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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Sword in the Stars now available for PreOrder!

Hi, all! Well, this is a first for me. I actually have two new books about to come out within a few months of each other! Venom and Song, coauthored with the multitalented Christopher Hopper, comes out in late June. Then in August, my first book with AMG publishing, Sword in the Stars, will be released. Check out the preliminary cover art and the teaser below:

Haunted by memories of a violent past, Alastair Coldhollow wagers his life on the hope that a sword will appear in the stars and the foretold Halfainin, the Pathwalker, would come. Meanwhile, tensions simmer between Anglinore and the murderous Gorrack Nation, threatening war on a cataclysmic scale. The fate of all could rest on an abandoned child and the decisions of those who desperately seek to identify him. Sword in the Stars is the first release in The Dark Sea Annals series.


Nolan said...

Wow... when I saw this, I made a strange hiccuping noise of excitement. That's never happened before...


RED~Scribe said...

Looks awesome!! How many books are you planning to write in The Dark Sea Annals?

~Never Alone~

Unknown said...

Will you be doing an Amazon blitz for "Sword in the Stars," Mr. Batson?

WayneThomasBatson said...

Beorn: I'm honored to have contributed to the odd hiccup sound. Oh, and I love your cartoon avatar!

Eldra: I have 7 books outlined for the Dark Sea Annals. Seriously. ;-)

And Patrick: Ah, now that is a good question. I think an Amazon Book Blitz is in order, but it'll likely be closer to the release date.

Also a book blitz and Tribe contest for Venom and Song! WOOT

Anonymous said...

So it's confirmed about a tribe contest for V&S? Also, speaking of that, I don't mean to be rude but are we in the process of getting the prizes? I've had a few of my tribe members email me about that.

Also, I'll go ahead and say I am SO excited! :D So, should I not get it yet and wait for the blitz? That is pre-order it.

Mackenzie Evans Marts said...

That cover is awesome!

Galadriel said...

Very unique cover...should draw in some non-fantasy fans.

Author Scott Appleton said...

Way to go, Wayne! So it looks like yours is coming out before mine... it's exciting to see AMG push forward more fantasy!

Anonymous said...

Wow... very unique cover. I didn't anticipate something like that.

You have my hearty congratulations, Mr. Batson, for yet another literary accomplishment! :)


Ama Lane said...

Woh, I'm doing girly screams! That is too coll I've been looking for new reads. I'm rereading the door within right now which is awesome as always ^-^

Nathanael Beekman said...

wrd that looks AWESOME!!! hey mr batson, nxt time u write a book can u make the main caricter a homeschooler? because 75% of ur fans r homeschooled! we can give u all the tips of how we live :) lol

RED~Scribe said...

Good idea, Nathanael. I think you're probably right that 75% of us are homeschooled!!

~Never Alone~

ElizabethMarieKauffman said...

Cool!!! :) Can't wait to read either of them!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW 7??? I can't wait!!! The cover is very interesting and intriguing. I want to know more!!! :)

Never Alone!!

Precentor said...

(OO) Wants book**

Heh VaS Tribes XD I am going to win this one! ;)

Storyteller SilverLoom said...

Yippeeee! I cannot wait to read it!

Unknown said...

How exciting! I didn't realize the first book The Dark Sea Annals would come so soon! I anxiously await the release of them both. :-)

Jake said...

Can't wait to read it! Sure to be another Batson gem of a book...


Cloe said...

Oh My Word!!!!!!!! I can't wait! I love all your books and I'm very glad you are bringing out more:)

Anonymous said...

So cool!! Two books coming out at almost the same time!! can't wait to read it!! Mr. Batson, when will the third pirate book be out? I'm dying to know what happens to Cat and Anne and everyone else!!!


Katie said...

I can't wait!!!!!! It looks GREAT, Mr. Batson! Congrats on another TWO books!

God bless!

~Katie G.

Unknown said...

Mr. Batson, just give the word and your blog readers will swarm Amazon for the Blitz! I'm really anticipating this series...just the name "Dark Sea Annals" invokes such vivid imagery!

Unknown said...

Ran across this neat quote from a sermon by John Chrysostom, a theologian and bishop in the early church...

"Let no one grieve at his poverty,for the universal kingdom has been revealed.Let no one mourn that he has fallen again and again;for forgiveness has risen from the grave.Let no one fear death, for the Death of our Savior has set us free.He has destroyed it by enduring it.—John Chrysostom, bishop of Constantinople; sermon, ca. 400"

"That forgiveness has risen from the grave" in Jesus Christ is such an encouraging thought!

Eagles Wings said...

MUWHWHAHAH Can't wait for the VaS tribe contest :)

Book looks cool!

Israle Surrnak said...

Wahooo! YES!!!! How many words is it, WTB?

Araken said...

Sounds interesting, it does.

Wooton said...

Yes! another tribe contest! I look forward to flying the banner of the Silvertree once again! (hopefully)

~Son of the King~ said...

Hey Mr. Batson,

How many books have you written now? (I have lost count )

Anonymous said...

The cover looks so diffrent from other covers you've had. Oh well i can't wait can't judge a book by it's cover right.

As Katie G would say: God bless