Please click on the invitation below.
I know that visitors to Enterthedoorwithin come from far and wide, so it might be impossible for you to get to Maryland for this event. But if you know anyone in the area who likes pirates, please forward the invitation to them. The more the merrier!
*ah* I've got a wedding to help set up the next day! Which means doing prep work the night before most likely! ;) I will try my best to at least drop by for a 'flying hullo' though.
I live in North Carolina, and even if I left the minute I finished school, I would get there late.
I live in Missouri, so I'd have to skip school to get there.
Jersey ish a little far away....
PA is a bit far away! Yeah I know, Roheryn, I wish I could go too!
Aw man, now I feel bad that I can actually go! (Well maybe) I am so blessed, blessed and spoiled that I'm near enough to go and say hi. Of course :-D one could argue having me so near is not so much a blessing for the poor Capt'n. >:)
*snort* Try New Brunswick, Canada!
Have fun at the party, Wayne. :)
*sniff* Wish I could come. I could swing by my sister's and pick up my nephews and bring them by, but it's a 4.5/5 hr drive and it's too soon to request the time off. *sigh* *walks away, pouting*
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