Time to Pray!
I just got word that the talent consultant in CA has begun reading The Door Within Trilogy. He's been looking into contacts at Walden Media and elsewhere to consider The Door Within's viability as a film. He was told that Trilogy or Series books are a must in order to get a film made. Stand alone books are not what studios are looking for right now--at least in terms of YA audiences. Makes sense. I like series books too. Fun to follow characters I know through a series of adventures.
The consultant indicated that, if he likes what he reads, he has a number of contacts for whom he can recommend The Door Within as movie material.
So pray. God's in command. Let this be done if it will bring Him glory.
Sounds Awesome! I'll be praying.
That would be cool.
Oh that's SOOOO cool! I'll definitely pray!
Ooh... let the praying begin!
I can see the movie poster. Right in the bottom center: "Based upon the novel by Wayne Thomas Batson".
If it gets made, I'll be the first in line. Unless there's another die-hard fan that got there before me.
SWEET POT PIE!!! I will pray, you can be sure of that!
And I will be competing with the writer for the first spot in line! LOL
That is so exciting!!!
I'll most definitely be praying...
and competing with the writer and Flinn should the movie happen >:D
Awesome!!!!!!!!!! My friends are restraining me in my chair right now as I heard the news. This is amazing. I can't wait. Yesssss!
Sorry, I just reread it. I thought it said that a movie was happening. Well, very good news anyway. I'll be praying.
That is amazing! It looks like a good scatter shot too with wider possibilities of hitting the target.
I shall tuck it in my prayers. ;)
Wow, if they decide to film it, I'll get my tent and camp out in front of the theatre until it comes out! [sly look enters face] Say, do you get a say in the casting?
COOL! *starts praying*
you'll let us know if you get any info when they're looking for extras right??? :D
Sweet! I'll be praying Sir. Wayne!
YAY!!!!! I wish I could use bigger font. This is too small to write my excitment. I will be praying. And waiting at the theatre.
Yes, time to pray! Specifically for God's perfect will so when this happens it can be awesome and powerful!
I believe there will be a major race to be first in line...I'm willing to fence for it! En garde!!
Swordmaiden Juliette
That's awesome! I'll be praying. I'd like to see it as a movie! Oh yeah, and I AM going to be the first in line. lol.
so yeah i am officially praying!!!!
AHHH this is sooooo exciting!!!!
I have to read the books quickly before a movie is made! Gotta get the books...gotta get the books....cause I won't go anywheres near the movie until I have read the books!!!
I hope they don't warp and twist your books too much, like they did with some other movies....
Oh yeah, what Ian said. I would hate to see the DW go down the path of the horrific occurrence that was the Eragon movie -gags-
Ah, Zaphir, I completely agree!
I am sooo excited about all this...I'll pray like a maniac about it...
Shelby- No you won't, I will!
Hee hee... or WTB could just have both of you barred from the theatre....I foresee you will be very dangerous people the day the movie comes out.
The theater would be torn to shreds by you guys :)
He who is last shall be first...
I'll be last in line.
XDD If anyone saw the idiotic grin on my face right now, I'd be taken in before you could blink. -rocks back and forth in chair- Believe me, I will be praying SO HARD. But really, I don't see how this story could not be made into movies! .. If only I could go read the books again right now. xP I loaned them to a friend a couple weeks ago.
On the subject of the movies themselves, I'm with everyone who's said they hope that they won't end up like Eragon. -shakes head sadly- That was the worst book-to-movie in the history of the universe. XD
-ties Zaphir up with spaghetti- I will be first in line, thankyouverymuch. ^^
I'm gonna pray, i'd be awesome if i could play a role XD but that is wishful thinking. My parents wouldn't let me travel for a one in a million shot at being an actress. lol.
I'm gonna be praying.
Yeah, they better not ruin the DW!!!
I'd be so mad if they did.
Eragon was omg horrible
the book was WAY better.
I want the Door Within books to be slightly better than the movies! just slightly.
Eragon was bad, but the 1970's animated Lord of the Rings was worse.
I'll keep you in my prayers
I must be like the only one who actually enjoyed the Eragon movie. I like the way the elf was portrayed in the movie much better then in the book. However, I see your point when it comes to it's accuracy to the book, that was absurd. Regardless, I was able to enjoy the film anyways.
I do hope that The Door Within trilogy will be made: As a trilogy. One movie for each book. Fairly accurate to a point. Sometimes books can go into things that if a movie were to attempt it it would gain an R rating as well, not all storytelling is created equal, have the right locations, and avoidance of absurd additions. Having Paragor lounging around on the beach watching seven moonrascals surfing isn't going to cut it (though it would be rather amusing.), good actors are helpful as well.
AMAZING! I will be praying!
.. I wouldn't mind seeing surfing moonrascals. XDD Kidding, of course, unless it was some sort of bonus short. Rofl. ^^
What an awesome movie that would make! I'll be praying the if the movie were made, they would grow God's Kingdom by huge amounts! Long live the One True King! :-)
Wayne! This rocks! And why shouldn't they pitch it to Walden?--they're amazing books, Christ-centered, and worthy of promotion to the youth of the world. Yes, yes, yes!
Proverbs says that a man's gifts make room for him and bring him before kings. So bet it!
I'm another that actually liked the Eragon movie. One of the main reasons I like it is because I can shred the entire movie to bits while comparing it with the book. I seriously want the movie to be true to the book. If its another Eragon-type movie, I don't even want it to be made. I'm praying it will be true to the book and that it will get made.
Infact, get ready for a shock, I probably won't even see it for weeks if it comes out. My dad hates going to movies first day. I got a free ticket to a movie theatre and if I hear that they are going to make it, I may wait to use it until it makes theatres. Don't know how long the ticket goes for, so may just use it on Prince Caspian.
Praying so hard....
I like this series better that LOTR and very possibly Narnia (probably because I can relate to the characters better). but getting back on the subject, Wayne, you have all my prayers that this movie will further the Kingdom by showing the youth of today that they need their King. oh and guys, I'm going to let you all go before me so that we don't have a fight. I'll be praying. David Natzke
Yeah, tell us if you get info about extras.
You have my prayers!
-a fellow writer
Oh, yes, it would be awesome to be an extra for something like THE DOOR WITHIN!!!!
-a fellow writer and your biggest fan
Please let us know when casting auditions will be held.
BTW- You guys will have nochance ingetting in line first.:))
That would be so cool if it was made into a film! I'll pray! Christian Fanasty is my favorite genre. I have read these books at least three to five times��
That's awesome! I'll be sure to pray about it. This is just so cool!!!!
Any new updates on this? Still waiting for this wonderful trilogy to show up on the big screen...
Alas, no new news. I'd love to see it happen, but so far no new interest that I've been made aware of.
Could you produce the movie if you got people to help make sets, act , do costumes, and all that? It wouldn't be as awesome as a big company doing it but it would still be awesome.
i'll be praying
by the way mr. batson i love all your books!
i have read the door within, the bernifel prophecies, the dreamtreaders, and the isles chronicles , also im considering to donate for you on patreon
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