Back from the Ocean. Thanks for all the encouragement on the writing. I did manage to sneak away to write a little: 3,000 words or so! Woo Hoo! A very creepy chapter--you are SO going to love to hate the principal villain in this series. And it looks like I may not be without a deadline for long. My publisher is looking very interested in the new series. More on that when I can be more official.
In other news: This just in. The talent spotter in Hollywood LOVES The Door Within books. As a matter of fact, his daughter took them from him and wouldn't give them back until she blew through the trilogy. Cool, eh? I suspect that if it were solely up to this man that The Door Within would become a movie. However, it's not totally up to him. He does know some pretty influential folks though and he's going to go to them and see what they think. The key questions are: will Hollywood want another fantasy series? And will Fantasy STILL be hot when a Door Within movie could conceivably be made and released some years from now?
PRAY! {please, pretty please!}

And, shoot on over to the Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour Website to meet Author #2 in our series of 8: Sir Bryan Davis. He's not actually a knight that I know of. But he should be. You'll never meet a more "stand up" guy. Go meet him.
Click HERE!
Until next time...never alone.
Well at least I don't have resort to keel-hauling you. Yet. Keep up the good work on the writing mate. 3,000 is a great count for a man on holiday.
Awesome news about the movie. Hope it works out for you.
Sir Bryan's great! Just met him (and yourself) last month. I've spent most of this month reading his excellent books. Also he's great because he challenges people in their walk with Jesus.
Realistically, fantasy hasn't been as popular in recent years as, for instance, it was in 2004-2006. However, if the "Door Within" is made, it wouldn't be released until aproximately 2011, 2012 at the earliest, (what with scripting, casting, pre-production, production, and post-production) which is a really good time. "The Hobbit" would be coming out around the same time.
If the studio is smart, they would consider the film to be made with a release date of Summer 2012. Between the two "Hobbit" movies. That would certainly make a lot of money, and just that idea alone--catching the hype of the LoTR movies, which they did last time as well--would probably encourage them to go ahead with the film.
Awesome! I'll pray! Actually I've BEEN praying already. I hope for God's will to be done in this exciting opportunity!
Just to tell you Mr. Batson: if The Door Within IS made into a film, it will be an awesome one. The trilogy is as exciting and intriguing as Lord of the Rings but yet has Biblical truth. What else could I ask for in a story??
~a fellow writer and your biggest fan
Shane, I really enjoyed hanging out with you at the Borders event. You guys were kind to stick around. You ever get to the Banshee in Scranton?
And Pat, I love the way you think. The Hobbit movies will indeed drum up a thirst for fantasy again. I hope the studios agree with your perspective.
Anon, thanks for the prayers and the kind words!
Awesomeful, Wayne! I'll be praying and looking for more news.
Great news! If a movie was made, how much control would you have over the movie-making process? Would you be able to make sure they don't ruin it, like they so often do with good books and movies?
It was a blast, We really enjoyed it too. Definitely was well worth the trip down to see you guys.
Yes, we did make it to The Banshee, but it wasn't until the next day. It was great. I posted a bit about it on my blog. Though I think I might have made Sir. Christopher jealous.
Ahhh, exciting news, this is! I shall be praying. I hope it all turns out well.
Sir Bryan! A great person indeed. :)
It was fun meeting him. I really wanted to come to that book signing you had with him, but I'm kinda far from there. *cries* It would have been fun..
Well, Disney is supposed to have Voyage of the Dawn Treader out in 2010 and MAYBE The Silver Chair out after that in 2012.
We'll see what happens! Good luck!
That's awesome! I love hearing movie news. 3,000 words on a getaway? I wish I could do that. lol
And about the Fantasy genre still being big, I do not think it will die down until after the Hobbit is made. And when it finally does hit the screen, that might actually make it pick up again. That seemed happen with LOTR.
Oops! It seems I'm saying just what everyone else is! Oh well. :)
Yays! More words! More words!
About the movie: that's great news! I'm glad the guy's daughter liked the trilogy. Now if only he could get the movie made in a year or so...
Got to read about Sir Bryan Davis,
Pat and Paris are right! 2010-2012 would be a great time for the Door Within to be made into a movie. People like Fantasy because it gives them a place to escape from the humdrum of real life and go to a place that they would like to be real. If that came out around the same time as the Hobbit movies and possibly the Silver Chair, I would definitely have to have a job by then. That or save my free movie ticket until then.
Mr. Batson,
I'm praying like crazy. I certaintly hope and trust that sometime soon the Door Within will be made into a movie.
Hope they take their time with it and don't mess it up. I love that trilogy!
I forgot to say...
There hasn't been a word count update in TWO days!!!! 48 hours! And this was on a weekend! I, like all your loyal (and possibly crazy) fans, urge you wholeheartedly to WRITE MORE! Pretty please? With cherries. Lots and lots of cherries.
If the Door Within ever comes out... oh man... it will be one that attracts more than just the Christian crowd. As evident by the book's popularity among my reading group (Yes I am repeating myself) and the fact friends of mine who are not Christians really enjoyed it means that this one will be sucessful and would be great for the Christian movie market especially since well not to be mean.... but I have yet to see one decent Christian film (other than Narnia/LOTRs) Bad acting/preaching permeates them... How about fantasy that is not preachy and well remarkably written.
Anyways I loved the interview with Bryan Davis. Though I knew all that information. Hmmm... both DIOM/Door Within and maybe one day.... Legends of the Guardian King (by Karen Hancock)
Thanks very much for the comment (you radically brightened my day!)
I'll be praying - I hope this movie comes out, it would be awesome!
Thankyou so much for those books - I really think they're amazing, and I honestly think they're one of the best books I've read! You had me seriously hooked in those books! Now that I've finished them, my family can relax (or can they...)!
Never alone,
I will definitely be praying! It would be SOO amazing if the Door Within Trilogy became a movie! I for one would be making a trip to the movie theater! :)
But God's will is best. If he says no, then he obviously has a different, even BIGGER plan for these books.
May God guide your words.
I am hoping and PRAYING that they make research books into movies!!!!!!!! I am such a big fan of them!! I know this is insane, but, if they do end up making the movies, I would TOTALLY want to act as Antoinette! ;-)
This trilogy is my favorite one of all time, and I've wanted a movie series for it for a long time. I'll pray about it.
You should look into seeing if Burns Family Studios will do the Door Within You can check out their latest film at: Movie.http://beyondthemaskmovie.com/site/home/
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