Well, ladies and gents, tomorrow at 2:30, I'll hop on a flight for Atlanta, Georgia, the beginning of the International Christian Retail Show, as well as, the kick-off point for the Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour. I hope we'll see many of you out there.
Please keep up the prayers.
I'll be posting a daily journal of the events just to stay in touch with all, so check back often!
Never alone!
-Wayne Thomas Batson
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Suspense Technique #3, Peril, and the winner is...

The 3rd suspense technique was PERIL. I was looking for authors to put their protagonists in danger, and not just the obvious "there's a piano suspended overhead" kind either. Some peril can be implicit. Some peril can play on your imagination and make you all the more frightful because of what you don't know.
The winner this time scared the bejeebers out of me. Way to not completely give away what the danger was, NICK, but your protagonist was definitely in some deep weeds.
Here's Nick's winning entry:
It was twilight, and the sunset sent red and pink rays dancing gracefully over the tops of the immense trees that made up the Great Forest. A lone boy was picking his way through the underbrush. He shivered. It had been a cold day, too cold for the middle of summer. He wore a patched and faded green tunic, brown leggings, and matching boots. The boy's name was Zech, and he was on a mission.
Zech was an unusual boy. Strange occurrences weren't uncommon around him. He had powers, unusual powers. He could do things no other mortal could. He could control weather, change objects' color, and move things without touching them. This is why most people, being superstitious, avoided him as much as they could. All of his life he had been mocked, laughed at, and made fun of.He longed for someone to understand, to be a friend. But no one would.
There was a brotherhood, one of thieves, swindlers, and assasins. Everyone knew of it, but none spoke of it. Even the guards ignored its existence. No one knew who led it, but it was said to be a shadow, quiet as a cat, and quick as lightning. Zech needed some friends, and he knew he would find them there. But how? The answer had come that morning, in the form of a note.
The note had been pressed into his hand by another boy, by the name of Troy. It had instructed him to be in the center of the Great Forest at midnight, and he intended to do just that.
He always had felt a little uneasy in the Forest. Maybe it was the how the forest seemed devoid of life, no light could reach through the thick canopy of leaves above. Or maybe it was the way his footsteps seemed to echo off of the bare tree trunks, filling his ears until he was sure even deaf Aggoroth, the town priest, could hear it. But for some reason or another, this time was different. This time, he didn't just feel uneasy, this time, he was scared.
With the note clutched in his fist, he blundered through the shrubs, thorns clutching at his skin and clothes. He fought on and finally reached the path through the forest. This would at least lead him close to the center. As he walked on, his spine began to tingle. A sense of dread washed over him like a surging wave of ice cold water. Someone's watching me!, He thought. He dove into a bush and sat there watching, waiting. But nothing happened, nothing attacked him. Finally, he reached the point where he must leave the path. Looking furtively behind him, he slipped into the trees.
Zech's feeling of dread slowly grew as he walked through the forest. The trees were only a few feet apart and it was night now, so he could barely see his hand in front of his face. All of his senses were on alert now, every muscle tense and ready to run at the slightest noise. The only noise he could hear was the pounding of his heart and his own breathing. He heard a low whistling high in the treetops. Suddenly, a strong wind whipped through the trees and yanked him off his feet, slamming him into the ground. A blinding light seared his eyes as he struggeled to stand. He saw an angel, clothed in white, standing before him.
"Zech, chosen one, favored by the gods, turn back, or all may be lost. Turn back!" And then she vanished.
That must have been my imagination, Zech thought. Or was it? Suddenly he wasn't so sure about this idea after all. Still, his desire for friendship soon won out over his caution, and he ventured on.
He reached the center of the forest. I made it, he thought. That angel was wrong, I'm fine, and I'm finally going to have some friends. Zech walked over to a tree and rested against it to wait for someone to meet him.
A half hour passed and nothing happened. The sense of dread slowly stole over him, like a tiger stalking its prey. Maybe that angel was right, he thought. I shouldn't be here. Suddenly, the darkness intensified and seemed to press in around him. He heard whispering, as if carried on the wind. There was a rustling in the bushes. Something big, something menacing, rose up slowly in front of him. He cowered against the tree. The prescence stalked purposefully towards him, and the whispering stopped. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound came out.
Wayne's critique: I love how the suspense builds from the slip of paper being passed to Zech, through the sounds echoing, to the angel's warning (note: if an angel warns you to move along, do it...NOW) to the ah, I'm safe moment at the end, and the uh oh, maybe I thought I was safe too soon...Yipe! Nick you made some great choices about what to tell us and what not to tell us. I was right there with Zech wondering what was coming to get me. Suggestion: Don't give us Zach's biography. Don't tell us what his powers are. Show us. I suspect, in a longer story you would. But the way you've done it here puts the brakes on the mood you are trying to build. Otherwise--awesome stuff. Email me your mailing address, and I'll send you a signed copy of either The Door Within or Wyrm Lord Lost Chapters.
Honorable Mentions:
Pixy: Wow, if yours hadn't already been published, you'd have given Nick a serious run for the top spot. You have a bit of Tolkien's Children of Hurin in this. What I mean is, you put the reader in that delightfully horrible "No, no, don't do it! Please, don't do it!" position. It's gut-wrenching--and powerful. She was just teetering on the edge of oblivion and the poor love interest was desperately trying to get her to safety. You should take that scene and put it into the book manuscript somewhere--wow, I'd send that in a proposal package in a heartbeat.
SarmJorn: Sweet unknown stalker!
Scribe: Things that nest there--really creeped me out.
Amy: molten death--ouch!
JC: You get the OH, CRUD!! Award--you just knew the avalanche was coming.
Eve: Still love the dragonship concept--now that's wild!
Pais: Newcomer Award--your peril was very much a test of faith--a great concept for peril.
Well done all!
I'll post #4 winners after the Tour!
Never alone!
Suspense Techniques,
Writing Tips
Meet the Authors of the Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour, Part 8, The Final PreTour Installment
Hey, all! Just a handful of days left until The Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour in Atlanta! Please continue to pray about that event--especially for the Fantasy authors out there. ICRS is where a lot of new authors get their first contracts (or at least have a publisher get interested in them).
Please also pray for all those people out there, some of them unsuspecting, who might attend one of our events. Pray that nothing would get in the way of these people coming. No car trouble, no unexpected chores, no trip to the grocery--nothing! Pray that folks would come out of the woodwork and find just the book they NEED. Pray that the message will go out without compromise. And pray for Bryan, Christopher, Sharon, and me--pray that we would be courageous and humble, eloquent and effective--and timely! Traffic could be an issue. lol
For details about the Fantasy 4 Tour, please check out our website by clicking below:
Tonight I've posted the FINAL entry in a series of Meet the Author threads. The author's words are taken from a Q&A we participated in to promote the Tour. I'll post all four authors responses to one question in each thread. Hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful fantasy writers.
I'll also be including a new piece of desktop art with each new post--Tonight's image is a bonus pic! This is my rendition of Clarion after the attack of the Wyrm Lord in DW2. It's called Clarion Burning. Feel free to save the file and use it as your computer's background. Share with friends or post wherever else you blog!

Q: What advice can you give to aspiring fantasy fiction writers?
WB: #1: It can be done.
#2: Your creativity is already there—you can think up a story as well as Tolkien, Rowlings, or I ever could. But your craft is probably not there yet. Read like a crazy person—esp. in the genre you think you want to write. But don’t just read to be entertained. Learn what the authors are up to. Remember that part that thrilled you? What made it thrill you? Take some classes in fiction and poetry. It may not seem exciting—in the same way that drills at football practice or practicing scales on an instrument seem tiresome. Everyone wants the glory of the big game or the rock concert, but few are willing to invest the work needed to get there. Writing is work. Creating is work. But it can be done.
BD: Don’t copy what has already been done—another form of Middle Earth, a new Narnia, or a Christian imitation of Harry Potter. Be bold. Write themes you’re passionate about rather than what you think the market wants. Don’t be afraid to make real heroes.
SH: Seek God. Let each day over your notebook or keyboard be a time of delicious fellowship with Him – so that whatever comes of the stories you create together, the time will bring Him joy and glory to His name.
Seek God. Ask Him when to pursue publication, where to pursue it, which steps to take next. He WILL guide you…to mentors, to writer’s conferences, to books about craft that help you make breakthroughs.
Seek God. Writing is a LAVISH investment of time. An art form that takes a huge gift of time without knowing if anyone will ever see it but Him. Remember the alabaster jar of perfume…poured out lavishly at Jesus feet. If He calls you to this, trust that the time is not wasted.
CH: If you are meant to write, if the Lord has really put that gift in you, then it will be reflected in how you live your life for Him, and for the pursuit of that goal. After hearing an amazing piano concert, a woman approached the pianist and said, “That was so beautiful! I’d give my whole life to play like that!” To which the pianist replied, “Madam, I did give my whole life to play like that.” If you really want to see your work manifest in a published document, if that’s the goal, then you need to be willing to start pouring yourself into it. Yes, God will make a way for you, and impossible doors can be opened, but you have to do your part. Write. Start today if you’ve been putting it off. Make the time, it normally doesn’t appear for you. Just write.
Please also pray for all those people out there, some of them unsuspecting, who might attend one of our events. Pray that nothing would get in the way of these people coming. No car trouble, no unexpected chores, no trip to the grocery--nothing! Pray that folks would come out of the woodwork and find just the book they NEED. Pray that the message will go out without compromise. And pray for Bryan, Christopher, Sharon, and me--pray that we would be courageous and humble, eloquent and effective--and timely! Traffic could be an issue. lol
For details about the Fantasy 4 Tour, please check out our website by clicking below:
Tonight I've posted the FINAL entry in a series of Meet the Author threads. The author's words are taken from a Q&A we participated in to promote the Tour. I'll post all four authors responses to one question in each thread. Hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful fantasy writers.
Wayne Thomas Batson--The Door Within Trilogy and Isle of Swords
Bryan Davis--The Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire
Sharon Hinck--The Becky Miller Books and The Sword of Lyric Series
Christopher Hopper--The Rise of the Dibor and The White Lion Chronicles
Bryan Davis--The Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire
Sharon Hinck--The Becky Miller Books and The Sword of Lyric Series
Christopher Hopper--The Rise of the Dibor and The White Lion Chronicles
I'll also be including a new piece of desktop art with each new post--Tonight's image is a bonus pic! This is my rendition of Clarion after the attack of the Wyrm Lord in DW2. It's called Clarion Burning. Feel free to save the file and use it as your computer's background. Share with friends or post wherever else you blog!
Q: What advice can you give to aspiring fantasy fiction writers?
WB: #1: It can be done.
#2: Your creativity is already there—you can think up a story as well as Tolkien, Rowlings, or I ever could. But your craft is probably not there yet. Read like a crazy person—esp. in the genre you think you want to write. But don’t just read to be entertained. Learn what the authors are up to. Remember that part that thrilled you? What made it thrill you? Take some classes in fiction and poetry. It may not seem exciting—in the same way that drills at football practice or practicing scales on an instrument seem tiresome. Everyone wants the glory of the big game or the rock concert, but few are willing to invest the work needed to get there. Writing is work. Creating is work. But it can be done.
BD: Don’t copy what has already been done—another form of Middle Earth, a new Narnia, or a Christian imitation of Harry Potter. Be bold. Write themes you’re passionate about rather than what you think the market wants. Don’t be afraid to make real heroes.
SH: Seek God. Let each day over your notebook or keyboard be a time of delicious fellowship with Him – so that whatever comes of the stories you create together, the time will bring Him joy and glory to His name.
Seek God. Ask Him when to pursue publication, where to pursue it, which steps to take next. He WILL guide you…to mentors, to writer’s conferences, to books about craft that help you make breakthroughs.
Seek God. Writing is a LAVISH investment of time. An art form that takes a huge gift of time without knowing if anyone will ever see it but Him. Remember the alabaster jar of perfume…poured out lavishly at Jesus feet. If He calls you to this, trust that the time is not wasted.
CH: If you are meant to write, if the Lord has really put that gift in you, then it will be reflected in how you live your life for Him, and for the pursuit of that goal. After hearing an amazing piano concert, a woman approached the pianist and said, “That was so beautiful! I’d give my whole life to play like that!” To which the pianist replied, “Madam, I did give my whole life to play like that.” If you really want to see your work manifest in a published document, if that’s the goal, then you need to be willing to start pouring yourself into it. Yes, God will make a way for you, and impossible doors can be opened, but you have to do your part. Write. Start today if you’ve been putting it off. Make the time, it normally doesn’t appear for you. Just write.
About the Author,
Desktop Art,
Fantasy Tour
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
In The News...
Happy 4th of July to Everyone.
There's a great article about the Fantasy Fiction Tour in a local Alexandria newspaper. Check it out:
Book Tour Highlights Faith
Fantasy 4 Come to Alexandria
And also, if you haven't had a chance to check out
the Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour Website, click below. There
you will find our complete schedule of events and
lots of other cool stuff about the authors, books,
the meaning of life, etc. etc.
Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour Website
Fantasy 4 Come to Alexandria
And also, if you haven't had a chance to check out
the Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour Website, click below. There
you will find our complete schedule of events and
lots of other cool stuff about the authors, books,
the meaning of life, etc. etc.
Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour Website
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Meet the Authors of the Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour, Part 7
Hey, all! Less than a week away from the start of The Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour in Atlanta! Please continue to pray about that event--especially for the Fantasy authors out there. ICRS is where a lot of new authors get their first contracts (or at least have a publisher get interested in them). It was just four years this summer that I went to ICRS (in Atlanta then as well) and pitched The Door Within books. A nice editor from Tommy Nelson took a real interest in the books and God did the rest.
But ICRS is also when Bookstore Chains and Indie Stores put orders in to their distributors for more or different titles. So, if you'd like to see your local Christian Bookstore stock more of what you like to read, please pray that Chains and Locals would buy lots of new fantasy/spec fic titles!
For details about the Fantasy 4 Tour, please check out our website by clicking below:
Tonight I've posted the 7th in a series of Meet the Author threads. The author's words are taken from a Q&A we participated in to promote the Tour. I'll post all four authors responses to one question in each thread. Hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful fantasy writers.
I'll also be including a new piece of desktop art with each new post--Tonight's image is a bonus pic! This is a drawing I did when I was just getting started with Bryce 3D. It's called Haunted Pass. Feel free to save the file and use it as your computer's background. Share with friends or post wherever else you blog!

Q: What do you hope to accomplish during the fantasy tour?
WB: Each one of the authors has a unique fan base. But readers of Bryan Davis’ wonderful Dragons in Our Midst series may have never heard of Christopher Hopper’s compelling White Lion Chronicles. I’m hoping to let readers of The Door Within Trilogy know that there are other fantastic tales out there. I’m hoping that we’ll bring readers of all four authors together, so that all of us can reach more readers.
BD: Over the last few years, I’ve noticed that quite a few Christians are skeptical of fantasy. They have good reason for their skepticism. With all the dark fantasy stories available, they are wise to be careful. I want to calm their fears by showing them how powerful fantasy can be in leading readers to Christ and strengthening their faith. I want to work to make fantasy a mainstream way of communicating spiritual truth.
SH: Meet face to face with many of the people who are hungry for stories to inspire courage and faith, and talk about the power of STORY as an art form in the Christian life.
CH: Like I said above, I hope we’re able to be an example of how authors, publishers, and Christians as a whole can work together to produce amazing fruit. I hope people are encouraged to meet the faces behind the writing and see that we’re just normal, everyday people that got crazy enough to put our thoughts down on paper. Sure, I hope we sell a lot of books and grow the market awareness; that’s just good business. But it has to be more than that in the long run. It has to be because we love the King and want His Message sent out to the ends of the earth. For my part, I get the East Coast with three other amazing writers, at least for this summer.
But ICRS is also when Bookstore Chains and Indie Stores put orders in to their distributors for more or different titles. So, if you'd like to see your local Christian Bookstore stock more of what you like to read, please pray that Chains and Locals would buy lots of new fantasy/spec fic titles!
For details about the Fantasy 4 Tour, please check out our website by clicking below:
Tonight I've posted the 7th in a series of Meet the Author threads. The author's words are taken from a Q&A we participated in to promote the Tour. I'll post all four authors responses to one question in each thread. Hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful fantasy writers.
Wayne Thomas Batson--The Door Within Trilogy and Isle of Swords
Bryan Davis--The Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire
Sharon Hinck--The Becky Miller Books and The Sword of Lyric Series
Christopher Hopper--The Rise of the Dibor and The White Lion Chronicles
Bryan Davis--The Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire
Sharon Hinck--The Becky Miller Books and The Sword of Lyric Series
Christopher Hopper--The Rise of the Dibor and The White Lion Chronicles
I'll also be including a new piece of desktop art with each new post--Tonight's image is a bonus pic! This is a drawing I did when I was just getting started with Bryce 3D. It's called Haunted Pass. Feel free to save the file and use it as your computer's background. Share with friends or post wherever else you blog!
Q: What do you hope to accomplish during the fantasy tour?
WB: Each one of the authors has a unique fan base. But readers of Bryan Davis’ wonderful Dragons in Our Midst series may have never heard of Christopher Hopper’s compelling White Lion Chronicles. I’m hoping to let readers of The Door Within Trilogy know that there are other fantastic tales out there. I’m hoping that we’ll bring readers of all four authors together, so that all of us can reach more readers.
BD: Over the last few years, I’ve noticed that quite a few Christians are skeptical of fantasy. They have good reason for their skepticism. With all the dark fantasy stories available, they are wise to be careful. I want to calm their fears by showing them how powerful fantasy can be in leading readers to Christ and strengthening their faith. I want to work to make fantasy a mainstream way of communicating spiritual truth.
SH: Meet face to face with many of the people who are hungry for stories to inspire courage and faith, and talk about the power of STORY as an art form in the Christian life.
CH: Like I said above, I hope we’re able to be an example of how authors, publishers, and Christians as a whole can work together to produce amazing fruit. I hope people are encouraged to meet the faces behind the writing and see that we’re just normal, everyday people that got crazy enough to put our thoughts down on paper. Sure, I hope we sell a lot of books and grow the market awareness; that’s just good business. But it has to be more than that in the long run. It has to be because we love the King and want His Message sent out to the ends of the earth. For my part, I get the East Coast with three other amazing writers, at least for this summer.
About the Author,
Desktop Art,
Fantasy Tour
Monday, July 02, 2007
I really LOVE the mail! This just in...

August 8th is the Official Release Date for
Isle of Swords
I hope readers of The Door Within Trilogy will enjoy
my venture into a new genre. I'm currently working on the
sequel to Isle of Swords. After that, God willing, its
back to fantasy in a BIG way.
Isle of Swords
I hope readers of The Door Within Trilogy will enjoy
my venture into a new genre. I'm currently working on the
sequel to Isle of Swords. After that, God willing, its
back to fantasy in a BIG way.
Book Covers,
Desktop Art,
Isle of Swords
Meet the Authors of the Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour, Part 6
Hey, all! Just a WEEK away from the start of The Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour in Atlanta! Please continue to pray about that event--especially for the Fantasy authors out there. ICRS is where a lot of new authors get their first contracts (or at least have a publisher get interested in them). It was just four years this summer that I went to ICRS (in Atlanta then as well) and pitched The Door Within books. A nice editor from Tommy Nelson took a real interest in the books and God did the rest.
But ICRS is also when Bookstore Chains and Indie Stores put orders in to their distributors for more or different titles. So, if you'd like to see your local Christian Bookstore stock more of what you like to read, please pray that Chains and Locals would buy lots of new fantasy/spec fic titles!
For details about the Fantasy 4 Tour, please check out our website by clicking below:
Tonight I've posted the SIXTH in a series of Meet the Author threads. The author's words are taken from a Q&A we participated in to promote the Tour. I'll post all four authors responses to one question in each thread. Hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful fantasy writers.
I'll also be including a new piece of desktop art with each new post--Tonight's image is a bonus pic! This is a drawing I did when I was just getting started with Bryce 3D. It's a simple piece, but I've always liked the mood and suggestive quality. It's not based on any story, but it seems to be begging for one, eh? It's called Castle Cliffs. Feel free to save the file and use it as your computer's background. Share with friends or post wherever else you blog!

Q: How do you think coming together for The Fantasy Fiction Tour demonstrates the gospel message?
WB: When Jesus came to the men who would become apostles and shared the good news of the Gospel with them, they left everything behind: homes, jobs, lifestyles, and also pretense and artificial barriers. You had doctors, fishermen, tax collectors, and tent-makers—and they gave up everything for The Mission. In the four authors on this tour, you have a former engineer, a musician, a soccer mom, and a teacher—all of whom have become authors for different publishers. You also have four different Christian backgrounds spanning several denominations. And yet, we are coming together for the mission of conveying God’s truth through the well-written fantasy tale. Our publishers have put aside competition and are working hard to promote all of our works, which is something I’ve never heard of before.
BD: All four of us have a passion to build God’s kingdom, and we are coming together to share hammers, nails, and encouragement as we build. This kind of cross-publisher support demonstrates that this effort isn’t about money; it’s about communicating something we all believe in. Sure, we hope to sell more books, but that’s so more people will read the stories that we believe will lead them closer to God. The foundation for the gospel is love, and love is selfless. That’s the spirit we hope to illustrate as we work side by side.
SH: The heart of the Gospel is that we can’t save ourselves. We need Christ – and HIS actions on our behalf. I know that as writers, each of us has acknowledged that we can’t succeed in our daily work apart from Christ, either. By uniting for this tour, we are looking to HIM to accomplish His purposes. We’re also enjoying the blessing of fellowship – supporting each other, instead of promoting ourselves.
CH: I love meeting fans of my books, because their lives have been changed by them in some small way, just as mine has been in writing them. And not only that, but meeting the fans of the other authors’ works, seeing the looks on their faces when they shake hands with that author because they both have a mutual connection, all because of a simple story. Isn’t that the point? We’ve all been affected by a simple story told over and over again for 2,000 years. And if we’re honest with that story, it will redefine who and what we are, because there is life in that story.
I also think the tour hammers home the way real Christians should be acting. Think about it, four different authors, each with a different church affiliation and personal background, from four different publishers, each with quite possibly a completely different set of values from how they market to what they edit and why. Unfortunately the secular world has seen enough evidence of why not to be a Christian; it’s a wonderful thing to be a part of a team that shows them what they are missing if they aren’t. Unity is not uniformity. Unity is working together for a common purpose.
But ICRS is also when Bookstore Chains and Indie Stores put orders in to their distributors for more or different titles. So, if you'd like to see your local Christian Bookstore stock more of what you like to read, please pray that Chains and Locals would buy lots of new fantasy/spec fic titles!
For details about the Fantasy 4 Tour, please check out our website by clicking below:
Tonight I've posted the SIXTH in a series of Meet the Author threads. The author's words are taken from a Q&A we participated in to promote the Tour. I'll post all four authors responses to one question in each thread. Hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful fantasy writers.
Wayne Thomas Batson--The Door Within Trilogy and Isle of Swords
Bryan Davis--The Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire
Sharon Hinck--The Becky Miller Books and The Sword of Lyric Series
Christopher Hopper--The Rise of the Dibor and The White Lion Chronicles
Bryan Davis--The Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire
Sharon Hinck--The Becky Miller Books and The Sword of Lyric Series
Christopher Hopper--The Rise of the Dibor and The White Lion Chronicles
I'll also be including a new piece of desktop art with each new post--Tonight's image is a bonus pic! This is a drawing I did when I was just getting started with Bryce 3D. It's a simple piece, but I've always liked the mood and suggestive quality. It's not based on any story, but it seems to be begging for one, eh? It's called Castle Cliffs. Feel free to save the file and use it as your computer's background. Share with friends or post wherever else you blog!
Q: How do you think coming together for The Fantasy Fiction Tour demonstrates the gospel message?
WB: When Jesus came to the men who would become apostles and shared the good news of the Gospel with them, they left everything behind: homes, jobs, lifestyles, and also pretense and artificial barriers. You had doctors, fishermen, tax collectors, and tent-makers—and they gave up everything for The Mission. In the four authors on this tour, you have a former engineer, a musician, a soccer mom, and a teacher—all of whom have become authors for different publishers. You also have four different Christian backgrounds spanning several denominations. And yet, we are coming together for the mission of conveying God’s truth through the well-written fantasy tale. Our publishers have put aside competition and are working hard to promote all of our works, which is something I’ve never heard of before.
BD: All four of us have a passion to build God’s kingdom, and we are coming together to share hammers, nails, and encouragement as we build. This kind of cross-publisher support demonstrates that this effort isn’t about money; it’s about communicating something we all believe in. Sure, we hope to sell more books, but that’s so more people will read the stories that we believe will lead them closer to God. The foundation for the gospel is love, and love is selfless. That’s the spirit we hope to illustrate as we work side by side.
SH: The heart of the Gospel is that we can’t save ourselves. We need Christ – and HIS actions on our behalf. I know that as writers, each of us has acknowledged that we can’t succeed in our daily work apart from Christ, either. By uniting for this tour, we are looking to HIM to accomplish His purposes. We’re also enjoying the blessing of fellowship – supporting each other, instead of promoting ourselves.
CH: I love meeting fans of my books, because their lives have been changed by them in some small way, just as mine has been in writing them. And not only that, but meeting the fans of the other authors’ works, seeing the looks on their faces when they shake hands with that author because they both have a mutual connection, all because of a simple story. Isn’t that the point? We’ve all been affected by a simple story told over and over again for 2,000 years. And if we’re honest with that story, it will redefine who and what we are, because there is life in that story.
I also think the tour hammers home the way real Christians should be acting. Think about it, four different authors, each with a different church affiliation and personal background, from four different publishers, each with quite possibly a completely different set of values from how they market to what they edit and why. Unfortunately the secular world has seen enough evidence of why not to be a Christian; it’s a wonderful thing to be a part of a team that shows them what they are missing if they aren’t. Unity is not uniformity. Unity is working together for a common purpose.
About the Author,
Desktop Art,
Fantasy Tour
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