Okay, so the summer has begun. Today was my last day teaching for the year. I have about two months off. Off…yeah, right. This summer I really need to write like a madman. I've a new fantasy series in mind. One that has been boiling furiously on the back burner for five years. And now, at last, I can unleash it.
Now, I'm not under contract yet, so I can't reveal too much. But I promise this will be the most epic story I've ever told. Amazing realms...places you've never seen or imagined. A multitude of races. A bestiary that is ready to burst at the seams. And beneath it all a vast history so varied and deep, I'm almost beginning to wonder if I made it up or just simply discovered it.
But I need your help. I need to write and I need to write lots. But it's summer, and between playing with the kids, completing honey-do lists, and just plain recreating, time can zip by in an instant. So here's what I propose: keep a watch on my Word Count Progress Tracker in the sidebar. It should be rising daily. If you don't see additions, please post a comment saying something to the effect of "Dude, sit down at the computer and knock out 1,000 words!"
The most creative word of encouragement shall be rewarded. I'll not say how at the moment. ;-)
And now, I need to get back to writing.
This new series sounds exciting already! I can't wait to be able to read it.
Just looked at your word count, it must have been a great writing day! Way to go! Keep up the good work, there are those of us who wait to be encouraged by both you and your characters!
..being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phillipians 1:6
I can't waaaaait! I'm excited!
~a fellow writer and your biggest fan
You may be hearing from me some time in the future. I'll be watching your word-count progress.
WRITE YOU LAZY BUM!!!! how's that?
I'm sorry to say this but you are really gonna have to jump on top of this writing. To get 125,000 words in such a short amount of time is going to take some serious hard work.
I can't wait to hear more! I'll be thinking of something good to encourage you.
Wow. This new series sounds intense. I can't wait.
It's the 18th... No updated wordcount as of 4:00 PM.
Now Mr. B... Keep at it and I'd like to see an update (even a few sentences worth) by the time I return from church this evening by 10:00. Ok?
I'm not going to let you get away with not writing something.
Really? Awesomeness! I can't wait...but then again, "anything worth having is worth waiting for." -They
Cool! I will be watching your word count, Mr. Batson!
Oh, Mr. Batson, I am thrilled! I cannot wait to hear another story.
Hey Mr. Batson,
I was wondering if (now that you are nearing your 15,000 word count)that you could give is a possible tital for this stunning tale.
Can't wait till it comes out! Keep on writing!
Any updates? Nothing for the 19th. Humm. I should send you my lovely Happy Elf cookies with a note that says "Do not eat until wordcount goal of oh, I don't know 50,000, is finished." they freeze well enough to last a good few months and still be delicious.
Thanks for the great encouragement and the swift kick in the rear!
No writing today, but I had a good reason. But I need to get past 15,000 in a big way.
Also, I'm heading to the beach for a week starting Sat. I'll be writing, but won't have internet.
So don't keel-haul me until next weekend if you don't see any changes. lol
Fair enough. :D
Alright, we'll hold off on the keel-hauling...for now.
wouldn't keel-hauling be more appropriate if this was more along the lines of Isle of Swords? :P
Ih, there can be pirates in fantasy... but they aren't always the main charries...
Okay buddy... how 'bout "Iron sharpens Iron," and I'm not talking about real blades here. You just challenged me to put my word count up and we can watch each other and keep each other accountable (except if we are watching too much then we won't be writing!). Looking forward to the tour... Eric
Eric Reinhold, "The Annals of Aeliana"
Thou art anything opposite of a hasty-witted flapdragon! It seems you have not written in three days! (Just a reminder Mr. B :)
Whoops. I didn't read Mr. B's post about keel-hauling. lol :D
Sounds like a great series, Wayne. I can't wait to purchase a copy... great title. It sounds dark and intriguing! ...If you think of yourself as a leaking ship in a shark-infested sea and every word you write brings you nearer the shore... Oh forget it! Just write already! (:
Keep up the work... if you do not then some crazy ravenous munchkins will come and make strange noises and behave in a very childish manner till you sit yourself down and write.
If the munchkins fail to annoy you then well... Jack Sparrow will come with a drove of sea turtles and act maniacal and annoy you by singing horribly till you sit down and write.
But if Jack Sparrow only seems to make you chuckle at his behavior after drinking voluminous amounts of bad rum. Then well... Smeagol will come screaming MY PRECIOUS... and stealing your potatoes and loudly chew on them till you write.
But once again if Smeagol just cracks you up... then there is one last way of making you write... and that method shall remain disclosed because I'm sure that the fact many obsessed fans will annoy you till you do write is enough to make you write. Plus all the methods described above are impossible for they only exist within the world of literature and cinema.
(DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible if any of the above drives you so crazy that you end up in the process breaking the very thing you write with)
Oh man... that had to be the craziest thing I have ever written on your comments. Oh well I hope you know that I wish you the best of luck in writing and I am very excited to read whatever you have to write!! Also, I may need to lay off the caffeine. For comments such as this one result when I do so.
Ummm, Mr. Batson, your word count says June 28th. Today is the 27th.
Okay, okay! I've written 2,500+ more words. Ye happy now? lol
Thanks for the "gentle" pushes!
Last time you wrote was two days ago...lol.
That's better!
I hope the only reason you haven't posted your word count is that you are so busy writing that you don't have time to give us an update, because otherwise...
You're walking the plank!!!!!!
I'm proud of you! You've been writing every day. Keep it up!
This'd be the third day you ain't written your story!
No update since Tuesday?
Shock and disbelief.
Alright, time to get out my grumpy sea captain voice:
BATSON! No updates in a week! I want to see a word count update Batson, no excuses or ye will be scrubbing the decks.
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