I have no contract for it yet. I haven't even mentioned it to my publisher. I have no idea whether it will be a reality or not. As you know, I'm hugely busy with two other books right now, so I have no idea when I could even find the time. I only know that God is faithful, and if He wants it written, the time will be there.
So...where do you come in? Well, I've created a poll in my sidebar to ask you for the direction you'd most like a Door Within 4 to go. Well, have at it. Please feel free to comment once you've cast your vote.
And as always, Never alone.
WOW!!!!!!! That sounds pretty cool! I'd be interested to see how this turns out. Good luck, and I hope it gets published!
.:Lion Heart:.
What do you mean by a fourth? how are you going to do it Mr. Batson. You ended the third with them all going to heaven. You could do a story on Grampin's adventure when he took Valithor's place in the realm.
Very, very, cool news. Hope it works out for you.
I voted "Aidan and the main cast adventuring in the Sacred Realm."
If you can pull that off successfully, I'd be very impressed. :-)
Cool!! We might get a fourth!!
I think it would be cool to be with Kaliem and that lot who did not go to heaven.
I am very excited about this. I would love to read more about Aidan and the gang. :o)
YAAYYY!!!!!! :D this is SO exciting!!!! i hope it works out! it would be REALLY fun to read more of the story of the realm.
YAY! This is really exciting! I hope this works out! And I don't really care which one it is on the poll... I voted for "Grampin's first adventures in the Realm" because I thought that would be cool, but as long as there is a sequel (of sorts), I'm good! lol : )
Keep up of the good work Mr. Batson!
i vote for Creation of the Realm and Torin's fall. I'm supposing this might include more of Paragor's rise to power. Exploring the depths of a good villian is always fun to read ;)
I voted the creation of the Realm and Torin's fall. Writing about such a history would give your trilogy so much more depth. Plus, I love the mythical aspect of it, with the Wrym Lord and all. :)
Aidan and the main cast adventuring in the Sacred Realm would be cool, but I think doing so would take the magic out The Final Storm's ending. Plus, what conflict would there be in a perfect world?
PLEASE! OH PLEASE, write a fourth book!!!!!
This is awesome i really hope you write this!
I voted for Grampin's adventures I think that'd be cool :)
I voted for Misc. Stories, as I am very curious about the other Knights of the Dawn that preceded Aidan in the Realm's misty, golden past.
There is so much of the world and its history to explore, like what became of the other sons of Falon, what other adventures took place across (and on) the Cauldron Sea, what became of the other Firstborns, and what lies to the North of the Realm, near and above the Mirror Lakes.
Also, what became of the Glimpses not gathered at Alleble during the Final Storm? There is so much potential for incredible stories that it's staggering!
I'm very much having trouble deciding if I want Aidan or Grampin's adventures....they're very close calls.
I voted Aidan right now...don't know if there's a "change your vote function" but I'm going with Aidan right now
a DW4 would be AWESOME!
I haven't voted yet, but I agree with the person who said it would be fun to have the Kaliam and the other characters who didn't die.
I voted for "Grampin's adventures" I was thinking about "Aidan and the main cast adventuring in the Sacred Realm." but how interesting could a story that takes place in a perfect world be?
Kaleb, Araken, Magma, Seeker and all! Thanks for your input. I'm getting a lot to think about which is what I'd hoped for.
I hear what some of you are saying about how can there really be adventures without evil or without there being conflict? It's a valid point.
That said, I wonder if we, being limited in our vision are selling God short when we think of heaven. I'm reasonably certain that there will be much more to do in heaven than singing and playing harps.
We're told we will rule and reign. Well what does that mean? What will we rule and reign over? What will our new realms be like?
I really do think we will have adventures in heaven. And I think they will be far cooler than the ones we have on this broken planet.
Woah! that would be SO awesome!!!!!! eek! Im excited!
I agree with every thing your saying, but I don't think that with the limited understanding of heaven it would be possible to create good stories set there.
With our small understanding of perfection would it really be possible to create a story of perfection?
The Moment I saw "The Door Within 4?" I swear, I started screaming and jumping up and down. If Batson does publish a 4th one, I will go crazy with excitement! :D
In a fallen world, there is no story without some sort of disturbance. Otherwise, it's most likely the diary of a gardener, lol!
Even though there isn't a main antagonist in C.S. Lewis's Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the quest to the end of the world is interrupted by pirates, dragons, and doubt. Hmmm...maybe the question also of, "what do we do when we get to the end of the world?"
But you're right, Mr. Batson, Christ's Kingdom is going to be such an adventure! Gee, maybe we'll see mortiwraiths there...
Okay, so when I saw the picture, my jaw dropped in shock. Very cool!
I really like the ending as it is, it leaves the reader thinking of all the adventures Aidan and the others will have. It's the perfect ending for a book, in my opinion, so I might be a little sad if you went forward.
Personally, I would love to read about the Fall of Torin. When I read the chapter about him, I thought "I wish I could have known him better, and see the details of his fatal decision."
There's my three and half cents, LOL. I can't wait to hear more about it! And good job with the word count for you Mr. Hopper's book!
I totally agree with there being adventures in heaven, actually i hadn't really thought of there being, until I finished reading The Final Storm. I LOVE that last line!!! "Beyond anything you could ever imagine." It opened so many doors in my mind of possibilities of what heaven will be like, though I'm sure that none of my day dreams have reached anything NEAR what it will be like! But anyways, one of my ideas was that perhaps we'll go and fight against evil on other planets, i mean, this universe NEVER ENDS!!!! There's got to be other planets with beings living on them.
I just thought I'd put this in as an idea for you, Mr Batson incase "Aidan and the main cast adventuring in the Sacred Realm" wins the most votes.... :)
May God guide your words.
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to vote RIGHT NOW!!!
Nick Fleming??? Are you kidding me??? I used to take piano with the Santiagos!!!!! I'm the oldest cousin. Aunt Kathy told me about how you are psyched about WTB.
Ohhh a return eh?
Personally, I'd love to see what Grampin was up to in that Realm and the beginning of the story. What say m'lord, will you tell me Grampin's tale?
It would be in the vein of The Magician's Nephew I think. What a wonder you could weave, and wink at us all too, through the words you'd put down in that telling.
A fourth book?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *jumps around in joy* =D
lol, I voted Grampin's adventures in the Realm, because I've always wondered what he did when he was there, but I'd be fine with any of them! But, I don't know about the heaven one. I personally like it left at the third book and left to the reader's imagination, which gives so much more to think about all the endless possibilites.
Since Mallik was unavailable, I thought I'd shout for him... ;).
I was nearly crying with excitement over hearing this news! There were tears in my eyes I was so happy!
I agree with Araken: I would like to see random, fun adventures with all the cast in The Realm and the Mirror Realm. There are so many things I want to know. For instance: How did Faethon get into the King's service? When did Kaliam first meet Lady Merewen? What was Nock and Bolt's first introduction into Alleble--and Mallik--like? The possibilities are endless!!! I loved all the characters, but for those who were left behind, they are starting out on a brand new adventure of their own. They have a world to rule and watch over with the King's aid. That's another possibility in my mind.
I would love any sequel, but this is the kind of thing I would really enjoy. I devoured the Lost Chapters. I would simply LOVE to hear more from The Realm!
How can you have adventure without conflict?
I mean In order to have adventure you have to be fighting towards something, or fighting something. Right?
no offense, but I think you've gone about as far as you can go. Unless you wright about Grapin's adventures or something. Just like NoahR said.
The story can never fully end...I agree full heartily with all who believe Heaven is an opening to new adventures and possibleities.
Parker, Heaven never ends so the possiblities are endless. While I think the ending of the Storm was amazing and should be left untouched I believe with the skill Mr. Batson has he could weave a tale of Heaven very close to reality.
But I think prequeling the story may be a better option. The idea of Christian fantasy, in my mind, is to get the reader thinking. And the ending of the trilogy definetally does that.
To begin from a different point in time and tell more of the full history of Alleble would add more power and majesty to the King and definetally more adventure. The brief glimpses of the past you give us spurs on a longing in my heart to hear more.
I would love to hear anything from the past of Alleble and perhaps even a re-counting of the Fall of Paragal could be included as well?
I cannot await the next book, no matter what it is.
In His service,
A good, no excellent question: if mortiwraiths cannot survive sunlight, and if Falon lives near Mithegard, how did her son Faethon end up leagues away in Alleble? That'd be cool if there was once a tunnel that stretched beneath Alleble, Paragory, and Mithegard! It'd be a good cause of the Cold River Battles, in my humble opinion!
I voted for the idea of Grampin's adventures, though an account of creation and Torin's fall would be really sweet.
Wow. The Door Within books are my favorite books of all time! I see many possiblities for making yet another great story in the Realm. Maybe you could write about how the Schism came to be? That would open up a whole host of opportunities for new characters and maybe even another trilogy! They could be titled somthing like
"The Door Within: The Schism" Good Luck!
OH MY!!! Well us three Lachance-Sureau girls (including Swordmaiden Juliette) are giddy at the idea...those were the kinds of books you just don't want to end!
We can't, however, find the sidebar to vote...Juliette will look for it later, regardless, we're ready to return to the Realm!
I like the schism idea...but that might be a bit confusing...I'd be up for a shot though
Mr. Batson, have you made a decision? I'm curious
COOL!!!!!! I literally woke up everybody up from a daze when i screamed that you were going to write a 4th book. I voted for aidan and the main caste in the sacred realm but after I read the other comments I saw that we don't have much understanding on heaven and with no conflict it might be hard to write about. But anything would be great because I loved all the other books so much.
I would absolutely love to see another book!!!! I really don't have a preference for which adventure. I voted for Aidan and the Sacred Realm, but would love to see them all. I was so excited to see another book that it was all I could do to keep from screaming. I am so excited!
P.S. I know you Nathan Petrie!!!
I think another TDW book would be cool
YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see if this works out!
I thought it would be really cool if you could story's about Aiden, Antionette, and Robby's glimpses while they were in our world. Or what about Captain Valithor's adventures while Grampin was in the realm?
But I know I'll love it no matter what it's about!
I voted for Grampin's adventures. I think that this one would work out the best. Reasons why I wouldn't want the others? Well, I think Aidan's side of the story ended well and should end there. It might seem like your straining too much to go beyond his story. The Torin Story: unless you like history (which I do), and the Simarillion, which I know this story wouldn't be as descriptive as the Simarillion, I wouldn't go to that story. At least at not right now. A Story with Kaliem and the rest: I like how the books ended. I think we need to go back in time. The last one whose title I forgot,: I think it would be neat to see things from other characters view point, but I think Grampin's adventures in the realm would be much better. Over all: I think Grampin's adventures in the realm would be awesome!
I voted for Grampin's adventures because I don't think adventures without any evil or danger would be very interesting (I don't believe there would be any evil in the sacred realm)
I would say that you should write about Aidan, Robby, Antoinette, etc.'s adventures in the Sacred Realm, but as several others said, you couldn't really do it accurately because there is no danger of death. Danger of death (or at least of serious injury) is the whole point of an adventure... and there can be none of that in the Sacred Realm. I think that you should go with miscellaneous stories, Mr. Batson, but I don't even think you need to go beyond the characters you've already created. There are several questions that "The Final Storm" left unanswered. For instance, what were Kearn, Gwenne, and Aelic up to while their human twins were out saving the Realm? What happened to Robby's mother and sister, Jill? Did they come to believe while Robby was in the Realm? What if they had met Kearn on earth? Lady Merewen's history as a story in close detail would be very interesting, as would Trenna Swiftfoot's. And if these sub-stories were all connected by one, underlying plot? Incredible.
You have a goldmine, Mr. Batson, of already-started but maybe not-quite-finished characters. We readers could still be reunited with the original, good-old characters. Please consider...
And if all else fails, rest assured: your trilogy rocks as is.
Never Alone,
I wholeheartedly agree with what Mr. Batson said a while back about heaven being exciting. It will be incredible beyond our wildest dreams! I used to be one of those who had bought into the lie that heaven would be a place of standing around and singing until an intercom blared "Okay, twenty minute break to enjoy paradise!" then back to singing hymns. That could NOT BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH. I love what Randy Alcorn, a pastor, said in relation to heaven: "Our belief that heaven will be boring betrays a heresy - that God is boring. There's no greater nonsense... our imaginations and our capacity for joy and exhilaration were made by the very God we accuse of being boring. Are we so arrogant as to imagine that human beings came up with the idea of having fun?"
Psalm 16:11 says: "You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
Amen and praise the Lord!
I voted for Grampin's adventures but I really couldn't decide between that and the creation of the realm/fall of Torin. I've always loved history in any form (big fan of the Silmarillion and Tolkien!) and would love to read some of the history of Alleble. I liked the ending of the Trilogy and think it should be left there. Some things are meant to be remain unknown for the time being! :)
Awesome!! I think it should be about Aiden, Robby, and Antoinette [The three Witnesses]. No, duhhh! But let me finish. I think, they should be like angels and help the citizens of The Realm. Because a new Evil Lord is brewing....*pauses for everything to sink in*
Well that's all...I gotta go to bed now...
p.s. Your Awesome!!
The only way it could really go would be to write a prequel. Or to write a book in between the three. In the end they went to Heaven so technically there isn't much you could do unless. Think about this in Revelation God sends prophets to the world during the seven years. You could have Aiden, Robby, and Antoinette come back to the world and try to spread the message. Or you could do a prequel.
What! Awesome! Please keep the story going! These are radical books. Me and my brother love them! I'm not sure if I'd rather have the story keep going with Aiden and the rest who died, or Kaliam and rest who lived, but either would be sooooooo great!
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