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My firstborn daughter, Kayla Mary Batson, aka Kaydoodle is an absolute bad--- warrior! But even warriors need help sometimes. Please read on...
Emergency Medical Fund: Kayla’s Relentless BattleMy
name is Summer Smith and I have started this fundraiser on behalf of my
dear friend, Kayla Batson, to help get her out of extreme medical debt
and pay for future surgeries, the medications she needs to live, and
anything that will help improve her living situation. In 2016 Kayla
endured a surgery with extreme complications. These complications were a
direct result of severe malpractice and negligence, but due to the
statute of limitations in MD, Kayla has unfortunately timed out of the
window to pursue legal action. Because of this, Kayla was left with 4
untreated major infections/super-bugs: MRSA(Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus Aureus), another but different type of Staph Aureus
strain and infection, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, and Diphtheria (despite
the fact that she was up to date on all vaccines, she became so
immunosuppressed that she was able to contract this). By the time Kayla
was able to secure a better medical provider/surgeon, she needed to be
hospitalized. She was treated with a substantial amount of IV
antibiotics to rid- all infections and superbugs, and has had to endure
13+ life-altering surgeries (including a double mastectomy, different
transplants, major abdominal surgeries, hip & femur surgeries on
both legs, and operations on her spine- to name a few).* These extensive
surgeries have been ongoing over the past three years to repair the
damage done to her body and the hardships of these surgeries have
rendered her permanently disabled.

*At the end of this page, per
Kayla’s request, there are two quotes. 1. She asks that people
PRIORITIZE reading these before they click the link to her medical
pictures. 2. The second quote is a thank you directly from Kayla.
the beginning of 2018, on top of all the complications presented by
these surgeries, Kayla started experiencing serious symptoms associated
with disorders characterized by deterioration of the nervous system. She
has already undergone a series of tests, the results of which are
associated with certain neurological disorders. She will need to
continue consulting with a team of specialists regarding a final
diagnosis, but at the moment is unable to until her medical debt is
somewhat alleviated. these past three years, Kayla has
experienced numerous tragedies and hardships while dealing with her
extensive medical issues. In the spring of 2019, Kayla’s best friend
passed away unexpectedly. Shortly after, Kayla was diagnosed with
malignant melanoma in multiple areas of her body. She had to go through
treatment, involving surgical procedures to remove the cancer, while
still healing from the previous operations. Through everything, Kayla
has tried to persevere, but the emotional, physical, and financial
burdens have taken their toll, both on her and her family.
this point, Kayla has not received any financial aid outside of her
family. She has applied and is waiting on disability income, but the
process for approval takes months, if not years, in most cases.
This is an emergency situation
as she needs to continue paying for the medications she needs to live,
as well as travel expenses to get to her doctor’s appointments, since
she no longer has a working vehicle. The initial goal we are asking for
will go towards the medications she needs for the month, the copays for
weekly doctor’s visits, and towards a used vehicle, so she can get to
her appointments with more ease. Any additional funds will go towards
her and her family’s $200k+ worth of medical debt, as well as ongoing
medical expenses and imperative upcoming surgeries. Anything is greatly
appreciated; I assure you. Kayla is a kind, gentle, and giving person,
and it is heartbreaking to see her deal with all of this, especially at
such a young age. Any donations would be an immense relief. If you
cannot donate or even if you can, please share this link. And please
send positive thoughts, any type of support, and please pray over this
situation for continued healing for Kayla.