Build Your Tribe
Begin Your Quest
Last year's Tribebuilding Contest for Curse of the Spider King was a HUGE success! We had six active tribes who worked together to do some absolutely amazing things! Venom & Song, book 2 of The Berinfell Chronicles will ship to stores beginning June 9th, so in honor of Book 2's release Christopher Hopper and I are launching:
Tribebuilding Contest 2
This year's contest will use the same general rules as last year's contest, but with a few major changes:
5. Amazon Blitz, coming soon, so do NOT order Venom and Song just yet. If you order ON THE BLITZ DAY, it will mean ridiculous points for your Tribe! I mean OUTRAGEOUS, IMPOSSIBLY LARGE Numbers! WOOT.
Tribebuilding Contest 2
This year's contest will use the same general rules as last year's contest, but with a few major changes:
1. Tribe can earn GINORMOUS points for Creative Open Category Projects! It will vary by concept. Just propose an idea, and I'll tell you how many points will be offered.
2. Last year, we had six of the seven tribe names taken. If those tribes want to participate again, please let me know immediately so we can secure the Tribe Name for you. Additional tribes can create their own tribe name.
3. Tribe must be at least 14 people, not 21 like last year.
4. Tribes need not be geographically close in location to each other, but it helps when we plan the private book party.
5. Amazon Blitz, coming soon, so do NOT order Venom and Song just yet. If you order ON THE BLITZ DAY, it will mean ridiculous points for your Tribe! I mean OUTRAGEOUS, IMPOSSIBLY LARGE Numbers! WOOT.
I've outlined the entire contest and uploaded it page-by-page as you see below. You can click all the images and read right from the Web.
You can click HERE and download the pdf file.
Also, Tribe Leaders from last year, please email me about Rules/etc. that didn't work too well last year or were confusing. I'd like to make this year's even better than before.
Also, Tribe Leaders from last year, please email me about Rules/etc. that didn't work too well last year or were confusing. I'd like to make this year's even better than before.
Let the games BEGIN!
Tribe Names Claimed Last Year:
*Note: email me right away if you want to reclaim your Tribe's Name, or I will open them for new Tribes!
Valorbrand: taken by Kiada/Starfast/Robby
Silvertree: Taken by Keeneye
Ashheart: Taken by AmyA
Nightwing: Taken by Jacob Parker
Swiftstorm: Taken by Seth
Shadowtear: Taken by TimV
Oakenflower: Unclaimed
Did you think I forgot to mention prizes?
In addition to the prizes from last year (Private Book Party, Swords, Signed ARCs, etc), how about having EVERY member of your tribe mentioned in the Acknowledgement section of Berinfell Book 3*???
How about access to a special "Member's Only" Website full of Berinfell Lore, original Desktop art, games, and more!
CH and I are still thinking about additional prizes, so check back often for updates!
PS: Last year's Prize Winners will begin receiving prize packs in June! Thank you for your patience!
*Note: email me right away if you want to reclaim your Tribe's Name, or I will open them for new Tribes!
Valorbrand: taken by Kiada/Starfast/Robby
Silvertree: Taken by Keeneye
Ashheart: Taken by AmyA
Nightwing: Taken by Jacob Parker
Swiftstorm: Taken by Seth
Shadowtear: Taken by TimV
Oakenflower: Unclaimed
Did you think I forgot to mention prizes?
In addition to the prizes from last year (Private Book Party, Swords, Signed ARCs, etc), how about having EVERY member of your tribe mentioned in the Acknowledgement section of Berinfell Book 3*???
How about access to a special "Member's Only" Website full of Berinfell Lore, original Desktop art, games, and more!
CH and I are still thinking about additional prizes, so check back often for updates!
PS: Last year's Prize Winners will begin receiving prize packs in June! Thank you for your patience!
1 – 200 of 214 Newer› Newest»Sweet! One question: It says that all tribes will remain "dormant" until 7 tribes are formed. Does that mean those tribes with 21 members should wait to start amassing points, or to start amassing points, but don't report them, or what?
No, no, DON'T wait to amass points. Your tribe can start kickin' toucus right away. BUT, we want to have at least 7 Tribes active in order to really make this a contest.
Otherwise, we could end up with just one tribe full of a bunch of people and no competition.
Sweet! When I get home from chess, it's time to start amassing points, and getting people in! And WTB? What if we're homeschooled? Alot of the things include school, but my school is my home.
I love the idea but I'm also homeschooled and can't do much and I'm sure that i can't get 21 people togather.
P.S. what does the 'Real' sword look like? (I'm in fencing)
Am I even eligible to participate? I won the Isle of Fire contest so I don't know if I'm allowed to work this one too.
If you are eligible, I'd love to have you on the Nightwing Tribe, lol. :D
Abby, no need to start your own tribe. Join one. You could be part of someone else's 21!
Rien, you're SO allowed to be in. I was hoping you would be.
And just a Note about claiming Tribe Names. You have to build your tribe first. You get 21 in your tribe, then you can contact me and claim the official name.
First 7 tribes can use one of the Official Tribe names--if they so choose.
Also, if you are starting a tribe, please email me, just to let me know you are starting one.
When you recruit your 21 tribemembers or more, email me again to let me know.
Aha, this looks like fun. But how am I supposed to find a tribe?
Sweet! I'm so in. Thanks!
Anonymous: You could join my homeschooler one! I'm getting all my friends and homeschoolers from the underground to join as well
Sounds pretty cool!
Its funny how many homeschoolers like your books! (Im a graduated Homeschooler!)
And I'll have to post about the contest on the fan art site. :)
(I guess that would get points? lol)
Victoria: Do you wanna join my group? I know this isn't the best place to ask, but I don't think you're on the forum, and being a graduated homeschooler I think it'd be really cool to have you there. I know alot of homeschoolers that are pressured into going to public school to be "Normal" and left the way of homeschooling. Anyway, you can find my email on the forums pretty easily.
Well, get this, I'm home schooled as well!
this sounds like so much fun! I am not quite sure how this works yet but......
Cloe: Email me and I'll explain what I know. Or if you don't feel comfortable emailing me you can just ask me on the forum.
I'll e-mail you.
do we need to have our 21 before we can register?
Cool, and I am not sure what you mean by registered?
by register I mean send batson asking for the name
Did you email me?
where is your email
Oh, sorry,
OMG!!! there are more homeschoolers out there than I thought!!! (homeschooled senior)
Yep! And even though there are like 10 homeschoolers I've tried to get in my group, none have answered. *sigh*
Hey Chris! (the one that is not myself) you should join the Consecro Tribe! (we're probably changing the name)
PS. We're allowed to do this sorta thing right WTB?
Austin Berge, you may create a tribe now, but in order for it to become "official," you must have 21 members. Or you may choose to join another's tribe.
I am curious; you created the picture that is at the top of this post on Sir Hopper's blog and yours, Sir Batson? It is well done!
Er, forgive my mistype: WHO created the picture? (That is what I meant to say)
You may also join mine, as I have been begging people to do on this thread lol Swiftstorm, although the name of the thread is homeschoolers tribe.
i am very new too facebook and dont know how to make a group can i get some help?
Ya, send me a email on facebook, I'm Seth Reid, I have a green shirt with a tree on it in my profile picture.
Seth could you help me (actually anyone whos reading...) i need some help makeing a group on facebook.
Wow this is going to be great I will do all that I can to benefit my tribe... I dont have one yet though...
Welcome to the club, Austin! *laughs*
We should create a tribe for those who do not know which tribe to go to!
Do you know how to send a message on Facebook, Austin? If not, search Seth's name, then you will see a button that says "send Seth a message." Click that, and Seth will be able to answer your questions.
Yes, I will, or you can email me (the email is in this thread of comments somewhere)
Hey guys! all want to know how to get the party? How to win some more awesome prizes? Well need to join a tribe, as you all know lol.
And the fastest growing one happens to be called the Consecro Tribe, consecro meaing sanctified in latin. We want it to be SilverTree but we need your help to make it that.
Some of the most active members from the forum have already signed on, and I'd love to see more of you join it.
If you would like to join it either send me an email,, or join the Underground (WTB and Ch's new forum) and head to the following page;
Also, here is the facebook link;
Endurance and Victory! Never Alone!
Dude, you keep saying fastest growing, but it's really not that far ahead of anybody elses.
Mr. Wayne,
I don't know anyone that likes your books besides my little brother, and I was wondering, if you could like post and get like groups of people like me (people that don't know anyone else that like your books) in the same states, and hook those people up? That would be helpful, because I really want to do this. Also, are there ways for people that Homeschool to earn points through school?
Thank You,
Does anyone wanna join my group? its a group like all others. I just need some people. All you need to do is pull your own weight, just send me a answer on facebook and that will be that.
Good job figuring it out Austin. Alas! I already made my own group though.
Seth, it's still the fastest growing ;)
nathan- no its not the fastest
Tom- That is basicly my group tom, come and join i can give u some tips on were to put the stuff, i was once home schooled as well.
Austin, it has the most members so far...that makes it the fastest. I'm kind of joking with that title...though it is true lol
I agree with Austin, it's not, actually I got a couple, by tomorrow if all the people that are 'interested' in joining my tribe joins, I'll have more than you. But I'm not trying to brag, just show you that your tribe isn't the only one progressing.
i honestly dont care if its the fastest but it is gettin on my nerves how your posting that everywere
Me too, it's not right, and I hate to use it but here goes: not Christlike.
Seth, alright...I meant all of that in jest. There wasn't any bragging behind it, I meant no harm. I wasn't trying to put your group down or anything like that. Not at all. Read my Fb comment..I think that may clear it up.
I say nothing offends me...but an accusation such as that does. I'm not trying to brag! I'm just trying to promote! I'll back off if you want...I didn't know it bothered you all that much.
Well, it's OK, it's just not very fair to say that yours is the best and we can't, I didn't think there was any distinct lead yet so I didn't say anything. If you look I've said a couple times that mine is one of the best four, but if you remember there only is four.
Well...I never said it was the best. I just said it had grown fastest, which..with 7 true...but only as of right now. I've never claimed to be the only one in this. Perhaps my confidence comes across as pride sometimes <_<
Possibly, but let us give us this petty argument shall we? The problem has been solved I believe.
WOW!! Loving the dialogue. But just remember, when the Tribes of Berinfell fight among themselves, they only feed the laughter of the Spider King.
A couple of you asked questions about "registering" or whether you had to have 21 before starting to try to earn points. Here's the straight dish:
There really isn't a registration. You just let me know that you are starting a Tribe.
You can definitely start doing tasks and gathering points before you reach your full 21 (or more). However, you can't send me a "Tribe Report" until your Tribe is "Live" with 21 members.
And remember, 21 is the required number of members. You CAN have as many members as you want, Build a bigger tribe, get a better chance to win! ;-)
But, as some of you recognized, if you want to have one of the Official Berinfell Tribe Names, you must be one of the first 7 tribes to reach the full 21. There's no calling "DIBS!!" lol
I think I joined your group. I will get points as soon as your group is functional. Could you tell me when your group is functional?
Mr. Watson,
Is it possible to have like a Co-Leader, that is like second in charge? They would not have like extra privileges, but they help with the Tribe E-mails and stuff.
Yes, I will, please start getting points immediately, because it may take a while to get 21 members, though if we try hard enough we can pretty quick.
I am kinda disssapointed in this. I don't even KNOW 21 people. And how do you join a tribe? But it sounds like the only person that gets the prizes are the tribe commanders, esspecially with the book thing, that would be awsome....yeah, I wish I could create a tribe.
Israle, the best way to join a tribe is to join the Berinfell forums and search in the Tribe Building forum and see what tribes are available. It's at
Wayne, I asked this one the forum but I think you missed it = being an adult I don't really have official homework anymore, however I am taking an online university course. I don't have anyone to "sign off" on my homework, but the instructor does email me with the grade to each quiz. Would his email suffice as "signing off" on the work?
And do reviews posted on and the like for previous contests count for this one? If not ... I'm out of a lot of points...
Israle, the grand prize is supposed to be for the whole tribe--a big party that CH and I will fly out and attend. Of course, for that to work, Tribes must be geographically close.
And Pais, I'm afraid the only Task/Points that can be counted backward is for those who Preordered Spider King. No previous reviews, ads, blogging, etc. can count. But you're creative. I'm sure you'll do cool stuff. And as a part of a whole tribe, your addition might be other stuff besides reviews.
Thanks Wayne. I just thought I'd ask before I added those in. That, in a way, is relieving cause now I don't have to go hunt down on all those old reviews!!
And the online course thing....?
HeHe I do kind of wonder who has the biggest tribe right now though But Hey its a mystery for the future.. (I think..)
Hi everyone it's me, Just wonderin if anyone wanted to join my tribe? Im tryin to get valorbrand, so i really want people to join.
For those that are wondering, Swiftstorm, while not the largest tribe, is, in my opinion the greatest. Think about it, since not everyone is close to me, if we win, I will let the biggest point scorer get to choose between the reward of the books, or to choose where the signing is. Right now the thread is called Homeschooler tribe, but it's actually swiftstorm. Thanks!
dude seth I thought you said you would help me! so much for that!
What do you mean? I tried to help you. I just said I don't want you being one of my friends on facebook because then you can see all my personal info.
If I join any tribe it will be you, but I'm waiting for parent ok.
Thanks Abby, I would love to have you in my group. I hope your mom says yes.
That sword sounds pretty awesome
You made you decision yet Barie?
I think I'd like to join if any group'll have me =D.
God Bless,
We'll definitely have you Prism, by the way nice name! Swiftstorm is the group.
Ach, very sorry everyone, but I will be unable to join the forces at this moment. *sighs* I really wish I could! Best of luck to all you adventurers (esp. Swiftstorm, I'm sorry everyone else =], but I am homeschooled too, so I sympathize with your cause! Just for the record, I'd join you guys if I could). With great sadness I must decline...
Prism, any tribe will have you. :D head to the forums and check 'em all out!
anyone have a tribe in marshfield wisconsin? lol
madeline anyone can join a group and be able to contribute points even if you are homeschooled, you can post reveiws of his book, there are tons of ways to get points from home!
i dont have one i wisconsin but i do have on i michigan, its a bit of a drive but if we do win it's worth the effort!
What group is barie in? I owe a small debt to her after she gave me a great name for a charecter, so if she want I may join her group...
I don't believe that Barie has officially joined a tribe yet...
everyone please join my tribe!!! I need people i got 6 potential people and I know 4 of them for a fact will join, that equal a mini tribe of four... but if they invite people, and you join, and you invite people, then we have an endless chain of people, please join!!
who is from WI?
Austin, send me an email at
The only problem is, if I did join I would not be giving anyone my email...I do trust you guys, =] but I don't think it's safe to put it on the web anywhere. Is there any way I could join exclusively from the forum?? I don't have a facebook, either --
I would love to join, it sounds extremely fun. But I don't think I should add something like this that sounds like it'd take up a nice chunk of time to my currently crazy schedule. . . . . :(
Assr vísa ykkarr or∂.
Hmmm, if you can access our blogspot, perhaps you could just give it to WTB, I'm not sure, if it's OK, you could just give it to me, and I would not give it to anyone but WTB and if needed CH.
Madeline, yes...feel free to join the Consecro, officially SilverTree, tribe from just the forum. But WTB needs to have your email and who's tribe you're in.
I will say though that in Silvertree Millard and Keeneye must have your email for you to access their blogspot. You do not have to have a email for our site.
Seth, she doesn't need blogspot. She can do the contest STRICTLY through the forum :P lol
Come on who is from WI I know someone from marshfield.
I was simply sharing with her that one of your advantages is useless to her, and that she would be free to our blogspot. And, it will be harder to base it off of just the forum
Yup. You're the better option for her I must admit.
Though I'd still love to have you Madeline :D lol
(I just broke all the salesman rules there lol)
Hey, we've all broke them through this, it's part of being a christian salesman. And, we'd both love to have you, it's up to you; I have to be truthful though, you won't benefit too much from the blogspot, and it's probably going to be equal value if you join either tribe.
Whooo....okay. So, I don't have parent ok to join the forum yet, so that's on hold for just a sec. Seth, you're saying that it's possible for me to operate from your tribe's blog? And with Keeneye's tribe, either I'd have to give them my email to get to their blog, or I'd have to join the forum? Is that what I'm hearing??
Yea, I knew I'd have to give my mail to Wayne. I'm cool with that.
By the way, if there's a problem with "security" if a blog operates unlocked, I will say that I'm sure WTB would notice duplicates of things if someone tried to steal something. If that makes any sense at all.
I'll answer your questions as they came.
Yes, we don't have a security thing on it right now, like Keeneye's does, I'll tell you the name in just a bit.
Yes, that's what your hearing.
I believe that makes sense.
Hope that answers your questions!
K, thanks. That does help. I'll have to get permission for all this first, but I hope to join your tribe, Seth. *crosses fingers* If I do, I'll become a follower of the tribe's blog. K?
That's GREAT! We'd love to have you. The blog is up, but it doesn't have much on it, but we'll get some stuff up there soon. We got an awesome guy doing it, he's with our tribe. If you do get the OK, you'll just give me the tribe points there, and if WTB knows your email I'll just say your name which is already on this comment thread, so it won't make a difference. I hope you get the OK!
I'll back outta this one Seth ;) You deserve it lol
Thanks Nathan, by the way, how you guys doing on points?
I haven't totaled them yet. But those collecting points are RAKING them in lol
lol I have yet to start, but I think once I do I'll just be going through the list. I've been busy getting people on my tribe.
Why does it say three names under Valorbrand?
Robert says those are all his names
100 comments! Oh, I thought it was three people.
Hey, sorry Nathan, but I'll side with the homeschoolers! jk...and anyway, I'm really not comfy with putting my email anywhere where just anyone can see it. Hope y'all know that I trust you, it's just anyone who might stumble across the site that I'm wary of.
And btw, all, I'm an East Coaster.
That's good! I am too. I live in Florida. Did your parents say you could be in the game?
oh yea, and I might as well not give WTB my email until we have 21 members, right?
I suppose not. So, do you know anybody who might want to play also?
Cool. I'm in the mid-atlantic. Yeah, I asked my dad...he wants to see the rules, etc... I'll let you know when I'm officially in.
hmmm...I have a friend who did the IoF contest who might want to join. I dunno. I'll ask, if she doesn't know about it already.
Tell me when you want me to give you the address to the blogspot.
do we make code names with in our tribes
I don't understand what you mean.
Is it the site that links from your name? If it is, I'm covered.
I don't believe it is, my computer blocks it when I click it, I don't know why. This is the link, I don't really care if anybody had it anymore.
Goodness gracious! I didn't realize so many people want to know what tribe I am on!
Austin Berge, you don't have to keep thanking me for the name! Your asking for a name was just an excuse for me to make more names, I love to make names! Nomenclature is such fun!!
My alliances are made, but I am currently not revealing where they lie.
Er-uh. My talk about alliances, that was about tribes, sorry. I think I wasn't very lear with that.
Yes, I don't know your reasons, but you must have a good one to keep it to yourself.
How am I to amass twenty one people to join my tribe. When most of my friends are not interested in participating in a contest of this caliber? I don't even know any internet friends who'd be willing to join. This contest sorta limits those of us who are natural introverts or have tastes which others seem not to share.
Never mind, someone invited me to join their tribe through Facebook. I have to say; the idea of having a tribe contest is pretty ingenious. And I'm very excited to start racking up a good number of points!!
Hey, Madeline. You can just go to the swiftstorm blog. You don't have to give your E-mail or anything.
Thanks, "Swiftstorm Tribe"! Like the blog. STILL waiting for permission from my dad. He said he'd look over the rules w/ me tonight. Pretty sure he'll let me, though.
Barie -- there are 12 tribes of Israel, actually. =]
OK, well, I look forward to his response. See ya tonight!
Seth, smooth with the direct link ;) lol Very clever
Barie, I believe there are 12 tribes of Israel lol
Whoopsiedaisy!! lol. I am so clueless. That's what I get for listening to music while I am typing. :D
Our tribe does not need to be hidden, we aren't going to be discussing things that no one else needs to know.
You're right, Seth. And like I said, no one can steal our points, because Wayne will be able to recognize duplicates. Someone can't copy our links to the places we wrote reviews and stuff. But anyway, fyi everyone, Silvertree's blog isn't blocked either. I checked.
haha Madeline..I was wondering how long it would take for someone to notice that.
I hope the blog didn't scare you away. We're still trying to figure it out lol
More organization later
hee hee...
nah, the blog didn't scare me away. What I can't believe is how you guys possibly managed to get so many people so quickly!!
haha...I don't get it either. Maybe they were attracted to my awesomeness (couldn't have been my lol jk jk)
Nah...people like most people in the tribe. Iluvhorses, DragonBoy, Millardthemk, Chris, daughteroflight. We've got a nice line up...that's why ;)
At the beginning I was panicked...I could have sworn they all would have gone to Seth. His ideas were better at the time I think. Still are really...I just don't find them fair :P lol jk jk
Wow... =] Well, you're lucky, but we'll get enough. Don't worry. The peeps will be on the lookout, patrolling the sites for potential members. =] Like the COTSK forum, the DW forum...I haven't joined either of those yet, unfortunately. We'll see. Actually, if I join, my bro and sis will too...I got them all excited about it. They're big WTB fans. So that's three. Hey, waitasec, is the Brianna on your team the one who does the blog "Writer's Thoughts"? Bummer if she is, cuz I was gonna ask her to join our team once I actually get permission to join. Arg.
There's a Brianna on our team...I think she has a blog lol
Wait...did you join Seth's tribe?
Eh, kinda. I'm waiting for my dad to give me permission to join the contest. He said he'd tell me when he gets home from his job. But I'm fairly certain he'll say yes.
We only need two more tribes, if you count Seth's as full, to reach 21 before it's official. There's more than that started.
This'll start soon! lol
Seth's tribe is definitely not full. But are there two other tribes collecting people now, or we need someone to start two more tribes? Have all 4 other tribes collected 21 people yet??
Woops...numbers wrong.
There are five tribes started, that we know of...maybe six. So we need a couple more to start lol
does anyone have a tribe in marshfield WI!?!?!? lol
Anon/Silver -- I'm sure Swiftstorm would love to have you!! Go to
So Nathan -- 2 complete w/ 21 members, around 3 or 4 in the works?
Madeline that seems to be the way it is lol
And Silver...SilverTree would have you as well! Shoot me an email if you'd like!
ah, nathan, is it? check your e-mail...
Yup I got your email :D
Thanks for sending it!
You're reply will come from a different address....sorry 'bout the confusion lol
Madeline, if you're still reading this thread of comments: You can still read the Underground forum right? Because I'll post alot of updates there about the tribe, you don't have to say anything, it'll just be helpful for you to be able to read those comments.
ok, cool. yes, I can read the underground. btw, WHEN my dad gets back to me, (sorry bout that) my brother and sister want to join your tribe too. Their usernames are NatetheGreat and bunnylover03.
We'd love to have them, wow, this comment thread is like overflowed! 143 posts now.
can there be facebook fan pages for the tribes? like a page were everyone in the tribe goes and talks to each other about...well...the tribe...i guess... oh, well, just wondering...
oh, and how do we e-mail WTB to tell him what tribe your in?
Silver, WTB's email address is in the sidebar on his blog.
Silver, no need to email WTB. I'll take care of that on our next tribe report.
There is a fb page for our tribe;
There's also I blog that I'll get you the permissions for tonight.
Seth...can't wait till you get official. Then the REAL challenge begins :D
Yeah, me neither, I suppose you joined Silvertree Silver?
My dad said that I can join how do I get a hold of you
P.S. my brother will join too.
Yes!!! Huzzah for Abby and her brother. More peeps for the Swiftstorm tribe!!!
You can email me at Welcome Abby and co! And Madeline, did your dad say you could join?
seth, I did join tribe
We now have THREE official Tribes:
are all up and running at 21 or more members!
Remember, we need 7 full tribes!
But don't let that stop you from earning points for your tribe now!
hey is it possible to lave a tribe if you have already joined? my dad wants me to start a new tribe to get us one step closer to 7 confirmed tribes... *sigh*
You ask a good question, but for many reasons, the answer must be no you cannot be in two tribes at the same time. If you want to start your own tribe (which is cool), you first have to leave your current tribe.
OK, thanks! just wanted to know if you could leave a tribe if you have already joined... thanks a bunch!
If you can get 21 members I would encourage you to start your own tribe, and I'm sure Nathan would too.
As would I. We need as many tribes as possible. Also, for those that are curious we now have 16 members, so Swiftstorm will shortly be an official tribe. If anyone desires to join us in this grand adventure, Swiftstorm is available...
Yup Silver...go right on ahead. We need to get this show on the road! lol
I have created an... add, you could say, for you and Christopher's work on my blog. Here's the link:
I will also e-mail it to you, as the rules require.
Are you in my tribe Nicholas? Maybe I know your username and not your real name.
Hi, Nicholas! Just an important note: Please remember: you don't send your links and ads, etc. to me. You send them to your tribe leader who will put everything together in one tribe report. The tribe leader sends me a report on any day in a multiple of 7: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, etc.
Mr Batson? I posted this on the forum but I guess with everything you do you didn't see it, so...
If I order two Curse of the Spider King's (one for me and one for a friend for his birthday) do I get 6000 points or just 3000 for the first one, and would that contribute 1 or 2 towards the 5 people that buy it on the 7th. Also, (unrelated to the game) will my friend also get the signed sticker?
Sir Batson, can you please update the "Tribe Names Claimed" list and add Nightwing? You announced it here but not on the official post.
Yes, and Swiftstorm too! Also, for those that are in my tribe my account for the Underground won't work right now, so if you have a question and I don't answer just know that I'm probably yelling at my computer and will get back to you ASAP.
Perhaps a new blog post praising your ingenious tribe game WTB?
Glad to see that SilverTree has made the headlines lol
Nathan: Can you access the underground? My computer and Storyteller's as well I believe will not let us.
Same here! I just tried the Underground, it won't let me in!
OK, well I'm going to go golf, so let me know if it opens up later.
Seems I can't get it to load either <_<
Gack!! What'll we do???
Seth! Shame on you! How could you go play GOLF at a time like this??? This is a national state of emergency!!!!
jk... =P
Well, what else is there to do?
ANYTHING AT ALL besides golf!!
lol, I think I'm going to do some school, eat, get ready for bed, then write some if the forum doesn't come back on.
well... my tribe (unofficially tribe hiddenblade) has 9 with two people thinking about it... i need more people... :D lol
Don't worry, Swiftstorm was without people for a couple days, but with hard work and good advertising skills it's not too hard...
With patience, that is...
hehehe... thanks!
oh, by the way, does anyone know how to put an ad for one of the books in your blog? i can't figure it out... :D
me no have no blog :(, I may get one soon. You may wanna try asking Keeneye, Dwarf, Storyteller, or someone else, they have blogs. Wish I could help.
Silver, if you're talking about those colored boxes that link to Amazon, you're supposed to email Mr. Batson for the html, which you then put in your sidebar. Or, in an effort to keep Mr. Batson's email manageable, you could email me at yodelingdwarf (at) gmail (dot) com, and I'd be willing to forward them to you.
hehehe... thanks guys... :D
hey, do you do a tribe report even if you don't have 21 members? lol idk...
Silver, DO keep track of all the points/tasks for your team, but do not send me the report until your group hits 21 members. Thanks.
Hey, Mr Batson? I know I'm probably really getting on your nerves now, sorry, but I never got any response about Swiftstorms officialty, we're at 25 members right now, I can resend the email if you want. Anyway, do you want me to send the tribe report?
Pssst.... millerbrother listeners.... join tribe Swiftstorm on the forum.... ;)
uuummm.... this may be a little late, but, if we bought the book on the seventh, do we send in the receipt when we have enough tribe members, or were we supposed to send it in earlier? idk....
When did the Spider King book come out? Because I haven't been able to find it. Also, do you have to have read it to join a tribe? I'm going to read once I get it, but I want to know if I have to have read it when i join a tribe.
Anonymous, don't have to have read COTSK to join the tribe building. Most haven't read it yet. The book released a few days ago.
Go to and head to the NewComers Start Here Thread.
Glad to have you on board! I am called Keeneye on the forums
Ooooooooh. I understand NOW the picture at the beginning of this post... *secretive nod*
Yeah, same here
wait, how many active tribes are there? i thought we had 6 so i right?
My Library is closed because of Thanksgiving. Could you please extend the challenge til Monday?
Sorry, Abby! I didn't mean to make it sound THAT time sensitive. See the new deadline posted.
WTB, have books been claimed yet? I didn't know that we needed to check on this post until now ::Laughs::
So are all the challenges going to be posted on this thread? That's an awesome giveaway. You guys rock :D
is there any tribe that I can join? If so can you tell me.
Emma D.
Emma, sure! I'm the leader of tribe Silvertree if you're interested. Shoot me an email if you have questions. We have a base on facebook, blogger, and we're launching a new one soon. If you'd like more information please email me.
We'd love to have you. :D
Emma D. you could join tribe shadowtear, we would love to have you! :D
email me at if ye are interested...
Mr. Batson, will you be alterting the tribes that have gotten the points? For our own records? I've heard back from one of my librarians, who I believe is one of the four, and another one emailed you just today....and some of the others may not even contact me. So yeah...will you be letting us know? lol
hey seth if my parets let me i will try ti join your tribe thy have face book, (i am also homeschooled)
ananonymous person :o
well, Tribe Shadowtear only needs 2 more members to have 21... :D
haha, sooooo close!
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