But ICRS is also when Bookstore Chains and Indie Stores put orders in to their distributors for more or different titles. So, if you'd like to see your local Christian Bookstore stock more of what you like to read, please pray that Chains and Locals would buy lots of new fantasy/spec fic titles!
Tonight I've posted the third in a series of Meet the Author threads. The author's words are taken from a Q&A we participated in to promote the Tour. I'll post all four authors responses to one question in each thread. Hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful fantasy writers.
Wayne Thomas Batson--The Door Within Trilogy and Isle of Swords
Bryan Davis--The Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire
Sharon Hinck--The Becky Miller Books and The Sword of Lyric Series
Christopher Hopper--The Rise of the Dibor and The White Lion Chronicles
Bryan Davis--The Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire
Sharon Hinck--The Becky Miller Books and The Sword of Lyric Series
Christopher Hopper--The Rise of the Dibor and The White Lion Chronicles
I'll also be including a new piece of desktop art with each new post--Tonight's pic is from Sharon Hinck's The Restorer which released in stores last month. Feel free to save the file and use it as your computer's background. Share with friends or post wherever else you blog!

Q: Who is the intended audience for your novels and why do you write for this audience?
WB: I write for anyone who loves a pure adventure, but I guess you could say that my target audience is that 10-16 Tween/Teen age. I’m a middle school reading teacher. Over 16 years of rubbing elbows with them, I really developed a love and understanding of those interesting kids. By God’s grace I have NOT forgotten what it was like when I clawed my way through the 11-17 corridor. And as a teacher, I am reminded of it everyday. Once kids enter middle school, it’s like they leave the kind world behind and enter a place that is full of danger and cruelty—much of it self-inflicted. We adults sometimes forget the enormity of what they experience, the level of emotion, and the intellect.
BD: My intended audience is youth, ages ten to sixteen, or anyone young at heart. I even heard from one ninety-four-year-old reader who has enjoyed my books. Our youth culture has been attacked by forces far greater than what my generation encountered. They need spiritual weapons to defend against, and even to go to war against, those forces. Unfortunately, too many times our culture, and even the church, has told young people that it’s normal to be rebellious, that they don’t have the power to completely obey God. I believe young people still feel how God wired them, to be heroes and heroines for His kingdom. I want to fuel that fire before they’re too old to remember their wiring.
SH: (answered above)
CH: At first, I started writing out of my own life and all my experiences, so it would have to be for those in their twenties. But then I’m a youth pastor, so I’m always trying to make things relevant for Teens and Tweenies (those between being a child and a teen). Of course, I work with adults all day long in business and when I travel and preach, so I wanted that demographic to be impacted, too. I laugh at myself now, but I realize I feel like the Apostle Paul when he spoke about being “all things to all men.” So you can imagine how overjoyed I am to get an e-mail from an ecstatic 9-year-old when he says he loves the book, and the next day get a letter from a 55-year-old mom who is hounding me for book II. That’s just amazing to me.
If you are interested in the books written by any of the Tour authors, see my sidebar for links to Amazon. Or visit Christianbook.com where all books can be found.
Yup, that's why we have been thinning out the shelves and sending back the books that don't sell these six weeks. Getting ready for the new influx of books that the owner will order. She's going to be down there that week, you might run into her. ;)
Yay! I found DW Lost Chapters Edition today at Borders!
One thing I never quite pictured is Aidan being chunky. It never processed in my brain lol. I have the wrong mental pic going thru my mind. Erm...
*Totally random thought*
But I did love the Lost Chapters....it was like reading the DW all over again, only better!
Hi Wayne,
I posted a discussion about Frodo on Spec Faith. Being the LOTR fan that I know you are, I thought you would be interested. :)
- Jason
Scribe, are you talking about Pat? Tell her to come by the Nelson booth or the Tsaba House booth to see when we're doing our Tour Kick off. Should be fun!
And Brett, cool that you got the Lost Chapters--wait til you read the brand new material in DW2 and DW3--they were fun to write!
And Jason, I'll buzz over and see. Yes, I am a geek! lol
Yeah Pat! Though Pam mentioned something about a sword, some swords? being raffled or given away as door prizes to the buyers and owners that come down to the show?
I am not sure that I need my boss having the opportunity to own a long sharp metal pointy object. . .
;) I'll let her know.
Hey the door w/in is cool.
I'm glad you're excited about the Fantasy 4 Fiction Tour! I am too, although it looks as if you're not coming to Columbus, Ohio.
For anyone within driving distance of these events, I say this to you, SUMMER IS THE TIME FOR ROAD TRIPS. I know gas has gotten pricey, I know that sitting in a small metal or plastic box on wheels strapped to a semi-padded seat isn't everyone's idea of a great way to spend the afternoon, but the books are worth that price, the authors are worth the travel, and most importantly :( it won't be the same without you being part of the tour. Friendly faces and exuberant intelligent fans are half the fun of events like these & the authors are the other half.
So in conclusion, carpool, van pool, come by horse and buggy or dragon back if you can, but come.
Oh, and if you come dragon back, no flaming in the parking lot, please.
As lovely as it sounds....I can't; my dragon steed is in desparate need of scale polish. *sigh* We have to look good while flying you know!
What? Oh man what a shame. Too bad you can't ride pilon behind a friend of yours whose dragon is all shined and ready to go. ;) This is going to be seriously fun.
The pictures are getting better and better-posting over by me--Will be praying for you guys.
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