I know you all think I'm a sadist about
SUSPENSE because I've been hinting at some really big news on the horizon. Well, I've been waiting for the official Press Release to go out (publishers are kind of touchy about protocol), but now that the releases have been, er…released, I am BUZZED, PSYCHED, JAZZED, and otherwise generally enthusiastic to announce:
The 1st Fantasy 4
Book Tour

CLICK on the picture to see a LARGER image.
*Yay* I am no longer in danger of exploding. :-D Looks like someone's going to be really REALLY busy this summer.
Oooh!!! Oooh! *hops around for joy*
You said 11 cities. Am i counting wrong? I spy 10 on that list.
Good eyes, Brett. We're actually waiting for confirmation for Philadelphia!
Lucky Philly!!!
How exciting for you! I'll have to travel a ways if I'm to see any of you though. lol. DC isn't that far away....but....oh well.
Does it cost anything? Need tickets? Info my good man, info! :P
To quote Huey Lewis:
"It don't take money, don't take fame. Don't need no credit card to ride this train..."
There is, of course, the ever present danger of buying loads of books. LOL
I just might have to see you in New York.
That's fantastic Wayne! I've posted it on the CSFF site but no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find anything on the web, like a press release.
Could you please either point me to it or email a press release to me? I'll get it on the site.
It all seems so very far from the west coast. Have fun without me!
Cool, Pat, that would ROCK!
And Tina, I'll email you the Press Release ASAP. I just got back from a short vacation.
And, bummin', Val. We'd love to meet you, of course. Don't you have and old friend or a family member on the east coast who owes you? ;-)
Knoxville is in my neck of the woods, Wayne. I hope to catch the tour when you roll through in July!
Okay, Mr. Batson, I'd certainly like your email. You can go to my site at www.neverceese.com to get mine. I just got back from the World Horror Convention in Canada with my Spiritual Fantasy Never Ceese and saw this. I've contacted Bryan already as I'll be doing a signing with him in May anyway and want to know more about if I can manage to tag along. My publisher would be more than happy to do her part but oh does this sound marvelous. Anyway, I was directed here so here is where I decided to post.
You can also visit my blogspot to read the latest about my WHC adventures. Never Ceese was also short-listed for a Bram Stoker Award in Superiour Acheivement in a First Novel. It's also ACFW book club choice for this month.
But enough about me. I want to play too!!!!!
Any more info on the NY appearance?
We'll have venues and locations very soon. Still waiting on some stores.
And, Sue, congrats on Never Ceese's success. Up for a Stoker award? That's HUGE. I think Bryan's been in touch with you about the tour.
Wow, to think I grew up this guy! I always knew you were going to make it. I just heard about your books (yes all of them) and I can't wait to start reading them. I'm anxious to see you (again) at your booking signing in Baltimore. Keep me posted!
Hey, Div! Er, uh…I guess that's changes! LOL How cool that you found my blog. Great to hear from you. Hope all is well with you and yours. The books stuff is a huge blessing and a lot of fun. It would be marvelous to see you at one of the Tour events. I'll definitely keep you posted. Please let any of our mutual friends know what's going on OR refer them to my blog. I'd love to see folks again.
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