Author Bryan DavisA Man Serious about Jesus
and Serious about Fantasy

I first met Bryan Davis at the
ICRS conference in Atlanta, 2004. Then, I was a wannabe author and he had just had his 2
nd Dragons in Our Midst book published. I remember I told him I thought it was cool that he wrote fantasy in the Christian market and he was quick to point out, "I write contemporary fantasy." At that time, I had no idea what that meant.
lol. But I caught a glimpse of how serious Bryan is about the fantasy he writes as a ministry for the Glory of God. It was only a glimpse. But don't let my dramatic intro and the picture above fool you. Bryan is no Grinch. He's quite the opposite. His heart is already three sizes too big.

Since 2004, I've gotten to know Bryan quite a bit better. We've toured together twice and done a number of joint signings, speaking engagements, etc. Some of that time, we've roomed together, navigated some scary terrain together, and drawn swords together. And I must admit I've been SO challenged to be a stronger, more pure Christian just by watching Bryan in action. You see, Bryan's one of the most UN-selfish men I've ever known. Need someone to drive and extra 300-400 miles, Bryan leaps in without a second thought. Need a hand carrying something, Bryan is there. Need someone to talk to, Bryan will listen. He's the kind of guy who will dive in front of a bus to be the one who gives you the shirt off his back.

But he is serious. He is so serious about serving God and doing his level best to maintain holiness that he inspires others around him to do the same. Through his books and through his thriving forum, he encourages young people to be real life heroes. There are untold thousands of youths doing the right thing and serving God because Bryan Davis stood in a gap and told them, with God's power, they could indeed do the right thing.

Bryan Davis is also an extremely funny guy. You should hear him do a Stallone impersonation. He gave me a copy of his book,
Spit and Polish for Husbands. It's all about being a better husband, but Bryan wrote it in such a way that you're laughing all the way through. Thing is, when the laughs fade, you're sitting there thinking about all the wisdom you've gained and convicted that you can indeed be a better husband.
Bryan Davis is the Author of three book series:

I just met Bryan Davis at Focus on the Family for team devotions. He even agreed to read through an entire copy of my manuscript. His testimony is awesome and he has a serious heart for God. He was a blessing and an inspiration to me.
I met him a few weeks go during the Motiv8 tour, and from hearing him speak, and I frequently read his forum and his blog, and I agree with all that you've said. He's a role model for a lot of people, and he's a very good one.
Well said Wayne, I love Sir Bryan and his books.
Yeah, Mr. Davis is awesome. I've met him a couple times, and he even met with me at a Chick-fil-a when I couldn't come to one of his signings!
Sir Wayne,
Thank you for this post and for your kind words.
I love the photo at the top. It looks like I'm ready to use my sword to chop those fiendish tickets!
It was a pleasure touring with you. I'm sure we'll get together for other events in the future.
Bryan Davis
I met Bryan Davis at Lifeway Christian Bookstore and I could tell right off that he was a man that loved God and had a humble spirit. Considering today's society that is pretty rare. I still remember my outburst when I saw he was in the store. I said at the top of my lungs BRYAN DAVIS!. Naturally, everybody heard me and I was embarrassed beyond words but it was a good embarrassment. I love his books and hope he continues to write for God.
I met him at a church writers' group!
hey omg you tottally have to come to fayetville, nc! ugh seriously! lol i love yalls work i'm allways re-reading it cause when i read the door within i dont know its like you see how God really is and not how the world promotes him. You know how everyone is allways AAa the powerful God dont make him angry! lol anyways i love to write and love to put some of my writings on quizilla. lots of ppl love mine but its no where near as awsome as yours! hope i can catch up lol bye!
I met Clefy at a book signing in Carol Stream. I am an extremely active member of the aforesaid forum and am restlessly awaiting TBoM! His charries are great examples and his books are wonderful--except for the dangling question at the end of ToaD.
If you don't understand some of my forum-speak, come check it out, 'cause it's AMAZING
wow, this is actually pretty funny. Because, before now, you and Mr. Davis have been my favorite authors. The fact that you two have actually met, is really awesome!
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