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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

How would you like a private book party?

Greetings from the Realm of Berinfell. Lately Christopher Hopper and I have been getting a lot of emails and blog posts from areas of the country we've not yet had a chance to tour or visit. Just in the past week, I've heard from several disgruntled Minnesotans who claim their lovely state always gets overlooked. I also heard from a young man in Alaska who was quite sad that he couldn't make it to any of our events.

Well, listen up folks. How would you like Christopher Hopper and I to fly out to your hometown to do a private book signing party for you and your friends and family? This, of course, would include lots of Curse of the Spider King freebies, dramatic readings, swordbattles, music, and more. Sound good to you? Post here and let us know about it. Christopher Hopper and I are putting the finishing touches on a new contest, and the personal book party is one of the grand prizes. Stay tuned for the official announcement soon.


Emily said...

That would be amazing!!!!! I am super excited now!!!

Anonymous said...


Rissa said...

that would be MORE than amazing!!!! I'm exited!!

Princess Jasmine Geo said...

Oh my gosh that would be awesome!!!!

Cloe said...

So cool!!!! That would be incredible!

Nathan R. Petrie said...

Another contest eh? Taking place at the same time as the treasure hunt? if I didn't have zero time before :P

But I'm all game for it. Anything's worth getting you guys to my area(though I have to save...if I lose I hope the Alaskan gets his way)

Kayla said...

That would be sweet! And I second the voice of the disgruntled Minnesotans!

Jare said...

To would be UPER AWESOME!

I have also felt as if the state of Washington never gets you Famous people.

BrittLass said...

Zounds! That would be awsome! There is a fair crowd down here in Texas that would love to see y'all come. Mayhap I'll spend a bit more time on this treasure hunt than originally planned...

Neil said...

What about Idaho?

Nathan Reimer said...

Ummm... like that is THE BEST idea! Ithaca would be a great place for one of these parties!

Storm Marie White said...

Of course I want a party! Ohio could use a bit more excitement.


Wooton said...

You guys should come to NJ!

Storm Marie White said...

I have a million good reasons why you should come to Ohio . . .

Vivian Claire said...

That would be so awesome! No one ever comes to Kansas City! Kansas is a great place, but nothing ever happens! :D

Emily said...

Chicago Baby!!!!! Come on down to the WIndy City!!!!!

JTN said...

Sheboygan, Wisconsin is very welcoming . . . . lol

Unknown said...

Is this going international yet?

(I'm a missionary kid who loves fantasy novels, especially yours, and L.B Graham's, and Bryan Davis'...)

Joust wondering!

WingedWriter318 said...

I'm definitely participating in this contest!!!!!

~Just*Flinn~ said...

THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!! :D You have a lot of fans down here in the East Texas area. We would love to see you and Mr. Hopper down here! XD

Storm Marie White said...

I live in a beautiful house, you should come here . . . :D

Precentor said...

PLEASE come to oregon....Have a buffalo burger in forest grove then do a book signing :D. COMECOMECOME PLZPLZPLZPLZPlZ oregon nvr get any celebrities like ya.....

Ril Taniel said...

The Lone Star State is the place to come!

Unknown said...

do some more in NYC, or northern NY

WayneThomasBatson said...

Last Olympian! Hey, we'll be in northern NY in October for two HUGE release party events! Oct. 30 and 31st! See the previous post!

Anonymous said...

That would be the most amazing thing in my life!!! That is sooooooooooo cool. North Carolina gets overlooked too you know:(

Austin Berge said...

Wow! I have dreamed for a chance like this and I will not let it pass me by! I Have Batson in my prayers and a face glued to the computer from now on! This would be a miracle!

Katie said...

I can totally agree to NC getting looked over some times.... IT WOULD BE REALLY REALLY AWESOME IF YOU CAME TO NC... How cool would that BE!?!??!

Brock Eastman said...


Rachel Kimberly said...

Wow! Awesome!

Rebecca LuElla Miller said...

Wayne, this is a way-cool prize! Wow! I can imagine you are going to have awesome competition in this contest.

Praying for you, brother, as launch day draws near.


Anonymous said...

Katie G.
It would be so cool wouldn't it? It would be a miracle!

Christopher Hopper said...

I can't wait for this to launch! Everyone is SO going to geek out over this. I just wish I could watch everyone's face as they read the grand prize we're giving away! Tell them, WTB! Tell them! ch:

Unknown said...

Christopher and WTB... Are there going to be more than the grand prize? If so, since I live in NY, can I not enter the Private Book Party part, because it's not fair to other people that live really far away.

Anonymous said...

Come to Oklahoma. The center of the USA!

Anonymous said...

Is it a lifesize castle of Berinfell?! No, of course not, but that'd be awesome. Anyway you two sure know the art of suspense! I'm looking forward to seeing what the grand prize is. Is it for the ARG game? The tribe building game? How do we win? You can't answer these can you? No, of course not because that would be giving the suspense away.

Cloe said...

I really can't wait anymore!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Well;how about us Pennsylvanians whom are always forgotten when it comes to book tours? (extreme sarcasm) Though that's not really an exaggeration because event planners always seem to dismiss Pennsylvania when planning events. But alas, at least Brandon Sanderson and Maria V. Snyder have acknowledged our state's existence.

Emma said...

That would be amazing! When I read what you guys were going to do, I freaked out! I will have my eyes stuck onto the computer from now on! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I can't wait to find out what the contest is. Hurry Up!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

-Emma D.

Anonymous said...

You may need to get catched up a little bit. The contest I believe is the ARG game on the underground.

Western Maiden said...

That sounds wonderful!! :D

I wasn't able to make it whenever, you all came to Virginia, because it was still too far away. It would be soo cool if you came to Chesapeake!

Isaiah J Roberts said...

That would be wonderful! I'm just starting to read your books, but several of my friends love them, and I am really enjoying them too! Thank you for all the work you have put into these for our enjoyment!

If you could make it out to Idaho(around the Boise area), that would be absolutely amazing! :D

Faethon said...

Count me in. I would love you guys to visit!

Anonymous said...

GRACE Christian School...Raleigh NC...we would luv to hav u...or just in one comes our way!!

Anonymous said...

Would it be private, or would you go to a library or bookstore in our area? I have some friends who would love to meet you too.

Nathan R. Petrie said...

Hey guys! all want to know how to get the party? How to win some more awesome prizes? Well need to join a tribe.
And the fastest growing one happens to be called the Consecro Tribe, consecro meaing sanctified in latin.

If you would like to join it either send me an email,, or join the Underground (WTB and Ch's new forum) and head to the following page;

Endurance and Victory! Never Alone!