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Saturday, October 06, 2012

Two New Books You Might Like

If you haven't heard of author LB Graham or read any of his work, you're missing out. Seriously, his early fantasy work, The Binding of the Blade Series, has some of the best world-building since, well since Tolkien. Really, it's that good. Rich, lush, imaginative places you'll want to visit and tromp around in.

So times, they are a' changin' and LB Graham is bravely venturing into new forms of publishing. He has TWO new books out now, and I'm certain they will be cool on an epic scale. Take a look:

“The Raft, The River, and The Robot”


GENRE – Futuristic (so scifi I guess), also dystopic
AUDIENCE – I think a publisher would call it YA, though I think older readers, especially fans of Huck Finn will like it too.
AVAILABILITY – Right now it is KDP select, which means as an ebook, it is only available from Amazon for the Kindle; it is also available as a paperback from Amazon
COST - $2.99 for the book, $11.99 for the paperback


The Raft, The River, and The Robot  for KINDLE 

The Raft, The River, and The Robot  PAPERBACK 

"Avalon Falls"

Synopsis: Jimmy Wyatt has come to Avalon Falls to find refuge. He has secrets and a past he’d like to forget. But, when a brutal murder shatters the tranquility of the town, his aren’t the only secrets that come to light.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, looks interesting. I'll have to look up his books. (Just the name 'The Binding of the Blade' sounds cool!) :)

Caleb Painter said...

I like the sound of Avalon Falls! Sounds great. I read part of the first book of the Binding of the Blade series, but I didn't like it that much. Maybe I should've stuck with it...

Could you pretty please put some of your short stories for free soon??? It's not that I don't want to give you my money and support you but I REALLY like getting free stuff. And I'm afraid that after I buy them, you'll put them on for free. Anyway, thanks for suggesting these good lookin' books!

Caleb B said...

Sounds good, looks good, I LOVE good fantasy. 'specially Christian fantasy...keeps me happy and keeps my head out of all the troubles that I should leave in God's arms.

Morgan said...

That sounds totally awesome. Also, I hope the next post is about a new one of your books. (Not that I think you should rush the writing process but I'm really looking forward to your next book.) I will see if I can't get these and see if they're really the next best thing since Tolkien. First, of course I have to finish Tide of, I have a lot of good books in my future. Guess that's what happens when you Enter the Door Within.;^)