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Saturday, October 08, 2011

The Unthinkable Has Happened! Hear ye, hear ye! The Battle of the Books has Come!

My books have declared war on...each other. How can this be? I have no idea. But my question to you is, who would win? I mean if each of my series of books went to war against each other, the main characters and supporting cast--who would win? You the readers will determine the victory!

It's the First Annual Battle of the Books! We're setting it up in playoff fashion. Who will win the first round?

ROUND 1: The Matchups

The Door Within Trilogy  
 Isle of Sword/Isle of Fire

The Dark Sea Annals (Sword in the Stars, Errant King)
The Berinfell Prophecies

Readers and Fans: you will determine which series move on to the Ultimate Book Championship. Starting now, I will keep track of votes that you post as comments! All you have to do is say which books series will win each matchup, and why you think so! Voting for the first round will remain open until November 15th!

What say you, then? How will Aidan, Antoinette, and Company fare against swashbuckling Cat, Anne, and the crew of the William Wallace?

Can unbeatable exAssassin Alastair Coldhollow and young King Lochlan hope to match arms against the likes of Tommy and Kat?

We'll find out! Let the games begin!


Anonymous said...

Oh my! This is SERIOUS!!!! But really it's not fair. The Berinfell Prophicies would SQUISH all the others. The others don't even stand a chance.

Gabe M said...

i'm with Anonymous. the Bernifell Prophicies would dominate.

Unknown said...

The pirate series wins... hands down. Who can stand against the mighty William Wallace or Robert the Bruce and a broadside of her powerful 16 pound guns? Avast matey, but Captain Ross is not t'be trifled with.

Anonymous said...

That's just not right!

However, if the bad guys from the your books went to war...

Storyteller SilverLoom said...

Absolutely the Door Within series. Not only were they the first to exist, but the unbeatable, all-knowing, everlasting King Eliam is there. Not to mention Captain Valithor, Malik, Kaliam, Nock, and the Three Witnesses.

Leslie and Elizabeth said...

I agree with Storyteller--The Door Withing Series would dominate. ~Elizabeth

Jordan said...

Hmmm... I'd have to say that it would be a tie between the Door Within and the Berinfell Prophecies. I'm a little partial to the Door Within because I read them first and they left such a good impression on me, but the Berinfell Prophicies are just as good!(In judging this I must say that I haven't read the Sword in the Stars yet but I plan to soon!)

Ian said...

With the Almighty on one's side, you are bound to win. So I point the victory to The Berinfell Prophecies and The Door Within trilogy. With Ellos versus King Eliam (who, in an allegorical sense are the same being) and the Three witnesses vs. the seven, the odds are not favored. Also the unmatched flet armies of Berinfell and the might of Alleble: very evenly matched. The unfortunate Pirates: it would be close what with the monks having the Lord God on their side as well, but there are simply not enough numbers to match the might of Berinfell and Alleble. This is my opinion of the matter (and by the way Mr. Batson, I love your books!)

WayneThomasBatson said...

Nah, I think we need to leave the Almighty out of this. Clearly He is an unfair advantage. lol

So it's just up to the characters from the books, main cast, and supporting. I have 4 series out, so let's pair them up in playoff fashion. See revised posting!

Anonymous said...

The Berinfell Prophecies and The Door Within would cream all the pthers

Jliessa44 said...

It's the Berinfell prophecies or Door within. I love them both, but I like the characters in Berinfell prophecies slightly better.

LydiaGrace said...

The Berinfell Prophecies and Isle of Swords/Isle of Fire, hands down. I agree with Anonymous also - The Berinfell Prophecies would so kick B-U-double T. I don't know 'bout y'all, but I don't want to try my skills against Grimwarden.

GOD guy said...

Round 1: The Door Within, for who can stand aqainst epicness?

Round 2: I'm sorry, but I have to say Dark Sea Annals, I loved it!

Unknown said...

I definitely think that the Door Within and the Berinfell Prophesies would win! WHOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

The Door Within Will Triumph!

Anonymous said...

The Door Within Will Triumph!

Sarah Pennington said...

Oh. My. Pupmpernickle. This is incredible. And it will be a hard decision.

TDW vs. Pirate Adventures: A bit of a hard choice, but I have to say TDW. After all, they have Captain Valithor. And Farix. And the Three Witnesses. Kat, Anne, and Captain Ross are cool and all, but they can't beat Captain Valithor.

Dark Sea Annals vs. TBP: Ok, this one is really, really, really hard. On one hand, Alastair, Abbagael, and the Shepherds (I'm not saying anything about King Lochlan since I know a grand total of nothing about him thus far) have the advantage of experience. And epicness. And the fact that I'm slightly obsessed with Alastair at the moment. However, TBP is TBP. And Guardmaster Grimwarden, the Seven, Goldarrow, and the rest are elves. Plus the TBP crew includes Charlie, who I'm more obsessed with than Alastair. So, I guess TBP wins, but it's a very, very close match.

Anonymous said...

Berinfell Prophicies!!!! The Elves cannot be trifled with. And Isle of Swords. Those pirates are pretty tough.

Anonymous said...

Battle one, Door Within, because there are dragons and Nock and Bolt.

Battle two, Berinfell Prophecies, no question.How can you fight a mind reader, strongman, air-walker, fire-hand and future seer?

Elizabeth Eiowing said...

Oh gosh.....I think that The Door Within would win against the pirates. They are expert swordsman and have been here the longest. Plus they have King Eliam. ;) And I think that Berinfell would win against SitS. They may be kids but they certainly have a variety of traits and fighting. This is an advantage! :) But after that, I have no idea. They are both expert swordsman and I think it might be a stalemate though of course that is unfair to

Anonymous said...

The Door Within!!!!!

Emilyn J Clover said...

I love the Door Within and Berinfell Prophesies so much!
I can't decide if Elves or Glimpses would win if they were against each-other.
I think they shouldn't be against each-other but with each-other against the bad guys though.

Jessie said...

match-up 1: I have to say Pirates will win. They are so resourceful, and crazy I think they could get out of anything. Love Captain Ross and his crew.

match-up 2: The Dark Sea Annals. Yes I know the Elven Lords have their special gifts, but the shepherds have similar gifts and I believe there are more of them.

Kate Knick. said...

Well, I'm just finishing the Isle of Swords, and the only other series I've read is The Door Within Trilogy. But so far in my Batson book experience, I'd have to say no one can mess with the 3 witnesses and the Alleble army. King Eliam forever rules, whether its pirates or Paragory.
As for the other match, I would have to get back to you on that after i read them.
Never alone.

Anonymous said...

I dont see why they would fight. But if they did it might also depend on which world it's on. Right now I think the Dark Sea Annals and pirates mostly cause all the main characters in The Door Within are dead, but elves rock so... Truce!

Ama Lane said...

Wow... This is hard but in all fairness I would say TDW wins, I love Kat and Ross... But my beloved glimps would win as far as I am conserned.

As for the other match its hard beacuse I love both but I think that Bernifell has the uper hand there.

Prescott said...

I'm going for:

1.) Door Within Trilogy :D

2.) Going against what seems to be the popular opinion and I'll vote for The Dark Sea Annals ;)

Vrenith said...

GAH!!! This is so hard... >_>

Round One: The Door Within. I can't help it--fantasy and travel from our world to another? It was a hard choice, though, because the Pirate Adventures are the only pirate books I like--love.

Round Two: THIS IS WORSE THAN THE FIRST!!! First, there's the Berinfell Prophecies--which has Grimwarden, Goldarrow, Kat, Tommy, Jimmy, Autumn, Jett, Tommy, Kiri Lee--and so many more. BUT, The Dark Sea Annals has the twin kings, ALASTAIR COLDHOLLOW (the amazing, sword-fighting assassin turned good!) Abbagael, SHEPHERDS--and the Yodeling Dwarf! Sorry, but I just have to say the Dark Sea Annals... >_>

Haha, come to think of it, my best friend is a Shepherd--in the Errant King. ;)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the Berinfell Prophicies would kick the heck out all but the door within might stand a chance.

Violinist4Christ said...

The Door Within and the Dark Sea Annals, definitely. TDW really introduced me to the fantasy world, and I just love the whole plot of the Dark Sea Annals. So awesome and intricate! I felt like I connected with it more than with the Berinfell prophecies since I'm in college now.

Aqua (Once again lol) said...

Door Within vs. Isle of swords

Army of dudes with armor,bow and arrows and catapults vs. group of men on ship with swords and cannonballs.

I'm going with the army so...Door Within for me!

Berinifell Prophecies vs. Sword in the Stars

Well this is kinda biased considering I haven't read (But plan to!!!) Sword in the Stars,sooo...

Berinfell Prophecies is my pick of those two.

(They both have the Almighty included in those two...but that didn't affect my not at all :P)

Anonymous said...

Round one: The Door Within. Definitely. I love those books! The characters grow on you so much!

Round two: The Berinfell Prophecies. I love those books too! I'm registered on the forum for the books and those books were the first of Wayne Thomas Batsons books that I read.

Anonymous said...

The Door Within would so beat Isle of Fire! And . . . well . . . I think the Berinfell Prophecies would win over the Sword in the Stars. WAIT! They have Sheperds . . . . hmmm . . . I'm not sure about that one. :)

Author Scott Appleton said...

1) The Door Within
2) Sword in the Stars

I think Sword In The Stars is an impressive work, but I haven't finished it yet. The characters in SITS are definitely better fleshed out and believable.

Katya said...

Och! Four series of epicness pitted against each other in mortal combat! Inconceivable! *ponders* Who would be the victors, tis a difficult question to answer.

The Isle cast is amazing, but I'm afraid that The Door Within characters outweight them with their sheer awesomeness. Cat is cool, but Aidan rules, no doubt about it. And with a Mortiwraith on his side? No contest.

As for the question of Sword in the Stars against Berinfell Prophecies, no one, I repeat, NO ONE! can defeat the Elves of Allyra. They go beyond epic, they're . . . supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!! The only word I could think of to describe their ultimate amazingness!

My vote is cast, and now we wait for the result. Never Alone, Aidan! Endurance and Victory, Lords of Berinfell! May the best books win!

Anonymous said...

I think the pirates will win the first round. They are creative and crazy and will take all comers.

Sword in the Stars will carry the day. Who can beat Alastair? That guy is crazy good with a sword.


Sir Guy said...

Whew! This is a tough one! Since I've only read Door Within and The Isle series (go ahead, the stakes and faggots for burning me alive have already been pre-ordered) I'll stick with those two.

So basically, you have a group of elite knights numbering no more then 20 with plate armor, broadsword, maces, etc. and plenty of personal protection. Also you have highly trained long-bow archers who can hit you in the eye a couple football fields away. Not to mention, there are possibly some fire breathing dragons to deal with. Whoa... o.o

On the other side of the arena, you have (literally) a boatload of men with cutlasses, no real protection, and fire arms (including one blunder-buss) ;). In addition, a fully loaded brigantine (I think) war ship loaded with the best fire power ye olde money could buy.


Let's break this down and pit "man vs. man" and "special vs. special" (Dragons vs. War Ship)

(I know what you’re thinking, "Oh great; Here comes the Discovery Channel Documentary")

For man vs. man, I refer you to the “Deadliest Warrior” episode of Pirate vs. Knight. Although, the knights did have the edge when it came to close hand combat, the fire power of things like the musket and the gernado kept the knight afar off… and frankly, quite dead as well. And while archers have much better range and a faster rate of fire, arrows can’t affect the hulk of a ship while musket balls can act like can openers on that plate armor. (And for you real history geeks, I know that a type of armor was developed that was actually bullet proof. BUT, thanks to Sir Watson writing this in a medieval setting, that renaissance-created armor does not count!)
( Mwhaha-ha.)
In short, pirates win the day… this time.

As for special vs. special, things grow a bit more complicated. Seeing that dragons breathe fire and ships are made of wood, the pirates are making a poor showing going into the second half and the Chivalrous Ones are making a comeback. However, the pirates may not be without a trick play… the 16 pounders. I’m not quite sure of the range of a 16-pounder cannon (for shame!) but I think I can safely guest-amate that it was longer than that of a dragon’s blast range. So if one only thought to simply aim yer guns a wee bit higher, the knights may crash and burn. BUT, how fast do dragons turn to maybe avoid cannon shot? What if the Dragons got a lucky blow and hit the powder magazine? Would dragons be spooked by cannon fire as loud as thunder? And if it was only one or two dragons, it’s a shoe-in victory for our merry sea-fearers. But if it were 10 or 20 dragons, the knights would very likely be drinking (tee-total, of course ;)) to their own health once those sea dogs have gone the way of the Do-Do.
Results, due to too many variables that have the chance to go against the knights, Pirates (again) win the day.

So 2 out of 2, Captain Ross has just won the semi finals of this year’s Battalion Book Battles! YET, he’ll need to pull out one more victory (and all the stops) before he can sail his crew to Disney World…

Sir Guy said...

Whoops! I mean Sir "Batson" not Sir "Watson". Sorry about that. Sherlock Holmes fan an' all that. But I digress... :D

The Olson Ranch said...

1. The Door Within Trilogy will WIN!!!!!!! Go Aidan, Gwenne, and Robby!!!

2. Berinfell Prophecies! Tommy and Kat will be the Heroes!

I can't wait to see who wins!!! Endurance and Victory!
Never Alone! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... I really hate to pick favourites, but..... For the first match up I'd have to say The Door Within Trilogy because I read it first.
I can't pick for the second match up... I like both of the series WAY too much!!!!!!

Charlotte said...

Isle of Swords/ Isle of Fire would win any day. C'mon, everyone knows that pirates are extremely resourceful, and ingenious (and awesome [duh]).

Benjamin Ousley said...

ouch, tough choices!
For Door within vs. Isle of Swords series I'd say The Door Within. It was tough, and Capt. Declan with his Robert the Bruce was tough, but he was overwhelmed by robby's dragons and Antoinette's lightning.
For Dark Sea annals vs. Berinfell Prophecies, it was almost undecidable. The seven lords wiped out the Navrill and almost won the battle. However, what with Johnny's instabilty, Jett's death, and Autumn's vulnerability, they were no match against Alastair's master swordplay and strategy, king ealden's glaife (sp?), and the full might of the Shepherds.

bookgeek!!! said...

I also agree with the anonymous on top of the page, Berinfell will squish all the other ones!! I cant wait for the next one to come out...

Anonymous said...

I think that the Berinfell will kick butt. I cant wait for the next book to come out!!! Did any1 else notice that on the cover for the errant king, the man on the cover looks like Aragorn from the lord of the rings movie? or am i just to much of a geek?

Anonymous said...

The Door Within. They've got Captian Valithor and Nock! Love them! But The Curse of The Spider King might win too.


Gwenne said...

round 1: Door Within. totally!! :D sorry, crew of the Robert Bruce.

round 2: definately Berinfell Prophecies. :) keep trying, Alistar.


Anne Ross said...

1: Isle of Swords, hands down

2: Dark Sea Annals

Sorry TDW, TBP... you were so close!!! ;D

Dominic A. said...

The Door Within Series dominates all who try to beat them!

SilverAngel said...

The Door Within peeps would win. effortlessly. against all odds. they have done it before, they shall do it again. aye? And the Sword in the Stars would beat The Berinfall Prophecies, no problem :)


Ian said...

Even Excluding the Almighty from this, I stand by my previous response. Valiant as all the characters are, can cutlass dueling, even like Red Eye and Captain Ross, match up to archery, broadswords and the power of the Three Witnesses and the seven Elvin Lords? No, strong as they are, numbers still... outnumber them.

Ian said...

Sorry I've been commenting much, but I didn't take into account the two rounds. For the Door within trilogy versus the Pirate series: for reasons stated in earlier comments, The door within trilogy. Another factor is all of their allies: The Blue Mountain folk, Mithegard; powerful as well. Round two, Berinfell Prophecies. It's close, but numbers again. 800 years underground? Now that's growth. I'm looking forward to the next post.

Anonymous said...

The Door Within Trilogy and Dark Sea Annals. I liked the fact that the matchings were on series that are complete and series that have yet to be completed.

Siliverien said...

The Door Within against the Isle of Swords was a very hard decision to make, but I finally managed to make up my mind...whew! I enjoyed the Door Within more than I enjoyed Isle of Swords (but maybe I'm just biased because I read the Door Within first).
For the second one, definitely the Berinfell Prophicies over the Dark Sea Annals. What hard choices! All your books are SO good! :)

Sockpuppet said...

Pirates be havin' the victr'y,Arrgh!There be no mortal man that can stand against the Jolly Roger o' the Sweet Trade!No question 'Bout it,Arrgh.Ye fight like a dairy farmer,Aidan!

Sword in the Stars Gains my vote for The following reasons:1> Awesome depiction of Anti-hero Alistair Coldhollow's inner struggles as he tries to shake off the chains of his past(Some of us know just how he feels.Great job,Sir Batson!).2> From a moral/spiritual stand point at best we are penitent sinners deserving death.Sword in the Stars shows how we should be humbled by the mercy given us,not made proud by it.3> Cool fantasy mythos including allegedly divinely empowered People whose powers are transferred to their killer(How many besides Alfex did this?).4> lastly,an epic end which leaves much epic expectations.

I have not read Berinfell(I am not anti elf,I'm pro elf!)but I have cast my vote and Wasted precious blog space.Yeahh!

jolayne said...

Well because my two favorite series are against each other this doesn't seem fair. i love the door within and isle of fire, but going from a stictly millatary point of view, (taking away the army in Door with in) i think that Isle of Swords would win, because the characters are older and have more experianced, and i just love cat.

Precentor said...

The door within wins.

Probably TBP. :)

Anonymous said...

The Berinfell Prophecies are totally going to win this war! I mean seriously they're elves. The other series don't stand a chance.

Siliverien said...

By the bye....when will Tearing of the Veil be coming out? I can't wait!! :) Your books are SO good! I know this has nothing to do with your Battle of the Books (sorry), but I just had to know! Is it close to being finished?

Anonymous said...

the Bernifell would dominate you can't beat cat and the rest

Anonymous said...


Battle 1: The Door Within

Battle 2: Berinfell for sure!

Liz H. said...

Okay, so, Aidan and Antoinette would TOTALLY beat Cat and Anne. I mean, for one, they've got King Eliam, and two, they just rock! So, that's my oppinion on that.

JezziannO said...

Ok, this is just WAY to hard cause I love all your books. I would have to way that The Door Within Series would win because they have been my favorite books since like, forever ago. But, I also think the Berinfell Prophecies are pretty much tied. But then I look at my book shelf and see my pirate series and my Sword in the Stars and wonder. But I still think the Door Within.

Anonymous said...

Ross and crew will win the battle against Door Within. It is a pratical matter of swords vs. Guns and guns win.

Mean while the land of Berinfell will fall against the Dark Sea. Superior fighting skillis in Sword in the Stars even though the elves have powers.

Emily Ithilwen said...

I say that The Berinfell Prophesies and the Isle of Swords/Isle of Fire can beat all other competition. I mean, Kat can read minds! And pirates are just cool, at least the good ones are.

Christopher Hopper said...

I love this premis.

But, of course, TBP would trump all.

But I'm biased. Sort of.

Anonymous said...

I think that the curse of the spider king will win!! i am also awaiting the next sword in the stars book, and the next eragon book!!!! I think for the first one, cat, annie and declan will win!

Kiana Rae said...

Well this is tough but...
Round One:The Door Within.
Round Two: The Berinfell Prophicies

Aiwendil said...

Oh, this is so hard... What to choose?? They're all so great after all... But I've been thinking for awhile and these are my long and time consuming decisions:

The Door Within beats Isle of Swords. (by a millimeter.)

and then this was hardest for me, but I finally decided the winner in my opinion anyway. (My sister was totally against me on this one.)

The Dark Sea Annals beats Berinfell.

forgiven said...

There must be something about 'swords' ... my winners are ISLE OF SWORDS and THE SWORD IN THE STARS.

Shurtigal said...

First the Isle of Swords/Fire would win round 1
Second Berinfell Prophecies NO DOUBT!

Renna said...

I'd have to say the TBP and The Pirate adventures!

Anonymous said...

errant king and the door within

Sir Jared said...

Sadly, I haven't read either The Dark Sea Annals or The Berenfel Prophecies (Yet) but the first one is easy! The Door Within easily wins. Sure, Jules is strong, but can he stop a battle-axe with his bare hands like Farix? Sure, Red Eye and Cat are amazing with a sword, but did they pull off a moulinet in the first three days of their training? Yes, Captain Declan Ross is a great commander, but does the entire world respect his name like Captain Valithor? Yes, the pirates have guns, but what good does that do against the armor of a knight? Yes, they have cannons, but knights have catapults and trebuchets! And in hand to hand combat, how would a pirate with no armor win against a heavily armored knight? Knights train for years. Pirates have very little to no training. As for the storyline, which is higher stakes- A country, or the world? England, or Earth and The Realm? And who's a harder enemy to beat, a guy with a spiked stick, or the master of all evil, a large, powerful, shape-shifting dragon, and seven large, ancient shape-shifting wolvins? I enjoyed Isle of Swords a lot, but it doesn't stand a chance against The Door Within.

Talitha said...

The Door Within series is one of the best books i have ever read! That's my vote. not to pick any favorites...I love all the books. :)

Almárëa said...

TBP is so totally the winner!!! :D IOS would come in 2nd. SITS and DWT tie 4 3rd. LOL i just wish i didn't have 2 choose!! they're all AWESOME BOOKS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, thats a tough one... The Door Within wins!

jolayne said...

Why can't this be like kindergarten and have everyone win?

Adam Jr said...

Okay, this is painful.

First my personal preferences. I love the Door Within more than I love Isle of Swords, and I love Berinfell more than Sword in the Stars.

Now, for the actuall fighting matchups. An army of awesome warriors, their king (aka God), The Elder Guard, and the Three Witnesses vs. Declan, Cat, Anne, and a crew of roughly 20-30 men. Declan would put up a good fight for a little, but probably couldn't hold out for more than a half hour.

As for Berinfell vs Alastair and the gang, It would be a hard fight to the end. The winner would probably have very little men left. But if I put the armies of Berinfell and their lords against Alastair and the forces of Anglinore, I believe after a long, hard fought battle, Alastair, Aravel, and the rest would fall to The Lords. Alastair could take down a few hundred men, but, let's all admit it, the Lords would smoke (heh, heh, heh) the Anglinorians. I mean, each Lord alone worth atleast a legion each AT LEAST. And the Dreadnaughts and Sentinels would thrash the Anglinorian forces.

Enough of my tactical analysis. Mr Batson, you can put me down as 1 for The Door Within and 1 for The Curse of the Spider King. My legion of elves have their bows and axes ready to, um, say hi to anyone who argues. :)
Adam the Wanna Be Elf

Anonymous said...

The Door Within wins the first battle, since they have Falon, Faethon, and the army of Alleble.
Pirates lose, although, as someone said, most of the main characters in TDW ARE dead.

As for SITS vs. BP, I would agree that there is absolutely NO contest. I mean, there's only one possibility here, right?

After all, what happens when you pit seven almost-untested teenagers against more than twenty battle-scarred Shepherds(who, by the way, have the capability to be HUNDREDS of years old)?

The poor, unfortunate teenagers get crushed, pounded, and generally pulped. Yup.

Besides, if you're counting the main cast, then you really ought to count the bad guys too, since they are part of the cast. And, in this case, it's very possible that Morlan and Cythraul could destroy the lords all by themselves.

SITS definitely wins the second round. Here we go, TDW vs. SITS.

Well, done, Wayne, I am one of your biggest fans, and I own every one of your books. If you read this, I've got an idea for the next Isle book. If you're interested. Can't wait for The Errant King!

Anonymous said...

I have to go with Isle of Swords. I am a huge reader, and this makes my top ten list. Who could forget the best bad guy ever? (Bartholomew Thorne) I have always seen thorne as Ricardo Montalban. (I know it's weird)

Hannah/Eruanna said...

Their all awesome but for the first match-up I'll have to go The Door Within nothing can stand against the Three Witnesses! and for the second I'll go The Dark Sea Annals cause you all saw/read what Alastair can do and young Tommy is... well, young an inexperienced.

Adam Jr said...

Whooo hoooo!

I agree Mr Hopper!!

But yes, you are biased (and a awesome author).

Adam Jr said...


I have a oppinion to express about Berinfell vs Sword in the stars.

Everyone who says that Sword in the Stars would win points to the fact that Tommy, Kat, and the gang are in-experienced. But really are they?

First off, yes, Alastair (is so awesome) has years of experience. But the lords have been fighting almost every day of their lives for about a year. And when they weren't fighting, they were training. So basically they have been using weapons non-stop for a year. Plus, they have fought in two major battles (one of which is the biggest battle berinfell has ever seen) and countless skirmishes. Is that inexperience?

And next. This may not be a compelling argument so far. But, I think we are foreting the powers of the lords. Yes, the Shepherds are older, wiser, but what they lack in theology they make up for tactics. They know more about war than the Shepherds, hands down. And powers?
The Shepherds may have some gifts that are advantageous to war, like the stone hand (poor Jonasim), but can they really stand up to the likes of JOHNNEY? I mean, lets all admit, if a huge military bomber dropped a curtain of napalm on the shepherds, Alastair, and their army, the destruction could not have been a great as Johnney's. I mean, he is the human napalm.

And Kat, Tommy, Jimmy, Kiri Lee, Autumn and Jett (he still counts right?) Kat reads minds, Tommy is the best archer in history, Jimmy can see the future, Kiri Lee can walk on air, Autumn is, well, run and slice with axes/swords at super speed, and Jett has amazing strength and (almost) invincibility. Who can mess with that?

Now we add in the Sentinels, and Dreadnaughts, and the highly trained soldiers of berinfell. Compared to the foot soldiers of Sword in the stars, they would crush!!

So if you combine it all together we have the lords, Sentinels, Dreadnaughts, berinfellian axe/sword/bowmen, vs Alastair, Shepherds, and some pheasant troops. It is obvious that Berinfell would win! It would be a hard fought battle with huge losses for both sides, but the outcome is clear. Berinfell and their superhuman teenage lords emerge victorious to fight another day.

Adam the wanna be elf.

PS: Mr Batson, you and Mr Hopper need to write, write, write, the new book! My elves are camping outside your house, and their fingers are getting tired of holding back their bowstrings...they might accidentally let them slip. Also, I have a detachment of my elves of r anyone who challenges the dignity of BERINFELL!! ;)

read2lead4life said...

For round One I definitely have to vote for The Door Within Trilogy. The pirates have no chance against the well rounded alegorical might of The Door Within.

Sadly I have not been able to read the latest two series yet. But I know what I'm doing for Christmas break!

Sir Jared said...

Don't count this as a vote because I already voted, but I think someone mentioned that most of the characters in TDWT are dead. That's only partially true. Most of the /named/ characters are dead. But they're still alive and well in the Sacred Realm Beyond the Sun. SPOILER Remember, they came back for the fight at the end. END SPOILER But Alleble still has legions of knights, while Declan Ross has maybe 200 men max.

Mandi said...

Berinfell Prophicies!!!!!!

Soldier101 said...

The Berinfell Prophecies for the win!

Anonymous said...

This is simple! The Berinfell book beats ALL!!! There is just no way the others could win! I mean the characters have sacrifice, dedication, loyalty, courage,and they really know how to work together. So this book wins hands down! :)

Anonymous said...

Isle of Swords will win because... well there pirates, and thats that.

Everyone keeps saying The Berinfell Prophocies will dominate but if you do what it says they would lose. (Because it says only Tommy and Kat) But of course if it was all against all from both books,yes, Berinfell Prophocies would win... So my vote is Isle of swords and Berinfell and Pirates.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My goodness, the match ups couldn't have been better picked. So hard to choose between any Wayne Thomas Batson. How on Earth am I expected to decide? But, if I had to choose...The Pirate Adventures (my favorite) and The Berinfell Prophecies (My new addiction)I just find it hard to believe that the books would willingly declare war...

Gabe M said...

hmmmm. pirates vs. door within.... i think door within would win

bernifell vs. the dark sea annals....
i think (as a said in a much earlier post) bernifell would dominate.

Flyleaf (the elf, not the band) said...

The Door Within is my favorite series so far, but I have yet to read A Sword in the Stars

Megan said...

I have only read the Berinfell Prophicies and The Door Within, but they are epic and I say that The Door Within can't ever be beat. Thanks for writing such great books.

Anonymous said...

The Pirate Adventures most definately. It's kind of a hard decision because really it ties with the Berinfell Prophecies.

Adam Jr said...

Its quite odd that most people who vote for The Door Within also vote for Berinfell....hmmmm....

I'm not saying that is true for all but it does seem to be a trend. I'm just saying for no real reason.

Adam the wanna be elf.

Adam Jr said...

By the way, Mr Batson, I love the animated picture of knights that you used for this post. Where did you get it?

~Just*Flinn~ said...

The Door Within powns. That is all. -.- XD

oo said...

door within

Gabe M said...

i just reread the sword in the stars and realized that if you include all the shepherds, the dark sea annals characters would squash the bernifell prophecies characters. the shepherds have crazy powers like the 7 (now 6) lords, AND more experience, and of course, alistair on their side too. i think they would dominate.

Sir Jared said...

When do we learn who won?

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is crazy! Of course the Door Within would win because of sheer numbers compared to the unfortunate pirates (sorry Cat) and the fact that the pirates are unskilled in seiging a castle when it's land locked.

Anonymous said...

Obviously its gonna be The Door Within. It R-U-L-E-S!! Nock and Bolt will cream ANYONE!!!

abigilmer said...

i cant wait i literally just finished book 2 of The Berinfell Prophicies. i think Berinfell will crush all others! "Endurance and Victory"!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think your all forgetting a thing or two. First off he said the book are going to war, which means all of the books not just the main characters. This includes the bad guys. This gives the dark sea annals a advantage over The Berinfell Prophecies in numbers and a major advantage that can be summed up in one word... DRAGON!!!
Also you have to remember that the pirate hunters have the backing of the whole
British Empire and have gun powder weapons! They are also the only ones who have a navy. In short the pirates and the dark sea annals win

Anonymous said...

Warning Spoiler for Dark Sea Annals

The Berinfell Prophecies have the seven The Door Within has the three The Pirates have cannons and stuff. The Dark Sea Annals has Shepherds, they have the powers the numbers and the skill. Also I don't know if Cythraul counts but if he does then bye bye everyone. The books also have Telwyn he is like the big guy all he needs is some stone and he could burn down the world.

Harrower said...

For the first fight TDW wins because 3000 dragons v. one ship.

for fight two i will go into more detail. (please forgive me if i make a few mistakes i am missing venom and song so i don't want to start reading.)

Round 1 powerful v. powerful

The seven have cool powers so most put them on top but they forgot about shepherds. In my the shepherds could have the one water shepherd drown the seven.

Round 2 villain v. villain

is there even a question dragons, grey hour stories come to life, and Cythraul. then there are the Drefid. the verdict is still the same wraith they have grim reapers and dark shepherds. Also Cythraul you kill him week later he comes and kills you.

Round 3 swordsman V. swordsman

the best swords man for TBP is Grimwarden. The best for TDSA is Mr. Coldharrow. this one is bias because Coldharrow has an epic name i have taken to the harrow part myself. He also has the Star Sword. Grimwarden is good, but he wasn't trained by Kyeenblade.

Lady Merewen said...

So I'm going to do this with four different categories - the armies, the villains, and my favorite character from each, and the main characters.
Okay, so for the first round, between the armies, it would be the armies of Alleble because they dragons, while the pirates don't.
Between the villains, Paragor would win because he has the wolvins, and Wyrm Lord, while Bartholomew Thorne has the Rauker and all - I'm more afraid of the wolvins and the Wyrm Lord, sorry.
And the duel between my two favorite characters - Captain Valithor and Padre Dominguez - Captain Valithor would win because...he's Captain Valithor.
Then, in the Door Within, the Three Witnesses are the main characters, so they have powers, but the pirates don't, so the Aidan, Antoinette, and Robby win.
Sorry, Padre Dominguez, Captain Ross, Anne, and Cat, but the Door Within has you beaten.

For the second round, the armies of Berinfell would probably win out of sheer will power.
The villains, well, Morlan has such wacky powers, and Cythraul you can't kill, so I'm going with them, even though Asp and the Spider King have weird powers, too. I don't think they know how to kill the Pureline.
Then for my favorite characters, Alastair Coldhollow and Olin Grimwarden. Argh! While Grimwarden is...awesome, I think even he'd have trouble killing Alastair.
For the main characters, I think the Seven would win... if it was just Lochlan. Lochlan would probably die, but Telwyn is the Halfainin. The Seven couldn't kill Telwyn. And if Alastair is there, too...sorry, Tommy, Kat, Jimmy, Autumn, Johnny, Kiri Lee, and Jett.
So, for the first, the Door Within wins, and for the second, the Dark Sea Annals/Myriadian Constellation wins.

Lady Merewen said...
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Anonymous said...

I definitely think the door within would win... The seven lords are almost invincible when they work together!!! Plus, even if they didn't win at first they would take some time, regroup, and figure out a way to win.