"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."*
God with us. Makes me think. Makes me think hard.
God said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."**
Jesus said, "Lo I am with you always, even until the end of the age."***
Paul told us, " For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."****
In training to be a counselor (and in marital counseling) we're taught to avoid using extreme words like "never" and "always" when we describe someone with whom we are in conflict. "Biff's never on time." --or-- "Zelda's always criticizing me." Those kind of comments create strife because of the strength of the words "never" and "always." The problem is that "never" and "always" almost never apply to people. There might have been that one time in 3rd grade when Biff actually got somewhere on time. And there might have been once when Biff hadn't taken the garbage out, that Zelda didn't notice or complain. We humans just can't throw words like "never" and "always" around so easily because we rarely can back them up.
But God does. And God can.
Do you see the powerful thread woven through all of the above verses? God makes it very clear that believers in Jesus are Never Alone. Is there anything more amazing than this promise?
It means from Birth to Death and Beyond, God will always be with us. This is a comfort beyond words. Even when we don't see Him or feel Him, He's there. Even when we are in the darkest hour, He is there.
Do you know someone who needs to hear that message today? Christmas is a wonderful time for getting together with family and friends, but not everyone has that blessing right now. For some, Christmas is an aching reminder of how very alone they really are. We need to let people know that believing in Jesus isn't just about getting to heaven. It's about having a Savior who won't ever leave us.
I'll be the first to tell you, I'm not a hyper spiritual guy. Or maybe non-spiritually sensitive, might be a better term for me. I don't always "feel" God or His presence. But it's not about feelings for me. It's about truth and trust. My life rests on the fact that Jesus will never leave me. In my Door Within books, that was the single, most important theme I wanted to convey to readers: when you follow the true King, you will never be alone.
It's Christmas. And God is with us.
If you are willing, respond to this thread by posting about a time when God showed you that you are never alone.
*Matthew 1:23
**Hebrews 13:5,6
***Matthew 28:20
****Romans 8:28
The time I remember the most was the last year of my mom's life and then her death. She had emphysema, and the last year of her life she was in and out of hospitals. 4 months before she died she went into the hospital for the last time, and got pneumonia while she was in the hospital. The next four months saw nothing but us just watching her suffer.
It was a very hard, stressful, and depressing time. That was 3 and a half years ago, and I don't doubt that God was with me during that time. I didn't necessarily feel Him, but I know that He gave me the strength that I needed to survive. Our church family and the girls in my dorm at school, as well as other random people on campus, were SO supportive it was amazing.
That summer when I went home, was really hard. My dad was still working, and would go to bed around 7PMish, and I would be up late. My mom was a late nighter, too, so suddenly I found myself alone during those nights. And during the day when my dad would be at work was extremely hard, too. I cried so hard one day I could barely walk. But God wrapped His arms around me and picked me up and I knew I was Never Alone!
I'm really sorry about your mom, pais.
My grandmother passed away a few weeks ago. It was hard, harder than I thought it would be. It wasn't unexpected, but it still felt like someone had plunged a dagger into my heart. During this difficult time, I picked up the Door Within books again. I re-read the part about Grampin's passing, and it was weird. The part when it said something about Grampin suddenly waking up and talking was exactly what my grandmother did. My mom had been crying over her and talking to her. She was still alive, but had basically been unaware of us for days. Then, when my mom was crying, she held up her hands for a hug, out of the blue! She hugged my mom and told her it was OK, that they were OK, and that she loved her. I didn't know this 'till later, but it was a comfort somehow.
I also read over the end of the Final Storm, when all the fallen come back and rain on Paragor's parade. When they spoke of death not being the end, it also helped, because I believe my grandmother was a Christian and that she was saved. God showed me, through your books, Wayne, that I am Never Alone, even through hard times such as a loved one dying. HE will always be there for me, and I cannot imagine life without HIM.
Merry Christmas Mr. Batson!!!!!
I love the "Never Alone" from your books. It's very encouraging.
Merry Christmas Sir. Wayne!
I have used the Never Alone phrase for different instances so many times! I love it!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Merry Christmas Wayne!
Merry Christmas Mr. Batson.
Merry Christmas Mr. Batson!
Merry Christmas.
where your opinion counts
When I was a girl, my dad was the pastor of a very small church and sometimes would not get paid. I remember that once, as a result, my mom was cutting an onion into a pot of water to make onion soup. She didn't know what else to do. But before she could finish cutting the onion, a knock sounded at the door and it was someone standing on our doorstep with a couple of bags of groceries. Once again, God took care of us and we had more than onions for dinner that night. Never alone!!!
Merry Christmas, Mr. Batson! Thanks for the encourgement!
Never Alone,
Wow. Those are some amazing stories. Never Alone really applies here.
Merry Christmas!
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