)."
lol!!! I was cracking up when I read that XD
As for the subplot, I dunno...I, uh, have never actually read The Hobbit :/ I know I'm a horrible person lol. Well, I've read about halfway through before, but then I got distracted and never finished :/
Don't feel bad. I have actually never read LOTR. Don't hurt me! I will read all of the LOTR trilogy this summer because its on my reading list. The only reason I read the Hobbit is because it was on my summer reading list.
Wow! You people need to get reading! LOL! You don't know what you're missing!
Is is safe to assume that Mr Batson has never had this many comments on a post before?:)
"I have actually never read LOTR."
I haven't either lol XD I've seen the movies about a bazillion times though. I did try to read it a couple years ago, but I didn't like it for some reason...
I think the problem was was that I had just read Narnia, and I was used to the simple, clear, brief and to the point writing of C.S. Lewis. I wasn't ready for the intense tidal wave of a highly complex fantasy world where every last detail is described lol. To me it felt like getting off of a roller coaster and jumping onto a merry-go-round. It was a lot slower to read because of all the descriptions and the larger plot, which moved more slowly. Personally I like Narnia better lol.
I promised myself to try to read LOTR again sometime, so maybe this year will be the year...
"To me it felt like getting off of a roller coaster and jumping onto a merry-go-round." That's exactly how I felt! Yeah, I'm gonna try to read it again too.
I'm just visiting. My cousin loves your books and I loved "Isle of Swords". Your a great author.
Padme---definitely the cheesiest. With a name like that? YIPE. Oh, and there was that one scene in Revenge of the Sith where Padme and Anakin were telling each other how much they loved each other--{reaches for air sickness bag}
And yes, if you look closely at some of the maps in my book, you will find the name Batson--and also Mary Lu (my wife) and my four kids names too! lol
And yes, I think this is the most comments I've ever had.
And about The Hobbit movies: I know I risk offending some purists, but seriously, I don't care what they do to make it two movies: Aragorn subplot? The White Council goes after the Necromancer? Hunting Gollum? Bring it on! Bring it all on. PJ and the crew could make ten movies and I'd see them all.
Lady Shyeloh, Flinn, and Piratekatie...I'm a huge fan of movie soundtracks too. I love the POTC 3 sountrack. "Up is Down" is probably my favorite.
J-J--It's gonna be called "Brisingr"!? Man, I sure missed something, didn't I? I had last heard it was going to be "Empire." Ah well, either way, I'm excited about it.
Shelby Marie:
Yay another soundtrack fan! :) Hooray for "Up Is Down"! lol I have it as my ringtone on my cell. Obsessed much? Me thinks just a bit XD
There were just rumors that it was going to be called 'Empire', because both 'Eragon' and 'Eldest' started with an E and had 6 letters like Empire. I was surprised when I found out it was going to be called Brisingr because I thought for sure it'd be Empire lol. Well, there's always the next book ;)
I love "Up is Down"! It has to be one of my faves in P3. Soundtracks rule!
Randomocity is cool.
okay... Random thought.... let me think...I've got nothing...
I have a riddle a bomber flew over normandy about to drop a bomb it flew through the cloud and lost control. They gained back the control and hit the bomb button to drop the bomb. The whole bomber blew up why did it?
If we look down in a puttle and we see our reflection does that mean someone else in a different world is looking down at us?
It was upside down!
ok im random. I thought of this coming home on the plane yesterday.(was in Florida) If a car and an airplane are in the same place(airplane in the sky at 30,000 feet) and are travilling at the same speed which would go faster? Or would they be the same? I can't figure it out.UGGGG!!!!
do you mean who would arrive at their destination first?
If so the airplane would get there first becasue the car could run through traffic or take a longer route
I just felt like saying that for some reason.
I dont feal like saying anything. Oh srry :) I just dont know what got into me these days
Thanks for makeing a great book!!!!
I would have to say that doing this is random. I can't sleep so I decided to read some blogs. This topic was just perfect for 2 in the morning. It gave me something to do and lots to think about. Some very interesting topics here.
I love POTC too. And, yes, I agree that the first was the best. I do hope that they drop Will and Elizabeth if they make the fourth movie (I thought the cookie at the end was a good enough wrap up for them). I think the fourth one should be about Jack going after the fountain of your (pretty obvious) since throughout the whole series/trilogy/whatever-it's-called he has been searching for a way to live forever. I love the soundtracks very much. In fact soundtracks are my favorite. Love Hans Zimmer music. King Arthur soundtrack is good too. Also LOTR and Narnia music. What other soundtracks do I have.....I guess I do have a StarWars one too.
Which makes me say that the first three StarWars made (the ones with Luke and Han Solo), I think are much better than the last three made. Even thought the first three are really the last three. So confusing.
About the cheese in the Realm... I could actually care less. Not a big fan of cheese.
Platypuses (?) I like them. That was my first beanie-baby... if anyone remembers them. lol
Love New Zealand too. I want to move there some day... or at least visit.
The election... yes, what a year for this to be my first oportunity to vote.
I REALLY hope The Door Within gets made into a movie.
I love movies. Not a big fan of romance. I like the sci-fi/fantasy, action/adventure stuff, and some animated ones are good. Depends what sort of mood I'm in.
Has anyone ever been sky-diving. It sounds like fun to me.
I really want to learn how to surf.
Rollercoasters and scary rides make me happy.
If you go for walks at five in the morning, the lake is all misty. Looks pretty cool.
Why is it that some nights you just can't sleep?
And for all those odd questions... here's some more.
1. Why do they nail coffins shut?
2. If you try to fail and you succeed, what have you done?
3. Can a blind person feel blue?
4. If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
5. How do you know if a Smurf is choking? (would he turn a different shade of blue?)
6. Why do they sterilize the needles for leathel injections?
7. Why is it that what doctors do is called practice?
8. How does skating on thin ice get you into hot water?
9. Who decided that that the alphabet should be in that order?
10. If a word were misspelled in the dictionary, how would we know?
Sorry it was so long, but I had nothing else to do.
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