But ICRS is also when Bookstore Chains and Indie Stores put orders in to their distributors for more or different titles. So, if you'd like to see your local Christian Bookstore stock more of what you like to read, please pray that Chains and Locals would buy lots of new fantasy/spec fic titles!
Tonight I've posted the fourth in a series of Meet the Author threads. The author's words are taken from a Q&A we participated in to promote the Tour. I'll post all four authors responses to one question in each thread. Hope you enjoy getting to know these wonderful fantasy writers.
Wayne Thomas Batson--The Door Within Trilogy and Isle of Swords
Bryan Davis--The Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire
Sharon Hinck--The Becky Miller Books and The Sword of Lyric Series
Christopher Hopper--The Rise of the Dibor and The White Lion Chronicles
Bryan Davis--The Dragons in Our Midst and Oracles of Fire
Sharon Hinck--The Becky Miller Books and The Sword of Lyric Series
Christopher Hopper--The Rise of the Dibor and The White Lion Chronicles
I'll also be including a new piece of desktop art with each new post--Tonight's pic is from my own Door Within Trilogy--Alleble at Dawn. If you've read the books, you know the dawn of which I speak, eh? Wink, wink. Feel free to save the file and use it as your computer's background. Share with friends or post wherever else you blog!

Q: Tell me about a character or theme from one of your books that is at least loosely autobiographical.
WB: Aidan, the main character of The Door Within, is a lot like I was when I was in my tweens. Creative, hopeful, and thoughtful—but not very outgoing…not very confident. I always longed for adventure, but most of mine were in my imagination. Aidan’s fear of Robby’s basement came straight out of my own childhood fear. My parents have a split basement. The unfinished side, the workside as we called it, was the creepiest place on the planet. I was always afraid that some creature lurked in its shadowy confines—that it waited for someone to venture too close to the open door. I used to leap over the side of the stairs onto a couch to avoid going by that basement door.
And like Aidan, I made a life-changing discovery that people tried to dismiss as make-believe. I became a Christian at age 22 in 1991. My parents thought I was cute, my coworkers thought I was crazy, and my friends thought I’d been abducted by aliens and brainwashed! But faith in God isn’t cute, it isn’t irrational, and it’s not trickery. God is real, and He’s waiting to change lives.
BD: I pass on this question.
SH: Susan, the heroine of The Restorer, chooses to obey and follow God in spite of sacrifice and confusion. Because of that, she expects that He will smooth the path for her. When she endures torture and betrayal, she confronts her disillusionment. A key step in her spiritual growth comes as she surrenders her need to have God explain Himself to her – but love and trust Him anyway. That theme is drawn from my walk with Christ. From childhood, I’ve sought to serve Him with a deep passion. Yet He has allowed hurtful things into my life that have caused me to wrestle with Him... Like Susan, I swing between asking Him if I’ve failed Him somehow, or if He has failed me, and finally realizing it is part of the mystery of faith. In The Restorer a key theme is “the cost of discipleship.”
CH: Spoiler Alert: The following pertains to The Lion Vrie: If I were to pick a specific instance that was very autobiographical, I would have to point to a very powerful scene in The Lion Vrie (Book II) where the main character, Luik, is confronted with the death of someone very near to him. (No, I am not Luik; Luik is my son’s name. But yes, Luik has many pieces of me, as do all my characters). Luik desperately wants to pray for his fallen friend and see him brought back to life. But he can’t bring himself to do it, whether it be for fear of failure, intimidation, lack of faith, or simply lack of self-confidence. In real life, I had lost a very close friend who died suddenly during a routine hospital check-up at age 41. As I sat in the funeral home helping his wife pick out the tombstone (a horrible job), I wanted to walk into the back room and lay hands on his dead body, to pull a “Lazarus, get up!” But I didn’t. It was a deeply personal thing for me, and is to this day, but writing about it really helped. You could say it’s my own form of cathartic therapy.
Pssst. I think the reason this has no comments is the keeping-the-trailer-at-the-top thing. I didn't even know the site was being updated until the 2008 caught my eye!
DOh! Hadn't thought that through very well. Maybe I should put the trailer in the sidebar. Alas.
Thanks, Pat!
:-D I no longer feel quite so odd 'bout being caught off guard by the 2008 thing.
Wonderful insights to all who answered.
:-D But what I would like to know is not what character, but what antagonist, what villain, cuts closest to the bone among ye authors. Hey, believe it or not, that answer reveals oceans about the author. Which is why it is one of my favorite to ask.
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