Here's how you can help those affected by the terrifying Alabama abortion ban right now.
I don't put much stock in journalism these days. It's all bias-driven, believe at your own risk blather. But seeing a headline like the one below just brings everything related to our crumbling culture to a fine point. Somehow an alarmingly large number of people have been deceived into believing that pregnant women are the victims of abortion restrictions. Those who support this incredulous view are the very same people who've championed the idea that the barbaric procedure of abortion is somehow protecting women and empowering women. In actuality, the opposite and much worse are true. Abortion rights do not protect women, especially women in utero. These women get no voice at all and are treated as property to be discarded as one sees fit—how can women's rights proponents not see the lurid irony? To say nothing of the murdered women, abortion has been shown to physically injure women who undergo the procedure. 1 in every 100 women who have early abortions experience complications. 1 in 50 for later term abortions. These complications include excessive bleeding (with no medical support), severe abdominal pain and cramping, infection of the uterus or blood, damage to the cervix, and a host of other issues. (see: https://adviceandaid.com/very-real-effects-of-abortion-facts-you-need/)
The emotional toll on women who have abortions is startling as well (see: https://adviceandaid.com/the-very-real-effects-of-abortion-emotional-facts-you-need-part-2/). For the children being torn apart in abortion, they are dragged into the gas chamber with absolutely no choice, no voice, and no alternative. For the women who have abortions, they are being duped into entering the gas chamber themselves in the propaganda's call for "progress." Since Roe V. Wade, 61 million children have been killed in abortion. That's multiple times the number of people murdered in the Holocaust. The comparison is warranted because the rhetoric of the Reich is extraordinarily similar to the rhetoric of Pro Abortion adherents: step 1: convince others that a certain population is not human, step 2: convince that same that destroying the "less than human" is not only lawful but preferable, a right even. step 3: enact laws to pursue those ends.
Make no mistake, this protocol is exactly what women are being fed. "It's just a fetus. It's not a person. It's not a living being." The truth is that being alive does not have degrees. One is either alive or dead. Unborn children are every bit as alive as you or I. When the abortion is completed, what do we call the lifeless child? Dead. Smoke and mirrors, and women who rightly deserve equality with men (equal rights) are duped into believing that the destruction of one's own child is a right. Women want to be empowered and they should. For thousands of years, women have been subordinated, and it's immoral and unfair. So let's empower women to be responsible for their actions. Aside from rape or abuse, a woman who has unprotected sex, makes a decision and should be responsible for that decision. Should women be able to decide whether or not to reproduce? Of course, but once conception has occurred, the decision is already made.
The real victims are the murdered children and the women who undergo abortion. These are the dear, precious people who need help. America used to understand that, but now, like ancient Rome, we are sacrificing children—just not to Zeus or Hera. We have an insidious new gods that would put Hades to shame. We sacrifice children to the gods of selfishness and convenience. May the one real God have mercy on us all.
I agree with everything you said in this post, but I'd like to add that the lies are being directed at men as well, that is, would-be fathers who don't want to have to face the responsibility associated with a baby being born. Some pregnant women are pressured or even forced into abortion clinics by male partners. But those men have to live with the consequences of their sin as well. Lecrae's song "Good, Bad, Ugly" comes to mind.
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