In other news, the Isle of Fire Treasure Hunt ends tomorrow. Last Call for Treasure Points.
And finally: I've had lots of good reviews, and I am SO thankful for every kind word. We creative folks are awfully sensitive and notoriously thin-skinned about things said concerning our books. So when a nice review comes along, it is very meaningful.
I received a review today from a 9-year old boy. He read Isle of Fire and wrote a very sweet review. The last line made me laugh out loud. Read it if you wish, but beware of a few SPOILERS if you haven't read Isle of Fire yet.
This book is about some pirates and monks who travel around the world to find Thorne and the Merchant. They started working with the monk when they found Cat. Cat is not his real name, it is his nickname. They don’t say what his real name is, so I just call him Cat. Cat is a boy who lives with the monks because his mom died and his dad is evil and left him on an isle of fire. Cat is afraid that he looks like his dad and will become like his dad. Anne found Cat when he was a boy on the island. Cat and Anne are on a journey to find Scully and the Merchant. Anne is Ross’ daughter who saved Cat from the island. Cat and Anne kind of like each other.
The Merchant is evil and Scully works for him. Thorne is a pirate and a good fighter who is friends for Red Eye and works for Ross on his ship called Robert Bruce. A boy named Hooper and a lady named Lady Dolphin and Sir Nigel found Hooper on their ship and they are helping him find his parents. Until then they decide to take care of him. I think Lady Dolphin is using Hooper to help her find her dad’s journals.
I liked this book and I recommend this book to people who like pirates and adventure and a lot of fighting and capturing. I give this book 1,824,640,802,600,500,345 million stars and I know that’s not a number.
The End
That review is so cute and funny! =]
Yeah, I agree, that is so cute...
You recieved this review from a nine-year-old BOOK?? My my...
I liked the last line, too.
Awww! That was adorable!
That is the coolest coment ever!!!!
Does it end at midnight tonight or midnight tomorrow night?
Great comment by the way at first I thought you were telling us that they discovered that many stars.
'Hooper' XD
Oh man! You post title made me think you were revealing what the next book was about. But it was fun!
That was so cute! I loved the last line too. "Hooper" LOL
awwwww! How cute!
And congrats on gettimg all those starts. Quite impressive. ;)
Ha, I didn't get the title till I read the last sentence!
Yeah, I thought the same as "b. d. eastmen", but then I read the last line! lol I'm also wondering the same thing as him. Does it end at midnight tonight or midnight tomorrow night?
Well CSON where are you now. We have 2 hours left according to Colorado Mountain time. WooHoo!
In my neck of the woods it's 2 hours 50 minutes!!! =O
I, in fact, was in bed. :P Presidential debates put me to sleep.
Hahaha. I watched them too. Well I just enjoyed your countdown previously and was sad to not see it again on the right day. Your enthusiasm was great! Keep it up. I hope people get that enthusiastic about my book when I complete it.
You're writing a book? What's it about?
CSON: Go to thequestfortruthbooks.blogspot.com and you can download a two-chapter preview of BD's book. I read it and it's pretty cool.
Thanks guys. I don't know if I told you but, another author that was on tour with Batson had me give him a full copy and he is reviewing it now to give me tips. I look to have the new revised 2 chapters rolled out and a final copy before 2009. Exciting.
Awwww..... That was SO cute!
I didn't read the whole thing, (I don't want any spoilers!!), but I read the ending. LOL!
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