Please know that I am thankful beyond words for everyone's incredible effort on behalf of God's work through my books. You all went way beyond my imagination on this, and I am absolutely thrilled. Win or lose, I hope you had a good time in the process. You are ALL Knights and Swordmaidens of Alleble, forever.
And now the list:
HannahShoop: 4985pts.
*Did not count all email recommendations, but awarded 1000pts for the effort.
FlinnFanofTwins: 3930 pts.
*You did not actually have the 3000 point Mega Treasure as Christopher Hopper's Books and my own were not included as purchased during the final week. You were awarded the points for the individual books purchased.
Haley: 1950 pts.
*Had an error in points totaled. This is my best estimate.
Ellie: 1870 pts.
*Did not count the oral book report as individual recommendations, but gave 500 points for the effort.
DragonRider: 1565 pts.
Pais: 1555 pts.
Jconn: 1340pts.
Scoutboy: 1150 pts.
Shane: 905 pts.
Kim: 860 pts.
MasonWilde: 715pts.
Pososhle: 695 pts.
GsusFreak: 675 pts.
Paige: 485 pts.
Tbon100K: 475 pts.
BeckyS: 460 pts.
Josiah's Mom: 450 pts.
TheWriter: 435 pts.
DerekRains: 400 pts.
Theophilus: 400 pts.
KareAlethias: 400 pts.
Lenore: 360 pts.
AmyBrowning: 190pts.
Will: 155 pts
Sarmjornn: 110 pts.
Melissa: 75 pts.
LindsayWest: 75pts.
Shadow: 55 pts.
SaphirraAdi: 50pts.
BrianTubbs: 50 pts.
Kay: 50pts.
Eve: 45 pts.
Paul: 20 pts.
HUGE Congratulations to Hannah, Flinn, Haley, Ellie, and DragonRider! The Five of you will have characters named after you in my next fantasy series. Remember, of course, that these characters may be killed off in remarkably unpleasant ways. LOL You also receive a signed book of your choice. Email me and let me know which of my books you'd like.
I'll need the three of you to email me the name you want me to use in the story. Hannah, Flinn, Haley could all work, but if you have a fantasy name in mind you'd rather me use, let me know. Ellie isn't really fantasy-esque, so do you have another name that would work? Dragonrider is cool, but my next series won't have people riding dragons. So let me know if you have another name you'd like me to use.
And Hannah, you are the grand prize winner. You will receive signed books from me for life. That means every time I have a new book released, you will get a signed copy of that book in the mail! Just email me your mailing address. Your first books will be Isle of Fire, due out August 13th, 2008.
Again, to all, YOU ROCK!!
Never alone.
-Wayne Thomas Batson
Congrats everyone!
I sorta did it, but never submitted anything... kept getting distracted... *spots something shiny* SHINEY! *runs off*
Uh, question though. Wasn't it supposed to be the top five...??
Congrats everyone!!
OOPS. You are quite right, Pais!
Can you tell my brain was fried from messing with all those numbers?! LOL
I thought as much :P LOL
Conrats everyone!!! Roheryn, I got too distracted and forgot to ever report what I submitted. But oh well! What I do by recommending these books to my friends just gives me my own sense that I am a winner for telling people about a good book. The fact I have gotten my agnostic friend to become more interested in Christianity, has been the best prize of last year!!!!
Forgot to add, she got interested by reading and loving all four of your books, WTB!! Keep writing, your books are a hit at my book club!
I have no clue what your email address is.
If it's on your blog I must be missing it.
Congratulations everyone. Even if you didn't win at lest you tried.
Thank you!! And congratulations to all the winners!! Justin b. that's awesome about your friend! Mr. Batson, I think people are really being touched by your books! Several people at my church are reading the books now and love them! My youth pastor loved the imagery and allegory in the story. And I was wondering along with dragonrider about your e-mail address. Did you already post it on here?
My email's in the sidebar.
And Justin and Hannah, knowing that my books are reaching folks for God is worth more than all the sales!
Congratulations everyone!
Regarding the e-mail address... I cannot resist. Out of curiosity I noticed the lack of address in this post, so I spent like an hour last night trying to find it in the sidebar... So upon seeing it this afternoon my reaction was thus:
*Dons Marvin the Martian voice."
"Oh goodie, now I can add you to my PU-436-Explosive Space Address Modulator."
(Also known as the Mac OS Address Book. That thing's integration with Mail is righteous! Type a letter, BAMM you can e-mail fifty people, like that! *Snaps fingers* I love my mac.)
Congrats to all the winners! This was really fun, Wayne! Way to go Hannah!
Congrats everyone!!! Me so happy 4 you!!!!! Tell us who they r in the books though wish to know!!!!!!! M&Ms rock!!!
Thanks flinn-fan-of-the-twins! You did great too. Oh, btw, where did your name come from? Are you a Minnasota Twins fan??
And yes, Mr. Batson, this was really fun. Thanks for having the contest!
Oh, and thanks for the e-mail address!
congratulations! if i had only found out about the competition sooner...i think i could have done (thinks a minute) (scratches head and thinks another minute) o.k. i'll definitely be checking this site more often, though. [sigh] i love these books...
Congrats all!
Great job everyone!
Well, congrats to all. I missed the double points week because I celebrated Christmas at my Grandma's. Oh, well. I tried, and got beat. That's life. Really, good work everyone!
Good work everyone and congrats to the winners!
Congratulations, guys! :D
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