In case you're in the area, here's a list of all my events for the remainder of March and into April. More to follow.
+ March 26th, 7-8:30--Reading and Signing at Eldersburg Branch Library 6400 Hemlock Drive, Eldersburg, MD 21784 410.386.4460
+ Thursday April 3rd ELDERSBURG His Way Bookstore from 5 to close (8pm) Special Event with George Bryan Polivka, Author of the Trophychase Trilogy
+ Friday April 4th GLENBURNIE His Way Bookstore from 5 to close (8pm)Special Event with George Bryan Polivka, Author of the Trophychase Trilogy
+ Saturday April 5th ELLICOTT CITY His Way Bookstore from 5 to close (8pm)Special Event with George Bryan Polivka, Author of the Trophychase Trilogy
+ April 9th Mount Airy Branch Library, Mount Airy, Maryland 7pm-8:30
+ April 11, 2008 Deer Park Middle Family Reading Night at Barnes & Noble, Pikesville, Maryland. I'll be doing readings at 7, 8, and 9pm.
+ April 16th, Featured Author at SoMIRAC Conference, Hunt Valley Marriott
+ April 25th a Visit to Patapsco Middle School, 1:30-3:00pm.
Also, enjoy the desktop image above. It's a feisty volcano from Isle of Swords. Click on the image to see full size and then save the image to your desktop.
Oh, and one more thing: There's a very good chance, in the next couple of weeks, I could have a HUGE announcement to make. But for now, I will say no more.
oh you should really go to Puerto Rico
but then...I might be your only fan.
Puerto Rican book stores suck.
Any how, I believe I get the feeling I know what your "could be big announcement" is!
But like you, I will say no more =]
AWESOME BACKGROUND!!!!!! LOVE IT! If you can, come to Silverdale in Washington. I would be sooooo happy! Can't wait to here what this "Big Announcement" is. ^-^
Auberne' Ancalimon @-`---
I also think I know what the annoncment is but I going to to no one HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you coming to North Carolina? Maybe Charlotte? That would be awesome. I still can't believe I missed the Fantasy Fiction Tour when it came to Charlotte. I hope the announcement maybe has something to do with a big screen ;-)
Is there any chance you might come to Chesapeake, Va any time soon?
Sadly, I cannot come to any of those events. :( But I love the desktop! :) And I am going to die of suspense until I hear this big announcement! I think I know what it is!
And the south would love to have you, Mr. Batson! You have a lot of fans down here!
any chance you would be coming to inland San Diego? Me and my siss love The Door Within Trilogy.
I think I might know what the announcement is too. At least what I hope its going to be.
Is my region the only place in Canada/America that has almost nobody who knows these Christian authors (except me)? Wayne Thomas Batson is never mentioned by anyone where I live...and I haven't seen his books anywhere, either. Must look harder...
Wayne, you should come to Arizona. I have three --awesome-- books that won't sign themselves lol =P
You should totally come to Florida! Your books are in alot of stores!
I pretty sure I know what the announcement is!!!!!!
The announcement MAY not be what you are thinking it is...hmmm...{scratches chin, wonders if he should have phrased it differently}.
The news IS huge. Very cool huge. But, let's just say this announcement involves much more than just my personal work.
Please come to Texas, more specifically the Dallas area! My friends and I would love it if you came. And I'm going to try and not think about the big announcment. (so hard...)
If it's not just about his personal work. Hmmm... this will take a little bit of thought.
When are ye coming to Ohio? I think I know what the announcement is, however...
You do realize Sir Wayne that we'll be checking your blog every oh... three seconds for the next couple weeks don't you?
Hmm... an announcment... I'll be checking back to find out what it is.
Oh, I cannot stand it! Please hurry! AAHHH!!!
errrr...this is what happens when you dont check back often enough....err...so according to your reply posts...im not gonna let myself think what i want to think...awww shoot yes i am ;-)
-keels over- Thanks a lot. You killed me with suspense. XDD That and the fact that I live nowhere near any of the places you're off to next. D; I'll be stalking your blog more than ever now. ^^
"you" meaning ME in that last post!
I think Mr. Batson wants us to think a different kind of BIG than what I think everyone else is thinking and what I once thought was the right kind of thinking.
I think.
AAAAH! Too much thinking! It hurts!
The term is "My brain is choking"
On a side note, Mr. Batson, what font is that and how do you get it? I've always been a font person, and I've always wanted a "piratey" font.
Hey wayne have you ever though of turning one of your books into a videogame or boardgame? Because it would look AWSOME!
I cant't wait!
Can I scream yet? All this waiting is giving me erm..anxiety attacks. lol. I can't wait!
Whoa you are busy.. I'm almost as busy lately.. not really, so I have not been checking your blog as much lately. But yeah I think its time to check it more again.. for that big announcement!! Hope the book signings go good, and I'm quite ready for the grass to become green again and the weather warmer, so I can take my laptop outside to write!!
Awe, shucks. I'm driving up to NJ on the 25th... Was kinda hoping that event would be a bookstore signing. Oh, well... Have fun!
What IS it with author's and teasing us like this? :P Hurry up!!
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