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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday Writing Challenges! Today! Jump in folks!

Double Writing Challenges Today! 12 noon EST and 4pm EST. If you want to join us, just comment here. Post what you're working on. Post your current word count. Then from 12-1, set your fingers afire and write like crazy! Same from 4pm-5pm. I'll probably be writing in between some too if you want to jump in.


Click HERE to get in on the action.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Writing Challenge Today! 4pm EST


Greetings fellow writers! I'm hosting a writing challenge today at 4pm EST. Just visit my Facebook page or click the link below. 

What is a writing challenge? It's a way to get serious about writing, avoid distractions, and second guessing---and get some serious content written. 

How do we do it? Simple. Just post a comment on my Facebook thread telling us what story/scene you're working on. Post your current wordcount. Then, write like a crazy person! ONE HOUR straight. Butt-in-Chair. Nothing but writing. 

At 5pm, we compare results. It's all friendly, but the accountability is RIGHTEOUS!1