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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Don't "Duck" this Post

So, the media frenzy surrounding Phil Robertson's GQ comments has begun. Honestly, I'm grateful. It gets us all talking about painful, honest, and important things.

Just today, I've read some startlingly interesting articles on the topic. Here are a few:

But this next article, really hit home with me. Perhaps it's because I have four teenage kids, and I love them more than life itself, and we have seen the pain of this life infiltrate their otherwise happy lives.

So having read this article, I agree with it to a degree. We do—all-too-often—focus on the symptoms, rather than the diseases or the very real people who are suffering. But I wonder if there's more too it than simply those who are suffering because of sexual identity issues. So, for what it's worth, here are some of my thoughts:

The "In the Parlor" article is true at its heart. Seriously. Good food for thought. But maybe the massive increase in teen suicides and attempts has a deeper root. Maybe it is the wholesale disregard for the value of human life. Everything from the rise of the new atheism which claims we are mere accidents of naturalism or maybe its the cultural relativism that claims our pursuit of happiness actually does mean: if it feels good, do it. The consequences be damned. Or maybe it has to do with the irresponsible ubiquitous access to social media where hurting kids can publicize their suicidal thoughts, tendencies, and methods, urging other kids to try the same.

Maybe its this world's abandonment of God and His word? Or maybe it's Christianity's wholesale failure to reveal that it actually IS as broken and sinful as everyone else. Maybe if the world could see how hurting we are, how we know the pain it feels, maybe we could talk and actually hear each other. Maybe, we could stop throwing stones long enough to admit our glass cathedrals and actually help each other. Whether it's homosexuality, depression, obsession, addiction, mental illness, violent tendencies or WHATEVER, we are all "born this way." But that is NOT an excuse. It's a clarion call to recognize we ARE born in sin. We ARE at war with the sin in our flesh. And we ALL need the Savior and His remarkable provision of each other to navigate this life.


Unknown said...

Aye! What is said here is very true, good sir. We preach /at/ people all the time. This is good, this is bad. This will send you to hell. I live in the South, so fire-and-brimstone speeches are quite familiar to me. And while we certainly don't need to ignore the fact that sin is sin and it is wrong, we are all suffering from it. So, looking past debate, maybe the best way to reach out to the world is, God forbid, help them and actually get to know them.

Anonymous said...

Okay, YES. THANK YOU. How 'bout we all just put differences aside and be nice and love as Christ and help each other now? :)
Thanks for those words! This is good.