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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kill this Thread and Win Venom and Song

Have you ever played "Kill this Thread?" You say you're against all forms of killing? I SO agree…uh, except for this game. Uh, and except for when I find a spider on my bathroom floor. Okay, back on topic.

Kill this thread works like this:

1. Comment on this post.

2. Be the last person to post a comment before the thread "Dies."

How does the thread die? Easy, all that has to happen is for NO ONE to post a comment for one single day. Every time you post a comment, you prolong the thread's life 24 more hours and put yourself in the potential winner's seat!

So, say Biff posts a comment at 3pm today. If no one posts another comment by 3pm tomorrow, then Biff wins the prize. But, if Zelda posts a comment at 2:59pm tomorrow, BOOM, the thread lives on 24 more hours.

Now I've seen this done a number of ways, but one thing I hate is that the comments posted are too quick and very boring. So I'm adding one more REQUIREMENT:

3. Make your comment something meaningful. Give us one of your favorite quotes. Tell us why you like it. Give us something from God's word to munch on. Talk about your hopes and dreams. Encourage someone you care about. Talk about a new band you "discovered." Tell people why they should buy my books--you know, anything meaningful like that! :-D

Oh, and what's the prize? How about a PreRelease Advanced Reader Copy of Book 2 of the Berinfell Prophecies series: Venom and Song--autographed by BOTH authors (CH and Me!)

Sound good?

Post away! Kill this Thread!


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Unknown said...

What does everyone prefer when writing their stories, computer keyboard or pen and tablet?

jolayne said...

I'm back...
and i have a full summer ahead of me! i am learning spanish 15 by corispondents and royal consevitory grade 7 (they will both give me a grade 10 credit)
i also have to memorize my lines to the school appropriate version of Grease (i got frenchy. i am ditsy and drop out of school, that's ironic because this year i got academic proficientsy 1. (trust me i didn't get it for my spelling) then i want to read though me spanish/english Bible (both versions hopefully) then there is going to camp and doing odd jobs to raise money for Paris. oh yea, i don't think i mentioned that i was going to Paris and Tunisia in April of 2012 with my schools french travel club. i think that i my summer in a nutshell, any of you guys and gals have any summer plans?

Anonymous said...

Hey there!
Well I'm sorry I haven't posted here in a while. I'm sure you are all happy cause that means you guys and girls have a better chance at the book. :)

So I plan on getting on here more...
This thread will keep going on and on...

Also- Wayne Thomas Batson, I think that who ever wins the book should get 5000 Vanadils for the tribes.
And what tribes are everyone on? I still have to join one.

Thanks Goldarrow!

Unknown said...

Matthew: Haha! That's quite good; Gandalf had amazing insight didn't he? =)

Lady DragonKeeper said...

More late comments:

@ jolayne - You're going to Paris for a school trip?! *is jealous* LOL, just kidding about the last part. Wow, Frenchy is sort of a main/sub-main character in "Grease" if I recall correctly. She was the "beauty school dropout" right? =) Congratulations on getting the part! I hope the play goes well for you. =)

@ Patrick - My thoughts on the "VotDT" trailer . . . =D I could do a whole paper on it, but like (I think Jake?) said, I think it might be more closer to the book like "LWW" was. I LOVED the trailer --LOL, it was late at night when my two youngest siblings and I saw it and I nearly squealed when I watched it (okay, more like screamed --not too loud though-- when we had to pause it to load the rest of the video). *wink* I liked seeing all the scenes from the book that will soon be on the "big screen" --the "from the painting into Narnia" scene, the Dufflepods, the Magician, Lucy and the Magician's book (OMGoodness, that was . . . perfect!) I also liked the cute scene in the beginning with Edmund and Lucy. Skandar Keynes and Georgie Henley look so "grown up" compared to how they were in the 1st movie. =) It almost made me forget about the rumored "Gael" --the little girl seen during the filming as reported by and other fansites. I've also seen concerns about Edmund acting like Peter, "I was a king!" "Not in this world"-type of exchange in the England scene. I hope they don't go that route --it'll seem like a rehash of "PC." Some people were worried about Jadis showing up again --Mr. Adamson totally likes using her in that role, LOL. I think he's a producer this time? Anyway, I don't have a problem with that since it seems like it's the Dark Island scene, but someone brought up that it's weird that she would tempt Ed, since HE'S the one who prevented her from coming back in the "PC" movie. They didn't think Edmund would be tempted by her offer of power. Also, I was excited that it seems like they got Will Mosley (Peter) and Anna Popplewell (Susan) to reprise their roles (hopefully for opening scene --as you remember from the book, with Peter studying with Prof. Kirke and Susan visiting the U.S. with their parents) --I'm praying that the bit at the end of the trailer with the four of them is a flashback from when they were ruling Narnia and not a present thing --that would be SO "un-canon" (not accurate to the books). What's cool is that if it's a flashback it would totally work as a time in between when they were crowned in "LWW" and when they're adults in "HHB" (though book Lucy was 17 or 19 I believe) . . . I'm so excited about the new movie! "VotDT" is on the lower half of my Narnia book rankings, but I still can't wait to see it!!! Pure Narniac; sorry. =) (What's your take of the trailer, Patrick? *wink*)

@ Jake - Wow, that sounds like an awesome trip! And it sounds like you had a great time. =)

If I haven't said it already, I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

Jake said...

Thanks, Eldra! I have some free time on my hands, so I might as well comment.

Just finished Venom and Song, and I have to say that it takes #8 on my top ten list of books. Out of the thousands I've read. :D

I both love and hate the way WTB and CH end both books with a hook saying, "Haha! Now you know this essential piece of information and have to wait for the next book to come out!" It's both masterful and maddening. :)

jolayne said...

i think ive commented three times and they still haven't gotten posted. so i'll comment again.
the other night i watched the end of the spear. it is a very powerful movie and i asure you my eyeliner was down to my cheeks by the time it was over. i'm not much for grafic movies but i liked the passion of the christ and end or the spear. (i had watched the cartoon jim eliot story since i was a kid, but never realized what really happened. i knew they were speared, but the end of the spear took it so much farther than that.

Endurance and Victory

jolayne said...

wow, still nothing new is posted, but i'll keep commenting anyway. today at church my amazing pastor (who is not afraid to put things on the line) gave a sermon on stress, work and 1 day off. the sabbath day is Holy. that is the fourth commandment! it comes before do not murder, and before don't commit adulatry. if you would never think of killing a person, why would you think of working on the one day a week that is ment to be a time to relax and reconnect with God? my pastor had an really good point i think. i don't have a job and don't think i work too hard, but i think that that advise will come in handy when i am older. what do you guys think?

Endurance and Victory

Unknown said...

I wonder if the music at the Banshee where Mr. Batson and Mr. Hopper go in Scranton, PA, for their Writers' Bootcamps sounds like this awesome song? :)

Kristin said...

Hey everyone how we doing I just got back from the mountains it was great. You know I always find nature very inspirational. Any way I have a few comments to catch up on.
Star-dreamer - I will totally support u on your book I know how u fell and I'm right behind you. If you are looking for some publishers I now a great book called the Christians guide to publishing it's full of good reliable companies you can look at.

Archer- thanks for the idea great minds think alike I mousy say. Just the other day Before you commented I wrote a segment in my book where April ( my main charaiter) gets a necklace that helps her later on in the book.

Logan- your welcome. It was a good idea and I'm sure to use it sometime in one of my books. When I get published I will totally send you a sinned copy of my book and put your name in the dedication. Also I have been thinking lanky that I could use your name in my book. I have been looking for the right name for one of the new chariters I have been developing and I think your s will work. He will be an important leader in one of the tribes April will meet.

P.s. I bet your a good writer you just have to write about what you love and the lord will take care of the rest.

Jake- welcome back 3000 words is a lot to write in one sitting. You know my favorite thing about writing is when you get "in the mood" and your book flys by you like a movie and you type what you see and it all comes's great felling that only a writer can experience.

Well that's all see you soon

Kristin said...

Hey you all I have noticed that you all have been talking about how the cover of Auralia thread got your atition and it got me thinking about what people look at when picking a book so here's my list of the top five things that get people to pick books ( in the order it happens)
1. Cover- it garbs attention
2. Title- if it's boring people wont be interested
3. Back page summary- it tell what the stories about and whether or not the person wants to read it. Must people won't open a book if the back cover dosnt grab there attention
4. First chapter- if a person gets this far and hasn't put the book back on the shelf then the authors almost got them. The first chapter has to be interesting if the reader gets bored to fast most people don't have the attention span to stick with the book so the first chapter has to say this is a good story stick with it.
5. The book- finally the finale piece. For me nothing is worse than reading a book I thought would be good and fining out it has pore literature and a bad story's great to have a lot of people bye a book but if it gas bad reviews than less pope will want to read it and you know the rest.
So that's what I think what the top 5 things a person looks at are what do you think?

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Thanks to all of you who prayed about the "out of state" camp. Well . . . my parents and I talked about it this week, and they are letting me go to the camp. =) It's really cool how God worked it out, because when I was at worship for the camp I was helping at, God seemed to say, "Don't worry, if you can't go to camp, I'll help you feel content" type of thing and then this past week, I found out that I can extend my 19 hours a week at my part time job to 30 hours --almost like God was providing a way to pay for the camp . . . =) I just feel humbled --why didn't I trust God earlier? It wasn't until that worship time, when I thought, "if I can't go, it'll still be okay" and kind of stepped aside for whatever God wanted that things seem to have fallen into place . . . anyway, just wanted to share that with you. =) Have a good week!

Jake said...

I feel kinda tired now that I'm done blowing things up for the Fourth.

Star-Dreamer; Lucky! I want to read SODS soooo bad...

Patrick; I prefer using a keyboard to write with. I can usually write a lot faster, it's easy to save and edit, and I can read my typing. ;) Not so much with my penmanship.


Wow, Kristin, that's some pretty good writing insights. Thanks for sharing!

This Sunday, since I'm visiting my grandparents on my dad's side, I went to their Methodist Church. Now that I'm actually thinking about it, I have a lot of Christian denominational diversity in my family. My parents and my siblings and I are all non-denominational (we don't belong to any denomination). My dad was raised a Methodist until he became Christian after he was married to my mom, where my mom had been raised Mennonite Brethren. [POINTS for those who knows what the Mennonite Brethren are right off the bat! No searching]

So my mom's side is mostly Mennonite, my dad's side is Methodist (though my uncle and his kids don't go to church very often). Wow. And before my family went to a non-denominational church, we went to a Baptist one. So a lot of churches. :)

RED~Scribe said...

Jake - So. . . when are you going to post the next part, huh?????

Jolayne - Sweet!! I'll have to look that up!!! I almost wish that I was down on the floor too, but I'm afraid my hearing might have been permanently damaged. I can't believe how loud they had some of the bands, especially on Sunday (in Rexall Place). It was ridiculous!!!! But I agree on the headbanging thing. I woke up the next morning and could hardly move! Skillet's awesome. . .

Kristin - I so agree with your last point. I read the Star Wars novel "Crosscurrent" thinking that it was going to be amazing (from the small bits I'd read before) but was sorely disappointed. The plot is terrible and I regret reading it.

Patrick - I totally prefer using a computer, since I'm a fast typist. But every once in a while I'll grab my thick book of ideas and jot something down, especially if it's really important. Usually I use just my laptop and/or Touch though.

~Never Alone~

Unknown said...

"Sanctification, then, is the invariable result of that vital union with Christ tat true faith gives to a Christian. "He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit" [John 15:5]. The branch that bears no fruit is no living branch of the vine. The union with Christ that produces no effect on the heart and life is a mere formal union, which is worthless before God. The faith that has not a sanctifying influence on the character is no better than the faith of devils. It is a 'dead faith, because it is alone'. It is not the gift of God. It is not the faith of God's elect. In short, where there is no sanctification of life, there is no real faith in Christ. True faith works by love. It constrains a man to live unto the Lord from a deep sense of gratitude for redemption. It makes me feel that he can never do too much for Him who died for him. Being much forgiven, he loves much. He whom the the blood cleanses, walks in the light. He who has real lively hope in Christ, purifies himself even as he [Christ] is pure [James 2:17-20; Titus 1:1; Gal. 5:6; I John 1:7; 3:3]."

- from J. C. Ryle's Holiness, 2nd chapter, when he discusses sanctification.

Lady DragonKeeper said...

This week I've been busy helping with our church's VBS program, so I thought I'd ask you all about VBS. Are/were you in a VBS or special church summer program? What ages did it go up to? What time was it and for how long?

I was in a VBS program when I was elementary school aged . . . it ran from morning to early afternoon --originally about two weeks (weekdays only) then to about a week or a week and a half. At the church my family is at now, it runs one week (5 weekdays), from 7:00-9:00pm. That was the biggest difference for me, but I suppose it's easier getting help and stuff if it's in the evening --at the VBS program I went to when I was younger, I think there were a lot of retired senior citizens who helped if I remember correctly. I love the fact that our church is using "our own" curriculum. The lady in charge wrote her own skits and everything . . . =) This year it's the book of Daniel with a Kung Fu/Asia/Martial Arts sort of theme. Last time she wrote this spoof on Indiana Jones --they were learning about creation and evolution and stuff. The man who taught the lessons loves the "Answer in Genesis" and creationism type of stuff --he also had some fossils, etc. to show the kids which was really neat.

RED~Scribe said...

Wow, I'm up way too early this morning. Guess this thing still hasn't been updated, so I'll just randomly blabber.
Getting up at five thirty. . . not so fun. Working with horses. . . lots of fun. I guess I can sacrifice a bit of sleep for that. On the other hand, if this starts to interfere with my evening writing, I'm not going to be so pleased about it. . .

~Never Alone~

jolayne said...

Alright, i'm back!
(come on you guys why aren't you cheering?)lol
Yes i am going to Paris with my schools french club, but what i am exsited about is Tunisia. it is a country in nothern africa, and i get a Cammel ride through the Suhara! *jealous now*LOL
ya frenchy is one of the main parts, considering that i have bright red hair, i won't need a wig. also yes i am in Beauty school dropout, which i thurally believe is the most annoying song i have ever heard! the boy i have to dance with in two years younger than me and hasn't had his growth spurt. i think it will go well.
(my sister is going to be playing piano as well. i am driving her to her limmet to learn 4 11 page songs, and all the scene changes that we don't have the music for)

@mirmaidgirl- thanks for the advise. when reading my bible i was going a book at a time, and completely by random, but i read through the book of lamitations, and thought that it would be kind of cool to incorperate that into a story... just an idea though.

Endurance and Victory

Star-Dreamer said...

Jake: My mom's family has been mennonite for generations! So yeah, I know about the Mennonite brethren. My Dad was a pastor's son whose background was (more or less) Assemblies of God. My immediate family's Assemblies of God as well, but we have a good foot in with the Mennonites too.

Patrick: I prefer using a keyboard too. I use a notebook mostly for stamping out basic ideas and trying to get myself out of writers' block, but it seems that I write best when I'm sitting at a keyboard.

And on a sad note, I wasn't able to get Sword of the Six because I lost my job yesterday and have to save all my money until I can find another one. :( And I was so looking forward to reading it! Oh well. Maybe in a couple of months.

On the bright side though, I have more time to write, so that is one good thing. And I'm still going on my trip; I guess that is another.

Anonymous said...

-Star-Dreamer, don't you hate procrastinating? It's my weakness...

-Haha, Jolayne, that's just great! =D I love helpful guys. =)

-Patrick, it depends what I feel like. I like how the keys click on the keyboard, and it's quick so you don't lose your train of thought, and you can actually read what you're writing. But, just having a pen and paper gets my creative juices flowing, and I can take it outside and swing.

-Jolayne! ¡No sabĂ­a que tĂş hablas Español! ¡Caray! Apriendo a mi escuela. Me fascina español. No hablo muy bien, pero, me fascina. No puedo practicar mucho porque no Conoco nadie que la habla, pero quiero ir a un viaje de mission de mi iglesia a Ecuador en 2012. =)

Have to go, catch up with you guys later! =)

kristin said...

Eldra- I remember that book it was the worst. my worst experience was from when i was little i picked up a book (I don’t remember the title) I thought I would be a good easy read when i was done my head was sore from confusion. The author didn’t know how to keep a thought. There was one part in the book were the bad person popped up and at first, he seemed menacing. Then suddenly he started having a conversation about how he felt and what he was doing as if they were best friends it went on for three pages and i got very confused because in the end the good guys kill him? O well.

Everyone- how was your fourth, I know I had fun I WAS IN A PARADE.

Star dreamer- the Rockies are great if you go to aspen visit the maroon bells especially at sunrise, they are beautiful.

Well that’s all for today see you guys soon

Unknown said...

Return of the King Soundtrack: Track 3, Minas Tirith

Thought I'd post a rousing song from the Return of the King soundtrack!

jolayne said...

man, i had the last comment...for about 6 hours. well i'll just try again.
do any of your parents ever make you watch old tv shows? if three of you answer that with what shows you have to watch, then i'll give you a list of about 7 that i watch regularily.
we don't have cable, or farmers version, but tonnes of old tv series and dvd's.
i guess it does us good, i'm on the computer writing a story, or reading one, rather than watching tv, i guess it does us good.

Endurance and Victory

Jake said...

Eldra; What next part...? Oh, the excerpt? Or not? Anyway, I don't think I WILL be posting the next part *evil grin*.


Star-Dreamer; I'll be definitely praying for you. :( Were you just laid off?

So are you related to just Mennonite, or Mennonite Brethren? 'Cause if you're Mennonite Brethren, you're probably either distantly related to me, or I know somebody who knows somebody who either knows you or is related to you. ;) That's what my mom calls 'the Mennonite Game'. :D lol.

I knew my current youth pastor's cousin before I moved a hundred or so miles and became part of his church. And his brother stayed at my Grandma's not too long ago. I could name dozens of other such incidents. :D

Another is that my youth pastor, Steve Friesen, has the EXACT SAME NAME as one of the pastors at my old church--the same one that Steve's cousin went to. XD

Sorry, that became rather long. :D

Gotta go now... The comments seem to be really slowing down. I can hear V & S calling! :D

jolayne said...

how are you guys?...and gals?
i am reading a book called the Valvet Shadow by Angela Hunt. it is book three in the series. it is about a girl from the south who is living in the north at the start of the civil war. at the begening you hear more of the south's side than i had anywhere else, it is amazing what a difference of perspectives can do. don't get me wrong, i don't believe in slavery, or what the south did in the war, but for that matter the north did some pretty nasty things too. this isn't just about the civil war, many things in life seem to be very one sided, Like when the atomic bombs were dropped and everyone cheered. i watched a movie on Haroshima, (i know i spelt that wrong), and what the inisent Chinese people went through because of their government. i understand that it put a stop to the war, but i don't understand why they had to do it by killing women and children. there was a story of someone who listened to her daughter being burnt alive because of the bomb, and there was no way that she could get to her. it was a true story, the girl was four years old.
i don't see, how vilence solves violence, but i don't see a way around it.
Well, i don't think i'll be solving any more of the worlds problems tonight, until tommorow,
Endurance and Victory

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Hey, the comments are updated --yay! =) I have to make this really quick, but I just wanted to encourage you Star-Dreamer --I hope everything works out for you . . . I know when I didn't get into the class I wanted to for this fall semester, I thought I was a bad thing, but not having that class enabled me a chance to get the job I have now and now the camp I can go to later this year . . . =) You can never be reminded that "God's plans are not our own" too often. =Dtyuio

RED~Scribe said...

Yet again I'm up way too early. And it's already hot out. Bad combo. I may fall asleep typing this. . .

~Never Alone~

Unknown said...

‎"In Him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory." - Eph. 1:13-14

jolayne said...

well, its still not updated, so right now i fell like i'm talking to myself.
tommorow i may be going to pick out a Bible, it will be my bible for the next at least four years. do you have any suggestions? what version do you prefer and why? i'm also picking up Bible cases and Bible highlighters, so any ideas would be helpfull.
my aunty told me to read through the Bible, and not turn a page until God shows you something that you didn't see before. she read through her whole 1000+ page Bible like that. i admier her a great deal.
Endurance and Victory

Lady DragonKeeper said...

So anyone reading/read anything good this summer? Maybe you can post a short blurb about it for us? I haven't been able to read a whole lot this summer with my job and "volunteer counseloring" at camps and VBS, etc. but I'll be looking forward to hearing about some good books? =)

jolayne said...

Still not updated? well i guess Mr. Batson's pretty busy, with writing books and all, so i don't blame him.
FOR EVERYONE WHO PRAYED ABOUT MY EXAMINATION...i got first class honours with a mark of 82%! Piano is different than normal marks and a 60 is passing an 80 is like a nintey in school (first class honours) and a nintey is unheard of, i know two people who are far better musicians than me and can't get over a nintey. Thank you to everyone who prayed. i appreciate it.
Endurance and Victory

Jake said...

No comments updated yet... Hm.

Well, in absence of comments to reply to, here's a little bit of theology I've been reflecting over.

While I was coming back from my mission trip in a 12 passenger van, I was thinking aloud about how Jesus' saying "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." was so accepted in secular schools, and how it came straight out of the Bible and everything.

My friend, who was sitting beside me, gave me a strange look and said, "My social studies teacher said that all religions have that same rule."

I thought, "What?!? Is that what they're teaching them?"

What do you guys think about that? Do all religions have that same rule; 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you'?

Unknown said...

Greetings, everyone!

Thoughts on quills and keyboards hopefully tomorrow; Star-Dreamer: I'm real sorry about your job-loss; although, as you mentioned in your blog post, it does give you more time for writing and reading! We'll be praying for you to find another soon!

WayMaker said...

Here's another inspirational bible verse I want to share with everyone:

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

-Psalm 27:1

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Has anyone checked out the "new" It looks pretty nice right now. Someone stop me from watching the "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" trailer for the upteenth time please! Or don't --I still love it, LOL.

I noticed that I didn't respond to the "do you prefer to write with pen and paper or computer" question. Although I don't write stories (except for the intro to creative writing class I took last semester) I use the computer and Microsoft Word to write all my papers and essays on. Why? Because most of my teachers/instructors/professors expect font sized 12, Times New Roman (or something similar), double spaced, 1 inch margined pages. =) Also, I can type a little faster than I can write, but when I was home-schooled I wrote the majority of my assignments on paper. Now it's the other way around. =) On the bright side, I'm typing faster than I used to, but still not as fast as my youngest, tween brother, LOL. ;-)

Jake said...

Happy Sunday morning to y'all! :D

Mermaidgirl45; Uhh... Does that say that you're going to a mission trip to Ecuador in 2012 (when the world ends? XD) lol.

Patrick; Rousing indeed! That's my favorite scene in the whole movie.

Jolayne; I don't even have a TV at all--not that we can't afford one. We just don't need it.

Jolayne again (different post); The reason these things happen--killing innocent people, bombing cities with children--is just one thing; sin. There's no way around it. "For all have sinned..."

The good thing is, we have redemption in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! :D

kristin said...

I’m looking at reading a book "Heartless" by Anne Elisabeth Stengl the synthesis looks good I hope it will be a good series. Also have ay of you read "the lost books" series it’s pretty good I also like "the rangers apprentice series." oh and there’s the "tattooed rats" trilogy I know its a weird title but its a great trilogy. It’s very hard to find though I only know of one library near me that has it.

Well that’s all the books I can think of now though I fell as if I’m missing something... Oh well see you all soon.

RED~Scribe said...

Jake - Yes, I did mean excerpt. AND THAT'S JUST MEAN!!

My mom's background is also Mennonite. Amazing how many of us there are on the thread.

If you want to see two really ugly animals, look up photos of the blob fish or a sea pig. *shudders*

~Never Alone~

jolayne said...

Hey everyone, i've got to go really soon. i haven't had time to read through many comments, but @Jake about the religious thing, i don't think that all religions are the same, but many people who claim to have no religion tend to think that they are. Some one did a poll on what people thought about Christians and it got 100% negative results, then they asked what the same people thought about Jesus, and we got nearly 100% positive response. we clearly give eachother and God a bad name, if one christian says something people think that all christians are like that. Others watch us far more than we think they do.
@mirmaid girl, i didn't have time to read through the spanish, but i will translate it soon, and yes, more boys should learn to do dishes.
Endurance and Victory

Unknown said...

Music Video featuring the "Across the Stars" theme from Star Wars Episode 2; enjoy!

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Jolayne - I love "old" t.v. shows! --Goes hand in hand with my love of "oldies" music and "classic rock." =) We don't have DVD sets of all of these shows, but I've enjoyed seeing them when they were on TV Land or SciFi channel re-runs: Airwolf, Bewitched, the Brady Bunch, the Carol Burnett Show, the Cosby Show, Happy Days, Get Smart, Hawaii Five-O, I Love Lucy, Little House on the Prairie, MacGyver, Man From UNCLE, Knight Rider, Star Trek (TOS & TNG), The Waltons, etc. =)

I think you meant "Hiroshima" and that was in Japan . . . China was supposed to be one of our allies during WWII. =) I'm half Japanese and Chinese so . . . ;-) I'm 100% percent American though! =D

I've always had the NIV (New International Version) which I believe is a "thought for thought" translation, but in the Awana program I was in, they only had KJV (King James Version) and NKJV (New King James Version), so I've always memorized scripture in NKJV "word for word." I like both versions --Zondervan's site had information about some of the versions available:
Be sure to check out the link about the translation families --they have a list about different versions, but note that Zondervan sells NIV, etc. so of course, they want you to buy the NIV version (i.e. it may be a bit biased, but I couldn't find the article I saw online explaining "thought for thought" and "word for word" translations). =)

Anonymous said...

-Oh my goodness, I'm sorry guys. I know I haven't been on in forever. =) All this crazy stuff has been happening...

-Star-Dreamer, I'm sorry about your job. =/ Praying for you!

-Patrick, I love the Lord of the Rings soundtracks! They're wonderful!

jolayne said...

@Mirmaidgirl that's so cool, i hope you have a good time in Ecuador, i am hoping to go on a missions trip as well, (sorry i don't think i'm aloud to say the name of the Country, if i am i'll tell you later) in 2011. (hint it is a spanish speaking country.) this country is making a new rule that if you are in the country and under 18 without a parent they might not let you leave. so PLEASE PRAY FOR THAT.
PS. i am not that good at spanish yet, but i got the just of it.
PPS. i can't find an upside down question mark or an upside down exclimation mark anywhere on my keyboard, how'd you do it?

@Jake, thank you that made my dad!
*cheers for jake*

Endurance and Victory

Star-Dreamer said...

Jake: Well, I know of the Mennonite Brethren, but I'm not really sure if I'm related... (know any people with the last name of Kerh or Porzelius?) *lol*

Mermaidgirl: I absolutely hate procrastinating! It drives me up the wall! But sometimes things just happen that way.

On an upnote, I discovered the artprogram "gimp" the other day. It's free to download off the internet. The reason I decided to try it is because I was using Adobie Photoshop until my old comp crashed and I had to go get a new one (which was a big hunk out of my paycheck *sad face*... but I can't be without a computer... it's a nessesity.)

Well, for some stupid reason adobie won't work on my new computer so I decided to try gimp. And it works pretty good! I'm working on a new digital painting titled "All I have". It's the first seriously detailed digital painting I've ever done, so when I'm finished with it you can bet I'll be posting it on my blog. I'm excited about that!

Plus I've applied for two new jobs. No word yet, but we'll see. And if everything goes as planned, I'll be heading to the rockies in about two weeks!

Things seem to be looking up a little bit. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Sorry things have been crazy. =) I think I already posted, but I'm not sure, so I guess I'll see tomorrow! =)

Patrick, the Lord of the Rings soundtracks are incredible! I absolutely love them! =)

Star-Dreamer, I'm really sorry. God'll work something out.

Jolayne, that's incredible news about your piano exam! Congratulations! =)

Got to go! Love you guys! =)

Unknown said...

Star-Dreamer: Awesome new blog template!

From The Return of the King:

"The night sky was still dim and pale. There, peeping above the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty forever beyond its reach."

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Patrick - I love all of the "Lord of the Rings" soundtracks! I have all three (normal editions), but technically they're "digital albums" --MP3s. I didn't know until recently that there's the deluxe two disc sets for each movie . . . I heard that's worth getting. =)

@ Jake - This might answer your question: I had also heard that the "golden rule" wasn't exclusive to Christianity . . . but I still think that the big difference between God and man's mind is that --all those other religions and philosophies that have a saying similar to "the golden rule" --what is the intent behind it. As a human, I would think that "do others as you would have them do to you" is more like me, like man saying, "I better be nice to you, because I don't want you to be mean to me." We don't want anything bad to happen to us, we want to avoid discomfort or trials . . . it's self-preservation. But that's not God's intent behind "the golden rule." "Love your neighbor as yourself" . . . because we were all created by God and he cares about all of us and wants us to see how He views the world . . . as Christians, we are to be "Christ-like." Anyway, I hope my rambling helped a bit. =)

Jake said...

No comments published yet.... :P


On another note, I was priveleged to have WTB comment on my review of V&S!!! :D

Sooo... that's about it. I think. See ya.

jolayne said...

How are you guys?
Remember when i commented about a movie called to save a life. it is coming out in August, it is one of the best movies i've ever seen. type in 'to save a life movie' into google and you can watch the preview. it is an amazing movie, it would be worth your time.
Endurance and Victory

kristin said...

hi everyone how are you doing. has anyone noticesd its been a wile since mr. batson posted...
i have begun that book i was talking about (heartless) and its really good. have you guys gone on to the clash websit it has some great books and things.
i dont know what else to say so see you all later.

jolayne said...

short post
@Jake when i said *dad* i tried typing day, but i was taking about something my dad had done that day.
so, i am not accually crazy, i'm just easily distracted, and horible at spelling.
@mirmaidgirl, thanks i was pretty happy, my piano teacher didn't believe me at first.
Endurance and Victory

jolayne said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! i'm not the only one! i was begening to get desperite, i watch what my mom and dad did when they were my age. the list includes...the A team, Macgyver, Mission immposible, Charlies Angels, Little house on the Prairie, Road to Avenlee, Night rider, Riptide, The Beverly Hillbilies, I love Lucy, The Dick Van Dike show, Greenachers, Zoro, Emergancy and more that i cant remember. i am enjoying them greatly, but as soon as i realized that i like them i thought something had to be wrong with me, or maybe we're just both crazy LOL. Anyway, that made me feel better.
Enduance and Victory

Jake said...

Lady DragonKeeper; I love the VOTDT trailer too. Tis awesome!! Can't wait for it to come out--perhaps Mom will take me and the sibs for a Christmas present of sorts? XD

Eldra; Crazy!! It's the 'Mennonite Game' again. :P Man... And I've seen the Blob fish picture one too many times already. *shudders*

Lady DragonKeeper (again!); My sisters have watched every single Little House on the Prairie episode. Seriously. And they're slowly watching THEM ALL all over again. I have learned to dread that terrible theme song of theirs...

Patrick; LOTR is just plain awesome, but that quote is even awesomer--and I don't use that term lightly. :D

kristin; Haha, did you say Clash? As in Clash Entertainment? A Christian Website for teens? LOL!! My mom knows the guy who made it--and his wife, who happens to be an author. Lived in the same town as them all of her life, lol. Hesston, KS--awesome place. Mention the name 'Decker' around there, you might just find someone who knows my mom. XD

Star-Dreamer; No, I don't know anyone with that name... Hmmm... The people that I know that are distantly related to me are (last name) Jantz, Decker, Just, Buller--recognize any of those?

Unknown said...

Lady-Dragonkeeper: The soundtracks for The Lord of the Rings are some of my top favorites as well; Howard Shore brilliantly captured the epic grandeur and the sweeping beauty of Tolkien's story and the films' portrayal with his scores! What are some of your favorite tracks from each one? So far I have the three regular soundtracks, though I have seen the deluxe editions and the "complete recordings" editions on Amazon; they look awesome, although I'll have to find a mithril or adamant mine to underwrite purchasing them! =)

Mermaidgirl45: what are some of your favorite songs from the Lord of the Rings soundtracks?

RED~Scribe said...

Since it seemed like everyone's either read or reading Auralia's Colors, I decided to borrow it from the library as well. And I'm sorry to say that I read up to chapter 6, then threw it against the wall. I just couldn't get into it. At all. But fantasy usually isn't the top genre I read in, either. However, I have requested The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan. That looks interesting.

Has anyone read the book "Legend Of The Firefish" by George Bryan Polivka? I only had time to read partway through it and I don't remember a ton, but I'm going to pick it up again when I have time. (Have I mentioned this before?)

What's everyone's favorite types of foods, whether it be most of the food of a certain ethnic group of one specific food? I'll post mine the next time the thread's updated.

~Never Alone~

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Yay, comments updated! =)

@ kristin - Do you mean "The Lost Books" series by Ted Dekker? I've read all but the last two --which the library needs to get! I must know what happens! LOL. My favorite character is Johnis . . . =) he reminds me a little of Shasta (I can never bring myself to call him "Prince Cor," LOL) from "The Chronicles of Narnia" . . . or maybe I'm just weird. =P

@ Patrick - Although I love the "original" Star Wars trilogy the best --the Prequels had some good things going for them, and the soundtrack was one of them! John Williams composed the Prequel soundtracks too, I believe . . . and "Across the Stars" is my favorite Star Wars music piece! =)

Jake said...

Eldra; Awwww, c'mon, Auralia's Colors gets better as you get into it--seriously! You just have to push through it. It gets exciting about, oh, halfway through. The end is amazing.

As for my fave food... *grins* Burgers! lol... Favorite non-American food, however, is either Thai beef or Liberian anything. You see, my mom likes making African foods, but I never like them. However, we went to an Liberian friend's house and ate Liberian food, and I realized why I didn't like Mom's cooking; she just didn't make it like a real African! REAL Liberian food tastes AMAZING. :D

Lady DragonKeeper; I could never bring myself to call him Prince Cor either--Lewis did a good job of connecting the name 'Shasta' to the character. :D

Soooo.... Nothing left to say. :P

Anonymous said...

Patrick, that was a beautiful quote. =)

Jake, the world cannot end in 2012 and I know why: That's the start of my senior year. That's twelve years of my life spent in school. And, I, for one, would at least like to enjoy graduating for all that studying. Seriously, if the world ends after all the exams, presentations, and projects, and I don't even get to graduate, I'm going to be annoyed. ;D

Also, Jake, high-five! I don't have a TV either! =D

Lady DragonKeeper, I have to agree. But, if I may, can I add that "What Would Jesus Do" really does work. =) Also, a verse I love, James 4:17, says "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." So, it's not just not doing the wrong thing, but doing the right thing, too.

Jolayne, wow! That's pretty intense! I'll be praying for that! =) Also, I'm not sure how to get it in Windows, but in Word, you can insert a symbol, and they'll give you the key combination that'll type it. You can change it, and I may have, but on my computer, for the exclamation point, it's Ctrl +
Alt + Shift + 1 or Ctrl + Alt + !. For the question mark it's Ctrl + Alt + Shift + / or Ctrl + Alt + ?. I'm a horrific explain-er but I hope it helps! =)

RED~Scribe said...

Jake - I did ready another chapter or two of Auralia's Colors but it still isn't grabbing me. I dunno. Must not be my style of book.

As for my favorite foods... well. I have a lot. Vietnamese tops my list, but I also love Thai food as well. And spicy!! Gotta have them spicy!!!! After that, it's a tossup between just about everything. Oh, wait. Chocolate. Yup, chocolate is at the very, very, very, very top of my list!!
I also enjoy Russian food, especially borcsht.

Jake (again) - I have friends who lived in South Africa for, what, five years? I know that they tried all kinds of interesting foods, including ostrich. Sounds weird, but they said it tastes kind of like beef. Now I want to try ostrich. So here's another question: What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten?

~Never Alone~

Archer said...


LadyDragonKeeper; VOTDT trailer is amazing!! I love it.

Star-Dreamer; fringers crossed, for the two job applications. I soooo want to read swords of the six.

Jolayne and LadyDragonKeeper; I can't believe it! There are more of us. My mom grew up with Mission Impossible, I Spy, The A-Team, Tarzan (might have spelt that wrong)and many others. My family and I started watching Mission Impossible then we moved on to I Spy, there were others we bought but those are the favorites. There is also another series, that was made in the mid-eighties called 21 Jumpstreet. Have yal' hered of that one?

Eldra; I like pastas and soups the most, then there are subs. I also like bean burritos from Mexican resuronts.

I can't remember who ask this but my favorite color is green, the mosy tint.

Patrick; For the question do you prefer to use keyboard or pen and paper. It is about 50-50 for me. I have a note book in my bag, for when we go somewhere and about seven journals and a memory (which has my book in it) with two laptops at home.

Kristen; That's funny, we had the same idea without even knowing about it. If you ment "lost books" as in Ted Dekker's series then yes I have read all but the last two. Another funny thing, I was actualy lookin' to read Heartless. LOL

Here's a question, if yal' want to answer. What are yal' height and hair color?

Okay I think that's everyone, so I guess I'll comment later.

Be Blessed:)

jolayne said...

@Eldra and Jake
Yes Auralia's Colors gets way better when you get into it, it took me a while to get going, but now i really love them
@Lady dragonkeeper and Kristin
THe lost books are good, but don't keep your hopes up for the last two, they are kind of a let down, it does although have a good story line for Darsel, but Dekker brings in new consepts and i didn't think that the series needed them, ah wharever that may just be me.

quote of the day... "Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much." Oscar Wilde, well i though it was amazing.

Endruance and Victory

Unknown said...

"It is at the Cross that I get the power to live the Sermon on the Mount." - Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.

Jolayne: Many of those shows are in my favorites list as well: The Walton's, A-team, Leave It To Beaver, Andy Griffith, Hogan's Heroes, Bonanza...such wonderful shows, rich in content, superb acting and storylines. You mentioned Zorro...did you mean this Zorro? I've loved this version of Zorro since the 4th grade when Mama would let me stay up late on Friday nights to watch it when the Disney Channel had their Vault Disney programming, almost 8 or 9 years ago now.

Zorro Black and White Intro

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Ooh, I've got to get off the computer, so just a quick response for now . . .

@ jolayne - Nice. I saw one episode of "Mission Impossible" --with "Spock" (Leonard Nimoy) --it was pretty good. I haven't seen too much of the "A-Team" --but I do like to see "Starbuck" (Dirk Benedict) from "Battlestar Galatica" (80's sci-fi show) in a more "contemporary" role (he was "Face"). "Charlie's Angels" is neat (LOL, lots of "girl power") --most of the episodes I saw were from a "Charlie's Angels" marathon on TV Land --I think when Farrah Fawcett (sp?) died . . . "Little House on the Prairie" was one of my favorite books series when I was learning to read. I like the tv show too, even though they add to the books a lot (but considering the fact that it ran 10 seasons . . . they would have to "extend" and add to the books to have enough material/scripts for all those episodes. =) "Road to Avanlee" . . . did you mean "Road to Avonlea," based on L.M. Mongomery's books (Anne of Green Gables, etc.)? If so, I've seen the DVDs at stores before . . . are they good? Do you know which of her books the series is based on? LOL, you're not crazy, older t.v. shows are just as cool (or better) than the ones today . . . even if the special effects might not be. =)

kristin said...

Jake- that’s awesome you seem to really have some connections. And ya I am talking about clash entertainment isn’t it the best I like reading the online comics.

Lady dragonkeeper- the lost books are the best aren’t they. But I can’t seem to find the next to ether o well they’ll come to my library eventually.

i dont know why but i have the felling we are getting close to the end of the tread. :) congrats to whoever wins.

Jake said...

No comments updated yet.... I found an interesting article on a blog I read today--Why Outlining Ruins Your Book. :) You can see it here;

Unknown said...

"For Narnia, and the North!"

Battle track from the Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe soundtrack!

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Jake - LOL! I don't really care for the "Little House on the Prairie" theme too much either . . . "VotDT" tickets for Christmas? I definitely wouldn't mind if my parents did that! ;-) Actually, since I have a job, maybe that would be good Christmas gifts for my siblings (and make/get them something "small" too) --my youngest brother is 12, and he's never been to a movie theater --we hardly go and the last two time's I've gone, it's because I won tickets to the previous "Narnia" movies (no joke). I can count the amount of times I've watched movies in the theater on my own hands (a literal hand-full). =)

@ Patrick - Favorite LotR tracks? Ooh, let's see . . . *browses personal MP3 library* I haven't listened to them in awhile, (so I'll probably miss some good ones) but um, FotR: "Flight to the Ford," "Council of Elrond," Bridge to Khazad Dum," "May it Be" the "credits song" --don't know if that counts since Enya sang it, LOL.
tTT: "Riders of Rohan," "Evenstar," "Breath of Life," "Forth Eorlingas," "Isengard Unleashed."
RotK: "Hope and Memory," "Minas Tirith," "Ride of the Rohirrim," "The Fields of Plennor," "The Return of the King," "The Grey Havens." I like a lot of the music they played in "Lord of the Rings: The Third Age" LOL, like the "Isengard Unleashed" one they played a lot when you battle orcs or whatever. ;-) The "main theme" --dah-dah-dah, dah-dah-dum, dah-dah-daaaah-dah, etc., the ones including the ethereal sounding vocalizations "Council of Elrond" "Evenstar" etc. =)

Anonymous said...

Wow is this still going on???!!!

I thought it would die by now....

I mean I leave for 3 weeks and it is still going...

hehe I think some people have made this part of their daily lives...


Anonymous said...

ARE U SERIOUS????? This has NOT ended yet????? I kinda stopped cause I got the book and read it and LOVED it and also cause I've been sooo busy! I am just totally shocked!! Has anyone else read V&S yet and liked it?

Never Alone!!

jolayne said...

I'M BACK *Jake cheers* thankyou Jake, that makes me happy.
Alright, nothing new, so once again i find that i am talking to myself.
Today i went through some old photos with my grandmother. i was constantly asking her who was who, and where the picture was taken, what year, what occasion and on and on. i learnt so many things in that short time than i had the whole week. it's amazing how much knowledge stories hold.
Puzzle of the day...'if you try to fail and you don't succeed, which have you done?"
Endurance and Victory

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Eldra - Yeah, "American food" is probably my favorite: Almost anything with potatoes, pastas, fast food, pizza, almost any desserts. =) IDK what my favorite would be --as long as it tastes good! LOL

jolayne said...

Still nothing updated, thats alright i guess. i am going to be gone for a week, so don't you let this thread die, DO YOU HEAR ME? good, i want it nice and healthy when i get back.
Have any of you ever had chocolate cake made from porge? (sorry couldn't figure out how to spell it)
I hope that i will have a good week at camp, i'll be working in the kitchen, hopefully i'll meet some new people. Please pray that it goes well. i love working at camp, but sometimes it feels more like a highschool then a Bible camp. there are some really nice people there though, and i'm looking forward to seeing all the smiles on the kids faces, as i give them a large portion of (hopefuly) good food.
I've been watching Lord of the Rings lately and realized that the movies can be just as addicting as the ring, i think that's kinda ironic. i finished the extended version of Two Towers, but will have to wait weeks to watch Return of the King, i am just to busy. May God bless you all,
until i write again,

jolayne said...

Alright, this may be one of my last posts, and i'm sorry, but it isn't very meaningful, but it might MAKE YOU LAUGH, there that was to get your attention. do you know that the word Nemo translates to No one, so the movie finding nemo actually means finding no one. well i thought it was funny.
Quote of the day/week
An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.
Albert Einstein
Thought of the day/week
for all the money celebraties spend on close, they really should wear more.
Endurance and Victory

Unknown said...

Star-Dreamer: Awesome blog post on "Writing Backward" and its adverse effects on the progression of a story! I tend to be a perfectionist as well; great insight!

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Hey everyone,
Do you like to vote? Can you spread the word and ask them to vote for drawing #5 in this contest? Her sister asked me to help get people to vote. I tried voting for just one and it worked, so if you think #5 is the best, just vote for it . . . if you want to, but it's all pretty cool art. =)
"The Dreamhouse Kings" is a Christian teen series --I'd call it sort of a "fantasy/sci-fi" like, "time travel" sort of thing . . . I've read the first three and they aren't too bad. I'm into the "medieval fantasy world" type like Narnia, LotR, etc. more, but it's an interesting series.

Jake said...

Whoa.... I come back after three or four days and the comments haven't been updated!

Soo... I guess that means that I have no comments to reply to... [topic change]

The reason I was gone was that I went to my aunt's wedding--it wasn't very formal. :) They [my aunt and her engaged] were married in Galveston on the shores of the Gulf--and before you ask, no, there was no oil. Currents, ya know. No oil there.

And as for another change of subject--partial, that is--THE OIL SPILL IS PLUGGED!!! YAAAAHOOOOO! *throws hat into air*

Star-Dreamer said...

Jake: nope, those names don't sound familiar. But I talked some more to my Grandma about the mennonite brethren and she seems to know a lot about it. That's cool though. I know that the church my grandma is going to just split and I've been considering going there. We always went to bible school at the church where my mom grew up.

Eldra: You should definitely push through Auralia's colors. It really is amazing and I think it's changed my way of looking at things forever. I especially enjoyed studying Overstreet's use of his prose and discriptive ability. I think I took a thing or two away from his writing as well. Really good.

jolayne said...

One last comment before camp,
i hope you all have a good week/two weeks, if i don't get back. i am working with some older people in the kitchen, but i don't mind, i kinda like older company. some of the younger staff treat the camp as a high school, there are certain people that the LIT's don't talk to, and some people your supposed to avoid. it makes me sad how a Bible baced place can be so secular, some of the older campers pick up on it, but the younger ones are oblivious, which i think is a good thing. i love the campers, that is what is pushing me to go back.
Hope to talk to you soon
Endurance (please please endure) and Victory

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! Sorry, I guess my post didn't go through... =/

Eldra: I like everything! Mexican food is my first favorite, with Chinese next. I'm really picky about my Italian, and I'm rather embarrassed to admit that I have never had Japanese.

Lady DragonKeeper, you're not weird. =) I always call him Shasta, too. For the last few chapters of the book, I kept going, "Wait, Prince Cor? Oh, he means Shasta..."

Also, if you guys could pray for a situation. It's nothing huge, but I think some prayer would help. =)

Anybody finished V&S yet? =D

Anonymous said...

And, is it just me, or are the comments starting to be really spread out, time-wise? =)

Unknown said...

Eldra: great question about food; one of my favorite topics in fact! =D I love steak immensely, whether it be sirloin, t-bone, or ribeye; as for side dishes, favorites include corn pudding, string bean casserole, cooked carrots, or almost anything! All washed down with an ice-cold glass of sweet tea!

RED~Scribe said...

So, anything actually happening here? I see that it hasn't been updated, so. . . uh, I'm not really certain what to say.

Oh, I know. Has anyone ever watched any of the Hot Wheels movies? Sounds random, but it isn't nearly as random as Jake's last post! Dude, that was awesome!!!

~Never Alone~

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Comments haven't been updated. Alright, then, let's find a good quote...

"Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby."

RED~Scribe said...

My family bought raspberry cheesecake ice cream this evening. The funny thing: the sticker spelled cheesecake wrong; instead spelling it cheeesecake (with three "e"s). Now that's funny!

Okay, maybe not that funny. . .

~Never Alone~

Unknown said...

Two favorite theme songs of mine:

A-Team Theme

<a href=">The Waltons Intro</a>

Lady DragonKeeper said...

I don't know if I asked this already, but I just got an iTunes gift card, so I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Have you downloaded music or an audiobook recently?

Thanks, and we'll see if this thing is still alive (but that's almost a guaranteed fact, LOL).

Jake said...

Ahhh... My computer is messed up. It says that the comments are updated, but when I view the page, they aren't. So, either my computer is tricking me or the comments are updated and my computer is still tricking me. :P So, either way, I figured I'd comment.

That's about it...

Matthew said...

I'm reading the Rise of the Wyrm Lord again, and earlier I got to a part in the Blackwood when Mallik says "Let them come." I just kinda stopped and went "oh my gosh! Gimli line! hahaha."

I'm starting to see more similarities between TDW and other books this time around.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the comments haven't been updated for some time now. I hope WTB is okay... =)

Anyway, today in flag corp we got our swing flags! They're these two flags and they look like angel wings. They're absolutely gorgeous. I'm so thrilled I'm on flag corp this year. It has to be one of the best things God has ever given me. =)

Unknown said...

"In his life, Christ is an example, showing us how to live; in his death, he is a sacrifice, satisfying for our sins; in his resurrection, a conqueror; in his ascension, a king; in his intercession, a high priest."
-Martin Luther

Lady DragonKeeper said...

So . . . has anyone seen the t.v. show called "Merlin"? It's a British show (made by the BBC --who did those amazing Jane Austen book to film/miniseries adaptations) which is sort of a "prequel" to the legends/stories of King Arthur, Merlin and Camelot. The first season was shown on NBC (which did almost nothing that I remember seeing to promote it) and earlier this year, SyFy (formerly, the Sci-Fi channel) showed season two, which is where I saw the commercial for it and started watching the first season on YouTube. The premise is, what if Arthur and Merlin met while they were young, and Merlin had to protect Arthur (through Merlin's "extraordinary abilities", but can't let him or anyone else know that because "Magic" is punishable by death (thanks to "Prince" Arthur's father, Uther). Some of the most obvious changes they made to the story is that Merlin and Arthur are the around the same age, but I love the friendship they have and how the play off one another . . . =) Morgana is Uther Pendragon's ward, so that makes her Arthur's "half-sister" of sorts and therefore most likely the future "Morgan LeFay." Also, probably the most "controversial" change, Guinevere (nicknamed "Gwen" in the series) is Morgana's maidservant and friend. It may not be the most "accurate" adaptation of Arthurian legend, but although I've known the main story forever, I don't recall much of "the beginning" --maybe some of you have? Anyway, I just enjoy it as a great, funny, way "cleaner" than a lot of our "American" t.v. shows and a whole lot of fun. I've only watched the first season, but there was some Brittish slang "ala the Narnia books" --blast, prat, etc., um, some kissing and romance bits (all "G" or "PG"), but the thing I don't like the most is that (after the pilot) Merlin uses . . . I don't know if it's like, Latin or something --words that he says as he does "spells." But I suppose given who he is in the legend --magician, wizard, what have you-- they'd have to have him do something dramatic like that. The main point of view the "good guys" have is that --much like the "Force" in Star Wars, you're either born with it or your not --Having the ability to do "Magic" is neither good nor evil, but it is what you do with it. Merlin uses it for good (like protecting Arthur) and stops those who would try and use it for power, wealth, etc. But in reality . . . "real" sorcery has once source, and you want to stay away from that . . . depend on God, not man or whatever else it may be . . .
But in case you can't tell, I'm still psyched that there's a "medieval" themed show that's pretty clean to watch because, I haven't had any t.v. programs make me this interested in a long while . . . =) Try watch the pilot on YouTube and see if it's for you --I don't think you'll regret it! Just search something like "Merlin Season 1 Episode 1" --the first episode is "The Dragon's Call."

Lady DragonKeeper said...

So . . . has anyone seen the t.v. show called "Merlin"? It's a British show (made by the BBC --who did those amazing Jane Austen book to film/miniseries adaptations) which is sort of a "prequel" to the legends/stories of King Arthur, Merlin and Camelot. The first season was shown on NBC (which did almost nothing that I remember seeing to promote it) and earlier this year, SyFy (formerly, the Sci-Fi channel) showed season two, which is where I saw the commercial for it and started watching the first season on YouTube. The premise is, what if Arthur and Merlin met while they were young, and Merlin had to protect Arthur (through Merlin's "extraordinary abilities", but can't let him or anyone else know that because "Magic" is punishable by death (thanks to "Prince" Arthur's father, Uther). Some of the most obvious changes they made to the story is that Merlin and Arthur are the around the same age, but I love the friendship they have and how the play off one another . . . =) Morgana is Uther Pendragon's ward, so that makes her Arthur's "half-sister" of sorts and therefore most likely the future "Morgan LeFay." Also, probably the most "controversial" change, Guinevere (nicknamed "Gwen" in the series) is Morgana's maidservant and friend. It may not be the most "accurate" adaptation of Arthurian legend, but although I've known the main story forever, I don't recall much of "the beginning" --maybe some of you have? Anyway, I just enjoy it as a great, funny, way "cleaner" than a lot of our "American" t.v. shows and a whole lot of fun. I've only watched the first season, but there was some Brittish slang "ala the Narnia books" --blast, prat, etc., um, some kissing and romance bits (all "G" or "PG"), but the thing I don't like the most is that (after the pilot) Merlin uses . . . I don't know if it's like, Latin or something --words that he says as he does "spells." But I suppose given who he is in the legend --magician, wizard, what have you-- they'd have to have him do something dramatic like that. The main point of view the "good guys" have is that --much like the "Force" in Star Wars, you're either born with it or your not --Having the ability to do "Magic" is neither good nor evil, but it is what you do with it. Merlin uses it for good (like protecting Arthur) and stops those who would try and use it for power, wealth, etc. But in reality . . . "real" sorcery has once source, and you want to stay away from that . . . depend on God, not man or whatever else it may be . . .
But in case you can't tell, I'm still psyched that there's a "medieval" themed show that's pretty clean to watch because, I haven't had any t.v. programs make me this interested in a long while . . . =) Try watch the pilot on YouTube and see if it's for you --I don't think you'll regret it! Just search something like "Merlin Season 1 Episode 1" --the first episode is "The Dragon's Call."

Jake said...

No comments updated....

I just finished watching LOTR with my sisters. Every time I watch LOTR, I forget that the end makes me melancholy--for the entire day. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Wow! Did someone win? If so, then congratulations! =D If not, then I wonder what's going on. =)

I'm just here, petting my adorable kitty. The furry cuteness is overwhelming. =) I love her so much, even if she does wake me up at 3:30 asking me to pet her...

Any other fellow cat lovers on this thread?

Unknown said...

"I cannot live without books."
-Thomas Jefferson

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Hmm . . . does all this "silence" mean that it's over? Perish the thought? What would we do? Get on with our lives? LOL Fact: This "game" has been going on for approximately 115 days (March 31, 2010). No joke. =)

ryan said...

lady Dragon-Keeper: iv'e read "the lost book series 2 times!!! and [if your library ever gets them] you will see that the last two books are probably the best!

ryan said...

i just started a daily devotion!!!

Ryan said...

iv'e seen the TV show "merlin" 1 time it looked pretty interesting

Ryan said...

did any of you go to the lunch and book signing, i didnt get the chance i live in Fayetteville TN, lady DragonKeeper how old are you???

RED~Scribe said...

Archer - Welcome back! I'm not all that tall, about five foot three and if you want to see what color my hair is, check out my blog. (One of the "May 29" post)

jolayne - Totally agree about the Lost Books. The last two Lost Books held a lot of promise, but they actually failed quite miserably.

jolayne (again) - I know exactly what you mean! I was watching FOTR the other evening and was absolutely amazed at it. (And that's funny about Finding Nemo!)

Lady DragonKeeper - Depends. What type of music do you like? I'm planning to buy the newest album by This Fires Embrace.

Star-dreamer, jolayne, and everyone else who mentioned this - Sorry, I gave up on Auralia's Colors. I just couldn't get into it.

And it looks like we all like a huge variety of food. That's cool!

~Never Alone~

Jake said...


Mermaidgirl45; WOOT! *high-fives mermaidgirl45* Finally--another person without a TV!

Eldra; Pleaaaase! Seriously, once you get past the part where Auralia stands before the King, it gets AMAZING... :) The wackiest food... Er, that's hard. :P Perhaps 'Fako-number-something'? I forget what it was called, but it was supposed to be a sub for beef, and it tasted WEIRD... :P

Kristin; Yeah, Clash is awesome. :) And I have a lot of connections? I'd never thought I'd hear someone say that, lol. I guess it's because I've lived in three different cities and we are always VERY involved in our church--and my mom grew up knowing just about everyone. XD

Elizabeth; MEEEE! I've read V&S, and it's my eighth fave book. XD

Soooooo.... No one has won yet. lol. :D I wonder if this will take an entire year... :O We wondered if it would last until V&S came out in the beginning... And it came true. Scary. :O

Anonymous said...

The comments are updated!! Woohoo!! I'm glad WTB got a vacation though. =)

Jake, I can relate to that. I've attended countless churches. We always have a hard time with church because my dad and my mom have different ideas of what church should be. They're the same denomination but my dad is very scientific and classic and my mom and I go to a... Well, let's call it modern and loud and rock-ish. Actually, church has always been a sore spot...

Lady DragonKeeper, my current church is kinda small and doesn't have a middle school/high school program yet. But my last church went ALL OUT for VBS. We had a jungle theme on year, and every ceiling in the hallways had miles of vines and monkeys, and we got a fog machine for the stage. It was a lot of fun, and it got the message across. =)

Jake, also, are you sure the spill is plugged? =) I know they're doing a new cap and everything, but I thought it would take longer to see if it's actually working. I try to keep up with the news, but a lot of stuff slips by me. I do have to agree, though, that the oil spill was a disaster...

Also, Lady DragonKeeper, you're post reminded me of something. Recently, I've been swept up in the Harry Potter craze. I know it's controversial, and I won't go into it, because I don't want to offend anyone, but I just finished explaining it to my mom, and I think she gets it. =) I'm really excited about that.

Also, you have to be kidding. 115 days? Wow, we all really want this book! I'd let someone win, but I have no money, and I have to know what happens, and an autographed copy? Sorry guys... I'm posting tomorrow! =) Plus, we're having too much fun to give in now. Do you think we should try to make Guiness World Records? I wonder...

Also... um, prayer would be good. We have a really bad situation in our neighborhood with some neighbors, and just, a lot, a lot of prayer wouldn't hurt. Please just pray for this family. Thanks, guys!

RED~Scribe said...

Mr. Batson - Just to let you know, my sister and I have been very busy killing spiders for you. Now the Elf Lords will be safe!!!!

~Never Alone~

Unknown said...

"All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired."
-Martin Luther

RED~Scribe said...

I keep forgetting to mention this, but I'm finally doing it!!
Jake - So, you're still in therapy from seeing the Blob Fish too, huh? Man, those things are creeeeeepy. . .

~Never Alone~

Jake said...

No updates yet... :P

I...have..itchy....mosquito...bites.... EVERYWHERE!! Ahhhhhh!!! They itch!

Ignore them, Jake, ignore them.... AHHHHH!!!! It's too much! *itch*

Jake said...

No updates yet... :P

I...have..itchy....mosquito...bites.... EVERYWHERE!! Ahhhhhh!!! They itch!

Ignore them, Jake, ignore them.... AHHHHH!!!! It's too much! *itch*

So, anyway, a strange phenomenon just occured; The word verification said "The characters you entered didn't match the word verification. Please try again."

But the top of the page reads;
"Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval." Strange... I suppose I will just submit it again.

Star-Dreamer said...

Patrick: I'm glad you liked my last blog post. It's something I struggle with continually. I just want to go back and edit, but then nothing ever gets finished. *le-sigh* And I'm glad you like my blog background too. I don't know... something about it just seemed to call to me as I was flipping through the backrounds. :)

Man, I can't believe this is still going on. This is going to last forever, I just know it!

Lady Dragon Keeper: I have wanted to see that tv series forever! But I can't find it at my library or at my bookstore. And it wouldn't really matter right now anyway, because I don't have any money to buy it with. :( But I do want to see it.

I just posted a picture on my blog that I finished painting on the computer. I painted most of it using the freeware art program called GIMP that you can download straight off the computer. I'm so happy with how it turned out.

I also just finished reading "Cynder's Midnight" the other night. It was pretty good, but I think I liked "Auralia's Colors" better. However, I'm eating up "Raven's Ladder" so we'll see. And I can't wait until the next one comes out either.

Jake, I just had to say something real quick: the ale boy isn't always called "Ale Boy" in the story... some of the people of Abascar have fallen to calling him "Rescue". Personally, I really like that name, and it somehow fits him too. But "Ale Boy" works just as well. :D

On another note, tomorrow I have a class meeting for my trip to Colorado, and then I'm going to go apply for a job at Berean bookstore, B&B, and Borders. Hopefully one of them will accept me. wouldn't it be great if it was Berean? I mean, I'd be working in a Christian Bookstore! You just can't get much closer to the Christian Publishing world than that. Cross your fingers for me!!! :D

Star-Dreamer said...

Patrick: I'm glad you liked my last blog post. It's something I struggle with continually. I just want to go back and edit, but then nothing ever gets finished. *le-sigh* And I'm glad you like my blog background too. I don't know... something about it just seemed to call to me as I was flipping through the backrounds. :)

Man, I can't believe this is still going on. This is going to last forever, I just know it!

Lady Dragon Keeper: I have wanted to see that tv series forever! But I can't find it at my library or at my bookstore. And it wouldn't really matter right now anyway, because I don't have any money to buy it with. :( But I do want to see it.

I just posted a picture on my blog that I finished painting on the computer. I painted most of it using the freeware art program called GIMP that you can download straight off the computer. I'm so happy with how it turned out.

I also just finished reading "Cynder's Midnight" the other night. It was pretty good, but I think I liked "Auralia's Colors" better. However, I'm eating up "Raven's Ladder" so we'll see. And I can't wait until the next one comes out either.

Jake, I just had to say something real quick: the ale boy isn't always called "Ale Boy" in the story... some of the people of Abascar have fallen to calling him "Rescue". Personally, I really like that name, and it somehow fits him too. But "Ale Boy" works just as well. :D

On another note, tomorrow I have a class meeting for my trip to Colorado, and then I'm going to go apply for a job at Berean bookstore, B&B, and Borders. Hopefully one of them will accept me. wouldn't it be great if it was Berean? I mean, I'd be working in a Christian Bookstore! You just can't get much closer to the Christian Publishing world than that. Cross your fingers for me!!! :D

Star-Dreamer said...

Patrick: I'm glad you liked my last blog post. It's something I struggle with continually. I just want to go back and edit, but then nothing ever gets finished. *le-sigh* And I'm glad you like my blog background too. I don't know... something about it just seemed to call to me as I was flipping through the backrounds. :)

Man, I can't believe this is still going on. This is going to last forever, I just know it!

Lady Dragon Keeper: I have wanted to see that tv series forever! But I can't find it at my library or at my bookstore. And it wouldn't really matter right now anyway, because I don't have any money to buy it with. :( But I do want to see it.

I just posted a picture on my blog that I finished painting on the computer. I painted most of it using the freeware art program called GIMP that you can download straight off the computer. I'm so happy with how it turned out.

I also just finished reading "Cynder's Midnight" the other night. It was pretty good, but I think I liked "Auralia's Colors" better. However, I'm eating up "Raven's Ladder" so we'll see. And I can't wait until the next one comes out either.

Jake, I just had to say something real quick: the ale boy isn't always called "Ale Boy" in the story... some of the people of Abascar have fallen to calling him "Rescue". Personally, I really like that name, and it somehow fits him too. But "Ale Boy" works just as well. :D

On another note, tomorrow I have a class meeting for my trip to Colorado, and then I'm going to go apply for a job at Berean bookstore, B&B, and Borders. Hopefully one of them will accept me. wouldn't it be great if it was Berean? I mean, I'd be working in a Christian Bookstore! You just can't get much closer to the Christian Publishing world than that. Cross your fingers for me!!! :D

kristin said...

Hey everyone it’s been a wile. Have any of you seen despicable me it’s my favorite animation movie of the year right next to toy story 3.

Jolayne- you know I was worried that the last to books are going to be a let down but I’m still trying to find them. Are you really living (sad face) well if so than I guess its good-bye and good luck, we'll miss you.

Archer- you should read heartless it was really good the beginning was slow but the rest was great it mad me cry. (But than again, I am a crier when it comes to books and movies). I still can’t find the last to lost books anywhere.

Jake thanks for the notice I had no idea the oil spill was finally plugged now we just got to clean it up I guess. Have you herd of the hair trick. Its one of the ideas that they where considering to use to clean it up. The concept is you stuff a lot of hair in a very large bag and put it in the oil. The hair then absorbs like 80% of the oil in that area. I heard it on the radio and it sounds like it might work.

Anonymous- you might want to know now that this chain will never end everyone hear is very stubborn and devoted and will not stop commenting no mater what.

Lady Dragon-Keeper- it’s really been that long... oh well. I agree what will we do when this has ended. (Puzzled face) I know we will start a new blog... jk... but it's a possibility... ;)

Ryan- it good to hear that someone liked the last two lost books there’s still hope in the world.

Patrick- my favorite theme song(S) is the end credit songs for lord of the rings 1&2.

Well that all I have to say for to day blog you all soon.

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Finally --comments are updated! LOL, I'll finish all my comments tomorrow, hopefully.

@ Everyone who asked about "V&S" --no, I haven't read it yet (I have "Starlighter" by Bryan Davis since May and I still haven't gotten to read that yet!)

@ mermaidgirl45 (2:22pm comment) - Exactly! --I assumed most of us are Christians, so I just gave the point of view from man or "the flesh." Most people don't have any problems "doing the right thing" if it doesn't affect them in a "bad" way --like letting someone go in front of them in the checkout line (but if they were in a hurry . . . would it be a different story? You know what I mean . . . ) but yes, as Christians, we're to be "as Christ-like" as possible . . .

(7:19 comment): I'll pray for you . . . =) Haha, I didn't get confused, it's just that even after reading "H&HB" countless times . . . to me, "Shasta" is just a better name than "Cor." Yes, I realize that "Shasta" is beginning to be used as a girls name --"google" 'shasta baby name meaning' --but I guess that I've always preferred "full first names" more than "nickname/shortened first names" (big in the 1970's, I believe) like "Christa" instead of "Christy," "Joshua" instead of "Josh" etc. If you name them the nickname version, they can't really shorten the name --instead of "Will," name him "William," and you can still call him "Will" and if he doesn't like nickname, he can use "William" (if you named him "Will" he'd be . . . stuck). =) *End of anthroponomastics*

@ Eldra - (2:45pm) I didn't love "Auralia's Colors" as much as say . . . the "DragonKeeper Chronicles" and the pace is slower than something like "the Door Within" but it does pick up at the end. I sort of read it like a mystery . . . there was so much backstory to the characters, etc. that you wonder about. I still haven't read the others, but I heard it gets better . . .

@ Archer (3:57pm)- "We never thought we'd find a place where we belong. Don't have to stand alone, we'll never let you fall . . . " I love 21 Jump Street! I've only seen the first season though . . . I've heard that some of the later seasons are more . . . intense. Is that true? Based off season one, it's not as graphic as some of today's crime dramas, but . . . I'd say middle school and up because of some of the topics covered, for those of you who may be curious. It's funny, I've never watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" but I've seen the trailers and stuff, so after watching "Jumpstreet" I eventually realized, "Hey wait, the guy with the dreadlocks is Hanson?!" ROFL. Holly's my favorite character, but I like all of them. =)

Typical Asian (100% American though!): Dark hair and I'm not the shortest person, but still shorter than average height (for girls). ;-)

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Finally --comments are updated! LOL, I'll finish all my comments tomorrow, hopefully.

@ Everyone who asked about "V&S" --no, I haven't read it yet (I have "Starlighter" by Bryan Davis since May and I still haven't gotten to read that yet!)

@ mermaidgirl45 (2:22pm comment) - Exactly! --I assumed most of us are Christians, so I just gave the point of view from man or "the flesh." Most people don't have any problems "doing the right thing" if it doesn't affect them in a "bad" way --like letting someone go in front of them in the checkout line (but if they were in a hurry . . . would it be a different story? You know what I mean . . . ) but yes, as Christians, we're to be "as Christ-like" as possible . . .

(7:19 comment): I'll pray for you . . . =) Haha, I didn't get confused, it's just that even after reading "H&HB" countless times . . . to me, "Shasta" is just a better name than "Cor." Yes, I realize that "Shasta" is beginning to be used as a girls name --"google" 'shasta baby name meaning' --but I guess that I've always preferred "full first names" more than "nickname/shortened first names" (big in the 1970's, I believe) like "Christa" instead of "Christy," "Joshua" instead of "Josh" etc. If you name them the nickname version, they can't really shorten the name --instead of "Will," name him "William," and you can still call him "Will" and if he doesn't like nickname, he can use "William" (if you named him "Will" he'd be . . . stuck). =) *End of anthroponomastics*

@ Eldra - (2:45pm) I didn't love "Auralia's Colors" as much as say . . . the "DragonKeeper Chronicles" and the pace is slower than something like "the Door Within" but it does pick up at the end. I sort of read it like a mystery . . . there was so much backstory to the characters, etc. that you wonder about. I still haven't read the others, but I heard it gets better . . .

@ Archer (3:57pm)- "We never thought we'd find a place where we belong. Don't have to stand alone, we'll never let you fall . . . " I love 21 Jump Street! I've only seen the first season though . . . I've heard that some of the later seasons are more . . . intense. Is that true? Based off season one, it's not as graphic as some of today's crime dramas, but . . . I'd say middle school and up because of some of the topics covered, for those of you who may be curious. It's funny, I've never watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" but I've seen the trailers and stuff, so after watching "Jumpstreet" I eventually realized, "Hey wait, the guy with the dreadlocks is Hanson?!" ROFL. Holly's my favorite character, but I like all of them. =)

Typical Asian (100% American though!): Dark hair and I'm not the shortest person, but still shorter than average height (for girls). ;-)

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Finally --comments are updated! LOL, I'll finish all my comments tomorrow, hopefully. BTW - It's saying that there's a 414 error or something, so I apologize if this double or triple posts. =(

@ Everyone who asked about "V&S" --no, I haven't read it yet (I have "Starlighter" by Bryan Davis since May and I still haven't gotten to read that yet!)

@ mermaidgirl45 (2:22pm comment) - Exactly! --I assumed most of us are Christians, so I just gave the point of view from man or "the flesh." Most people don't have any problems "doing the right thing" if it doesn't affect them in a "bad" way --like letting someone go in front of them in the checkout line (but if they were in a hurry . . . would it be a different story? You know what I mean . . . ) but yes, as Christians, we're to be "as Christ-like" as possible . . .

(7:19 comment): I'll pray for you . . . =) Haha, I didn't get confused, it's just that even after reading "H&HB" countless times . . . to me, "Shasta" is just a better name than "Cor." Yes, I realize that "Shasta" is beginning to be used as a girls name --"google" 'shasta baby name meaning' --but I guess that I've always preferred "full first names" more than "nickname/shortened first names" (big in the 1970's, I believe) like "Christa" instead of "Christy," "Joshua" instead of "Josh" etc. If you name them the nickname version, they can't really shorten the name --instead of "Will," name him "William," and you can still call him "Will" and if he doesn't like nickname, he can use "William" (if you named him "Will" he'd be . . . stuck). =) *End of anthroponomastics*

@ Eldra - (2:45pm) I didn't love "Auralia's Colors" as much as say . . . the "DragonKeeper Chronicles" and the pace is slower than something like "the Door Within" but it does pick up at the end. I sort of read it like a mystery . . . there was so much backstory to the characters, etc. that you wonder about. I still haven't read the others, but I heard it gets better . . .

@ Archer (3:57pm)- "We never thought we'd find a place where we belong. Don't have to stand alone, we'll never let you fall . . . " I love 21 Jump Street! I've only seen the first season though . . . I've heard that some of the later seasons are more . . . intense. Is that true? Based off season one, it's not as graphic as some of today's crime dramas, but . . . I'd say middle school and up because of some of the topics covered, for those of you who may be curious. It's funny, I've never watched "Pirates of the Caribbean" but I've seen the trailers and stuff, so after watching "Jumpstreet" I eventually realized, "Hey wait, the guy with the dreadlocks is Hanson?!" ROFL. Holly's my favorite character, but I like all of them. =)

Typical Asian (100% American though!): Dark hair and I'm not the shortest person, but still shorter than average height (for girls). ;-)

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Finally --comments are updated! LOL, I'll finish all my comments tomorrow, hopefully.

@ Everyone who asked about "V&S" --no, I haven't read it yet (I have "Starlighter" by Bryan Davis since May and I still haven't gotten to read that yet!)

@ mermaidgirl45 (2:22pm comment) - Exactly! --I assumed most of us are Christians, so I just gave the point of view from man or "the flesh." Most people don't have any problems "doing the right thing" if it doesn't affect them in a "bad" way --like letting someone go in front of them in the checkout line (but if they were in a hurry . . . would it be a different story? You know what I mean . . . ) but yes, as Christians, we're to be "as Christ-like" as possible . . .

(7:19 comment): I'll pray for you . . . =) Haha, I didn't get confused, it's just that even after reading "H&HB" countless times . . . to me, "Shasta" is just a better name than "Cor." Yes, I realize that "Shasta" is beginning to be used as a girls name --"google" 'shasta baby name meaning' --but I guess that I've always preferred "full first names" more than "nickname/shortened first names" (big in the 1970's, I believe) like "Christa" instead of "Christy," "Joshua" instead of "Josh" etc. If you name them the nickname version, they can't really shorten the name --instead of "Will," name him "William," and you can still call him "Will" and if he doesn't like nickname, he can use "William" (if you named him "Will" he'd be . . . stuck). =) *End of anthroponomastics*

@ Eldra - (2:45pm) I didn't love "Auralia's Colors" as much as say . . . the "DragonKeeper Chronicles" and the pace is slower than something like "the Door Within" but it does pick up at the end. I sort of read it like a mystery . . . there was so much backstory to the characters, etc. that you wonder about. I still haven't read the others, but I heard it gets better . . .

Unknown said...

"It is never possible to exhaust the mind of the Scriptures. It is a well that has no bottom." - John Chrysostom

"Nobody ever outgrows the Scripture, the book widens and deepens with our years." - Charles Spurgeon

jolayne said...

I'm Back, (don't worry, i know your cheering in your hearts) i'll post one more thing before i leave for camp again, after one more week i'll be on here every day, please don't fail me now.

Ryan, i hate to disagree with you, but the last 2 books are by far the worst in the lost books series,
they seemed to almost wander on without a point.

i don't have a lot of time, so i can't reply to everything that you guys posted, but i will after i get back.
Oh i had my first "camp" experiance, i had one of my campers become a christian, i was so exsited! me and the JC in my cabin, stayed in the chapel afterwards and cried and laughed, and jumped up and down, people thought we were crazy, but we didn't mind it.

Endurance and Victory

PS. i have a friend who has fallen into a deep depresion, if you guys could please pray for her. that would be great

Star-Dreamer said...

Hmm... I think everyone is having a little trouble with this comment page. I mean, it seems like there are double and triple posts everywhere. My last post went triple. Wierd...

But anyway, I've now applied at both Barns and Nobles and Berean Bookstore. Wish me luck everyone!

And I found a hardcopy version of "The Isle of Swords" on sale for just a few dollars. So I got that and will finally get a chance to read it, even though I'm really hard up on money this month. On another thought, I'm heading to colorado starting this thursday! To those of you who follow my blog, I probably won't be around much for 2 1/2 weeks. But here's the good news... the stories from the contest get to stay up that much longer since I won't really have time to take them down. So there you go!

Anyway, I might get a chance to post one more time before I leave, but can you guys try to keep this thread alive until I get back? *grins*. I still want my chance at this book!

And Mr. Batson, I think we all officially agree that this thread has been going on long enough and we all really want a copy of your book. I don't know how long this is going to last, but its been at least 2 or 3 months now and I can totally see it going on for at least another 2. (wouldn't it be wierd if this thread lasted an entire year?)

Jake said...

Updates again! :D

Mermaidgirl45; Yep, the spill is plugged. :) And I wouldn't be offended by any HP mention, though I am really not a fan at all--though I've read all of the books. I won't go into it either. :D But I will let it stand that I am not a HP person.

Eldra; Therapy? Stop speaking of the Blobfish! You'll make me have a relapse! ;)

Star-Dreamer; Yep, I knew that. But mostly I was speaking of when Overstreet was using the Ale Boy's POV. :) Then he is always referred to as the 'ale boy'. :)

Kristin; Nope, never heard of that trick. Sounds intriuging... Though I don't live by the Gulf. :D

I have a terrible cough right now... :P My dad is thinking it's a cold or allergies gone bad--a.k.a. developed into something worse. :P But I can still write, hallelujah! XD

Archer said...


To answer my own question, I am 5'7(height) and I have medium to dark brown hair.

LadyDragon Keeper; Yes jumpstreet does get a little more intense, but it sort of loses the funny perky side to it, it gets more seires. That's only in season two though, it's because they were talking about all of the hot buton topics, like racisim, Preagnet teenagers etc...
But season three gets better.
I can't wait til' the last two seasons get here.

Eldra; You have realy nice hair, and you're an inch taller than my sister.

My niece is here, and she has a red fabric over her face. She goes peak-a-boo.*lol*

Yesterday my mom noticed that there is birds nest right out side our window. I got my camera and literaly hanged out of the window in one position for about half an hour. The funny thing is, is that the momma bird got the daddy and a friend. The friend fluw behind me, the daddy was to my left, and the momma was just stairing at from the front. Talk about being stalked, those birds looked like they were about to buzz me, lol. My ribs still hurt, and I got some good pictures of the babies.

So who likes board games. Like monopoly, clue, parcheesi, up words, chess, checkers etc....

And to show how big my family is,here is the line up.

Sister #1
Sister #2
Sister #3

Brother inlaw #1 (married to sister #1),Nephue and another on the way
Brother inlaw #2 (married to sister #2), Neice and another on the way.

By January my house will have four babies running around in it. I guess that's everything.

Be Blessed:)

Anonymous said...

@Jake, yes! Sometimes, I kinda miss being able to watch whatever I want, but seeing some of the shows out there now, whether they be inappropriate or just plain stupid, I'm kinda glad we don't have one, too.

And, sorry about those mosquitoes. =/ I feel no love towards them. Every time I'm in my room and I see one, I keep looking for it... for the rest of the day. =)

@Star-Dreamer: I love that picture. It's really good. =) Also, like the new blog, even if I am a little slow to catch one. Sorry. =)

Also, there's a Christian bookstore I want to apply for when I turn 16. That'd just be awesome. =)

Also, I have to agree. I think one of the things I most regret in my life, is how I treated this neighbor. I said we were Christians, and then treated him most certainly not in a way Jesus would. To this day, I regret every single word I said and thing I did that gave him the wrong impression. I messed up big, but I learned a lot from that.

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Ack, I wrote all my comments on another computer . . . so I'll just leave you all with a neat saying I heard today: "Flattery is like perfume --it smells pretty, but don't drink it." In other words, flattery sounds (and looks) nice, but don't get caught up in it . . . In large doses (like if you "drank" perfume) it can be poisonous to your well being (make you arrogant or overly prideful).

RED~Scribe said...

Jake - Tell me about it!!

Archer - Thanks! When my hair is fully open, it's about thirty inches. Wow. That's two and a half feet of hair. It feels longer than that. . .

Squeaks - Once again, thank your mom for the recipe. Only, instead of cookies, we ended up with a quinoa cake. Still tasted good, though!!

~Never Alone~

Jake said...


Star-Dreamer; Good luck! :D

This is just a really quick thing... :P I have a terrible cough right now, and I went to church with it and spent most of the service trying to suppress my cough. :P

I must leave now. Farewell everyone!

Star-Dreamer said...

Wow Archer, that's a pretty big family. I'm finding out that more and more people come from large families. This is mine.

Brother #1
Sister #1
Brother #2
Sister #2
Sister #3

Then we have

My mom's family:

Aunt's husband

Dad's family:

Aunt and Uncle #1
Aunt and Uncle #2
Son #1
Son #2
Son #3

So, that's pretty much it. I could go into a long extended family but I won't. It would get WAY too complicated!

On a second note, I have to ask if any of you have read Taragam. I found out it was originally published by createspace, but it's actually pretty good. If you visit the website and go to "free stuff" you can download half the book on pdf and the entire audio book read by the author. I was surprised to find out how good it actually is. And I hear that it's christian too.

Ryan said...

i'm home schooled, so i was alone there for a second!!! but anyway glad the comments are updated, lol, how long has this been going on?!?? is anyone else home schooled? if so tell me!!!

Ryan said...

oh and does anyone have a good book suggestion??? i'm new to this page but i hope to win "venom and song" iv'e been emailing Mr. batson and the last i heard from him he had just got back from vacation, and that was at least a week ago. and again how old are you "lady DragonKeeper"?????

Ryan said...

hey can everybody pray for "pete". he's my dad, he's not a Christian me and my mom do everything we can, but i'm sure with some little extra prayer anything can happen thanks!

Unknown said...

"Let us remember what we are, corrupt, evil, and miserable sinners. Let us remember who the Lord Jesus is, the eternal Son of God, the maker of all things. And then let us remember that for our sakes Jesus voluntarily endured the most painful, horrible, and disgraceful death. Surely the thought of this love should constrain us daily to live not unto ourselves, but unto Christ. It should make us ready and willing to present our bodies a living sacrifice to Him who lived and died for us. (2 Cor. 5:4. Rom 12:1.) Let the cross of Christ be often before our minds. Rightly understood, no object in all Christianity is so likely to have a sanctifying as well as a comforting effect on our souls."

~ J.C. Ryle

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Continuing to catch up with the older comments (I see it's been updated a bit more).

@ jolayne (5:58pm) - Yeah . . . I heard the last two "Lost Books" got lower ratings . . . I did read "Green" and was kinda hoping that some of the "Lost" characters would show up, but of course, common sense: Since the last two books had just come out around the time "Green" was released (I think) Mr. Dekker wouldn't want to give away the series ending in another book . . . but I was EXTREMELY disappointed with the ending of "Green" --I say that "Green" is actually the permanent prequel and then (without giving anything away) it goes "Black," "Red," "White" with the ending at the end of "White" the actual (and more fulfilling) ending. I'm not so sure about Ted Dekker's theology anyway --some things seem "off" to me, but I can't put my finger on it, so I believe you --hopefully the libraries here will eventually get the last two books so I can see for myself . . . =)

(7:56 comment) - Wow, that must have been such a cool time --I don't know if my Popo (Chinese for "Grandmother", I believe) has any pictures. I know my parents have some photos of them when they were younger and stuff . . . it'd be neat to go through them as a family like that.

(4:42 comment): Sorry, I don't know what "porge" is . . . but I hope you have a good experience at camp! I'll be volunteering at a civics camp in August . . .

Patrick (2:06am) - I love the Waltons! Haha, I don't know if "Hogan's Heroes" qualifies as "superb storylines" but it was good, clean family programming that everyone could watch --unless you were offended at German officers calling each other "dummkopf" (LOL) --but even that just translates to something like "blockhead." =)

(12:04am comment) - I LOVE "tCoN" soundtracks! Especially "The Battle" --I remember when I was in the movie theater seeing "LWW" on the big screen . . . I was in "Narniac" heaven --plus we were near the front row, 'cause we came late . . . *sighs in remembrance* LOL. I don't know if they mentioned it in the audio commentary, but did you notice how Peter's strategy with sending the gryphons, etc. with stones to "bomb" the White Witch's front line mirrors the blitzkrieg type air strikes at the beginning of the movie when the Pevensies are on earth? You don't have to wonder about where Peter got the idea from. It also is used again in the beginning of the main battle in "Prince Caspian" I believe . . .

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Continuing to catch up with the older comments (I see it's been updated a bit more).

@ jolayne (5:58pm) - Yeah . . . I heard the last two "Lost Books" got lower ratings . . . I did read "Green" and was kinda hoping that some of the "Lost" characters would show up, but of course, common sense: Since the last two books had just come out around the time "Green" was released (I think) Mr. Dekker wouldn't want to give away the series ending in another book . . . but I was EXTREMELY disappointed with the ending of "Green" --I say that "Green" is actually the permanent prequel and then (without giving anything away) it goes "Black," "Red," "White" with the ending at the end of "White" the actual (and more fulfilling) ending. I'm not so sure about Ted Dekker's theology anyway --some things seem "off" to me, but I can't put my finger on it, so I believe you --hopefully the libraries here will eventually get the last two books so I can see for myself . . . =)

(7:56 comment) - Wow, that must have been such a cool time --I don't know if my Popo (Chinese for "Grandmother", I believe) has any pictures. I know my parents have some photos of them when they were younger and stuff . . . it'd be neat to go through them as a family like that.

(4:42 comment): Sorry, I don't know what "porge" is . . . but I hope you have a good experience at camp! I'll be volunteering at a civics camp in August . . .

Patrick (2:06am) - I love the Waltons! Haha, I don't know if "Hogan's Heroes" qualifies as "superb storylines" but it was good, clean family programming that everyone could watch --unless you were offended at German officers calling each other "dummkopf" (LOL) --but even that just translates to something like "blockhead." =)

(12:04am comment) - I LOVE "tCoN" soundtracks! Especially "The Battle" --I remember when I was in the movie theater seeing "LWW" on the big screen . . . I was in "Narniac" heaven --plus we were near the front row, 'cause we came late . . . *sighs in remembrance* LOL. I don't know if they mentioned it in the audio commentary, but did you notice how Peter's strategy with sending the gryphons, etc. with stones to "bomb" the White Witch's front line mirrors the blitzkrieg type air strikes at the beginning of the movie when the Pevensies are on earth? You don't have to wonder about where Peter got the idea from. It also is used again in the beginning of the main battle in "Prince Caspian" I believe . . .
*Note: apologies if I double post*

Jake said...

Book One in the Tales of Starlight series, Masters and Slayers, is up for preorder! :O

Unfortunately, this book is 1) NOT the sequel to Starlighter, and 2) Not intended for teens. But oh well--I'm going to read it anyway! XD

Here's the link to learn more;

Ryan said...

my birthday was a week ago!!

Anonymous said...

Archer: I kinda like board games, but I have to be in the mood. I'm a card game kinda girl. =)

Also, wow that's a huge family! I have two little sisters and a little brother. I'm also the oldest, and, as I'm only 15 years of age, I have no in-laws. =) So that's: two adults, four kids, four cats, and half a dog. =) And, yeah, it's kinda crazy over here. =)

Eldra, wow! My hair was really long for a while, but I got it cut for Locks of Love. I think it was about fifteen inches before it was cut. I discovered that I really like short hair. =)

Jake, ugh! I'm sorry. =) Feel better. =)

Star-Dreamer, oh my goodness! That's huge! I have only two cousins and have only met two aunts and an uncle. =)

Also, I've never heard of Taragam. I'll definitely look it up. =)

Hey, Ryan, and welcome! I'm homeschooled, too... Kinda... =) I go to this school where everyone goes two days a week and homeschools the rest of the week. =) And, definitely praying for your dad. =)

Patrick, I've never seen really the Walton's, but one of my mom's friend's call us the Walton's, because our last name is similar, and we're this giant family that live on a mountain in the middle of nowhere. ;D

Unknown said...

"Defend the Bible? I would just as soon defend a lion. Just turn the Bible loose; it will defend itself."
- Charles Spurgeon

Lady DragonKeeper said...

More comments (I'm almost "catched up") =) I think I've figured out that the post still goes through when it says "error: URL too large" but I'm still going to put it in twice to be safe . . .

@ Jake - Congrats to your aunt! Hope you enjoyed your trip there as well . . . =)

(12:34pm comment): LOL, yeah, that was happening to me too --I'm glad I wasn't the only one!

(5:13pm) Aw, I just got over a cold a couple of weeks ago . . . it was more annoying than anything else --at least it doesn't sound like you have to go to the hospital. =)

@ ryan (9:10am comment)- Thank you for keeping my hopes up for the ending of "the Lost Books" --I really want it to be more satisfying like the end of the "Circle Trilogy" and not the end of (IMHO) "Green." =( I know Ted Dekker can pull it off . . . (comment 3)--I wish . . . unfortunately I live too far away . . . I would say I'm as old as Kale Allerion (the character my username is based off of), but that wouldn't be true. ;-) I'm not supposed to post my age online (sorry), but I'm a teenager . . . if that helps. =)

@ Eldra (5:37pm comment) - Well, I've never really looked on iTunes, so I was wondering if like, the audiobooks are worth it, and how much they cost . . . I'll listen to almost any type of music . . . I lean toward Christian artists (when buying) though . . . right now, I'm thinking of getting some of Beckah Shae's albums (Christian R&B sort of thing), because I don't think the library system here is going to get it and I haven't seen it in stores or anything.

@ mermaidgirl45 (9:00pm comment) - Wow, that sounds like that was a cool VBS! =) Us kids were never allowed to read "HP" but since we're older now, I don't know . . . maybe my parents would let some of us read it now . . . I just haven't asked them yet. I've always been sort of curious about it --and HP sounds a lot more interesting than the "Twilight Saga." =P Aw, I hope everything will work out with your neighbors . . .

Jake said...

No updated comments yet.... :P

So I guess I'll just leave a couple of quotes for you guys to chew on once this gets published.

“I hope you don’t mind.”
— Bronwyn Silverfoot, Through the Brush: A Memoir, (Blapp River Press)

“I should’ve known.”
— Chonk

“Run! If you’re out there, run! They’re coming!”
— Ubinious the Whooned, A Tale of Timiny, (Brookwater Press)

— The Sage of Brivshap

“Cheap is almost free.”
— Bweesley the Leaf Thief

They're Oskar's quotes, from the Wingfeather Saga, (On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, and North! Or be Eaten) by Andrew Peterson. LOL, that guy is SO hilarious. I'd recommend his books any day. :D

Ryan said...

lady DragonKeeper, i agree i was very dissatisfied with green, but as the option was given i read them backward's, so the last two books were "black" and "red" and i liked them beter than "green" but anyway i apologize now i realize that you were talking about the "lost books" i thought that you were talking about the circle trilogy

Archer said...

Ha everyone!

Eldra; you have realy long hair. Mine used to go to the middle of my back but I got it cut to my shoulders then for summer now I had it cut realy short, it's about an inch to two inches long.

Ryan; I have been read a book called 'The Restorer' by Sharon Hink. Then there is the book I read before this one, it's called 'Cyberquest' by Sigmund Brouwer.

Hay, who knows how to knitt or crochet? I know how to do both. I also make crafts and I bead. Anyone else do any of that?

Star-Dreamer; you have a big family. I forgot to menchin.

On my mothers side,

Aunt #1
Aunt #2
Uncle #1

On my fathers side,

An Uncle

and I have a mommaw (my grandmother on my mothers side)

On my mom's side

Aunt #1 children




Aunt #2 children



Uncle, children




On my dad's side

Uncle, children



That is ten Cousins in all

And the age line up for me and my siblings are,

two years
two years
Three years
Six years

my family says that because of the six year age difference between me and my sister, I'm like another first born.*lol*

Jake; I hope your cough goes away. There is a recipe I found, it's called 'Remedy Soup'
here is the recipe.

Remedy Soup,

1/8-1/4 tsp, dried ground ginger
1cup, chicken broth

Place ginger in the bottom of a heavy mug. Pour in hot broth, keep stirring as you sip. So the ginger doesn't settle on the bottom.

I hope this helps.

Be Blessed:)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Comments haven't been updated. =) Second day of flag practice. Three more to go! I'm really excited! We're doing our routine to Michael Buble's, "I Haven't Met You Yet." It's my first year and I can't even tell you how excited I am. I'm so sore, but I know it'll be worth it. Anyone else in sports?

Unknown said...

"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word "darkness" on the walls of his cell." - C. S. Lewis

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Star-Dreamer - You can watch t.v. shows (legally put there by the t.v. stations) on They have Merlin Season 1: Hope it works on your computer --enjoy! =D Season one is great . . . I'm pretty sure that SyFy is picking up Season 3 of Merlin (next year probably). Very nice picture (and it's a person! LOL, figures are hard to draw sometimes) --do you have suggestions for a good tablet (cost and performance wise)? I've been wanting to try drawing digitally, but I've never gotten around to it. Hope you get an interview soon and have fun on your trip!

@ Archer - Hmm, yeah . . . there was some of that in the first season too, if I remember correctly. My siblings and I are allowed to watch NCIS and some of us started watching CSI so . . . we'd probably be fine . . . wow, sounds like a full house you guys have got there, haha. I love board games --haven't played a lot recently, but I like Scrabble, Clue, Yahtzee, Monopoly (I got the Narnia version) =D, Chess, Mancala, Uno (it's actually a card game, but it sort of fits the catagory), and traditional card games (Go Fish, Genie, Hearts, Speed, etc.).

I think I've caught up with the comments now . . . LOLs

Matthew said...

hmm... haven't felt like commenting the past couple days... but I'm back!

I wish there were some way for me to teleport into cyber space with a shotgun so I could kill the thread that way... XD jk

I don't really have anything meaningful at the moment, but I do have two things to say.

has anyone seen "Masterpiece Theater" on PBS? they have it in Alabama, and I'm guessing they have it in other places. it's really cool, because they have different mystery shows, like "Marple" and "Poirot" (based off Agatha Christie's novels) and different British detective shows... if you find that it's on in your area, I highly suggest you check it out.

and lastly, has anyone noticed how "ok" looks like a little sideways person? :)

RED~Scribe said...

My family's going boating this afternoon. It's too hot to do anything else anyway. I agree with Jake when I say, "I don't like heat!" Nor do I like humidity! My hair goes crazy!!!

~Never Alone~

Star-Dreamer said...

Well, this is it. The last post I'll be able to make for 2 1/2 weeks. Please keep the thread going for me! And I'm also trying to make my last blog post interesing, so if you want you might check it out.

See ya all later! :)

RED~Scribe said...

I am seriously watching the most amazing electrical storm this evening. We live on a hill, so I can see the entire valley from the front of our house. There really hasn't been any thunder, but the lightning is incredible.

And I just saw one blast across the sky, from left to right. IT looked like thousands of fingers spreading light across the sky. That. . . was. . . amazing. . .

And there was definitely some thunder after that one!!!! Hope you all are having as interesting an evening as I am.

~Never Alone~

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Have you read Mr. Batson's latest blog entry? It's very thought provoking. =)

Don't forget, if you haven't done so, please vote for #5 and spread the word! This "Dreamhouse Kings" contest ends August 15! Thanks! =)

Ryan said...

lady dragonkeeper kale??? from dragon spell???? i just finished that book!!! it was awesome, i like that kind of book it really sucked me in! though i have no idea how old kale is but if your a teenager then youre between 13 and 19. so if you can what is your email address???

RED~Scribe said...

mermaidgirl45 - So you to go an open school? That's neat. My brother does too.

Lady DragonKeeper - Yeah, I only buy Christian music, though I sometimes listen to stuff that isn't. If you're looking for something kinda different, try a band called Code Of Ethics. There's a really awesome story surrounding the founding and only remaining original member. Also, try the band Planetshakers. They're both neat bands.
As for the aduiobooks, well, I've never bought any off of iTunes, but I have listened to some before. Obviously, some are better than others, with my very favorites being the Kingdom Series by Chuck Black.

Archer - I know! It's crazy to try and manage it in water! And you've read some of Sigmund Brouwer's books too? Sweet! He was my favorite author before I found Ted Dekker and Mr. Batson!! I still love his books, though I haven't read any in a while, as he's only brought out one book in the last year or so. And, yes, I know how to knit (sort of). I was working on a scarf before we moved a year ago and I've never picked it back up (mostly because it's been hidden away in a box that I still haven't unpacked!). My sister is an amazing artist and she also beads.

Jake - Also, try cayenne pepper in chicken soup along with ginger. Spicy but really good! And you could also try parsley.

Speaking of games, has anyone ever placed Dutch Blitz? It's an Amish card game for four players, though my family sometimes plays with eight people.

~Never Alone~

Ryan said...

archer, i can crotchet and everybody makes fun of me because i'm a boy but i put up with it and well i dont do it anymore but i still can.

Unknown said...

‎"...knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot." I Peter 1:18-19 ESV

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Jake - The "Masters and Slayers" book right? Haha, I don't think you have to worry . . . the words "Bryan Davis" and "inappropriate" don't really go together . . . :-P

@ Archer - I love to crochet and knit! And sew, and draw, and make jewelry, and pretty much every other craft . . . =)

@ Ryan - One of my younger brothers was interested in learning to sew --only 'cause of the sewing machine pedal --can you say, drive a car? LOL . . . he's sort of over it now though . . . I think it's neat that you can crochet. =)

LOL, If I'm not supposed to post my age online, do you think I'd be able to give out e-mail addresses to people I don't know? =D Sorry, my friend, no can do . . . but we can still "converse" here with the blog comments . . . =)

kristin said...

my family is prety big as well theres:
my dads side:
im not listing them because there are to many my dad had five siblings and ach of theos siblings had 2 to 4 kids those kids have had 2 to 4 kids as well. (im the youngest on my dads side.)
altogether with all my 2nd cousins my cousins the people we call family thouhg there not and my grand parents we have around 50 or more people on my dads size. i can only reach this number because on our last family reounion only half the family came and we filled two 3 story houses. it was horible for the younger ones because we were all cramed on the top floor.

on my moms side:
my 2 sets of grand parents
my uncle
my aunt
my step aunt
my step uncles
my step aunt #2
my step uncles #2
ym step cousins (i really dont know how many i have i havent met them all)
my cousins 1,2,3
and my great grandma.
well thats kind of my entire family though i dont think i was quit acuret
tata for now see you all later

Ryan said...

i just got the book "cyber quest" if anyone has read it pleas tell me if it's a good read,thank you!!

Jake said...

@Various People
I can crotchet. XD My sisters want me to learn how to knit, but I'd rather bury my nose in a book. :D

@Anyone in general
This is an offhand comment-- i.e. I won't be able to comment very often. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get internet again. :)

Ariel said...

Ryan, happy birthday!! =)

Patrick, I love that quote about defending the Bible. I going to memorize that. =)

Lady DragonKeeper: I loved VBS. But my new church is kinda small, and we're trying to get together a middle school ministry. =) Also, I'll just say that Harry Potter, though it does use magic and has some dark stuff in it, has the most amazing moral lessons and symbolism that's just staggering. I have to admit, I absolutely love Harry Potter, and I'm trying not to let my obsession flow over online, but I do recommend it. =) And, yeah, thanks, I think everything clearing up a bit. We haven't heard anything more, but we're still on the watch. =)

Eldra, I'll have to look up Andrew Peterson at my library. Sounds good. =)

(5:03) Boating? Awesome! I love boating so much, but the really funny thing is I hate water. Like, I take showers (definitely!) and I'll swim in pools and stuff, but lakes just absolutely freak me out. Actually, I almost drowned once, this year. The irony of my.... lack of love for water is really funny though. My name is Ariel, like the mermaid. =)

(12:08) I love storms! It's so beautiful and majestic and such a awesome show of God's power. =) I live on a mountain (1,500 feet, I think) and we were driving down this hill, were you can see all around the range, and we saw this huge, giant, thick bolt of lightning went straight down from the sky onto the next mountain. It was so sudden, and such a massive, brilliant bolt, and so direct hitting the other mountain, it was like, "Oh my goodness." Absolutely amazing. I love lightning. =)

Archer, wahoo!! A fellow crocheter! =D Yes, I've crocheted several afghans and am now in the midst of three different projects that I need to finish...

Also.... wow. I was looking at all your cousins in just shock. I always thought I had a big family, you know four kids. =) But I've only met my aunt on my dad's side, and then my mom's family is only grandparents, an aunt and uncle, and two cousins. We're kinda close, but I wish we could see each other more often. =/ Also, that's really funny about you being a "first born. It's just the opposite in my family. My mom had four kids in five years. So, we're kinda close. =) There's me, then a year, then my brother, then a year, and then my two sisters. =)

Also, just out of curiosity, does anyone have any twins in their family?

Lady DragonKeeper, I think I'm going to use the website. =) I don't have a TV and sometimes I just really feel like watching something.

Matthew, I love the knife analogy. And, yeah, I did notice that once. OK. =)

Star-Dreamer, we'll keep it going for you! =) According to my rough calculations, someone comments about every three hours. When we get to twelve, I'll be excited!

Ariel said...

Ryan, happy birthday!! =)

Patrick, I love that quote about defending the Bible. I going to memorize that. =)

Lady DragonKeeper: I loved VBS. But my new church is kinda small, and we're trying to get together a middle school ministry. =) Also, I'll just say that Harry Potter, though it does use magic and has some dark stuff in it, has the most amazing moral lessons and symbolism that's just staggering. I have to admit, I absolutely love Harry Potter, and I'm trying not to let my obsession flow over online, but I do recommend it. =) And, yeah, thanks, I think everything clearing up a bit. We haven't heard anything more, but we're still on the watch. =)

Eldra, I'll have to look up Andrew Peterson at my library. Sounds good. =)

(5:03) Boating? Awesome! I love boating so much, but the really funny thing is I hate water. Like, I take showers (definitely!) and I'll swim in pools and stuff, but lakes just absolutely freak me out. Actually, I almost drowned once, this year. The irony of my.... lack of love for water is really funny though. My name is Ariel, like the mermaid. =)

(12:08) I love storms! It's so beautiful and majestic and such a awesome show of God's power. =) I live on a mountain (1,500 feet, I think) and we were driving down this hill, were you can see all around the range, and we saw this huge, giant, thick bolt of lightning went straight down from the sky onto the next mountain. It was so sudden, and such a massive, brilliant bolt, and so direct hitting the other mountain, it was like, "Oh my goodness." Absolutely amazing. I love lightning. =)

Archer, wahoo!! A fellow crocheter! =D Yes, I've crocheted several afghans and am now in the midst of three different projects that I need to finish...

Also.... wow. I was looking at all your cousins in just shock. I always thought I had a big family, you know four kids. =) But I've only met my aunt on my dad's side, and then my mom's family is only grandparents, an aunt and uncle, and two cousins. We're kinda close, but I wish we could see each other more often. =/ Also, that's really funny about you being a "first born. It's just the opposite in my family. My mom had four kids in five years. So, we're kinda close. =) There's me, then a year, then my brother, then a year, and then my two sisters. =)

Palidane said...

Hey it's me, mermaidgirl! My computer won't let me post, so I've been trying to figure out how to get around this.

Ryan, happy birthday!! =)

Patrick, I love that quote about defending the Bible. I going to memorize that. =)

Lady DragonKeeper: I loved VBS. But my new church is kinda small, and we're trying to get together a middle school ministry. =) Also, I'll just say that Harry Potter, though it does use magic and has some dark stuff in it, has the most amazing moral lessons and symbolism that's just staggering. I have to admit, I absolutely love Harry Potter, and I'm trying not to let my obsession flow over online, but I do recommend it. =) And, yeah, thanks, I think everything clearing up a bit. We haven't heard anything more, but we're still on the watch. =)

Eldra, I'll have to look up Andrew Peterson at my library. Sounds good. =)

(5:03) Boating? Awesome! I love boating so much, but the really funny thing is I hate water. Like, I take showers (definitely!) and I'll swim in pools and stuff, but lakes just absolutely freak me out. Actually, I almost drowned once, this year. The irony of my.... lack of love for water is really funny though. My name is Ariel, like the mermaid. =)

(12:08) I love storms! It's so beautiful and majestic and such a awesome show of God's power. =) I live on a mountain (1,500 feet, I think) and we were driving down this hill, were you can see all around the range, and we saw this huge, giant, thick bolt of lightning went straight down from the sky onto the next mountain. It was so sudden, and such a massive, brilliant bolt, and so direct hitting the other mountain, it was like, "Oh my goodness." Absolutely amazing. I love lightning. =)

Archer, wahoo!! A fellow crocheter! =D Yes, I've crocheted several afghans and am now in the midst of three different projects that I need to finish...

Also.... wow. I was looking at all your cousins in just shock. I always thought I had a big family, you know four kids. =) But I've only met my aunt on my dad's side, and then my mom's family is only grandparents, an aunt and uncle, and two cousins. We're kinda close, but I wish we could see each other more often. =/ Also, that's really funny about you being a "first born. It's just the opposite in my family. My mom had four kids in five years. So, we're kinda close. =) There's me, then a year, then my brother, then a year, and then my two sisters. =)

Anonymous said...

Hey it's me, mermaidgirl! My computer won't let me post, so I've been trying to figure out how to get around this.

Ryan, happy birthday!! =)

Patrick, I love that quote about defending the Bible. I going to memorize that. =)

Lady DragonKeeper: I loved VBS. But my new church is kinda small, and we're trying to get together a middle school ministry. =) Also, I'll just say that Harry Potter, though it does use magic and has some dark stuff in it, has the most amazing moral lessons and symbolism that's just staggering. I have to admit, I absolutely love Harry Potter, and I'm trying not to let my obsession flow over online, but I do recommend it. =) And, yeah, thanks, I think everything clearing up a bit. We haven't heard anything more, but we're still on the watch. =)

Eldra, I'll have to look up Andrew Peterson at my library. Sounds good. =)

(5:03) Boating? Awesome! I love boating so much, but the really funny thing is I hate water. Like, I take showers (definitely!) and I'll swim in pools and stuff, but lakes just absolutely freak me out. Actually, I almost drowned once, this year. The irony of my.... lack of love for water is really funny though. My name is Ariel, like the mermaid. =)

(12:08) I love storms! It's so beautiful and majestic and such a awesome show of God's power. =) I live on a mountain (1,500 feet, I think) and we were driving down this hill, were you can see all around the range, and we saw this huge, giant, thick bolt of lightning went straight down from the sky onto the next mountain. It was so sudden, and such a massive, brilliant bolt, and so direct hitting the other mountain, it was like, "Oh my goodness." Absolutely amazing. I love lightning. =)

Archer, wahoo!! A fellow crocheter! =D Yes, I've crocheted several afghans and am now in the midst of three different projects that I need to finish...

Also.... wow. I was looking at all your cousins in just shock. I always thought I had a big family, you know four kids. =) But I've only met my aunt on my dad's side, and then my mom's family is only grandparents, an aunt and uncle, and two cousins. We're kinda close, but I wish we could see each other more often. =/ Also, that's really funny about you being a "first born. It's just the opposite in my family. My mom had four kids in five years. So, we're kinda close. =) There's me, then a year, then my brother, then a year, and then my two sisters. =)

Anonymous said...

Ryan, happy birthday!! =)

Patrick, I love that quote about defending the Bible. I going to memorize that. =)

Lady DragonKeeper: I loved VBS. But my new church is kinda small, and we're trying to get together a middle school ministry. =) Also, I'll just say that Harry Potter, though it does use magic and has some dark stuff in it, has the most amazing moral lessons and symbolism that's just staggering. I have to admit, I absolutely love Harry Potter, and I'm trying not to let my obsession flow over online, but I do recommend it. =) And, yeah, thanks, I think everything clearing up a bit. We haven't heard anything more, but we're still on the watch. =)

Eldra, I'll have to look up Andrew Peterson at my library. Sounds good. =)

(5:03) Boating? Awesome! I love boating so much, but the really funny thing is I hate water. Like, I take showers (definitely!) and I'll swim in pools and stuff, but lakes just absolutely freak me out. Actually, I almost drowned once, this year. The irony of my.... lack of love for water is really funny though. My name is Ariel, like the mermaid. =)

(12:08) I love storms! It's so beautiful and majestic and such a awesome show of God's power. =) I live on a mountain (1,500 feet, I think) and we were driving down this hill, were you can see all around the range, and we saw this huge, giant, thick bolt of lightning went straight down from the sky onto the next mountain. It was so sudden, and such a massive, brilliant bolt, and so direct hitting the other mountain, it was like, "Oh my goodness." Absolutely amazing. I love lightning. =)

Archer, wahoo!! A fellow crocheter! =D Yes, I've crocheted several afghans and am now in the midst of three different projects that I need to finish...

Also.... wow. I was looking at all your cousins in just shock. I always thought I had a big family, you know four kids. =) But I've only met my aunt on my dad's side, and then my mom's family is only grandparents, an aunt and uncle, and two cousins. We're kinda close, but I wish we could see each other more often. =/ Also, that's really funny about you being a "first born. It's just the opposite in my family. My mom had four kids in five years. So, we're kinda close. =) There's me, then a year, then my brother, then a year, and then my two sisters. =)

Also, just out of curiosity, does anyone have any twins in their family?

Lady DragonKeeper, I think I'm going to use the website. =) I don't have a TV and sometimes I just really feel like watching something.

Matthew, I love the knife analogy. And, yeah, I did notice that once. OK. =)

Star-Dreamer, we'll keep it going for you! =) According to my rough calculations, someone comments about every three hours. When we get to twelve, I'll be excited!

Anonymous said...

Ryan, happy birthday!! =)

Patrick, I love that quote about defending the Bible. I going to memorize that. =)

Lady DragonKeeper: I loved VBS. But my new church is kinda small, and we're trying to get together a middle school ministry. =) Also, I'll just say that Harry Potter, though it does use magic and has some dark stuff in it, has the most amazing moral lessons and symbolism that's just staggering. I have to admit, I absolutely love Harry Potter, and I'm trying not to let my obsession flow over online, but I do recommend it. =) And, yeah, thanks, I think everything clearing up a bit. We haven't heard anything more, but we're still on the watch. =)

Eldra, I'll have to look up Andrew Peterson at my library. Sounds good. =)

(5:03) Boating? Awesome! I love boating so much, but the really funny thing is I hate water. Like, I take showers (definitely!) and I'll swim in pools and stuff, but lakes just absolutely freak me out. Actually, I almost drowned once, this year. The irony of my.... lack of love for water is really funny though. My name is Ariel, like the mermaid. =)

(12:08) I love storms! It's so beautiful and majestic and such a awesome show of God's power. =) I live on a mountain (1,500 feet, I think) and we were driving down this hill, were you can see all around the range, and we saw this huge, giant, thick bolt of lightning went straight down from the sky onto the next mountain. It was so sudden, and such a massive, brilliant bolt, and so direct hitting the other mountain, it was like, "Oh my goodness." Absolutely amazing. I love lightning. =)

Archer, wahoo!! A fellow crocheter! =D Yes, I've crocheted several afghans and am now in the midst of three different projects that I need to finish...

Also.... wow. I was looking at all your cousins in just shock. I always thought I had a big family, you know four kids. =) But I've only met my aunt on my dad's side, and then my mom's family is only grandparents, an aunt and uncle, and two cousins. We're kinda close, but I wish we could see each other more often. =/ Also, that's really funny about you being a "first born. It's just the opposite in my family. My mom had four kids in five years. So, we're kinda close. =) There's me, then a year, then my brother, then a year, and then my two sisters. =)

Also, just out of curiosity, does anyone have any twins in their family?

Lady DragonKeeper, I think I'm going to use the website. =) I don't have a TV and sometimes I just really feel like watching something.

Matthew, I love the knife analogy. And, yeah, I did notice that once. OK. =)

Star-Dreamer, we'll keep it going for you! =) According to my rough calculations, someone comments about every three hours. When we get to twelve, I'll be excited!

jolayne said...

i'm back, i'll comment more latter. i got to say 'the prayer' with two of my campers it was totally a God moment, gtg.
Endurance and Victory

Archer said...

Ha everyone!

Ryan; My dad ,before he and my mom were married, crocheted. Then he taught my mom, after that she taught me and two of my sisters. One of my sisters (sister#1) found it hard, and soon picked up on kniting, which she seemed to like beter. That was when she taught me howto knit. Then I taught my other sister (sister#3) to knit. I had began to bead sometime near the begining of all of that.

Eldra; Your sister is vary talented. I've looked at some of her drawings, I ecspecialy liked the drawing of the farrari (not spelt right). I actualy have drawn a little bit, although I'm not as talented as my sister (sister#3).

And just so everyone knows sister#3 is the sister that is co-authering with me on the book we're writing, and she now wants to be known as Prophetess. So if I talk about her or if she comments the name will be Prophetess. But I'll keep refering to my other siblings as sister#1, sister#2, and brother.

Also if any of you watch So You Think You Can Dance and know about the national dance day (which is July 31st) and are particapating that. Me and Prophetess are going use that day for a worshiping God day, so if any of you would like to particapate in that. All I have to is just gather some worship cds and dance. You can also make a rcording of and post on-line, although I'm not sherr where.

I think that's all.

Be Blessed:)

Unknown said...

This quote originates in G. K. Chesterton's book Heretics:

"There are some people, nevertheless--and I am one of them--who think that the most practical and important thing about a man is still his view of the universe. We think that for a landlady considering a lodger, it is important to know his income, but still more important to know his philosophy. We think that for a general about to fight an enemy, it is important to know the enemy's numbers, but still more important to know the enemy's philosophy. We think the question is not whether the theory of the cosmos affects matters, but whether, in the long run, anything else affects them."

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone - mermaidgirl here! Something extremely strange is going on with blogger, and I can't post. I'm trying to figure this out, and I hope this gets through. =)

Unknown said...

"A Collect* for Grace (from The Book of Common Prayer )

Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, you have
brought us in safety to this new day: Preserve us with your
mighty power, that we may not fall into sin, nor be overcome
by adversity; and in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of
your purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

*a collect is one of the congregational prayers used in the worship services of liturgical churches, sometimes read by the minister and the congregation, or by the minister alone.

jolayne said...

just finished watching the lord of the rings, i was not satisfied with the ending, but loved the movie. there is a lot of points the j.r.t. was trying to make, but he didn't want it to be an alogory, an alogory, relates something directly to another, that's part of what makes the lotr books timeless, i am also reading screwtape letters, and it is very interesting how it seems to be speaking to me.
Endurance and Victory

RED~Scribe said...

Anyone kill this thing yet????

Unknown said...

greetings, everyone! Have any of you read Stephen Lawhead's Pendragon Cycle?

Taliesin: Book 1

Merlin: Book 2

Arthur: Book 3

Pendragon: Book 4

Grail: Book 5

They look interesting; what have ya'll been up too recently?

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Eldra - Thanks for the band recommendation. I'll have to look that up. By the time these comments were updated, I actually had used my iTunes card already --I got three iTunes albums. The soundtracks for BBC's "Merlin" (Seasons 1 & 2) --it was so worth it, considering that on, the first season's soundtrack is thirty something dollars because it's an "import" from the UK. =) Third was the Beckah Shae album, "Life."

RED~Scribe said...

Archer - Thanks! I'll tell her you said that!

~Never Alone~

RED~Scribe said...

Ariel - That's funny. I'm not one for swimming in a lake, either, so I know exactly what you mean. Pools are much more fun!

~Never Alone~

Ryan said...

well i thought i killed it but, hey i didnt,lol,

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Patrick - I've heard about Mr. Lawhead's books . . . at our local library, we have "Pendragon" but I'd want to read the first books . . . I've gotten mixed reviews from my friends that have read his "Robin Hood" trilogy . . . "Hood" is the first one in that series . . . Is it Christian Fantasy? It sounds interesting though . . . medieval is one of my favorite time periods. =)

jolayne said...

okay this is going to be really short.
i am buying to save a life today, you guys should seriously consider it, at least watch the trailer. i'm doing some work to raise money for paris and tunisa. i've been babysitting, and like camp it reminds me that by being kind and loving to the kids that i take care of i can show them a little bit of God's love, and pray that it will make a differance.
I've got to go, thanks for keeping this thing alive all of you!
Endurance and Victory

RED~Scribe said...

Lady DragonKeeper - I know what you mean. I love medieval books as well, especially the Robin Hood stories, though I haven't read any in several years. Have you ever watched the 1938 movie "The Adventures Of Robin Hood?" It stars Errol Flynn as Robin Hood. That's probably my favorite movie filmed before 1960 of all time.

~Never Alone~

Unknown said...

Eldra: really neat! The 1938 version of Robin Hood is one of my favorite films as well! The acting, battle-scenes, story, and cinematorgraphy are all superb!

Unknown said...

Eldra: really neat! The 1938 version of Robin Hood is one of my favorite films as well! The acting, battle-scenes, story, and cinematography are all superb!

Anonymous said...

Grrr... It wouldn't post for some reason!! Oh well, this is mermaidgirl45. =) I might be Anonymous for a while...

Wow, guys! Six hours apart! This thread might end by the time I start school! I start on the 15th, I think.

Personally, I can't wait for school to start. I like being involved in a bunch of stuff and having a crazy, hectic schedule, and in summer, it's like... nothing. =/

This year, I'm going to be in Color Guard, BETA, Yearbook, T.A.B., a writer for a magazine, and a site for teens about politics, maybe. Plus, I'm learning how to drive and everything, I'm taking two AP courses, and I have to take the PSAT later. This is going to be a great year!!

WayMaker said...

Another Bible verse to share:

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

~John 13:34

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ jolayne - All right! That movie's finally on DVD? I've been waiting for the DVD --as I'm sure I've mentioned it before, my family pretty much always holds out for the DVD. =) Thanks for letting us know . . .

@ Eldra - No . . . I might have seen part of it on Turner Classic Movies (TCM channel), but I haven't even read the "Adventures of Robin Hood." Do you have a particular "version" of Robin Hood that you would recommend to read? I love "old" movies! =) My favorites are the musicals (comedy of drama) I think . . . the "Tammy" (Debbie Reynolds, then others in the lead role) series is sort of cute. Elvis Presley, LOL . . . my favorites from before the 1960's would probably be Shirley Temple movies --but I can't think of any other "pre-1960's" movies I really like off hand. Maybe "National Velvet" (with Elizabeth Taylor and Mickey Rooney)?

RED~Scribe said...

Lady DragonKeeper - A particular version of Robin Hood? Hmmm. Not that I can think of. I've read at least four different versions, I just don't remember what any of them are!!

Patrick - I know! It looks almost like it could have been filmed in the last twenty years. Of course, if that were the case, it probably wouldn't be "kid-friendly" would it?

~Never Alone~

Anonymous said...

Mermaidgirl here: Woohoo! Sleepover! Okay, you guys HAVE to keep this going, for me, m'kay? Thanks! =D Haha.

jolayne said...

how are you guys?
this is going to be short.
my weeks at camp were very good, although the one week that my campers were my age some of them stole my cloths, i came home missing two pairs of shorts, a shirt and a make up bag. at first i was really angry, but i put it into God's perspective, i thought about all of those people who don't have any clothes or any food. i guess it's not that bad.
Endurance and Victory

Archer said...

Ha guys, just a quick anouncement......


Okay I gotta go.

Be Blessed:)

RED~Scribe said...

Archer - Wow, that's amazingly awesome news!!!!!!! How soon is she due??

jolayne said...

its late and i really have to sleep. please pray for endurance for me, i have a lot of things that i am commited to, and i really have to keep up with all of them, it is harder than it looks. i also really need to read my bible more. i hope you guys are having a good summer. it is harder than it looks to do something you don't want to, but once you do it its not that bad.
Endurance and Victory

Lady DragonKeeper said...

@ Anonymous (mermaidgirl45) - Wow, sounds like you'll be busy!

@ Eldra - Aw, that's okay. I just thought I'd ask, since you're a Robin Hood fan. =)

@ Archer - Well, congratulations to your sister! Is it their family's first child?

I finally noticed Mr. Batson's blog post about the possibility of getting the Door Within book "optioned" as a movie . . . I sure hope it's tackled ala "Lord of the Rings" and "Narnia" . . . a good, well made movie could totally boost the series. However, it was while reading "Isle of Swords" that I constantly thought, "This would be an amazing movie!" =) Maybe I was thinking cost-wise, but a "period piece" could probably be just as costly as a medieval fantasy world . . . thoughts anyone?

Unknown said...

Lady Dragonkeeper: Old movies are some of my favorites as well; they just seem to be of a higher caliber of production and skill than many of the films made today; TCM is one my favorite channels!

Here are some of my favorites: Gunga Din with Cary Grant (tells the story of an uprising in British India; lots of action and humor); many of the films with Errol Flynn, including Robin Hood, Captain Blood, The Sea Hawks, They Died with their Boots On, Dodge City, and a number of others. William Powell and Myrna Loy starred in several really neat detective films called the "Thin Man" series; Jimmy Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes To Washington and The Shop Around The Corner. Another awesome medieval film is the adaptation of Sir Walter Scott's Ivanhoe starring Robert Taylor. Oh, and the Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes films are awesome as well! :) As you can see, if anyone mentions old movies, I can easily get carried away! What are some other of your classic movie favorites?

Here's the trailer for Ivanhoe:

Trailer for Ivanhoe

and here's a favorite battle scene from the Errol Flynn Robin Hood, ranking with the great sword duels of cinema:

Robin Hood vs. Sir Guy of Gisborne

Anonymous said...

I am so frusturated. My last post didn't post, but anyway (mermaidgirl here):

Jolayne, I've heard of that movie, To Save a Life! What's it about?

And, I'm really sorry about your clothes. =/ That stinks. But, kudos for putting into God's perspective. =) I'm sure He'll take care of it. =) This is kinda funny, because I just read a verse about God clothing the sparrows and the lilies of the field... Huh.

Archer, WOOHOO!!!! That's so great!! Let us know how it goes, okay? =D

RED~Scribe said...

Now that I've had my first fall off of a horse, I'm ready to go to Rock The River!!!! I probably won't be able to comment until Sunday, maybe Monday, depending on what happens.

Oh, and it's supposed to be raining all of tomorrow too. But I'm still gonna see Skillet!!!!!!!

~Never Alone~

Lady DragonKeeper said...

Hmm . . . no update yet. Anyway . . . a second "Voyage of the Dawn Treader" trailer supposed to be in the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" DVD --but you can see it here:

I can't wait for the first "real" theatrical trailer . . . we've only had the "teaser" trailer and now this small one. I can't wait! (Even though it seems they've changed stuff, as usual). =)

Anonymous said...

Mermaidgirl45: I drove today! I drove about six miles, I would say, and I am extremely excited! Anyone else here have their permit or license?

jolayne said...

wow, this hasen't been updated in a while, but i guess mr. batson does have a life a family and books to write. this is going to become second priority or seventh priority soon, because i have so many more important things to do. one of those includes reading my Bible, but i find that i am amazing at procrastinating when i try to find time to talk to God. i asked my aunt when the last time was that she felt God, and she said that God wasn't to be felt, but experianced, once she explained it to me it made a lot of sence, and i could start to see how God was moving in my life in places i'd never expected.
Enduance and Victory
PS. i finally started reading V&S i'm on page 222, and it is amazing so far.

Unknown said...

LadyDragonkeeper: I've thoroughly enjoyed both Hood and the second in the series Scarlet. They're extremely well-written and captivating stories. I especially enjoy Mr. Lawhead's knack for describing the scene and his mastery of the first-person point of view. I have book #3, Tuck, to read soon. He takes a really neat twist on the Robin Hood legend by setting the story right after the Battle of Hastings in England, during the rule of William the Conqueror's son (perhaps his grandson), with the Robin Hood originating in the dense, sprawling, ancient forests of Wales. Combined with his vigorous writing, the Hood books have a rich historical atmosphere.

Also, Stephen Lawhead has a new series coming out this month I think; the first book is entitled The Skin Map, which looks interesting. Have you read any of his other stories?

WayMaker said...

Another bible verse to think on:

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is true worship."

~Romans 12:1

Anonymous said...


Hmm... comments haven't been updated. Oh, well. =) School is starting! I'm so excited! =D Next week is Orientation Week. I'm not sure exactly what courses I'm taking. Biology, American Lit, History, Art Appreciation, and Speech, I think. Something like that. =D I'm so excited.

jolayne said...

lady dragon keeper, although i want both of those to be a movie, (door within and isle of swords,) i have to agree that i would LOVE to see a isle of swords movie. i would be content to wait for it though, and am very exsited that door within in may be made into a movie.

Anonymous- to save a life is about a popular kid whos childhood friend commits suisied, it is amazing i recomend that you watch the trailer, you'll get the idea from that.

Enduance and Victory

Anonymous said...

Mermaidgirl here! =D

Jolayne, praying for you. =) And, I know what you mean. For the longest time, I couldn't feel God there for me, and I got really frustrated. What I've learned is that whether you feel Him or not, He's there. =)

Lady DragonKeeper, what do you mean by "period piece?" Also, thanks for the link! I can't watch it now, but I can't wait to see it! =D

*wince* Oooh, Eldra, you okay? Falling off horses isn't exactly good for you. =) We'll keep the thread going for you, and I am consumed with unspeakable jealousy. I cannot believe that you get to see SKILLET!!!! That is wicked awesome!! Have the best time ever!! =D

Patrick, I'll have to check out the Hood series! I love myths and legends and stuff. =)

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